警察面试视频:【心灵的共鸣】永远相随--Forever at your feet

来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/04/30 03:01:21

Forever at your feet
Knocking on the triad
A boat that makes for rain
A briar grows in twain with roses
Come to rid
Forever at your feet
Glass and pinch of breast
Knocking at my tray
While leave on
Please take me home my long to leave
Forever at your feet

And I hope that you won’t mind, my dear
When you see my eyes are lie, my dear
It’s because I avoided all these of you
All your kisses, sweeter than mint
And touch them
Softer than sea
Oh, treasure
I would be
Forever at your feet

And I hope that you won’t mind, my dear
When you see my eyes are lie, my dear
It’s because I avoided all these of you
All your kisses, sweeter than mint
And touch them
Softer than sea
Oh, treasure
I would be
Forever at your feet

相濡以沫,不如相忘于江湖。下雨了,人散,心灰了…… 绝望来了.脆弱的我们总是那么容易受伤。。。
《Forever at your feet》选自Oh Susanna在2001年发行的《Sleepy Little Sailor》专辑。
雨还没有来,雾总是先行的,看得见,摸不着,但是感觉得到,触肌似有微凉。走在山路,听到风掌拍打树叶的哗哗声,牛铃的叮当声,迎向前去,就与山雨碰头了。怕山雨的纠缠,躲进叶茂荫浓,却拦不住雨水顺着叶面,一匹滴下一匹的来叩击听觉;冷眼看树外的空间,雨势时骤时疏,雨雾时浓时淡,一幅朦胧透出的水墨韵味,使人无由地多了几分感受。雨声,蕴含一种淡淡忧愁的诗意;听雨,则是觉察 ... 人生的苦闷遂纷至沓来,心灵饱受淋漓之苦。 此种雨声带来的感受虽不得意,但隐隐然自有一种淡而高远的孤清 ...