费玉清的姐姐:如何让你的客户获取成本几乎为0 | Tech2IPO

来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/05/11 19:56:28


作者: 红桃黑桃,发布于2011年04月20日15时16分. 分类: ALL, 创业Knowhow. 标签: 创业心得, 客户获取成本, 推广.


1.开创一个免费的互联网电台秀。你是一个在产业中或者科技方面人们所关注的专家吗?你完全可以创办自己的电台秀,不收费,就在 BlogTalkRadio.com上。Kira Cooperman也是这样开展起了其医疗保健和小型商业管理咨询公司。这是一个来得到潜在客户并留住他们非常好的办法。

2.学着变成一个很棒的讲故事的人。推荐一本书,Peter Gruber写的《Tell to Win: Connect, Persuade and Triumph with the Hidden Power of Story》。在线鞋店Zappos.com公司的CEO Tony Hsieh说,“Peter Gruber似乎在很小的时候就能很直观的掌握住我在创业过程中慢慢学到的经验,即最有效率的公司往往是那些和客户建立了人性化的感性连接的公司。”在 《Tell to Win》中,Gruber讲述了我们应该如何讲故事——讲关于我们的公司,我们的产品,我们自己——如何引发出人们的感性回应,如何引导口碑。

3. 理解为什么客户从你这里购买,然后你可以得到更多的客户。  Creating Customer LLC 的CEO,Kenneth Varga,在LinkedIn群组上注意到了一个很好的点子:“每次顾客一购买,将数据记录下来,然后雇员电话感谢他们购买并询问为什么选择从我们这里购买而不是从竞争者那。他们 能告诉你最真实的信息,你可以好好使用这些信息来得到更多顾客。”

4.加入一个网络团体,但是要保持脑袋清醒。Business Networking International(BNI), LeTip和其他团体在很多城市里已经都有了。寻找一个只有你在干这活的团体。你需要确保你最先活跃的来做线下活动。你不但要 一周组织一次聚会,你还需要和在他们各自行业里厉害的角色一对一的聊天。而且最重要的是,你需要知道什么时候去另一个团体。一年之后,你可以了解团队里的 每一个人,也包括他们的网络。然后去参加其他团队的聚会,寻找新的团体,不管他是不是远了一点点。

5. 引导当地新闻。社区报纸和商贸报纸(以及网站)对新闻是非常渴求的。他们很多的报道者往往是兼职,所以没有时间来挖掘新闻。所以你可以作为当地编辑的资源。如果你认为有个什么有趣的事情报纸可以报道一下,让他们知道。而且保证你要告诉编辑你的公司,还有你最近发生了些什么事。记者是一个非常棒的网络资源,假如利用的好的话。但是不要期望从单一一个记者,甚至一个社团报纸中就能做到好的新闻覆盖。如果你有一个很好的渠道,那可以为他们持续的提供资源,但不要期望能够互惠。

6. 将你的客户变成支持者。推荐John Jantsch的《The Referral Engine》。你可以学到怎样将你的消费群体变成活跃的销售力量。一个小技巧:赋予你的客户给你建议的真实权利。可以是一个客户推荐网站的链接,或者他们可以送给朋友的折扣券。 

How to Cut Your Customer Acquisition Cost to Almost Zero

Use Free Publicity, Networking and Referrals to Get New Customers

By Mitchell York, About.com Guide

See More About:

  • customer acquisition costs
  • small business management
  • free publicity

What can you do to create new clients or promote your business in your local area? Here are some free and inexpensive ideas.

  1. Start a free Internet radio show. Are you an expert in an industry or technology that people care about? You can launch your own Internet radio show, free of charge, at BlogTalkRadio.com. That's what Kira Cooperman does with her health care and small business management consulting firm. This is an excellent way to reach more potential customers, and keep the ones you have interested in what you have to say.
  2. Learn to be a great storyteller.Pick up a book called Tell to Win:Connect, Persuade, and Triumph with the Hidden Power of Story, by Peter Gruber. Tony Hsieh, CEO of online shoestore Zappos.com Inc., said in an Amazon review of the book, "From an early age, Peter Gruber seems to have intuitively grasped what I slowly learned over my entrepreneurial adventures, which is that the most profitable companies are those that form personal, emotional connections with customers. In Tell to Win, Gruber shows how the stories we tell -- about our companies, our products, and ourselves -- are what elicit people's emotional reactions and drive word of mouth."
  3. Understand why customers buy from you, so you can create more customers. Kenneth Varga, CEO of CEO at Creating Customers LLC, notes a great idea on LinkedIn Small Business Nation forum: "Each time a customer purchases, put Transaction in the database and have an employee call to thank them for being your customer and to ask: 'Why do you purchase from us and not our competition?' They will tell you what you can use to create more customers."
  4. Join a networking group, but be smart about it. Business Networking International (BNI), LeTip and other groups exist in most cities. Look for a group where you can be the only person who does what you do. Make sure you actively generate referrals for your co-members before you expect them to do the same for you. Make sure that in addition to the group meeting once a week, you do a one-on-one meeting with each person to really understand their businesses. And most importantly, know when to move on to another group. After about a year, you know everyone in the group, as well as their networks. Start attending other group meetings and find a new group, even if it's a little farther away.
  5. Create local news.Community newspapers and trade newspapers (and websites) are starved for news. Their reporters are often part-timers who don't have the time to dig for news stories. So be a resource for the local editor. If you think there's an interesting story the paper should cover, let them know. And make sure you tell the editor about your business and what's new for you. Journalists are great networking resources if used properly. But don't expect ongoing coverage from a journalist, even a community newspaper. If you get a great placement, continue to be a resource for them, but without an expectation of reciprocity.
  6. Turn your customers into advocates. Pick up The Referral Engine by John Jantsch. You'll learn how to turn your customer base into an active selling force. One tip: Give your customers the ammunition they need to recommend you. That could be a link to customer testimonials on your website or a coupon they can give to a friend.