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(2007-08-07 10:04:10)   没有好材料,怎么提高阅读水平?没有好外教,怎么提高口语能力?没有好老师,怎么提高写作功力?仅凭几本简易读物,就可以帮你全方位增强听、说、读、写水平,你相信吗?听听北外梅仁毅教授的好办法吧。

Now, and Reader's Digest. You have the simple articles. Now these are the simpler ones. And then move on to other things, well, all things that (are) in your field. In your field.(泛读要选一些简单读物,比如《读者文摘》,或者简化本读物和一些容易的原著。) These are the three levels that you need to pay attention to. The simplified easier readers and then more difficult ones. Don't jump. Don't jump. The key thing is - two things. One is speed; the other is amount, volume, v-o-l-u-m-e, volume. That means more books. The more the better. (泛读材料要由简至难,求速度,求数量。) Here, well, do not have that as the goal, that is, after I've (been) reading two books, seems to me that I haven't got anything new in my expression, and then you drop it. Now don't think that it will come that easily. Read more, and if possible, to read some of those books 2 or 3 times. And I think if you insist on doing that, for, say, half a year or one year, you will find that it's very helpful. You are moving ahead. (我的亲身体验:只读两本书,能力毫无长进。必须坚持一年半载,才能见到成效。) And you can also use this material for speaking, for writing. For speaking, for writing. Now, that is not my job to say how to use that for reading and writing, but I can give you one hint, that is, in reading the simplified ones, after reading one chapter, you close it, you have this little mike, and you try to retell the story of this .. this chapter, you talk into your microphone, you have your recording. (简单的泛读材料也能用于提高口语和写作能力。读完一章,合书复述,并录下自己的声音。) After a day you play it again, you listen to your own recording, and you'll find, oh, I made a mistake here; oh, I made a mistake there. And you try to record it a second time. After two or three times you'l find that it's good. You are … Every time you find some mistakes, you are improving. Because the trouble is if you make a mistake and you don't know you have made a mistake, you are not making progress, but if you know that you've already made a mistake, you change that, you are making progress. You are making progress. (听自己的录音,发现错误后更正,然后再录音,再纠正......周而复始,口语就有提高。) It's the same can be used as writing. So don't complain that I don' have anyone to talk to, I don't have foreigners to talk to, or I don't have anyone to correct my writing, you can do it yourself. And in that way, you are moving ahead. (练习写作也可以用类似的方法。自己写作,然后自己修改。你完全可以靠自己实现提高。) So, here, I'm going to wind that up, and I think the key thing here is: Intensive reading is important, but it is not the only thing. You need to have a balance. You need to pay attention to Intensive reading, but at the same time, you need to pay attention to Extensive reading. And for Extensive reading, read easier ones. In that way, I think, if you stick to that, you'l find that you are making progress. All right, thank you! (精读泛读两手抓+坚持=进步) 此外,梅仁毅教授在讲座中还问了三个stupid questions,并且给我们提供了耳目一新的答案。1Q: What is English?A: 英语就是模仿,而非创造。 2Q: Where are you learning English?A: 中国。既然英语不是母语,要想学好肯定需要加倍的付出。"exposure" or "input" 是梅教授送给外语学习者的两个词。"It means you need to have a lot of contact with the language." 3Q: What are you learning English for?A: two purposes. For information and communication. 信息的获得除了耳朵听来的,更多地需要依靠阅读。 所以,梅教授认为阅读在英语学习中占有至关重要的位置。阅读是提高语言理解力的最佳方式(Reading is the best way to improve your understanding of the language.);想读就读,不读的时候阅读材料不会消失,所以训练阅读相对容易。听力则不然,稍不留神,声音就消失了。( Reading is a better way to get material than listening.);阅读可以开拓我们的视野(Reading will open windows to the world. ); 阅读可以使你领略到语言的美,并且沉醉其中。(Reading can acquaint you, that means to make you understand, to make you familiar with the subtlety and beauty of the language.) 阅读分为精读和泛读。说到精读,梅教授列举了几十个需要精读的句子。对于泛读,梅教授还提到:泛读不应该选择过难得材料,When it is too difficult, you have to look up words, it kills your interest. It slows down your speed. And it defeats your purpose. 泛读的时候不要读出声音,because when you read it in a murmuring way, you slow down the speed。 当一个生词反复出现3-4次,仍然猜不出它的意思的时候,你才需要翻阅字典。 多读简易读本,简易读物(simplified books)。 There are about 100 titles available in the bookstores. My advice is read at least 50. Read at least 50. And out of this 50, read 20 or thirty of these books 2 or 3 times. 至少读50本书简易读物,其中的20-30本要读2-3遍。这些书的单词量都在3000-4000之间(包括"a","I"等词),作者能用这些词表达出丰富的意思,so you read it twice or three times, and then many of the sentences will just come out of you automatically.