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§86   become/ get/ go/ grow/ turn

Ⅰ. 这几个词都可作连系动词表“变化的”,但用法有别:

   become 比较正式,常用于书面语中,表示由一个状态向另一个状态的变化。通常用于过去完成的事,不表未来的事。如:

①     I became a teacher three years ago.我是三年前当老师的。(由学生或其他职业变成老师)

②     He has become a famous person. 他已成为名人了。

Ⅱ.get 多用于口语中,后常接形容词,表“变化”的过程,特别常接比较级形容词。如:

①     The days are getting longer and longer.  白天变得越来越长了。(含动作意识)

②     Things are getting worse.情况变得更糟了。

Ⅲ.go 表示因某种原因而进入某种状态,说明“变”的结果。

①     After he heard the news, his face went white. 听到这个消息,他的脸变白了。

②     The sky went cloudy. 天娈阴了。

Ⅳ.grow 表“渐渐地变”,强调逐渐变化的过程。 如:

①     The smoke grew bigger and thicker.      烟变得越来越大,越来越浓了。

②     My younger brother is growing tall. 我弟弟渐渐长高了。

Ⅴ.turn 含有“变得和以前完全不同”之意,说明变的结果。

①     The trees turn green. 树变绿了。

②     His love turned into hate. 他由爱生恨。


§87   before long/ long before

Ⅰ. before long. “不久”,“不久以后”

Ⅱ. long before “很早以前”,“好久以前”如:

①     I hope to see you again before long.     我希望不久以后再见到你。

②     We finished our work long before. 我们早就把工作做完了


§88   begin/ start

Ⅰ. begin “开始”,是很普通的用语,指开始某一行动或进程,与end 相对。如:

①     It’s time to begin work. 是开始工作的时候了。

②     She began to work in the factory at the age of fifteen. 她十五岁开始在工厂里工作。

③     The meeting will begin at eight o’clock. 会议将于八点钟开始。

Ⅱ. start “开始”,往往与begin通用,但它着重于开始或着手这一点,与stop 相对。如:

①     When did you start work? 你什么时候开始工作的?

②     He started to study English. 他开始学英语。

③     The child started crying. 小孩哭起来了。


①I think we ought to start at 8. 我认为我们应该8点出发。


②The Prime Minister commenced speaking 25 minutes ago.     首相是25分钟前开始发言的。


89       belive/ think/ suppose

这三个词后面的宾语从句的否定往往转移到主句上来。其反意部份与从句 主谓保持一致。如:

I don’t  he can answer the question, can he?         我认为他回答不上这个问题,是吗?


§90   below/ under/ beneath

Ⅰ. below“在……下面”,指处于比某物低的位置,不一定在某物的正下方。它的反义词是over。如:

①     Write your name below the line. 在线下写上你的名字。

②     We are below the moon. 我们在月下。

Ⅱ. under “在……的下面”,相当于below,有时可以通用,但它指处于某物的正下方,其反义词是over。如:

①     He stood under a tree. 他站在树下。

②     The cat was under the table. 猫在桌子下面。

Ⅲ. Beneath“在……的下面”, 是旧用法的文学用语,现在很少用。相当于below,尤其相当于under. 如:

①     Children are playing beneath the window. 孩子们在窗子下面游戏。

[注]:down 是副词,指自上而下,由高而低,常与表运动的动词连用。其反义词是up。如:

② He fell down the stairs. 他从楼梯上跌了下来。


§91 forget to do / forget doing

Ⅰ. forget       如:

①     I forgot to tell him about it.我忘了把事告诉他。

②    I forgot telling him about it. 我忘了,我曾把这事告诉过他。


①     try 如:

1. Let’s try knocking at the back door..让我们敲敲后门试试看。

2.  We will try to go home tomorrow. 明天我们争取回家。

②     remember regret doing sth/to do sth 与此亦同。

③    go on

④    need

want doing sth / to do sth. 与此相同。


§92   besides/ but/ except/ beside/ except for/

 except that/ but for/ but that

Ⅰ.besides “除了……还有”指的是“已有……另加上”而except 和but “除了……之外没有……”,正好相反。如:

①     I don’t care for anything besides this.除此之外,我别无所爱。

②     What have you done this morning, besides reading the paper and watching TV?       除了看报和看电视之外,你今天上午还做了些什么。

Ⅱ.beside prep. “在……旁边”意思如其它的大不相同。如:

①     They are used to taking a walk on the path beside the the river.他们习惯于在河边的小路上散步。

Ⅲ. but 作介词用时:“除……之外没有……”与except同意。但它着重在整体,且常用在no, all, nobody, anything, everything, everybody, everywhere 以及who, whose等词之后。后常接“名词、代词或不定式,接不定式时,如果其前含有实义动词 do (除作助动词用外)的各种形式,则用动词原形(省略“to”)。如:

①     He does nothing but laugh. 他只是大笑而已。(前有does,故用动词原形laugh.)

②     Nobody was late but you. 除你之外,没有人迟到。

Ⅳ.except 语气比but强且明显。着重在除去的部分。如:

①     I like all the fruits except pears.    除了梨外,我喜欢所有的水果。

②     The dress is quite nice except for the color.   除了颜色外,这件衣服很漂亮。

Ⅴ.except for “除了……以外”其中for 表示理由或细节,对句子含义起修饰作用。有时可与except 互换。如:

①     Betty worked out all the problems except for / except the last one. 除了最后一个问题外,其它的问题贝蒂都解决了。

②     Except for Sunday, all of us go to school every day. 除了周日外,我们每天都上学。(此处不用except).

Ⅵ.except that 用作连词 “除……之外”后接从句。

①     The Swede stood still except that his lips moved slightly.那瑞典人除了嘴微动外,站着一丝不动。

②     I know nothing about him except that he lives downstairs.除了他住在楼下这一点外,关于别的我一无所知。

Ⅶ.but for “若不是……”,“ 倘若……”常和虚拟语气搭配,其后常跟名词或相当于名词的词。跟代词常用其宾格。

①     But for you, I should have been late for school.   倘若不是你,我上学就迟到了。

Ⅷ.but that “要不是”后接从句。如:

But that I saw the elephant, I couldn’t have believed it.要不是亲眼看见大象,我真不能相信。


§93   give a message/ leave a message / take a message.

Ⅰ. Leave a message.“留下个信儿”打电话的人常用。后与介词for 搭配。构成 leave a message for sb.

Ⅱ. take a message “捎个信儿”接电话的人常用.后与介词for 搭配。构成:take a message for sb.

Ⅲ. give a message “给某人个信儿”后与to 搭配,构成:

give a message to sb. = give sb a message.如:

①     Can I take a message for him? 我能给他捎个信吗?

②     Can you leave a message for her? 你能给她留个口信吗?

③     I will give a message to her. 我将给她个信儿。


§94   big/ large/ great/ huge

Ⅰ. big 和large 所修饰的一般是具体的事物。

   big 侧重于表示一个物体的块头、重量,含有庞大、笨重的意思,其反义词是little;

large 侧重表示一个物体的宽度和数量,有广阔和众多的含义,其反义词是small。 在现代口语中两者常可互换,big 较口语化,large比较正式。如:

①     This is a big / large room. 这是一个大房间。

②     This coat is too big for her. 这上衣对她来说太大了。

③     China is a large country. 中国是一个幅员辽阔的国家。

Ⅱ. big 还可作“长大了的”解,而large没有这个意思。如:

①     She is big enough to ride a bike. 她长大了,足可以骑自行车了。

Ⅲ. great 常表示“伟大的”,可修饰抽象名词,也可修饰具体的人或物,带有一定的感情色彩。有时可能表达说话人的喜悦、赞扬等感情。如:

①     We are going to visit the People’s Great Hall. 我们打算去参观人民大会堂。

②     Einstein was a great scientist. 爱因斯坦是位伟大的科学家。

③     --How do you like my coat?  --Great!        你觉得我这件外衣怎样? 好极了。

Ⅳ. huge “巨大的;极大的”,修饰具体事物,指规格数额超常。如:

①     How did they carry such huge stones? 他们是如何搬运这些巨石的?

②     The Great Hall of the People is a  building.

人民大会堂是座 建筑物。


§95   bloom/ flower/ blossom

Ⅰ. bloom 指观赏用的花。如:玫瑰;菊花;牡丹等。

Ⅱ. flower 是普通用语。

Ⅲ. blossom 指果树上的花。


§96   boat/ ship

Ⅰ. boat “船、艇,”是普通用语。主要指用浆、篙、帆或引擎的小船、小艇,但有时也指大轮船。如:

①     We crossed the river by boat. 我们乘船过河。

②     They pulled the boat up on to the shore.       他们把这条船拖上了岸。(指小船)

③     When does the boat leave for Shanghai?(指轮船)

Ⅱ. ship “船、舰,”多指大的航海船只。如:

①     The ship is at sea. 船厂在航海。

②     They went to Guangahou by ship. 他们乘船去广州。


§97   bold/ brave/ courageous

Ⅰ. bold “大胆的、勇敢的”着重指大胆、勇敢的气质,表现出有胆量、敢闯或敢于对抗而不畏缩。如:

①     Be bold! 勇敢些!

②     It’s very bold of us to venture to go to sea.   我们冒险航海是很勇敢的。

Ⅱ. brave “勇敢的”, 应用最广泛,通常指在危险、困难或可怕的情况下表现勇猛而畏缩。如:

①     Be brave! 勇敢些!

②     It was brave of him to enter the burning building.       他敢进入那燃烧着的房屋,真是勇敢。

Ⅲ. courageous “勇敢的,无畏的”表示由于有勇敢的气质或不屈不挠的精神而能无畏地自觉地对付某种事情,常常用于表示道义上的勇敢。如:

①     He is courageous in telling the truth. 他敢于讲实话。

②     We hope that they will courageously shoulder their responsibilities and overcome all difficulties.    我们希望能够勇敢地负起责任,克服一切困难。


§98   borrow/ lend /keep

Ⅰ. borrow “借”指从别人那里借来东西(借入)。指“向某人或某处借某事”时,用搭配: Borrow sth from sb / sw.如:

①     Can I borrow your pen? 可以借用一下的笔吗?

②     Do you often borrow books from the library? 你经常从图书馆借书吗?

Ⅱ. lend “借”指把东西供给别人(借出)。指“把某物借给某人”时用:lend sth to sb. 如:

①     Can you lend me your pen? 把钢笔供给我好吗?

②     You mustn’t lend it to others.你一定不要把它供给别人。

Ⅲ. keep 表“借多长时间”, 时延续性动词。可用于完成时态。而borrow 和 lend 是短暂性动词。则不能用于完成时态,或与表段时间的状语连用。如:

①     He has kept the books for two weeks.他借这书两天了。

②     ---How long can I keep the book? ---Two weeks.


§99   both/ each

Ⅰ. both “两个都” 而each则强调“各个”如:

①     Both of us won a prize. 我们两人共同赢得了一个奖。

②     Each of us won a prize. 我们每个人都赢得了奖。

Ⅱ. both 用作句子主语时,谓语总是复数,如:

①     Both these books are mine.


①They each have beautiful stamps.


§100        bring/ take/ fetch/ get/ carry



The teacher asked the students to bring their dictionaries to the class.


May I take this magazine home?

Ⅲ.fetch“去取来、去拿来” 指去取了东西又回来这一往返过程,相当于go and bring,但不同于bring,如:

Please fetch me some chalk.


Go and get/fetch some water.


①     He carried the box upstairs.


① The boat was carried by ocean currents to a small island.这船被大洋的水流飘至一小岛。


§101        broad/ wide


Ⅰ. broad 指幅面的宽广,侧重表面上的广阔宏大,指人时多形容背、肩、胸等,在较正式或文学性较强的文体中,也可用来描写河流、街道、田野、峡谷等和地形有关的其它东西。如:

The road is 8 metres broad.

Ⅱ. wide 指一边到另一边的空间距离,侧重两端之间距离的宽大,指人时多形容眼睛、口等。如:

This skirt is too wide.

broad 和wide 的反义词都是narrow.

[语法]:度量表示法: “数词+名词(量)+wide(broad)/long长/thick厚/deep深/high高/tall 身高/around周长”


§102        build/ found/ put up/ set up

Ⅰ. build “建筑、建造”指施工建筑,如房屋、桥梁、道路等的建造,也可用于广义。如:

We are building socialism with China’s style. 我们正在建设具有中国特色的社会主义。

Ⅱ. found “创立、成立、创办”批创立一个组织、机构、国家等。如:

①     They founded(=built) a school for the blind. 他们创办了一亿盲人学校。

②     The People’s Republic of China was founded in 1949.        中华人民共和国成立于是1949年。

Ⅲ. put up 和set up 人含义很多,但他们在表示“搭起、竖起、挂起”以及表建筑物“建起”的意思时,可以通用。只不过put up 比set up 要常见些。如:

①     The boys put up (set up) their tents in the woods.       孩子们在树林里搭起了帐篷。

②     They have put up(set up) several cattle sheds for the team.        他们为队里建造了几个牛棚。

但set up 在表示“建起、成立”某一机构团体时,不能用put up 替换。如:

The factory set up a night school last month. 这个工厂上月成立了一所夜校。


§103        but/ however

Ⅰ. 都有“然而,但是”的意思。However 比较正式,可以放在句首、句中或句尾;其前面或后面要加逗号隔开,如在句中,其前后都要加逗号,不能与but 连用;而but只放在句首。如:

①     I’d like to go swimming with you, but I have to tidy the garden now. 我很想和你去游泳,但是我现在必须整理花园。

②     It’s raining hard, however, they’re still working in the field. 雨下得很大,然而他们仍然在地里干活。

③  Later, however, she decided to buy it.   可是后来她决定去买下它。

④     He said it was so, he was mistaken, however.


§104        crowd / group / team

Ⅰ. group “小组、团体”,与 team 是同义词。指因任何目的或原因而聚集在一起所形成的群体。搭配范围较广;

  team 指工作、行为或游戏时在一起的群体,尤指体育比赛的“队”, 搭配范围较窄。如:

①     a study group 学习小组; a discussion group 讨论小组

②     a basketball team 篮球队  a medical team 医疗队

Ⅱ. group 指“人群”时,与crowd同义。group 所指人数可多可少,但常指“较小”的人群, 且表示有组织有秩序的一群人;



§105        by oneself/ for oneself/ to oneself/ of oneself


Ⅰ.by oneself“单独地;独立地”(=without help, alone).如:

Did you do this by yourself or did someone help you? 是你自己做的,还是别人帮你做的?

Ⅱ. “本身;本身的性质”如:

①     Diamond is hard in itself. 钻石本来是硬的。

Ⅲ.for oneself  “为自己(的利益而做某事);独自地(与by oneself 同义)”。如:

②     He has built a house for himself. 他为自己建造了一幢房子。

③     You must find it out for yourself. 你必须自己把它找出来。

Ⅳ.of oneself “自然而然地;自动地”为不及物动词。如:

④     The fire died of oneself. 火自己熄灭了。

Ⅴ.to oneself“默默地”“暗自”,常与talk , say, think等动词连用。如;

⑤      He said to himself that there was something wrong. 他想这其中有毛病。

[注]:say to oneself “在心里想”,talk/ speak to oneself“自言自语”两者不可混淆。


§106        by train/ on(in)a the train

二者都有“乘车”之意。当使用介词by表方式时,其后交通工具名词前不用冠词。或其它任何表限定的修饰词,如形容词性物主代词,批示代词等。反之则用介词in (较小的工具如car等);on (较大的交通工具,如train等)。如:on the bus, in his car.


§107        by/ at/ the end of ; in/to/ on the end

Ⅰ. by the end of “在……末以前”“到……末为止”后一般接时间名词。如年、月、周等。也可接表活动的名词,如strike.

Ⅱ. at the end of “在……的尽头”,“在……的末端”如:

①     At the end of the book there is an index. 书后附有索引。

②     We shall have an exam at the end of  the month. 本月末我们将有次考试。

Ⅲ. in the end “最终;终于”,后不接of 短语。如:

I hope everything will turn out all right in the end.    我希望最终一切都顺利。


§108        by/ near


Ⅰ.by“就在… …旁边”,表示距离更近。如:

①     We have by the sea.(暗示我们可以看见大海)

②     We live near the sea.(也许我们离海边还有几里远)

Ⅱ.near表示的距离稍远些。见上例。近离.ofits.  of enormous sum of money.


§109        by/ till

Ⅰ.by“到… …之前”“不迟于”仅指动作发生在限定时间之内或到某一时间为止。如:

①Can you repair my watch by Friday? 你能在星期五之前把表修好吗?(句中时间最迟到星期五,动词可以是瞬间的,也可以是持续的)


I shall go on working till/untill next Monday.     (此种情况只能用于肯定句中动词必须是延续的)

当untill与not连用时,意为“直到… …才”,主句谓语动词必须是非延续性的。如:

I don’t go to bed untill/till you come.


§110        call on/ visit/ go to see/ drop in


I visited my aunt in Bejing in the summer holidays. 暑假我探望了在北京的姨妈。

Ⅱ.call on有时可代替visit,但只限于人。访问某地方则用call at。如:

We called on Prefessor Liu a few days ago.  前几天我们拜访了刘教授。

Ⅲ.go to see为普通用语,一般用于人。如:

Tom is ill. Let’s go to see him after school.汤姆病了,我们放学后去看他吧。

Ⅳ.drop in特指顺路探访,多用于口语。如:

Would you like to drop in and have a cup of tea?       你顺便来喝杯茶,好吗?


§111        calm/ quiet


①     The sea is now calm. 海上现在风平浪静。

②     He remained calm. 他保持镇静。


①     Everything was quiet. 万籁俱寂。

②     Ask them to keep quiet. 叫他们保持安静。


§112        can/ be able to

Ⅰ.  can “能”表过去或现在“能力所及”时,与be able to 通用。如:

①     He can / is able to speak German. 他会说德语。

②     He could / was able to run very fast when I was a boy.       我小时候就跑得很快。

Ⅱ. be able to 的过去时还可表一种“经过努力做到了”的意思。而can的过去时则没有这种意义。如:

He started late, but he was able to catch the eight o’clock train. 他出发晚了,但他还是赶上了八点钟的火车。

Ⅲ.can 通常只用于上述两种时态,而be able to 则可用于各种时态。如:

He has not been able to come since he got hurt.  自从受伤以后,他就一直未能前来。

Ⅳ. 在表猜测时,只能用can,而不能用be able to ,如:

That can’t be your bag. 那不可能是你的书包。


§113        can/ may


①     Can you swim across the Yangzi River? 你能横渡扬子江吗?

②     He can speak English. 他会说英语。

③     I can’t come at that time. 我不能在那个时候来。

④     Can the news be true? 这消息会是真的吗?

⑤     -----Can’t I go? 我可不可以走?

-----You cannot! 你不可以走。


①     That may or may not be ture.               那可能是真的,也可能不是真的。

②     He may be right. 他可能是对的。

③     You may take this book, I don’t need it. 你可以拿走这本书,我不需要了。

④     May I go now? 我现在可以走了吗?


§114        cap/ hat


①     He always wears a blue cap. 他总是戴着一顶蓝帽子。

②     How I wished I could have a cap, a real soldier’s cap!        我多么想要一顶帽子,一顶真正的军帽!


①     Hat in hand , he came towards me. 他手拿着帽子,向我走来。

②     These hats are in fashion. 这些帽子很时髦。

§115        care (about) / take care of/ care for

Ⅰ.take care of“照料=look after,即指喂饭照看等。如:

①     Nurses take care of patients in hospital.


①     Mr Savage takes care of marketing and publicity. 萨维奇先生负责销售和宣传。

Ⅱ.care about表你是否认为某件事是重要的,某件事是否引起了你的兴趣或使你忧虑,常用于疑问句或否定句中,后接从句时,about一般都要省略。如:

I don’t care whether it rains, I’m happy. 我才不在乎下不下雨呢,我快活着呢。

Ⅲ.care for 有以下几种意思


   She spent the best years of her life caring for her sick father. 她把一生中最好的岁月都用来照料她那有病的父亲了。

2)“关怀”“关心”如:care for the younger generation       关怀年轻的一代

3)“喜欢、愿意”(多用在疑问句或否定句中)[care for sb. to do sth.] 如:

① Would you care for a cup of tea? 你喜欢喝一杯茶吗?

② I don’t/shouldn’t care for him to read this letter.   我不愿让他看这封信。

§116        carry on/ carry out/ carry through

Ⅰ.carry on的意思是“进行、继续”,如:

①     I tried to carry on a conversation in English, but could not.       我想用英语进行谈话,但是力不从心。

②     He told them to carry on. 他叫他们继续进行。

③     Carry on (with) your work. 继续你的工作。

Ⅱ.carry out的意思是“贯彻、执行;完成、实现”,如:

①     Sometimes it’s easy to make plans but difficult to carry them out. 有时候作计划容易而执行计划却很难。

②     Our plan was carried out successfully.                                     我们的计划胜利地完成。

Ⅲ.carry through 的意思是“完成-----,将-----进行到底;使(人)战胜困难,渡过难关。如:

①     Carry the revolution through to the end. 将革命进行到底。

②     His courage will carry him through.     他的勇气使他战胜困难,渡过难关。


§117        cause/ reason


①     The cause of the fire was carelessness. 起火的原因是不小心。

②     What was the cause of it? 发生这事是原因何在?

③     There’s no cause for anxiety. 没有理由要焦虑(不必焦虑)。


①     I have no reason for it. 我没有理由这样做。

②     Give your reason for changing the plan.      把你改变计划的理由讲一下。


§118        centre/ middle


①     Draw a circle round a given centre. 就指定的中心画一圆圈。

②     We live in the centre of London. 我们住在伦敦市中心。

③ Beijing is the political, economic and cultural centre of China. 北京是中国的政治、经济和文化中心。


①     In the middle of the room stands a table. 房间当中摆着一张桌子。

②     He was standing in the middle of the road. 他站在路中间。

③     It will be coming into bloom about the middle of next month. 它大约将在下月中开花。


§119        certain/ sure


1)  Be certain

如:Manchester are certain/sure to win.(The other team haven’t got a chance.)曼彻斯特队肯定会赢。(另一队连一点希望都没有)

2) Before the game stared, Alan felt quite sure/certain of winning, but after the first five minutes he began to lose confidence.            比赛开始前,艾伦感到很有把握赢,但比赛了5分钟后他开始失去信心了。


§120        certainly/ surely



①     Surely that’s a plain-clothes policeman. 那一定是一个便衣警察。=Can that really be a plain-policeman.

②     Surely that’s Henry over there? I thought he was in Scotland. 那边谅必是亨利,我还以为他在苏格兰呢?


Surely, you aren’t going out in that hat?      你决不会戴那顶帽子去吧。

Ⅱ. certainly 表所了解的情况. 如:

That’s certainly a plain-clothes policeman. 那肯定是个便衣警察。(说话者认出了他是个便衣,因为很有信心,肯定地说出了这句话。)


§121       chicken/ cock/ hen


①     Chickens pip. 小鸡吱吱叫。

②     He feeds 10,000 chickens on his farm.

③     We had chicken for lunch.


①     Cocks crow at dawn. 天亮时公鸡喔喔叫。


A hen cackles when she lays an egg. 母鸡生蛋时咯咯地叫。

[注] 鸡窝译为hen coop,鸡舍译为hen house。这里的hen笼统地代表鸡。


§122        choose/ select/ elect


①     You may choose from among them the one you like best.   你可以从它们中间挑选最喜欢的一个。

②     Let me choose a book from among these.     让我从这些书中选一本。


I didn’t choose to go. 我不愿意去。


①     The finest products were selected and sent to the exhibition. 选择了最好的产品送到展览会去。

②     They were selected from among many applicants. 他们是从许多报名者当中挑选出来的。


They elected him chairman. 他们选举他当主席。

这里如果改用choose/select,那就着重于选择的意义,不一定是正式选举,整个句子应为:They chose him as their chairman.

[注] pick 一词也可以表示挑选、选择的意思,含有仔细挑选的意味,有时也表示任意挑选的意思。如:

Pick the best one. 挑选最好的吧。 思ick stheir chairman.

tion. like best.


§123        city/ town


①     Shanghai is a big city. 上海是一个大城市。

②     Beijing is one of the oldest cities in the world. 北京是世界上最古老的城市之一。


①     The town is on the bank of a river. 那个城市位于河边。

②     Whould you rather live in a town or in the country?你喜欢住在城市还是农村?


§124 pleasant / please / pleased /pleasing / pleasure

Ⅰ. pleasant 为形容词, “令人愉快的” “令人舒适的” 主要指使人心满意足,将快乐给予他人的性格、活动氛围、状态或场合,也可用于事物。如

①     She has a pleasant voice. 她的声音悦耳。

②     The weather there is not very pleasant.               那儿的天气不太宜人。

Ⅱ. pleased 为形容词,“感到高兴”,相当于 glad 或 happy,后面可接不定式、at doing, with sth 或 that 从句。

①     We are very pleased to see you here.     我们很高兴在这儿见到你。

②     I am pleased that they have dedided to come. 我很高兴他们决定来。

③     He was pleased with my progress.他对我的进步感到满意。

Ⅲ. pleasing “令人喜欢的;令人愉快的”主语一般是物。如①She has got a pleasing voice.. 她的声音很悦耳。

Ⅳ. Pleasure 是名词,大多用于客套语中。如:

①     I have had the pleasure of meeting your father before. 我以前有幸见过令尊。

②     --Will you lend me a hand?  --With pleasure. 请你帮一下忙好吗? 好的。

Ⅴ. please 是及物动词,常用于祈使句语气,意为“请”

Please give me a cup of tea. 请给我一杯茶。

[注]:口语中,Yes, please! 好的,谢谢!对应 No, thanks.不用了,谢谢!


§125        clever/ wise/ bright/ smar



①     He is a clever boy.

②     That’a a clever plan.


①     a wise saying 至理名言

②     a wise leader 英明的领袖


the bright boy is reading English in the bright room.


You can’t cheat him, because he is a smart boy.   你骗不了他,因为他是个聪明的孩子。


§126        climate/ weather


①     The climate here is bad. 这儿气候恶劣。

②     The climate of China is very enjoyable spring.     中国春天的气候很宜人。


①     What is the weather like today? 今天天气整样?

②     I will come if I can, but it depends on the weather. 如果可能我一定来,但要看天气如何。


§127        close/ near/ nearby/ next to

Ⅰ. close “接近的,靠近”;还有“亲密的,密切的”含义,用法与near 类似,可指距离上、时间上或次序上紧接。也可用于引申含义,表关系或感情上的“亲近的”,可用作形容词或副词。如:

①     Mother’s Day is close (=near) . 母亲节快到了。

②     They are sitting quite close(=near) to each other. 他们坐得很靠近。

③     She and I are close friends.她和我是亲密的朋友。

[注]:near 当作形容词时,与close含义和用法相同,表距离近,都用be near / close to +地点。 但close 只能作形容词,而near 还可作介词使用,此时near不可再与to搭配。如:

①I live near (=close to) the factory.

Ⅱ. nearby 主要指空间上的附近,一般指较大范围。可用作形容词、副词或介词。如:

①     They live in the nearby village. 他们住在附近的村庄。

②     There was a traffic accident nearby. 在附近发生了一起车祸。

Ⅲ. next to 意思是“与……相邻,紧靠着”与be close to 很接近,但next to 强调距离上“紧邻”。

①     Our school is next to a supermarket.     我们学校紧挨着一家超市。

②     Our school is close to a supermarket.    我们学校距离一家超市很近。


§128        close/ shut


①     Did you close all the doors and windows?    你把所有的门窗都关了吗?

②     Close your eyes. 把眼睛闭上。

③     Do you mind if I close this window?    我把这窗子关起来好吗?

Ⅱ.shut的意思是“关、关闭”,常常可与close通用,但它比close意味较强。比如说to close a door or gate时,仅指把门关上;而说to shut a door or gate时,则可以进而指用门闩、插销或其它东西把门关住。此外,shut 还往往不如close正式。如:

①     They shut the doors and windows. 他们关住了门窗。

②     Shut the box. 把箱子关起来。

③     Shut the door after you. 随手关门。


§129        Chinese / of China

Ⅰ. Chinese “中国式的,具有中国特色的”作形容词时只能作前置定语。主要从物与物的角度看待事物。如:

I like Chinese food. 我喜欢中国风味的食品。

Ⅱ. of China “中国的;属于中国的”为所有格式,表所属关系。作后置定语。

Please show me a map of China. 请给我拿幅中国地图。


§130        colth/clothes/ clothing/ dress/suit

Ⅰ. cloth 指做衣服等用的布料,如“布;毛料”等,是不可数名词。表达“一块布料”应说a piece of cloth,如:

①     Different kinds of cloth are produced in that factory.   那家工厂生产各种各样的布料。

②     My aunt bought me two pieces of cloth yesterday. 我姑妈昨天给我买两块布。

③     但是,用于表达特殊用途的布时,如“台布;揩布”等,cloth是可数名词。如:Pass me a table cloth, please. 请递给我一块台布。

Ⅱ. clothes “衣服”,没有单数形式,不能单独与数词直接搭配。如不能说hour clothes, 但可以说many/ these/ a few clothes,它总是以复数形式出现,因此只能说: The clothes are… 如:

①     All of her clothes were made by her mother. 她所有的衣服都是她母亲做的。

②     There are many new clothes on sale. 有许多新衣服出售。

Ⅲ. clothing 意思也是“衣服”, 但它与clothes 不同,不是指具体的和件件的衣服,而是指衣着的整体而言。如:

①     They were all in their summer clothing. 他们都穿夏天的服装。

②     Each child has ample clothing. 每个孩子都有足够的衣服。

Ⅳ. dress 通常指外面穿的衣服。一般指妇女和儿童服装,还指礼服或某种特殊的服装。是可数名词。如:

①     Who’s that girl in red dress? 穿红衣服的那位姑娘是谁?

②     What size dress do you wear? 你穿几号衣服?

③     He doesn’t care much about dress? 他不太讲究衣着。(他不讲穿)。

④     He is in full dress. 他穿着礼服。

Ⅴ. suit 通常指用同样布料或衣料做成的一套衣服。如:

①     She was wearing a red suit. 她穿着一套红西装。

②     He wanted very much to get a new suit and throw off his old clothes. 他很想买一套新衣服,好赶快脱掉他的旧衣服。


§131        collect/ gather


①     He gathered his books and notebooks. 他把书和笔记本收集在一起。

②     She gathered the children round her.    她把孩子们聚集在她的周围。

③     A crowd soon gathered round him.      一群人很快就聚集在他的周围。

④     He is gathering information. 他在搜集情报。


①     He is collecting material for a book. 他正在聚集写书的资料。

②     I have collected some famous pictures. 我收集了一些名画。

③     A crowd soon collected when there was a car accident. 发生了车祸的时候,立即就有一群人聚拢起来。


§132        college/ institute/ university


①     There are many colleges at Oxford and Cambridge. 牛津大学和剑桥大学有很多学院。

②     There are several teachers’ colleges in Jiangsu Province. 江苏省有几所师范学院。

Ⅱ.institute也可以表示学院的意思,但它通常指专科性(专门的)学院,如外语学院(institute of foreign languages)、体育学院(physical culture institute)、航空学院(aeronautical engineering institute)等,如:

①     He graduated from an institute of foreign trade. 他是外贸学院毕业的。

②     She is a student of a chemical engineering institute.她是化工学院的学生。


He graduated from Yale in 1915.他1915年从耶鲁大学毕业。


§133        competition/ game/ match

Ⅰ. competition “比赛、竞争”,指体能、技术、能力的竞争。

He won a drawing competition. 他在图画比赛中获胜。

Ⅱ. game “比赛”指有一定规则,且决定胜负的脑力和体力劳动的“竞技”。如:

There is going to be a football game tomorrow afternoon.

Ⅲ. match 多指网球、足球、高尔夫球等运动项目的“比赛” 。

The golf match will he held tomorrow morning.


§134        complete/ finish


①     He has completed his task. 他已完成他的工作。

②     The railway is not completed yet. 铁路尚未完工。


①     Have you finished your work yet? 你的工作做完了没有?

②     I finished reading the book last night. 我昨晚看完了这本书。

③     The picture is finished. 这幅画画好了。


§135        conceal/ hide

Ⅰ. conceal “隐藏、隐瞒”常与hide通用;但比hide正式些,多指有意将某事物隐藏起来或不予以泄漏。它只用作及物动词。如:

①     The box was concealed under the bed.箱子是藏在床底下的。

②     He concealed his moteves. 他隐瞒了他的动机。

Ⅱ. hide “隐藏、掩盖、躲藏”为普通用语。指有意或无意地将某物(或人)藏(躲)在人们不易看到或发现的地方。可作及物动词和不及物动词。如:

①     Where did you hide it? 你把它藏到哪里了?

②     He cannot hide the truth. 他不能掩盖真相。

③     The moon was hideen by the clouds. 月亮被云彩遮住了。


§136        cost/ spend/ pay/ take

Ⅰ.cost 指某东西“值……钱”; “需要花费……钱/ 精力”等,它的主语一般为表示东西的名词,不能为表示人的名词,作及物动词和名词。可接双宾语,无被动语态。如:

①     I’ll bet that dress cost a thousand dollars.我敢说那件衣服得花1000美元。

②     The chair cost me thirty yuan.这把椅子花了我30元。

③     The building of the dam cost many lives. 修建这个水坝使许多人丧生。(使花(某种代价);使损失)

④     Bad driving may cost  you your life.开车技术不行可能使你丢掉性命。

⑤     作名词时意为“花费;成本”→The cost of the house was too high for me.这房子的价钱太高,我买不起。


①     at all costs 不惜一切代价,­­­­­—→The officer told the soldiers that they must defend the town at all costs.           军官对士兵们说要不惜一切代价保卫这座城市。

②     at the cost of 以……为代价。 

 →1). He finished the work at the cost of his health. 他完成了这项工作,但失去了健康。               

→2). She saved him from fire, but at the cost of her own life. 她从火中把他救出,但她自己却牺牲了。

③     cost of living 生活费用。

—→As the cost of living goes up my standard of living goes down. 生活费用越上涨,我的生活水准越降低。

Ⅱ.spend 的主语经常是人 , 用来表示人花钱买东西或花时间做某事,

常用的句型有:  如:

①     I spend 5 yuan on the book.我买这书花五元钱。

②     The boy spent 10 minutes drawing a dog.那个男孩花了10分钟画一只狗。

Ⅲ.pay “支付,花费”,主语只能是人 且只用于花费金钱,其结构是: pay + sb + some money + for sth. “为……付给某人多少钱” 其中的人、钱、事,可以根据具体情况取舍。如:

①     I paid (him)5 yuan. 我付(给他)5元钱。

②     I paid  him 5 yuan for the book. 我买那本书付给了他五元钱。

③     I paid him for the book. 我买那本书付给了他钱。

④     I paid for the book. 我付了那本书的钱。

Ⅳ.take 也可表“花费时间和金钱”,(一般只指花费时间)

其常用结构为:It +take(各种时态)+time/money+to do sth. 如

It took me three hours to finish the work.


§137        country/ state/ nation

Ⅰ. country “国家”着重指疆土而言。“乡下、农村”相当于countryside, 但它指风景而言。如:

①     This country is in the south of Europe. 这个国家在欧洲南部。

②     Germany and France are European countries. 德国和法国是欧洲国家。

③     The countryside around Nanjing is beautiful at this time of the year.

Ⅱ. state “国家”着重指政权而言。如:

①     I’d like to borrow a copy of “The State and Revolution”.我想借一本《国家与革命》。

②     The state is an organ of violence at service of class rule.            国家是阶级统治的暴力机器。

Ⅲ. nation “国家”着重指人民而言。如:

Two friendly nations support each other.     两个友好国家互相支持。


§138        crazy/ mad

Ⅰ. crazy “发狂的、糊涂的、狂热的”常指由于忧虑、悲伤、欣喜、渴望、激动等某种强烈的情绪而引起的一种心神错乱、失去控制的精神状态。如:

①     He was crazy with joy. 他欣喜若狂。

②     You are crazy to do such a thing. 你干这样的事真糊涂。

③     The boy is crazy on (or about) skating. 那孩子对溜冰着了迷。

Ⅱ. mad “发狂的、发疯的”通常指精神狂乱完全不能自我控制的一种病态。在口语中它也表示由于某种强烈的情绪而失常。如:

①     The poor fellow is mad. 这个可怜的人是疯子。

②     The dog has gone mad. 这条狗疯了。

③     This worry is enough to drive me mad.        这烦恼足以使我发狂。

④     He is mad about the stage. 他迷恋于舞台生活。


§139        crop/ harvest

Ⅰ. crop “收成”指谷物、水果、蔬菜等一年或一季的收成 它表示“农作物、庄稼”的意思。如:

①     The rice crop was very good this year. 今年稻子的收成很好。

②     The rice bears two crops every year. 稻子一年收两次。

③     It is harmful to growing crops. 这对于正在生长的农作物有害。

Ⅱ. harvest “收成、收获”多指谷物的收成,也指水果、蔬菜等的收成;有时指收割行为。也可用于借喻,指行动或行为的结果。如:

①     Rich harvests have been gathered in for several years running. 连续几年获得了丰收。(可用crops代替)

②     The summer harvest is about to start. 夏收即将开始。

③     He reaped the harvest of his hard work. 他获得了辛勤劳动的成果。


§140        crossing/ turning

Ⅰ. crossing “交叉点、十字路口”

Ⅱ. turning “路的拐弯处”如:

Take the second crossing / turning on the left. 在第二个十字路口/ 拐弯处向左拐。


§141        cry/ shout/ exclaim

Ⅰ. cry “叫、喊”,常指因痛、痛苦、恐惧等而叫喊,仅表示某种感情而不表达思想。它有时也指用言语高声叫喊,如表祈求。如:

①     He cried with pain. 他痛得叫了起来。

②     “Help! Help!” he cried. “救命啊!救命啊!”他高声地叫喊。

Ⅱ. shout “叫喊”,指表达思想的高声叫喊或说话。有时是用以表示高兴、痛、痛苦或惊恐等,有时是用于发出命令、提出警告或要别人注意。如:

①     I shouted to him, but he was out of hearing.                                    我对他呼喊,但他听不到。

②     He shouted with pain. 他大声叫痛。

Ⅲ. exclaim “叫喊”指因高兴、痛苦、愤怒、惊讶等而突然地、感情激烈地高声叫喊。如:

① “What!” he exclaimed “Are you leaving without me?”  “什么?”他喊道,“你要丢下我离去吗?

②They exclaimed with one voice. 他们齐声呼喊。


§142        cup/ glass

Ⅰ. cup “杯子”通常指带柄的瓷杯,用以喝茶、牛奶、咖啡或可乐等等。如:

①     The cup stands on the table.杯子放在桌子上。

②     Will you have another cup of tea? 你要再喝一杯茶吗?

Ⅱ. glass “杯子”用以饮酒、或喝等。如:

①     The glass is broken to pieces. 这只玻璃杯打碎了。

②     He drank two gasses of milk. 他喝了两杯牛奶。


§143        dear/ expensive/ high/;cheap/low

Ⅰ. dear 表示“贵”的意思时和cheap相对,指索价过高。主语是物。如:

①     It is too dear. 这太贵了。

②     The flowers were not dear. 这些花我贵。

Ⅱ. expensive “昂贵的”,指超过物品的价值或购买者的购买力。主语是物。如:

①     It is too expensive for me to buy. 这东西太贵了我买不起。

②     This is an expensive hat. 这是一顶价钱昂贵的帽子。

Ⅲ. high 与low相对,主语是价格(the price), 如:

①     The price of the pen is not low for him.       这支钢笔对于他来说不便宜。


§144        decide/ determine/ make up one's mind


①     Nothing has been decided yet.什么都没有决定下来。

②     They decided to accept the invetation. 他们决定接受邀请


①     We determined on an early start.我们决定尽早出发。

②     He has determined to learn English. 他已下决心学英语。

③     We are determined to get the work done before May Day.   我们决心要在五一节前完成这项工作。

Ⅲ.make up ine’s mind “决定、决心”,是和犹豫不决等相对应的用语。意即:打定主意。如:

①     He made up his mind to go there at once.    他决定立刻到那儿去。

②     He has made up his mind to be a dotctor. 他决心当医生。


§145        deep/ deeply

Ⅰ.作副词用时,都有“深深地”之意,但deep用于具体的深度,包括时间和空间。而deeply用于抽象的、比喻的意义;再者deeply可以修饰形容词和过去分词,deep 则不能。如:

①     They lived deep in the sea.他们深潜海里。

②     I’m deeply sory for your uncle’s death.        为你叔叔的去世我深表遗憾。


§146        defend/ protect

Ⅰ. defend “保卫、保护、捍卫”指采取积极措施以抵御或击退外来的威胁或攻击。它还可以表示“为……辩护”。如:

①     It is the duty of every citizen to defend his country.保卫祖国是每一个公民的职责。

②     He defended his comrades from harm. 他保护同志使其不受伤害。

③     They defended the fundamental principles of Marxism-Leninism.                    他们捍卫了马克思列宁主义的基本原则。

④     He made a long speech definding his ideas. 他发表长篇演说为他的见解辩护。

Ⅱ. protect “保护”指采取措施,使之不受伤害或损害。如:

①     The government protects the people’s interests.     政府保护人民的利益。

②     He built a fence to protect his garden.   他围起了篱笆以保护园子。


§147        department store/ shop/ store

Ⅰ. department store “百货公司”原是美国用法,现在英也用了。不过英也把百货公司叫stores.如:

①     I’m going to the department store. 我要到百货公司去。

②     I get most things at the stores. 大部分东西我是在百货公司买的。

[注]:在美国,杂货商店(铺)叫grocery 或drugstore.

Ⅱ. shop “商店、店铺”,在英国,零售商店一般都叫shop.如:

①     The shop opens at eight o’clock. 商店八点钟开门。

②     The shop sells embroideries.那家商店出售刺绣品。

Ⅲ. store“商店、店铺”,在美国,零售店一般叫store. 如:

①     He keeps a store in New Youk. 他在纽约开了一个商店。

②     The wares in that store are dear. 那家店里的东西很贵。

§148        desire/ wish/ want/ hope/ expect

Ⅰ. desire 表“想、希望”等意。着重表强烈的愿望,热切的心情。如:

①     I desired to see you. 我很想见见你。

②     He desired success. 他渴望成功。

Ⅱ. wish 语气不如desire 强,且可以表示一种不能实现的愿望,(从句动词有虚拟语气形式);后接“不定式”或“代词/名词+不定式”结构。所表示的“希望”大体是可以实现的;此外,还可以接双宾语,表“祝愿”或表委婉的语气。如:

①     I wish I could fly to the moon in a spaceship one day. 但愿有一天我能坐宇宙飞船飞向月球。

②     I wish I were you.但愿我是你就好了。

③     We wish to visit Yanan. 我希望能参观延安。

④     We wish you to be happy. 我希望你幸福。

⑤     I wish you a long life. 祝你长寿。

⑥     I wish you success. 祝你成功。

⑦     We can begin to work at once now if you wish(不及物动词)要是你愿意,我们现在可以立刻开始工作。

Ⅲ. want “想”其搭配关系为:want to do sth. Or want sb to do sth. 比较口语化,没有wish那样正式。如:

She wants me to do with her.

Ⅳ. hope 表对愿望的实现抱有一定的信心。后接“不定式;that 从句。”但不能接 双宾语。

①     I hope to be a doctor. 我希望当一名医生。

②     I hope she will be well again. 我希望她会痊愈。

Ⅴ.expect  “期待、盼望、预料”等,指对某一特定的事件的发生抱有颇大的信心。如:

①     We are expecting a letter from her. 我们当时正期待着她的来信。

§149        desk/ table

Ⅰ. Desk “课桌、书桌、写字台”指读书、写字或办公用的桌子。如:

There are fifty desks in the classroom. 教室里有50张课桌。

Ⅱ. table “桌子、台”,指供吃饭、游戏、工作或安放其他各种东西的桌子或台子。它的广义包括desk在内。如:

We all sat at the same table. 我们同桌吃饭。

§150        develop/ developing/ developed


The child is developing well. 这孩子发育很好。


①     China is a developing country. 中国是一个发展中国家。


Japan ia a developed country. 日本是一个发达国家。

§151        die/ dead/ death

Ⅰ.die 是不及物动词,一般指因生病,负伤等原因而死。且是非延续性动词(瞬间动词),不能和表示一段时间的状语(for+段时间短语;或since……)连用。如:

①     He was born in 1847 and died in 1913. 他生于1847年,死于1913年。

②     His grandfather has been dead for two years. = His grandfather died two years ago. 他爷爷去世两年了。

③     He died ten years ago.他是10年前死的。(不可说:He has died for ten years. 或应说:It is 10 years since he died)

Ⅱ.dead 是形容词,表状态,可在句中作表语和定语。但不可作谓语。如:

①     He is dead, but his