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Violin ca 1570 Andrea Amati

德尔杰苏 瓜奈利

The Harrison Violin by Antonio Stradivari, 1693
NNM 3598. Violin, The Harrison, by Antonio Stradivari, Cremona, Italy, 1693.   Probably the greatest concert violin built before 1700, it is one of but half a dozen Strads to survive with its original neck. "Modernized" probably early in the 19th century, when Italian instruments became the preferred standard, as performing venues got larger. Shown in color as the frontispiece of the standard biography, Antonio Stradivari: His Life and Work (1644-1737), published in 1902 by William E. Hill & Sons of London, it was one of 44 instruments chosen to be shown at the international exhibition held in Cremona in 1987 to mark the 250th anniversary of Stradivari's death. Nicknamed The Harrison after Richard Harrison, an English solicitor and amateur musician who owned the instrument in the 19th-century; he, like many of his colleagues, played string quartets in his home on Sunday afternoons. The instrument can be heard on modern recordings by Kyung-Wha Chung, the great Korean violinist. Ex. colls: Richard Harrison, London; Henry Hottinger, New York; Kyung-Wha Chung, London. Rawlins Fund, 1984.

小提琴“哈里森”1693年   安托尼奥斯特拉迪瓦利制做

该琴是1693年由安托尼奥斯特拉迪瓦利制做,现由哈里森收藏。也许这是1700年以前最好的一把小提琴。它的琴茎上有疵点。也许这是19世纪前的现存的现代提琴的“雏形”,当时的意大利琴已成为了制琴的标准,就如同维纳斯在人们心中的地位。本图片是该琴的正面,选自1902年伦敦William E hill& Sons出版的《安托尼奥斯特拉迪瓦利生平与作品名录》。此琴也是1987年在意大利克雷莫纳纪念安托尼奥斯特拉迪瓦利逝世250周年举办的国际名琴展览会上所展出的安托尼奥斯特拉迪瓦利的44把名琴当中的一把。此琴的俗名叫“哈里森”,这是因为该琴是由一名叫理查德哈里森的英国侓师、爱乐者在19世纪收藏的。哈里森收藏了大量的名琴,他喜欢在周日的下午在家里和朋友一起演奏弦乐四重奏。韩国著名小提琴家郑京和曾用该琴录制过CD。

Amati Violin\Violin 1669 Nicolo Amati

Francesca 1694 by Antonio Stradivari

kydstrad  by Antonio Stradivali