
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/05/22 18:42:21
美国口语俚语(27) 1. bullheaded顽固,牛脾气 Terry is so bullheaded; he won’t listen to anybody else’s opinion. 特利这么顽固,他听不进别人的意见。 2. bum rap责骂 Louise got a bum rap for taking sides with Richard. 路易斯因为偏袒理查德而受到责骂。 3. bummer令人恶心的经历 That show was a real bummer. 那场表演令人倒尽胃口。 4. burn someone up激怒某人 It burns me up when people don’t do their job right. 有人没把份内的事做好就令我生气。 5. catch on to突然了解 It took Cindy a long time to catch on to what Bill was saying. 辛迪许久以后才突然明白比尔所说的话。 美国口语俚语(28) 1. drown one’s sorrows借酒消愁 After Megan dumped Chuck, Chuck went to the bar to drown his sorrows over a beer. 自从梅甘甩了查克后,查克就到酒吧借酒消愁。 2. creepy恐怖的 That was a creepy movie. I’ll probably have nightmares tonight. 那是一部恐怖片。今晚我也许会做恶梦。 3. cross a bridge when/before one comes to it船到桥头自然直 Stop worrying about your piano recital. You’ll cross that bridge when you come to it. 别担心你的钢琴独奏会。船到桥头自然直。 4. cranky脾气暴躁 Grandpa is really cranky if he doesn’t have his afternoon nap. 祖父如果不睡午觉就会很暴躁。 5. deal someone in让某人参加 Deal me in. I want to play too. 让我参加,我也要玩。 美国口语俚语(29) 1. big deal重要的事 It’s no big deal. I don’t mind helping you out. 这没什么大不了的,我不介意帮助你摆脱困境。 2. bottom line总之,归根结底 The bottom line is that our sales need to pick up if we’re going to make a profit this year. 总之,如果我们今年要盈利的话,销售量一定得增加。 3. give someone a break让某人松口气 The boss gave her a break and let her try again. 老板让她松口气,让她再试一次。 4. break a leg祝演出等成功(表面意思“摔断腿”的反话) I know you are going to be great in the play tonight. Break a leg! 我知道你今天晚上的比赛会很成功。祝你顺利! 5. go for it去做吧! Why not? Go for it? 为什么不呢?大胆的去做吧!美国口语俚语(30) 1. ahead of the game领先,占优势 He got ahead of the game by finishing her work early. 他因提早完成工作而领先他人。 2. all right already好啦好啦,别念叨啦 All right already, I’m coming! 好啦好啦,别念叨啦,我来了! 3. all-out尽力,全力以赴 We made an all-out effort to learn English. 我们全力以赴学英语。 4. all hell broke loose一团糟 When the flood hit, all hell broke loose. 洪水一泛滥,一切乱糟糟。 5. add insult to injury越搞越糟,越描越黑 Her awkward attempt to explain her error merely added insult to injury. 她笨拙地企图解释所犯的错误,结果只是越描越黑。 美国口语俚语大全4 美国口语俚语(31) 1. Ed loves to give his sister a hard, just to make her mad. 埃德爱和他姐姐过不去,故意惹她生气。 2. goner无可救药的人 Mark’s a goner. He didn’t finish his chores before going out. 麦克镇事无药可救,他日常工作没做完就出去了。 3. make a killing大有所获 He made a killing on that deal. I wish I had bought some shares. 那笔生意他大有所获。真希望我当初也加入了。 4. no sweat不麻烦,没问题 No sweat. I’ll have he report done for you in an hour. 没问题。我会在一小时之内让认为你做出这份报告。 5. pissed off生气 I really pissed off at Harry. He took the credit for all my work. 我对哈利真的很生气。我拼命工作他却坐享其成。 美国口语俚语(32) 1. on the up and up光明正大,诚实无欺 I checked out his story, he’s on the up and up. 我核实过他所讲的事情,他诚实可靠。 2. uppity自命不凡 Don’t be so uppity. You don’t think we’re good enough for you? 不要那么自以为了不起。你难道认为我们配不上你吗? 3. up shit creek惨兮兮 If Mom catches you smoking in the house, you’ll be up shit creek. 如果你在家里抽烟让妈妈逮到,你就惨了。 4. push comes to shove事态严重 When push comes to shove, only your true friends will still stand by you. 当事态严重时,只有真正的朋友还会支持你。 5. push someone’s button惹火某人,激怒某人 Nobody makes me as mad as Dave does. He really knows how to push my buttons. 没有人象戴夫那样惹我生气。他真知道怎样惹我发火。美国口语俚语(33) 1. all wet错误的 I’m afraid your idea is all wet. 我想你的想法是完全不对的。 2. back off缓和,软化,减轻 The city council had to back off from its criticism of the utility department. 市议会必须建勤对公用事业部门的批评。 3. as … as all get out …极了 Mother is as mad as all get out. 母亲气疯了。 4. bent out of shape气坏了,大发雷霆 Mother is really bent out of shape because we came home so late last night. 因为我们昨天回去那么晚,所以母亲大发雷霆。 5. bar one只此一家,别无分号 This is the best ice cream anywhere in the state of Texas, bar one. 这是德克萨斯州最好的冰淇淋,别无分号。 美国口语俚语(34) 1. butter up对…说好话 Maybe if we butter up mother, she’ll let us go to the movies. 如果我们对妈说点好听的,也许她会让我们去看电影。 2. butt in插嘴,打岔 Amy loves to butt in and offer her advice even when it’s not wanted. 不管时机对不对,爱米都喜欢插嘴提供意见。 3. button one’s lip住口;闭嘴 Tell Cindy to button her lip or else she’ll be in big trouble. 告诉辛迪闭嘴,否则她就惨了。 4. buy time拖延时间 I think we should try to buy more time. 我想我们应该设法拖延时间。 5. chew someone out责骂某人;谴责某人 Follow the rules and you won’t get chewed out. 遵守规定你就不会挨骂。 美国口语俚语(35) 1. cheap shot下流手段 The candidates ended up taking cheap shots at each other during the debate. 辩论中,候选人最后都用下流手段攻击对方。 2. on cloud line飘飘然(原以为在九重天上) Daphne was on cloud nine for days after Chip asked her to the prom. 棋谱邀请戴夫妮参加学校班级舞会,她兴奋了好几天。 3. cough it up(不情愿地)付钱 Cough it up. I know you have the twenty dollars. 付钱吧。我知道你有这二十美金的。 4. corny陈词滥调,毫无新意 Fred’s jokes are always so corny. 弗雷德的笑话总是如此毫无新意。 5. on the dot准时 He arrives on the dot. I was sure he’d be late. 他准时到了。我本以为他会迟到的。美国口语俚语(36) 1. fall for上当 We played a trick on him and he fell for it. 我们捉弄他,他上当了。 2. fiddle around玩弄 Don’t fiddle around with the television set. You’ll end up breaking it. 不要玩电视机。你会弄坏的。 3. half-baked肤浅的,半吊子 How do you come up with all these half-baked ideas? You should think them out more carefully. 你怎么会想出这些肤浅的主意的?你应该仔细的考虑考虑。 4. goof up犯错,出岔子 Don’t goof up. This project is too important. 别出岔子。这个计划太重要了。 5. play dirty用诈术 The only way that Dan knows how to win is to play dirty. I’m going to vote for Brian instead. 丹只会用诈术来赢。我要投布莱恩一票。 美国口语俚语(37) 1. potluck聚餐(各家带一道菜的聚餐方式) We’re having a potluck Friday night, so bring a dish to pass. 星期五晚上我们要聚餐,带一道菜来参加吧! 2. play games捣鬼 Don’t play games with me, Jane. I’m on to your tricks and manipulations. 简,别跟我捣鬼。我对你的诡计呵手段一清二楚。 3. raw deal卑鄙的行为 What a raw deal! I deserve the promotion more than he does. 卑鄙!我比他更应该升职。 4. stay out of不介入 I’m going to stay out of their argument. 我不打算介入他们的争执。 5. walk out on丢开不管 You can’t walk out on me. I really need your help. 你不能丢下我不管。我真的需要你的帮助。 美国口语俚语(38) 1. off-the-wall古怪的,离奇的 He said some really off –the-wall things. Where does he come up with them? 他说了一些非常离奇的事。他从那里听来的? 2. on the right track走对路了 If you learn ten new sentences every day, you are on the right track to speaking fluent English. 如果你每天坚持学是个句子,就有希望流利的说英语了。 3. on a roll顺利;手气、运气好 Don’t stop me now. I’m on a roll. 现在别叫我停,我手气正好。 4. funky蛮特别的 We listened to some funky music. 我们听了一些蛮特别的音乐。 5. phony假的 That cupboard does not open, it’s a phony. It’s there for decoration. 那个柜子打不开,是假的。那是装饰用的。美国口语俚语(39) 1. be asleep麻痹了 My foot’s asleep. 我的脚麻了。 2. not my day运气不佳 Everything is going wrong. This is really not my day! 什么事儿都出错;我今天真是运气不佳! 3. think back回想 Think back. It’s very important. 这很重要。你回想一下。 4. fly拉链 Your fly is open. 你的裤裆没关上。 5. quack庸医 You quack! 你这庸医! 美国口语俚语(40) 1. get changed换衣服 I’ll get changed right away. 我马上穿好衣服来。 2. go with搭配,相称 This tie doesn’t go with my jacket. 这条领带和我的外衣不相称。 3. be terrible with无法记牢 I’m terrible with names. 我对任命的记性很差。(我也是如此,呵呵) 4. dog’s life悲惨的生活 He’s leading a dog’s life. 他过着猪狗不如的生活。 5. fast buck容易得来的钱财 I heard he made a fast buck at the race track. 我听说他赌马发了横财。美国口语俚语大全5 美国口语俚语(41) 1. get burnt遭殃 Every time I play the nice guy, I get burnt. 每次做好人,总是我遭殃。 2. shake a leg迅速行动 Shake a leg, they’re getting impatient. 快动身吧,他们已经等得不耐烦了。 3. jet lag由不同地区的时间差所造成的身心不适 I’m still suffering from jet lag. 我的时差还没调整过来。 4. noon sharp正午 He’ll be here at noon sharp. 他中午会到这儿。 5. no picnic难以捱过 Work today was no picnic. 今天的工作不轻松。 美国口语俚语(42) 1. the crack of dawn破晓 I woke up at the crack of dawn. 我一早就醒了。 2. will be终归会来 What will be will be! 师傅不是祸,是祸躲不过! 3. put it out摒弃在心门外 Put it out of your mind!忘了它吧! 4. Get the picture? 我说的话你明白了吧? 5.can’t atch my breath气短不继 I can’t catch my breath. 我喘不过气来了。 美国口语俚语(43) 1. up and running生龙活虎的 He’ll be up and running in a few days. 几天后他又会生龙活虎。 2. rested up从疲劳或患病中恢复 I’ve rested up. 我已休息够了。 3. live off依赖 He lives off his parents. 他仰赖他的父母生活。 4. sharp犀利 He has sharp eyes. 他的眼光犀利。 5. put in a good word推荐,美言 Can you put in a good word for me to get that job? 你能帮我美言几句,好得到那份工作吗?美国口语俚语(44) 1. decent pay令人轻视不得的薪水 I make ( a ) decent pay. 我的薪水相当可观。 2. build contacts建立专业性之联系 Temping is a great way to build contacts. 打临时工,是建立人际关系的良方。 3. mark time旷费时日,而不尽力工作 He’s just marking time. 他只是在捱时间,没在办事。 4. by hook or by crook无论如何 I’ve gotta finish this by five o’clock, by hook or by crook. 无论如何我都得在5点前把它做完。 5. call it quits叫停 Sometimes, I just want to call it quits. 我有时真想辞职了事/有时我真想一死了之。 美国口语俚语(45) 1. be lit up like a Christmas tree喝醉之后非常高兴 Mr. Bigdrink was lit up like a Christmas tree at the party last night. 在昨天的社交晚会上,大酒徒先生喝醉以后高兴极了。 2. think better of改变主意 (是不是跟字面意义想饭?:)) When I saw Jim’s behavior, I thought better of dating him. 当我见到Jin的举止后,我改变主意,打算不跟他约会了。 3. have another think coming大错特错 If he thinks I’d marry him, he has another think coming. 如果他认为我会跟他结婚,那就大错特错了。 4. windbag饶舌的人 John is such a windbag. He can talk for hours at a time without saying anything. 约翰是一个饶舌大王。他能够一连好几个小时滔滔不绝的讲毫无内容的话。 5. a bay window大肚皮 Anyone who drinks beer too much is bound to get a bay window. 喝啤酒太多的人,必然会落得一个大肚皮。 美国口语俚语(46) 1. go public公开宣布 Mr. Smith went public today that he was retiring. 史密斯先生今天公开宣布他要退休了。 2. make the grade称职;合乎水准、要求 If you don’t make the grade, you can’t be a member of the club. 如果你不合格,就不能成为俱乐部的一员。 3. get the drift了解 Stop me when you get the drift. I don’t want to bore you with something you already understand. 你听懂了就叫停。我不想用你已经知道的事烦你。 4. day in court申诉的机会 When Mr. Jones was explaining what has happened, Mr. Smith was silent. He knew he would get his day in court. 琼斯先生解释所发生的事情时,史密斯先生沉默不语,他知道他会有机会申辩的。 5. feel someone out探听某人的意向 John asked Dave to feel Jane out about whether she’d be interested in going out with him. 约翰要求戴夫探听简是否有兴趣和他出去。美国口语俚语(47) 1. get the hang of进入状态,摸到窍门 I think if I practice serving a couple of times, I’ll get the hang of it. 我想如果我多练习几次发球,我就会魔到窍门了。 2. out to lunch神经病,神志不清 Richard stands on his head in the shower. He’s really out to lunch. 理查德在浴室倒立。他真是有病。 3. rap sheet犯罪记录,前科 This isn’t his first offense. He has a rap sheet a mile long. 这不是他第一次犯罪,他前科累累。 4. red tape官样文章,繁琐的程序 I need this information as soon as possible. See if you can cut through the red tape. 我要尽快拿到这份文件。看能不能缩短申请的程序。 5. a fair shot相当大的希望 You have a fair shot at the scholarship. 你很有希望能拿到奖学金。 美国口语俚语(48) 1. set someone back使某人破费 That dinner set be back sixty dollars. 那顿晚饭花了我60美元。 2. pull a fast one欺骗 He tried to pull a fast one on us, but we caught on before he got away with it. 他想要欺骗我们,但在他阴谋得逞前我们就明白了。 3. pull rank摆架子 Don’t try to pull rank on me. We’re all equals here. 别对我摆架子,这里人人平等。 4. red my lips注意听 Read my lips. I don’t like broccoli. 注意听,我不喜欢绿花椰菜。 5. burp打嗝 Don’t burp so loud. It’s not polite. 不要这么大声打嗝,那样不礼貌。 美国口语俚语(49) 1. put on airs摆架子 I can’t stand Mary. She always putting on airs because she thinks she’s better than everybody else. 我受不了玛丽。她老摆架子,因为她自以为比别人好。 2. put…on the line赔上,不惜 I’d gladly put my reputation on the line for you. You’re my closest friend. 我愿意为你搭上我的名誉。你是我最好的朋友。 3. rag烂报 The National Enquirer is a real rag. 《国家探密报》真是份烂报 4. chicken feed=peanuts小钱 I make chicken feed compared to you. 和你比起来,我赚的只是小钱。 5. brown-nose拍马屁 Harold is always brown-nosing the boss. 哈罗德总是拍老板的马屁。美国口语俚语(50) 1. eye-opener令人大开眼界的事 Listening to him talk about his adventure in China was a real eye-opener. 听他谈在中国的历险令人大开眼界。 2. fake someone out骗过某人 The quarterback faked the other team out by keeping the ball instead of passing it. 四分卫持球不传,骗过了敌队。 3. fall flat失败;碰壁;未达到预期效果 His joke fell flat because no one understand it. 他的笑话没人听懂,所以没有收到效果。 4. cover for掩护 Don’t worry about mother, I’ll cover for you this time. 别担心妈妈那边,这一次我会为你掩护的。 5. bite the bullet咬紧牙关,忍受痛苦 You just bite the bullet and get it over with. 咬紧牙关完成这件事吧。 美国口语俚语大全6 美国口语俚语(51) 1. big picture(事情的)主要部分;重点 Concentrate on the big picture for now. Don’t worry about the minor details. 先把精神集中在重点上,不要担心次要的细节。 2. bite the dust死亡,报销 This pen just bite the dust. 这支钢笔报销了。 3. bleeding heart老好人 The liberal candidate was accused by his conservation opponent of being a bleeding heart on welfare issues. 自由派候选人在福利问题上被保守派对手斥为老好人。 4. bad news讨厌鬼 Marcy is nothing but bad news around here. 马西珍视这一带的讨厌鬼。 5. bad blood不和,敌意 Ever since Howard borrowed 5,000 dollars from Mike and never paid him back, there has been bad blood between them. 自从霍华德向麦克借了5,000美元不还之后,他们之间就有了嫌隙。 美国口语俚语(52) 1. cheapo小气鬼,没格调的人 Brian is a real cheapo. He won’t even spend the money to buy his mother a birthday present. 布莱恩真是个小气鬼。他甚至不愿意花钱位他嘛嘛买生日礼物。 2. cheapie便宜货 It’s a cheapie. I spent only a couple of bucks on it. 这是个便宜货。我才花一两块钱买的。 3. chow down吃饭 Let’s chow down. I’m so hungry. 吃饭吧。我饿死了。 4. clam up住口,不说话(原意为“蚌壳合起来”) When Vinnie entered the room, Mary clammed up. 文尼已进入房间,玛丽就闭嘴了。 5. chill out缓和情绪,冷静下来 Chill out. Things are not as bad as they seem. 冷静一点。事情并不象表面上那么糟。美国口语俚语(53) 1. out in left field疯了 He’s out in left field. Nobody ever understands what he is talking about. 他必定疯了。没人知道他在说些什么。 2. out of it迷迷糊糊,昏昏沉沉,心不在焉 Sara’s always out of it, she has no idea of what goes on in the world today. 萨拉总是迷迷糊糊的,现在世界发生什么事完全不知道。 3. out of luck运气不好 You’re out of luck. The last bus left half an hour ago. 你运气不好。末班车半小时前就开走了。 4. out of this world太棒了,好极了 This food is out of this world. I’ll have to get your recipe. 这食品好极了!我得向你要点烹饪秘诀。 5. out of whack坏了 This phone is out of whack. You can’t dial out. 这个电话坏了,拨不出去。 美国口语俚语(54) 1. be caught dead 献丑,出洋相 I wouldn't be caught dead in that ugly outfit. 我才不要穿那样难看的衣服献丑呢! 2. not by a long shot 绝不可能 There's no way he could have won, not by a long shot. 他绝不会已经赢了。 3. off the top of one's head 不假思索,马上 I can't tell you the information off the top of my head. I'll have to look it up. 我没办法告诉你这个消息,我的查一下。 4. life in the fast lane 刺激的生活(fast lane快车道) Jane like to live life in the fast lane. 简喜欢过刺激兴奋的生活。 5. bow out 不干了,退出 Mr. Black often quarreled with his partners, so he finally bowed out of the company. 布莱克先生经常和同伙吵架,因此他终于退出了公司。 美国口语俚语(55) 1. bend over backwards 不遗余力 Sue will eng over backwards to help her friends. 休会尽力帮助朋友。 2. all ears 全神贯注 Whenever you tell Jonny some gossip, he's all ears. 每当你见闲话给给琼尼听时,他总是全神贯注。 3. get lost 滚开 A stray cat was lurking outside the fish market and the owner yelled at it," Get lost!" 一只野猫在卖鱼的市场前探头探脑,摊主对它大叫:“滚开!” 4. pump up 热切期望 Everybody on campus is pumped up about Saturday's big game. The winning team will get the national title. 校园里大家都热切期望着星期六的大赛,赢的队伍将成为全国冠军。 5. put someone out 给某人添麻烦 Please don't go to so much trouble. I don't want to put you out. 请不要非那么多工夫,我不想给你添麻烦。美国口语俚语(56) 1. punch line好笑的部分 I can’t tell the joke, I forgot the punch line. 我无法将这个故事,我忘了当中最好笑的部分。 2. put-down羞辱,贬损 I’ve had enough of your put-downs. You’re not perfect either. 我受够了你的羞辱,你也好不到哪里去。 3. cop-out溜走 Don’t cop-out on me now. You promised you’d go. 别想溜。你说过你会去的。 4. blabbermouth大嘴巴,爱说闲话的人 I don’t like Don because he’s a blabbermouth. 我不喜欢堂,因为他爱说人闲话。 5. break it up 停止谈天、吵架、打架(原意为“分开”) Break it up! I will not permit fighting in this classroom. 住手!我不准有人在这个教室里打架。 美国口语俚语(57) 1. rub elbows 交际,接触 It’s important for you to go to these parties and rub elbows with everyone. That’s how contacts are made. 参加这些晚会与大家接触接触是很重要的,关系就是这样建立起来的。 2. rub it in 火上浇油 You don’t have to rub it in. I already feel bad enough as it is. 你不要火上浇油了,我已经够难过的。 3. run something by again重复某事务 Can you run that by again? I didn’t quite understand your last point. 请再说一遍好吗?最后一点我听不太懂。 4. say what 你说什么? Say what? I didn’t hear what you said. 你说什么?我没听到。 5. sit tight耐心等待 Just sit tight. The doctor will be with you in a minute. 耐心等一下,医生马上就来看你。 美国口语俚语(58) 1. get with it 留意(周遭的事物) George really needs to get with it. He’s still wearing bellbottoms. 乔治真的该留意一下时尚。他仍然穿着喇叭裤。 2. get over自……中恢复过来 I don’t think anybody really gets over his first love. 我认为没有人能够真正忘掉初恋。 3. gross someone out让某人觉得恶心 Mike grossed Sue out when he waved a snake in front of her face. 麦克在苏前面摇晃着一条蛇,使她恶心死了。 4. hang out溜达 In here free time, Kathy likes to hang out at the mall with her friends. 凯西有空袭缓和朋友到商场溜达。 5. have a ball寻乐子,痛快地玩 We intend to have a ball at the amusement park today. 我们打算今天到游乐场玩个痛快。美国口语俚语(59) 1. scatterbrain糊涂虫 What a scatterbrain! She forgot to plug in the coffee maker. 真是个糊涂虫!他忘了给咖啡壶插电。 2. screw up弄错 The hotel screwed up our reservations so we didn’t have a room for the night. 旅社把我们预定的房间弄错了,因此晚上没有地方可住。 3. spaced out魂不守舍 He didn’t hear what you said. He’s spaced out. 他没听到你说的话,他魂不守舍。 4. up front预先 In order to hold your reservation, I’ll need a 10% down payment up front. 为了保留你预定的东西,我要先收10%的定金。 5. wimp软骨头,没用的家伙 Harold is a real wimp. He lets everybody take advantage of him. 哈罗德真没用,每个人都可以占他便宜。 美国口语俚语(60) 1. chicken out退缩 Bill was going to ask Lisa out on date, but he chickened out at the last minute. 比尔本来要约丽莎出去,但是最后却不敢开口。 2. clamp down on加强取缔 The police are clamping down on drunk drivers. 警方加强取缔酒后开车。 3. break the news to告诉坏消息 Paul had to break the news of her friend’s death to Paula. 鲍尔必须告诉葆拉她朋友的死讯。 4. the breaks运气不佳 Sorry, Susie, that’s the breaks. 抱歉,苏西,运气实在不好。 5. broken record反复讲同样的话(原意为“坏了的唱片”) Please stop talking about your problems. You sound like a broken record. 拜托别谈你的问题了。你真象张坏了的唱片。 The end.