长歌门琴剑分解图纸:法句经 中英对照 5-TheFool (Dh.60-75) 五、愚品

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5-TheFool (Dh.60-75) 五、愚品
[法句经·中英对照]  加入时间:2010-10-8 9:17:54  点击:174

5-TheFool (Dh.60-75)

60. Long is the night to the sleepless; long isthe league to the weary. Long is worldly existence to fools who know notthe Sublime Truth. 61. Should a seeker not find a companion who isbetter or equal, let him resolutely pursue a solitary course; there isno fellowship with a fool. 62. The fool worries, thinking, “I have sons,I have wealth.” Indeed, when he himself is not his own, whence aresons, whence is wealth?

rubbish︰n.垃圾,废物。 ditch︰n.水沟。 resplendent︰a.灿烂的,光辉的。


60不眠者夜长,倦者由旬 1长,不明达正法──愚者轮回长。 2

61不得胜我者为友,与我相等者亦无,宁可坚决独行居, 不与愚人作伴侣。3

62「此我子我财」,愚人常为忧。我且无有我,何有子与财? 4

1由旬:yojana,英文 league,一由旬,指公牛挂轭行走一日的旅程。约有 七~八公里。

2本偈为波斯匿王向世尊说的偈颂。波斯匿王因迷恋一位有夫之妇,想出 设计杀其夫,而横刀夺爱之计,当晚因听到奇怪的声音而难以入眠。波 斯匿王请问世尊,世尊说,这是四位在世时犯邪淫的人,正在地狱受苦 的声音。波斯匿王有所醒寤,不再迷恋他妻。

3大迦叶长老住在王舍城时,有两位年轻沙马内拉跟他修习。其中一位恭敬、服从又尽责。另一位则否。告诫他时,他反而生气。某日,大迦叶 尊者外出时,这位顽强、愚蠢的沙马内拉留在精舍,打破所有的锅子,并且放火烧精舍。佛陀告诫大迦叶长老宁可独居,也不要跟愚人共处。

4阿难达 (Anandasetthi)是舍卫城中富有但吝啬的人。他甚至在屋里埋五瓮金币,但直到他去世,也没有告诉儿子。死后往生到离舍卫城不远的乞 丐村,长大当乞丐,他曾到前世的家乞讨,孙子辈看到他很丑,就叫仆人把他赶走。佛陀就叫阿难尊者去请他前世的儿子前来一谈。佛陀告诉 他,这乞丐是他前世的父亲,但他不相信,佛陀就叫乞丐去挖出那五瓮

63. A fool who knows his foolishness is wise atleast to that extent, but a fool who thinks himself wise is called afool indeed. 64. Though all his life a fool associates with a wise man,he no more comprehends the Truth than a spoon tastes the flavour of thesoup. 65. Thoughonly fora moment a discerning personassociates with awise man, quickly he comprehends the Truth, just as the tongue tastestheflavour ofthesoup. 66. Fools of little wit are enemies unto themselvesas they move about doing evil deeds, the fruits ofwhich arebitter. 67.Ill done is that action doing which one repents later, and the fruitsofwhich one reaps, weeping, reapswith tears. 68. Well doneis thatactiondoing which onerepents notlater, and the fruits ofwhich onereapswith delight and happiness. 69. So long as an evil deed has not ripened,the fool thinks it as sweet as honey. But when the evil deed ripens,the fool comes to grief. 金币,他才相信。本句白话:「『我的孩子,我的财产』,愚人常 (为此 )焦虑(vihabbati)。其实「我」无有我,哪里有子,哪里有财产?」


63愚者自知愚,彼即是智人。愚人自谓智,实称真愚夫。164愚者虽终身,亲近于智人,彼不了达摩2,如匙尝汤味。3 65慧者须臾顷,亲近于智人,能速解达摩,如舌尝汤味。466愚人不觉知,与自仇敌行,造作诸恶业,受定众苦果。 67彼作不善业,作已生后悔,哭泣泪满面,应得受异熟5。668若彼作善业,作已不追悔,欢喜而愉悦,应得受异熟。7 69恶业未成熟,愚人思如蜜;恶业成熟时,愚人必受苦。8


佛法。另一位却不用心,到处偷钱。不偷钱的小偷,后来来向佛陀报告。 2达摩(dhamma):法、真理。 3优陀夷长老 (Udayitthera)与世尊共住,喜欢坐在讲台上,某日一群客比丘

以为他会说法,请教他,但是他不知回答 (五)蕴、 (六)界、 (六)处的问题。

4有一天,波婆城来的一伙约三十位比丘 (timsamattePaveyyake)曾在劫贝树林听过佛陀说法。他们出家后修十三头陀行,后来当听闻佛陀讲解《无始相应经》(Anamataggadhammadesanam)时,全都证得阿拉汉果。当其 他比丘问这些比丘怎幺这幺快就证得阿拉汉果,佛陀说出此偈。

5异熟(vipaka):果报 (造善.恶因所得的善 .恶果)。

6有一天,在路上佛陀看着装满钱的袋子 (赃物 )向阿难说:「阿难!看!那是毒蛇。」「大德!我看到剧毒 (的蛇 )。」附近的农夫听到就去看看, 结果发现一袋钱,把它藏起来。后来农夫被抓,判死刑。受刑前农夫一直唸着:「阿难!看!那是毒蛇。大德!我看到剧毒 (的蛇 )。」行刑的 人十分困惑,就把农夫押回,国王请佛陀作证之后,才免死。佛陀说:「智者不做会令人后悔的事。」 (cf.大正 No.201.《大庄严论经》

(34)T4.289.3;大正 No.208.《众经撰杂譬喻》(6)T4.533.2-3;大正No.1435. 《十诵律》卷第十五 ,T23.107-8) 7一花匠每天都要供应频婆沙罗王茉莉花,某日他当街见到佛陀,不计后果地把花献给佛陀,后来频婆沙罗王知道了,赞美他的虔诚与勇气。 8本偈为世尊在莲华色比库尼被强暴之后说的偈颂。莲华色比库尼为舍卫城富家女,她出家后,有一天她点火,观火遍,就证得阿拉汉。她独居 于森林,有一天被强暴,但不受乐,因而不犯戒。世尊向波斯匿王说比

70. Month after month a fool may eat his foodwith the tip of a blade of grass, but he still is not worth a sixteenthpart of those who have comprehended the Truth. 71. Truly, an evil deedcommitted does notimmediately bear fruit, like milk that does not turnsour all at once. But smouldering, it follows thefoollike fire coveredby ashes.

72. To his own ruin the fool gains knowledge,for it cleaves his head and destroys his innategoodness. 73. The foolseeks undeserved reputation, precedence among monks, authority overmonasteries, and honour among householders. 74. “Let both laymen andmonks think that it was done by me. In every work, great and small, letthem follow me” --such is the ambition of thefool; thus his desire andpride increase. 75. One is the quest for worldly gain, and quite anotheris the path to Nibbana. Clearly understanding this, let not the monk,the disciple of the Buddha, be carried away by worldly acclaim, butdevelop detachment instead. 库尼住森林有危险。于是波斯匿王在城内为比库尼盖精舍。


70愚者月复月,虽仅取少食──以孤沙草1端; 彼所得功德,不及思法者,十六分之一。

71犹如搆牛乳,醍醐非速成。愚人造恶业,不即感恶果, 业力随其后,如死灰覆火。2


〈73~ 74〉 73愚人骛虚名:僧中作上座,僧院为院主,他人求供养。 74「僧与俗共知──此事由我作,事无论大小,



1孤沙草:Kusa,香茅草或吉祥草,台语「茅草菰 hm5chau2koo1」。以孤

沙草的尖端取少少食。 2本偈说大目犍连见到人面蛇身的故事。那饿鬼曾是杀死坏人的果报。3头首:muddham(头),指智慧。DhA:M MMMMu uuuud ddddd ddddh hhhhan anananantipabbayetam namam.(头:


4质多(Citto)居士有一次遇见摩诃男长老(Mahanamatthera),供养他,听他说法,听完之后,他就证得须陀洹果。后来,他在他的芒果园里兴建了 一座精舍,给比丘住宿,而殊达玛长老(Sudhammatthera)则是常住比丘。有一天,舍利弗尊者与大目犍连尊者到精舍来。质多居士在听完舍利弗 的说法后,即证得三果。质多居士就邀请他们两人于隔天到家中供养,也邀请殊达玛质多,但是由于他嫉妒而拒绝。佛陀知道后,说出此偈。





下一条:4-Flower (Dh.44-59) 四、华品