装修 纪录片:令人神魂颠倒的knock短语

来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/05/05 07:56:28
1. He married a real knockout, one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen!

我们再来学一个习惯用语: knock your socks off。 Sock是袜子。这个习惯用语的出典可能是什么特别精彩的事情让你兴奋得上蹦下跳,以至脚上袜子也跳得掉了下来,引申为“令人兴奋不已的好事”。例:
2. I tell you that movie I saw last night is fantastic, the best I've seen in years. Go see it - I guarantee it'll knock your socks off!


还有一个和knock your socks off意义相似的短语:Knock them in the aisles。Aisle这儿指剧场内座位之间的通道。这个习惯用语的用意可能是这样的:台上的表演如此精彩、如此令台下观众倾倒,以至他们都倒在座位旁的走道上了。当然这是夸张。总之Knock them in the aisles描述精彩绝伦、令人倾倒的事情。例:
3. Shakespeare lived 400 years ago but he was the best who ever lived. One of his greatest works, King Lear, is playing now and it still knocks them in the aisles!

我们最后要学的是: knock someone dead。Knock someone dead跟刚才学的两个习惯用语一样,都用来描述令人赞佩得五体投地的绝妙东西。例:
4. My people did a great job: the ads are clever, entertaining and make the car look fantastic. I promise you they'll knock people dead the first time they see them.