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15个有趣实用的英语俚语 [3]阅读原文

1. cheesy: (太夸张)[w]melodramatic[/w], corny ([w]synonym[/w]), tryingtoo hard, [w]unsubtle[/w], and [w]inauthentic[/w] (Ex: “I love her somuch I am going to die.” “Haha you sound s... 全文↓来自:salena

1. cheesy: (太夸张 )[w]melodramatic[/w], corny ([w]synonym[/w]), trying too hard, [w]unsubtle[/w], and [w]inauthentic[/w] (Ex: “ I love her so much I am going to die .” “ Haha you sound soo cheesy .”)

2. chicken: (胆小鬼) coward (Ex: “ Stop being a chicken and try the [w]rollercoaster[/w] ride! ”)

3. dorky: (另类的,愚蠢的) strange; [w]peculiar[/w]; A dork is someone who has [w]odd[/w] interests, and is often [w]silly[/w] at times. (Ex: " Kate Perry [w=portray]portrayed[/w] a dorky girl in her music video for the song 'Last Friday Night.' ")

4. freebie: (免费赠品) something that does not cost money (Ex: “ Where did you buy that pen? ” “ Oh this? It’s a freebie I got at the [w]carnival[/w]. ”)

5. full-on: (全力以赴) powerful, with [w]maximum[/w] effort. (Ex: “ I’m going to study full-on for this next exam .”)

6. go bananas: (发疯,情绪失控) go [w]slightly[/w] crazy (Ex: “ Love is making you go bananas. ”)

7. hammered: (醉了) very [w]drunk[/w] (Ex: “ Dude, stop drinking, you are already hammered. ”)

8. hyper: 亢奋的) overly excited (Ex: “ Why are you so hyper? ” “ I think it’s because I ate a lot of [w]candy[/w] this morning. [w=sugar]Sugar[/w] makes me hyper. ”)

9. kicks: (鞋子) shoes (Ex: “ Wow, nice kicks! ”) (See Note 1 )

NOTE 1 | “ Just for kicks ” is a phrase that means, “ Just for fun .” The term, kicks, in this case does not mean shoes.

10. laid back: (放松的) relaxed; calm (Ex: “ Why are you so laid back? The exam is in 30 minutes! ”)

11. lame: (拙劣的) [w]incompetent[/w], bad (Ex: “ I saw you cheating on the test. ” “ So what? ” “ Ugh, you are so lame .”)

12. love handles: (腰间赘肉) [w]excess[/w] fat around the [w]waist[/w] (Ex: “ Honey, it’s okay, I love you AND your love handles. ”)

13. rubbish: (废话) [w]nonsense[/w]; not true (Ex: “ The last Harry Potter movie was terrible! ” “ What? That’s rubbish! ”)

14. screw up: (弄糟,犯错) to make a [w]mistake[/w] (Ex: “ I’m sorry for lying to you, I screwed up, big time. ”)

15. sick: (很棒的) awesome, so cool, amazing; a term used more commonly among hip hop [w=dancer]dancers[/w] (Ex: “ Dude, you’ve got some sick moves! ”)


13个有趣实用的英语俚语 [1]

13个有趣实用的英语俚语 [2]


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