转运中国调包:陈冠希专访:坏小子归来The 'bad boy' is back(1)- 双语新闻

来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/04/28 22:34:34
三年前身陷“艳照门(erotic picture scandal)”的陈冠希宣布永久退出香港娱乐圈。近日他又带着最新专辑强势回归。这三年里,他都去了哪些地方,经历了什么,又有怎样的改变呢,一起来看看吧。   放大这张图片 Internet
三年前,陈冠希黯然宣布退出香港娱乐圈。近日他又再次复出。这三年里,他都去了哪些地方,经历了什么,又有怎样的改变? CASIO辞海拾贝 earring 耳环 glamor 魅力,吸引力 hardcore 绝对的 misquote 错误地引用 set the seal on 使成定局, 使确定下来, 认可 teenybopper 少年颓废派 torpedo 破坏;使彻底完蛋 Three years ago, teenybopper actor Edison Chen took his computer to be repaired; it was a decision he was to later label "the biggest regret of my life." Later the so-called erotic picture scandal made world headlines and instantly torpedoed Chen`s "clean" reputation – along with his career.

Last week, Chen returned to Chinese mainland for his first concert in three years, at Chengdu`s Zebra Festival, to promote new album. It seemed to set the seal on his post-scandal comeback.

The 31-year-old has now sat down with the Global Times and opened up about what he has been through.

No more `Confusion`

Once known for his "bad boy" charm, Chen showed up in casual shirt and plain black shoes. His trademark earrings were gone and so was the arrogant manner of the past.

When Chen returned to Hong Kong from Los Angeles to pick up his career last year, he was frequently asked where he had been and what he had done.

His new album, he says, hopes to answer those questions for good.

"It’s a long story," Chen said. "I can`t explain to everyone in person, so I decided to tell them in my songs and show them what I have been through and how I have changed." The reason, he explained, is mistrust of the media. "They can always misquote and change my words, but not my lyrics."

Helped by Taiwanese rapper MC Hotdog, who translated Chen`s English lyrics into Chinese, singer Jay Chou, who wrote "I Can Fly," and Miriam Yeung`s music video appearance, the highly anticipated Confusion is more mature than any of Chen`s previous records.
在台湾说唱歌手MC Hotdog的鼎力相助下,陈冠希的英文歌词被译成中文,歌手周杰伦也为其创作歌曲《I Can Fly》,杨千嬅更是倾力出演其音乐录影带,倍受期待的《Confusion》比陈冠希之前的所有专辑都要成熟得多。

Although Confusion ranked in the top three of Taiwan`s G Music and Five Music charts at the end of last year, for Chen, the album will be a success if just his words and feelings can be heard by others.

"I was confused and lost over the past few years but there`s no more confusion now."

Mixed attitude

Zhu, a top student in her class, said she is not a hardcore fan and has never even seen Chen in person, but added that if the star were to stop making movies, she might "go crazy."

Zhu is representative of countless Chen fans, quietly supportive and awaiting his return, whose voices were rarely heard in the media witch-hunt that followed the scandal.

"I know this sounds stupid, because a lot of people say this, but I really mean it: if I didn`t have my fans, I would not be here today," Chen said. "Three years is a long time, people forget about things easily. So I really feel that I owe them a lot."

Beyond fame and forgiveness

Three years might be long enough for most to forget the past but it`s not enough for some to forgive it.

"I think more people know me now than ever before, which is strange, because some people may have bad views about me first," said Chen. "Life is long, people change. I am not saying that I have changed but the most important thing is the next few steps that people see that I take; I think they are going to be positive." It seems that when the curtain came down on the glamor in 2008, Chen came to realize the importance of other things in life.

"Three years ago, I would say that money is the most important thing to me but now, family is," he said. "Without their support, I do not know where I would be now. ”

"I have learnt to slow down and take things easy. I hope to be a husband and a father someday, and when my son is born, I will be waiting at the door, not on a movie set."