食戟之灵高清头像:东晋顾恺子唐女史箴图1--大英博物馆典藏 DM

来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/05/17 01:42:18


(2011-09-22 02:18:48) 标签: 文化  艺术  杂谈  绘画  鉴赏 分类: 海外中国绘画典藏


   大英博物馆收藏的《女史箴图》(Admonitions Scroll)其神韵最接近顾恺之的原画,因而被后人奉为经典摹本。画后有被认为是顾恺子的真迹款识(?);并留有宋徽宗赵佶、清乾隆帝、清臣邹一桂之笔墨;钤宋、金、明、清各代帝王和其内府藏印等等。

   此画色彩典丽秀润,人物线条描绘圆转自如, 用笔细劲连绵,后人称之为春蚕吐丝即高古游丝描;技法上受 篆书影响,韵味古朴,其笔法功力至今难有人企及。



Handscroll painting in nine scenes (originally eleven) illustrating the 'Nushi zhen' (Admonitions of the Instructress of the Ladies in the Palace), a text composed by Zhang Hua (c. AD 232-300).

Tang dynasty, Height: 24.37 cm, Width: 343.75 cm

The Admonitions of the Instructress to the Court Ladies is an eighth-century copy of the earliest and finest painting attributed to Gu Kaizhi (about 345-406).

It bears many seals and long colophons in the hands of the Huizong and Qianlong emperors ,an exterior label was possibly written by the Qianlong emperor too. At the end of the handscroll was a landscape painting depicting trees by Zou Yigui (now mounted separately ),made of ink and colours on silk.
