
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/04/29 13:34:16
联合国世界陆军排名:中国世界第二!外国网民炸锅 2011-10-13 11:05:17.0 Pakistan’sArmy was founded in 1947 and maintains a force of over 500,000 strong who haveall volunteered for service. Pakistan’smilitary history includes conflicts with its bordering neighbors of Afghanistan and India,the Gulf War and Mogadishu, Somalia in theearly 90s. Pakistan has alsoserved as an ally to the United Statesin the Global War on Terrorism by assisting in fighting the Taliban andAl-Qaeda in Afghanistan andalong the border of Pakistan.第十名:巴基斯坦巴基斯坦陆军建立于1947年,现有50万志愿兵。巴基斯坦的军事历史包括与其接壤的阿富汗和印度的冲突,90年代早期的海湾战争以及索马里战争。巴基斯坦同时也是美国全球反恐战争的盟友,帮助打击阿富汗境内以及巴基斯坦边界的塔利班和基地组织。#9: Israel  Israel isthe only country in the world that requires military service from both male andfemale citizens with few exceptions. The Israel Defense Force was founded in1948 and maintains an active duty force of over 100,000. The Israeli militaryhistory includes the Arab-Israel War, the Six-Day War and numerous conflictswith Lebanon and Palestine. The United States remains one of Israel’slargest allies.第九名:以色列以色列是世界上唯一一个要求男女公民都必须服役的极少例外的国家。以色列国防部队建立于1948年,现有10万多名现役军人。以色列的军事历史包括中东战争、六日战争以及与黎巴嫩和巴勒斯坦的很多冲突。美国是以色列的最大盟友之一。#8: Russia  Russiahas undergone numerous changes throughout its military history dating back to863. The modern day army is known as the Russian Ground Force and was foundedin 1992. Previous Russian military organizations, including the Red Army, havebeen involved in regional conflicts, both world wars and the Cold War. Beforethe fall of the Soviet Union in 1991, it was the known as the superpower of theworld and had surpassed the United  States in terms of the number of soldiersand nuclear weapons. The Russian Ground Force is staffed through mandatoryservice; though many in the country have either deferred under exceptions oroffered bribes to officials not to serve.第八名:俄罗斯俄罗斯的军事历史可以追溯到公元863年,期间经历过数次转变。现今的俄罗斯军队建立于1992年。此前俄罗斯的军事建制包括红军参与过地区冲突以及二次世界大战和冷战。在1991年苏联解体之前,俄罗斯是世界的超级大国,军队数量和核武器凌驾于美国之上。俄罗斯陆军实行义务兵制;不过很多人由于例外条款可以推迟服役,或者向官员行贿而免于服役。#7: Turkey   The Turkish Army dates back more than 2,000years. The modern day Turkish Army is one of the few notable armies that stayedneutral during World War II. Although the Turkish Army was involved in theKorean War, the largest conflict in the 1900s was in the Turkish IndependenceWar where it fought Russia, Britain, Greece,France and Italy along itsborders. Military service in Turkeyis required with few exceptions and it has resulted in Turkey havingthe second largest ground force in NATO.第七名:土耳其土耳其的军队有着2000多年的历史。现代的土耳其军队是少数几个在二战中保持中立的较强军队之一。尽管土耳其参与了朝鲜战争,然而规模最大的战斗是在20世纪初与俄罗斯、英国、希腊、法国和意大利等国进行的独立战争。土耳其是义务兵役制,极少有例外情况,这导致了土耳其的地面部队在北约诸国里排名第二。#6: North Korea   The North Korean People’s Army wasestablished in 1939 and has an impressive force of more than one millionsoldiers. When reserve unit numbers are counted in this total, estimates aremore than seven million soldiers who could be activated if needed.Major conflicts in North Korea’shistory are the Korean War and the Vietnam War. Tensions between North and South Koreastill exist today and, technically, the conflict has not officially endedbetween the two.North Korea has confirmed its nuclear and chemical weapons capability in recentyears with threats against various countries including the United States, mainly for its alliance with South Korea.第六名:朝鲜朝鲜人民军建立于1939年,是一支令人印象深刻的军队,拥有超过百万名士兵。如果把预备役也算进来,可以动员超过700万名士兵。朝鲜参与的主要战事是朝鲜战争与越南战争。南北朝之间的紧张关系时至今日仍未解除,两国之间的战争状态并未正式宣告结束。近年来,朝鲜已经被证实拥有(制造)核武器和化学武器的能力,威胁着包括美国以及他的主要盟友韩国在内的很多国家。#5: Germany   The German Army has one of the most notablehistories with the rise of Hitler. The German Army was responsible for thestart of World War II when it invaded Poland. After the War ended, Germany was ina divided state and formed the West Germany Army. After reunification in the1990s, the armies from the east and west were combined into the current GermanArmy. The current military force in Germany numbers over 200,000 activesoldiers.第五名:德国希特勒时期的德国陆军是其最烜赫的历史之一。德国侵略波兰拉开了二战的序幕。战争结束之后,德国陷入分裂并形成了西德军队。上世纪90年代重新统一之后,东德和西德的军队联合组成了现在的德国军队。德军现拥有20多万名现役士兵。#4: India   The Indian Army dates back to the StoneAge. Today, it is known as being the largest all volunteer ground force in theworld with more than 1,000,000 active duty soldiers. India has never had to institute adraft to staff its ground force. The Indian Army has been involved in bothworld wars as well as several conflicts to fight for its own independence. Pakistan hasbeen its target on more than one occasion in its military history.第四名:印度印度军队可以追溯到石器时代。现在,印度拥有世界上最大的志愿兵地面部队,现役士兵超过100万。印度从来不给地面部队制定规划蓝图。印度军队参加了两次世界大战以及他们的独立战争。在他们的军事历史中,巴基斯坦一直都是他们针对的目标。#3: United Kingdom   The British Army was organized in 1661 andhas been involved in various conflicts including the Napoleonic Wars, RevolutionaryWar and both world wars. The British Army has had a significant presence in Northern Ireland and the Balkans while standingbeside the United Statesin the Gulf War in the 1990s as well as the Global War on Terrorism after theattacks of September 11, 2001. The active duty force of the British Army ismore than 100,000 strong, making it the second largest army in the EuropeanUnion behind France.第三名:英国英国陆军成立于1661年,曾经参与过拿破仑战争、美国独立战争和两次世界大战多场大战。英国军队在北爱尔兰和巴尔干地区扮演者重要角色的同时,在上世纪90年代的海湾战争和911攻击之后的全球反恐战争中站在了美国的一边。#2: China   The People’s Liberation Army of China isthe largest in the world numbering over two million soldiers even aftersignificant cuts in forces in recent years.The Chinese Army was established in 1927and involved in the Sino-Japanese conflict, World War II, Korean War and Vietnam.While technically service is required forall men over the age of 18, Chinahas never had to draft soldiers as there has always beenmore than enough Chinese men who have volunteered for military service to theircountry.第二名:中国中国人民解放军是世界上规模最大的军队,即便是在前些年大裁军之后依然拥有200多万名士兵。中国军队成立于1927年,参加了抗日战争、二战、朝鲜战争和越南战争。尽管中国规定任何年满18岁的男子都要服兵役,但鉴于自愿服役的中国男人实在是绰绰有余,所以这项制度也没有真正执行过。#1: United States The United States Army dates back to 1775when the Continental Army was created to fight in the Revolutionary War. TheU.S. Army has participated in every major world war, the Korean War, Vietnam, theGulf War and the Global War on Terrorism.The current active duty force for the U.S.Army numbers over 500,000 with a combined total of over one million withReserve and National Guard soldiers.The modern day Army is an all volunteerforce with permanent posts throughout the United States as well as Germany,Italy, Kosovo,Japan and Korea.第一名:美国美国陆军可以追溯到1775年为了独立战争而成立的大陆军。美国军队几乎参与了世界上所有主要的战事:朝鲜战争、越南战争和全球反恐战争。美国现有50多万陆军以及加起来超过100万的预备役和国民警卫队。在现代军队中,美国与德国、意大利、科索沃、日本和韩国一样都是全志愿兵役制。
 that top 10 is all screwd up, no way north korea and germanyis ahead of Russia, idk howthe hell u get ursources but that is all rong. #1-U.S. #2-Russia #3- China. For right now the top 3 isin the right order but in 10+ years everything will change but america willmaintain the strongest military force

、Not gonna happen
China hasa large army but not the most powerful. They are lacking the technology, equipment,experience, and mobility that the USA has. Putting the USA in thenumber one slot.
Example: The USA
created stealth technology backin the 70s, and we’re still the only country that has it.
