郑州山东商会会长:真爱 The Real Love

来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/04/29 22:04:24

真爱                                                    THE REAL LOVE


我们不用掠夺土地                  We don’t have to go on snatching land,

也不用急着改变人的信仰            Nor have we to hurry on converting man;

重点不是有多少信徒                It’s not how many in a belief system

而是他们的行为如何                is what become of them!

宗派有多少人不重要                It’s not how crowded a religion

他们对世界和平贡献多少才重要      It’s how much into world peace their contribution

付诸行动比空谈更有用              It’s not our words, It’s rather louder our actions

我们将留下什么                    What is going to be our legend

在漫长的人类历史上                In the long history of humans?

是公理和正义吗?                  Will it be right and just

是高雅和仁慈吗?                  Will it be noble and benevolent?

何必总是夸耀自己的根源            Why always boast about our root

伟大上帝珍爱的孩子,              Oh, Almighty God’s beloved children!

我们的生活沾染邪恶                While our life is tainted with all evils

我们的存活造成别人的灭绝!         While our survival is the cost of others’ extinctions!

什么是中选的印记                  What is the mark of the“chosen”

难道是你手中的血迹?              Is it just the bloodstain on your hands?

不管是动物还是人的血              Be it from animals or man’s……