
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/04/26 15:30:04
 A:我今晚想邀请您吃晚饭,不知您是否有空?      Would you be interested in dinner with me.Are you free?      B:谢谢您的邀请,我今晚有空。      Thank you for your invitation.I am free tonight.      A:您喜欢吃哪种菜?中餐、西餐还是海产?      Which food would you like best?Chinese food,western food or sea food?      B:我比较喜欢西餐。      I prefer western food.      A:好的,我晚上7:00去饭店接您。      Ok,I am going to the hotel to pick you up at 7:00 o’clock at night.      B:很好,我会等候。      Ok,I’ll wait for you.      A:待会儿见。      See you later.      B:再见。      See you.      状况2:刚到达餐厅      A:请给两人的座位。      Please give me a table for two. &nb
sp;    C:(服务生)这边请。      This way,please.      A:我要靠窗的位置。      I want a seat by the window.      B:这位置不错。      This seat is not bad.      A:很高兴您满意,请坐。      It’s my pleasure to satisfy you,have a seat ,please!      状况3:点正餐前,先点些饮料      C:这是菜单和酒类表。      This is menu and wine list.      A:您想喝点什么?Johnson先生,啤酒或酒?      What would you like to drink?Mr.Johnson,beer or wine?      B:我想试试台湾啤酒。      I want to try some Taiwan beer.      A:来两瓶台湾啤酒。      Two bottles of beer ,please.      C:好的,先生。      Ok, Sir.      状况4:开始点正餐      A:您想点什么餐?      What would you like to eat?      B:这家餐厅的招牌菜是什么?我们有特制牛排、鸡肉和鱼。      What is the special food of restaurant? We have special beefsteak,chicken and fish