
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/05/26 03:51:15


更新时间:2011-06-28 08:30 互动:米尔论坛 文字大小:大中小次- .Cfs164 { display:none; }


  and how exactly has China made us drug addicts? America's insatiable appetite for consumption at the individual and governmental levels has resulted in debt that has probably already surpassed our ability to repay. China was willing to loan us money. Of the $14+ trillion federal debt, China holds roughly $1 trillion, hardly earning them the label of drug dealer. The US has military bases in 135 countries worldwide covering over 3 million acres. When China starts approaching that type of military adventurism, I will start worrying about it's motives. Until then, my concern is with US motives. www.junshijia.com 军情第一站





  You guys missed the important points: Taiwan claims those Spratly islands and stationed troops there for decades and now sening war ships to patrol those islands, based on the traditional China claim. By siding with Philipines US will drive Taiwan to the arms of China, enabling further unificatoi-n efforts. In the disputed areas, China did nothing while Vietnam and Philipines siphoned of billions dollars of oil already.





  Your rationale has no basis, Taiwan get weapons from the US, if Taiwan runs to China, it will be doomed! 米尔网 www.junshijia.com



  米尔网 www.junshijia.com


  It is not rational. It is a fact. Taiwan stations troops in one of the larger islands with airport for decades, based on the same

  historic Chinese records that the mainland followed. Now China and Taiwan are warming up, while the US hesitates to give advanced weapons to Taiwan. (Don't know if it is because of China or US doesn't really trust what Taiwan is going to use that weapon for.) There is no dispute of any kind between China and Taiwan. Spratly is mainly Taiwan's military sphere and Chinese fishermen are there. But Taiwan is just quiet.

  (回复SPQR1775)这不是理由,这是事实。台湾在南沙最大的岛屿驻军几十年,那里还有机场,这是一份传统的协定,大陆也同样遵守。现在的大陆和台湾眉来眼去,就连美国卖武器都要顾虑重重。(中国和美国都不会相信台湾会使用这些武器)大陆和台湾不会以其它方式共存的。南沙是台湾军事和大陆渔民的主要区域,但是台湾却很淡定。 米尔军事论坛 bbs.junshijia.com



美国网民炸开了锅:中国厉声警告华盛顿远离南海 中国警告美国:美国网民炸开了锅! 美国网民炸开了锅:要打贸易战,中国严重警告美国 华盛顿傻眼:中国驳斥美国,美网民全面倒向北京 美国呆了:中国对美国发出警告,南海不关你事! 求证实 美国华盛顿核动力航母都开赴南海了? 美国发出了严重警告,南海之战中国将把越南打残废 美国发出了严重警告,南海之战中国将把越南打残废 南海局势:中国外交部硬了 放话警告美国 中国高官警告美国不要介入南海问题引火上身 中国警告美国勿因南海问题引火上身 中国高官警告:美国不要介入南海问题引火上身 中国正式发出警告,美国插足南海后果自负 美国铤而走险:中国警告马伦敢介入南海就开战 中国公开警告震动了日本朝野:美国也被吓坏了! 中国又创世界纪录:美国网民炸锅了! 胶州湾跨海大桥---中国又创世界纪录:美国网民炸锅了! 北京警告越南:再不远离南海解放军将出手河内 北京警告越南:再不远离南海解放军将出手河内 北京警告越南:再不远离南海 解放军将出手河内 中国公开警告震动日本朝野!美国也吓坏了! 港媒曝光:中国这回真硬了,一夜竟三次警告美国! 中国高官警告美国勿介入南海问题引火上身(图) 香港:中国强烈警告美国越南,会坚决回击在南海挑衅