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http://www.sina.com.cn  2011年07月31日 11:36   沪江英语


  High Mountain and Running Rive高山流水

  This music, legendarily attributed to Yu Boya, tells the story thathe and Zhong Ziqi became bosom friends through his zither performance.传说这首曲子由俞伯牙所作,讲述了他和钟子期在古筝的演奏和聆听中成为知音的故事。(小编注:钟子期死后,伯牙痛失知音,摔琴绝弦,终身不操。“高山流水”比喻知己或知音,也比喻乐曲高妙。)

  The Drunkard酒狂

  The Drunkard

  is a zither composition by Ruan Ji, a famous writer and musicianduring the Three Kingdoms Period (220-280). It deals with the wildantics of the drunken Ruan Ji in order to keep away from the politics,and is full of hidden meaning. The tune's clear cadences portray thedrunkard's unsteady steps and his befuddled state, to reveal histroubledmind。《酒狂》是由三国时期的著名诗人、音乐家阮籍所作的一首古筝曲。曲子表现阮籍为了逃避黑暗的时政,时常酣醉不醒、放荡不羁的状态。旋律的抑扬顿挫描绘了醉鬼的蹒跚的步子和昏沉的状态,映射出其痛苦的内心世界。(小编注:阮籍:三国魏诗人,崇奉老庄之学,政治上则采谨慎避祸的态度。与嵇康、刘伶等七人为友,常集于竹林之下肆意酣畅,世称“竹林七贤”。)

  Wild Geese on the Sandbank平沙落雁

  Wild Geese on the Sandbank is a piece of lyre music with smooth andmelodious tunes. Its melody depicts the scene of wild geese's hoveringin the distant horizon before alighting on thesandbank。《平沙落雁》是一首旋律舒缓流畅的古琴曲,描绘出大雁盘在天际盘旋顾盼而后落在沙地上之景象。

  Plum Blossom Melodies梅花三弄

  With plum blossoms as its theme, the music sings of persons withhigh moral integrity through depiction of the undaunted and indomitablecharacter of plum blossoms that burst into bloom in defiance of theferocious cold frost, chilling gales and driftingsnowflakes。这首曲子通过表现梅花傲雪凌霜、不屈不挠的高尚品性来赞颂节操高尚之人。