莱昂纳德赛季集锦:[唯美艺术]国家地理杂志每日一图 附中英文图解

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『贴图专区』 [唯美艺术]国家地理杂志每日一图 附中英文图解(每日更新)

作者:唯一的老四  发表日期:2008-5-28 14:11:00         是不是发这个帖子我一直考虑了很久,因为实在工作量太大了,两千多张的图片并不是一下子可以发完的,还要发照片的解说,对于我来说实在怕怕,不知道自己有没有这样的耐性全部发出来,呵呵。但是想了很久还是发出来和大家共享。我尽量找时间来发这个帖子,希望大家多多支持。
另外,所有的解说都是英文的,由以下几位网友帮忙翻译 淡色的树 outtowner 桃了 sznscand 青桥
  March 13, 2001
  Anti-Poachers, India, 1997
  Photograph by Michael K. Nichols
  "Setting forests aside for tigers is one thing, ensuring that they remain protected is something else again. Protecting wildlife from poachers requires strict policing, but the battered rifles the guards carry are no match for the automatic weapons wielded by intruders."
  —Text adapted from "Making Room for Wild Tigers," December 1997, National Geographic magazine
  (Photographed on assignment for, but not published in, "Sita: Life of a Wild Tigress," December 1997, National Geographic magazine)
  反偷猎 印度 1997年
  Michael K. Nichols摄
  “为老虎设立森林保护区是一回事,保证它们得到保护是另一回事。保护野生动物免遭偷猎需要严格的安保措施,但是保卫者的老式步枪并不能对付得了偷猎者的自动武器”(翻译 淡色的树)
  • 奶牛梦工场 DIY贺卡,送大礼,2011梦想大礼等你开启
  • 天涯春熙 网上春熙路,实体商誉保证,数万货品任您挑

作者:山地熊 回复日期:2008-05-28 14:31:07 

作者:无事7 回复日期:2008-05-28 14:32:19 

作者:蛐蛐不叫 回复日期:2008-05-28 14:40:43 

作者:唯一的老四 回复日期:2008-05-28 14:42:45 
    April 21, 2001
  Congo Family, Republic of the Congo, 2000
  Photograph by Michael K. Nichols
  "Though not a true rain forest—Congo’s annual rainfall totals less than a hundred inches [2.5 meters]—the forest is often flooded, allowing [a Pygmy] family to set out on a fishing trip. In her hands the mother cradles a coal—the makings of a fire."
  —From "Megatransect," October 2000, National Geographic magazine
  刚果家庭 刚果共和国 2000年
  Michael K. Nichols摄
  "尽管不是真正的雨林——刚果的年降水量还不到100英寸(2.5米)——森林常常涨水,这让一个卑格米(一种身材矮小的当地人)家庭开始了一次捕鱼之旅,母亲的手里拿着一块木炭——生火的材料 (翻译 淡色的树)
  —选自 “Megatransect”,国家地理杂志 2000年10月

作者:唯一的老四 回复日期:2008-05-28 14:47:32 
    April 22, 2001
  Shenzhen Theme Park, China, 1997
  Photograph by Michael S. Yamashita
  "Places to go, things to buy: Nowadays the Chinese have money to flaunt. They pay to visit Window of the World, a theme park in Shenzhen that features miniaturized tourist sights, like Moscow’s St. Basil’s Cathedral."
  —From "China’s Gold Coast," March 1997, National Geographic magazine
  深圳主题乐园 中国 1997年
  Michael S. Yamashita摄
  旅游,购物:如今中国人有了可以炫耀的财富,他们花钱游览世界之窗,深圳的一处主题公园,以微缩景观为特色,就像画面里的莫斯科圣巴孜尔教堂 (翻译 淡色的树)
  —选自 “中国的黄金海岸”,国家地理杂志 1997年3月

作者:唯一的老四 回复日期:2008-05-28 14:54:37 
    April 23, 2001
  Knob Coral, Red Sea, 1997
  Photograph by David Doubilet
  "Illuminated by ultraviolet light, a knob coral pulsates with color as if lit from within. The coral absorbs the invisible ultraviolet light, then emits wild orange visible light. This is called fluorescence, a phenomenon of physics and biology that borders on pure magic."
  —From "A New Light in the Sea," August 1997, National Geographic magazine
  环菊珊瑚,红海 1997年
  David Doubilet摄
  被紫外线照亮后,环菊珊瑚随着似乎从内部发出的光彩而搏动。它吸收不可见的紫外线,放出热烈的橘色光线。这叫做发射荧光,一种近乎魔幻的生物物理现象 (翻译 淡色的树)
  —选自 “海中的新光亮”,国家地理杂志 1997年8月

作者:唯一的老四 回复日期:2008-05-28 14:58:39 
    April 24, 2001
  Pygmy Family, Republic of the Congo, 2000
  Photograph by Michael K. Nichols
  "Wise in the ways of the forest, a Bambendjellé [Pygmy] family takes refuge from the rain under a shelter of sticks and leaves."
  —From "Megatransect," October 2000, National Geographic magazine
  卑格米家庭 刚果共和国 2000年
  Michael K. Nichols摄
  “聪明的融入森林,一个卑格米家庭在树枝搭成的棚子里避雨。”(翻译 淡色的树)
  —选自 “Megatransect”,国家地理杂志 2000年10月

作者:淡彩若冰 回复日期:2008-05-28 14:59:17 

作者:oto112 回复日期:2008-05-28 14:59:30 

作者:唯一的老四 回复日期:2008-05-28 15:02:31 
    April 25, 2001
  Michelle Yeoh, California, 1999
  Photograph by Joe McNally
  "Sublimely at ease in midair, Malaysian-born ’action goddess’ Michelle Yeoh is just as comfortable with an acting career that routinely hops continents."
  —From "A World Together," August 1999, National Geographic magazine
  杨紫琼 加利福尼亚 1999年
  Joe McNally摄
  优雅逸然的荡在空中,生于马来西亚的“功夫女神”杨紫琼这是这般享受着其跨洋国际演艺生涯的 (翻译 淡色的树)
  —选自 “一个世界”,国家地理杂志 1999年8月

作者:tjuwenzi 回复日期:2008-05-28 15:05:18 

作者:唯一的老四 回复日期:2008-05-28 15:07:56 
    April 26, 2001
  Congo Chimps, Republic of the Congo, 2000
  Photograph by Michael K. Nichols
  "Perhaps the last on Earth to have never seen a human, the chimpanzees of Goualougo Triangle showed no fear of Fay’s team. ’If we let this area be logged, we’ll destroy our chance to know this animal in its natural state,’ says Fay."
  —From "Megatransect," October 2000, National Geographic magazine
  刚果黑猩猩 刚果共和国 2000年
  Michael K. Nichols摄
  “也许是最后一个没有见过人类的动物,这只Goualougo三角地带的小猩猩对Fay的小队没有任何恐惧感。‘如果任由这片地区被采伐,我们就会毁掉了解这种动物原生态的机会’Fay如是说”。 (翻译 淡色的树)
  —选自 “Megatransect”,国家地理杂志 2000年10月

作者:跑跑bu牛 回复日期:2008-05-28 15:08:36 

作者:beerism 回复日期:2008-05-28 15:09:51 
  p.s 我觉得分辨率800*600比较合适

作者:唯一的老四 回复日期:2008-05-28 15:13:33 
    作者:tjuwenzi 回复日期:2008-5-28 15:05:18 
  yahoo在线翻译的,呵呵,我的E文很差。现在好了 有淡色的树来帮忙翻译了
  April 27, 2001
  Hungry Cheetah Cub, Botswana, 1999
  Photograph by Chris Johns
  "Bloodstained from its last meal, a cub shows features of a hunter built for speed. During sprints, a membrane shields eyes while large nostrils allow for rapid oxygen intake. Dark ’tearstains’ may block glare."
  —From "Cheetahs: Ghosts of the Grasslands," December 1999, National Geographic magazine
  饥饿的猎豹崽 博茨瓦纳 1999年
  Chris Johns摄
  "带着它在上一餐中沾染的血污,幼兽表现出为速度而生的猎手本色。急速奔跑时,当大量氧气涌入巨大的鼻腔,有一种膜会保护它的眼睛;黑色的泪线可以阻挡强光。 (翻译 淡色的树)
  —选自 “猎豹: 草原的鬼魂”,国家地理杂志1999年12月

作者:tjxuchi 回复日期:2008-05-28 15:15:16 

作者:唯一的老四 回复日期:2008-05-28 15:20:43 
    作者:beerism 回复日期:2008-5-28 15:09:51 
    p.s 我觉得分辨率800*600比较合适
  April 28, 2001
  Train Station Prayer, Alexandria, Egypt, 1999
  Photograph by Stuart Franklin
  "Kneeling in reverent prayer at Alexandria’s train station, Muslims display a fervor reminiscent of the ancient city—but a uniformity that would have been rare. Though ruled by Rome, first-century Alexandrians worshipped a blend of Egyptian, Greek, and Roman deities, the composite god Serapis chief among them."
  —From "Tale of Three Cities," August 1999, National Geographic magazine
  火车站的祈祷,亚历山大港,埃及 1999年
  Stuart Franklin摄
  —选自 “三城记”,国家地理杂志 1999年8月

作者:echowithwind 回复日期:2008-05-28 15:24:52 

作者:hancock008 回复日期:2008-05-28 15:26:37 
    楼主辛苦了 支持一下。

作者:suxiyu 回复日期:2008-05-28 15:31:23 

作者:唯一的老四 回复日期:2008-05-28 15:42:50 
    April 29, 2001
  Ariaal Wedding March, Kenya, 1999
  Photograph by Maria Stenzel
  "Voices ring out across rain-washed hills as Ariaal women make their way to a wedding: ’Meirita ngai nkeera ang!’ they sing. ’God bless our children!’ All of Marsabit District revels at the end of the rainy season."
  —From "Vanishing Cultures," August 1999, National Geographic magazine
  阿里尔婚礼进行曲 肯尼亚 1999年
  Maria Stenzel摄
  空山新雨后,歌声绵延回响,阿里尔女人们走在她们前往婚礼的路上。"Meirita ngai nkeera ang!"她们唱道。“上帝保佑我们的孩子!”雨季结束的时候,马萨布布地区的人们开始狂欢“ (翻译 淡色的树)
  —选自 “消逝着的文化”,国家地理杂志 1999年8月

作者:yiyi91212 回复日期:2008-05-28 15:46:29 

作者:芳宾 回复日期:2008-05-28 15:52:36 
    强烈建议分几个帖子发完 支持楼主 持续关注

作者:唯一的老四 回复日期:2008-05-28 15:53:07 
    April 30, 2001
  Beacon Valley Frost, Antarctica, 1998
  Photograph by Maria Stenzel
  "A giant jigsaw puzzle of stone and soil shaped by frost paves Beacon Valley. The age of volcanic ash here shows little has changed in millions of years. ’Antarctica holds the answers,’ says geologist Dave Marchant, who seeks clue to Earth’s past. ’They’re just hidden.’"
  —From "Timeless Valleys of the Antarctic Desert," October 1998, National Geographic magazine
  烽火谷寒霜 南极州 1998年
  Maria Stenzel摄
  "被冰霜覆盖山谷的石头和土壤形成了巨大的拼图。此地火山灰的年龄告诉我们,近百万年来这里几乎没有改变。“答案就在南极洲里面”地理学家Dave Marchant说,他在探寻地球历史的蛛丝马迹:“它们只是被隐藏起来了。”
  —选自 “永恒的南极沙漠山谷” 国家地理杂志 1998年10月

作者:肥肚宝宝 回复日期:2008-05-28 15:55:47 
  Photograph by 是XX摄影

作者:唯一的老四 回复日期:2008-05-28 15:58:35 
    作者:芳宾 回复日期:2008-5-28 15:52:36 
    强烈建议分几个帖子发完 支持楼主 持续关注
  May 1, 2001
  Route 66 Straightaway, Arizona, 1997
  Photograph by Vincent J. Musi
  "Those who love wind in their hair relish the straightaway west of Seligman."
  —From "Route 66," September 1997, National Geographic magazine
  66号公路,亚利桑那 1997年
  Vincent J. Musi摄
  —摘自 “66号公路”,国家地理杂志1997年9月

作者:唯一的老四 回复日期:2008-05-28 16:05:02 
    作者:肥肚宝宝 回复日期:2008-5-28 15:55:47 
    Photograph by 是XX摄影
  May 2, 2001
  Okavango Cheetah Brothers, Botswana, 1999
  Photograph by Chris Johns
  "A termite mound doubles as a watchtower for two brothers—a ’coalition’—that scout for predators and prey in their territory."
  —From "Cheetahs: Ghosts of the Grasslands," December 1999, National
  奥卡万戈三角洲猎豹兄弟,博茨瓦纳, 1999年
  Chris Johns摄
  “一个白蚁巢穴成了兄弟俩的瞭望塔——“一个暂时的联盟”——在它们的领地上守望着掠食者与牺牲者” 。
  -摘自“猎豹:草原的鬼魂, ” 国家地理杂志1999年12月

作者:唯一的老四 回复日期:2008-05-28 16:11:03 
  May 3, 2001
  Yazd Mosque, Yazd, Iran, 1999
  Photograph by Alexandra Avakian
  "Marco Polo called it the ’good and noble’ city of Yazd, an ancient town where desert architects learned to cool buildings and even make ice by harnessing the wind. A 14th-century mosque still dominates Yazd’s oldest quarter."
  —From "Iran: Testing the Waters of Reform," July 1999, National Geographic magazine
  亚兹德清真寺, 亚兹德,伊朗 1999年
  Alexandra Avakian摄
  —摘自“伊朗: 改革试水”,国家地理杂志1999年7月

作者:唯一的老四 回复日期:2008-05-28 16:13:48 
    May 4, 2001
  Khuzestan Salt Field, Iran, 1999
  Photograph by Alexandra Avakian
  "In the southwestern province of Khuzestan, Nahid and Hussein Saboee collect salt after school to sell to bakers. The good news: 85 percent of Iran’s children go to school, and 80 percent of the population is literate, versus less than half before the 1979 revolution."
  —From "Iran: Testing the Waters of Reform," July 1999, National Geographic magazine
  康齐斯坦盐滩,伊朗 1999年
   Alexandra Avakian摄
  "在康齐斯坦西南方的省份,Nahid与Hussein Saboee放学后采盐去换面包,好消息是:百分之八十五的伊朗孩子都能上学,百分之八十的人口能读会写,1979年解放时(指伊朗伊斯兰革命-淡色的树),这个数字不到现在的一半“
  —From “伊朗: 改革试水”,国家地理杂志 1999年7月

作者:唯一的老四 回复日期:2008-05-28 16:17:07 
    May 5, 2001
  Malay Plantation, Malaysia, 1997
  Photograph by Stuart Franklin
  "Fruit from one of Malaysia’s largest oil-palm plantations rolls to mill over a light railway."
  —From "Malaysia: Rising Star," August 1997, National Geographic magazine
  马来农场,马来西亚 1997年
  Stuart Franklin摄
  —摘自 “马来西亚: 升起的新星”国家地理杂志 1997年8月

作者:bjpmdw 回复日期:2008-05-28 16:20:40 

作者:唯一的老四 回复日期:2008-05-28 16:21:09 
    May 6, 2001
  Chipaya Hair Braiding Bolivia, 1999
  Photograph by Maria Stenzel
  "Generations of skill flow through nimble fingers as Chipaya women plait another’s hair. When finished, she’ll wear a hundred ribbon-thin braids in the style of her ancestors, contemporaries of Peru’s Inca. Despite drought, cold, and the lure of city life, some 2,000 Chipaya remain bound to their Altiplano homeland."
  —From "Vanishing Cultures," August 1999, National Geographic magazine
  支帕亚辫子编织,玻利维亚 1999年
  Maria Stenzel摄
  —摘自 “消逝着的文化”,国家地理杂志 1999年8月

作者:bjpmdw 回复日期:2008-05-28 16:22:32 

作者:唯一的老四 回复日期:2008-05-28 16:23:51 
    May 7, 2001
  Haughton Crater, Canada, 1999
  Photograph by Peter Essick
  "Light snow and the otherworldly glow of an Arctic summer night lend an alien aura to Haughton Crater on Canada’s Devon Island. Deemed similar to craters on Mars, Haughton has become a proving ground for future missions to the red planet."
  —From "Mars on Earth," July 1999, National Geographic magazine
  霍顿坑,加拿大 1999年
  Peter Essick摄
  —摘自“地球上的火星”,国家地理杂志 1999年7月

作者:唯一的老四 回复日期:2008-05-28 16:27:37 
    作者:bjpmdw 回复日期:2008-5-28 16:22:32 
  May 8, 2001
  Indonesia Hornbill, Indonesia, 1999
  Photograph by Tim Laman
  "Room service: A red-knobbed hornbill arrives with breakfast, which he will regurgitate for his roughly three-month-old chick safely inside a nest hole in an Alstonia tree. Though its mother has left the confines of the nest, the chick remains within for another few weeks, dependent on its parents until it fledges.”
  —From “The Shrinking World of Hornbills,” July 1999, National Geographic magazine
  印度尼西亚犀鸟,印度尼西亚 1999年
  Tim Laman摄
  摘自 “犀鸟不停缩小的世界” 国家地理杂志 1999年7月

作者:nbnb111 回复日期:2008-05-28 16:32:41 

作者:唯一的老四 回复日期:2008-05-28 16:33:32 
    May 9, 2001
  Muharram in Iran, Iran, 1999
  Photograph by Alexandra Avakian
  "Hearts turn to mourning in the Islamic month of Muharram. On the tenth day, when performers reenact the martyrdom of the Prophet Muhammad’s grandson Husayn, people weep for the dead, including martyrs from the 1980s war with Iraq."
  —From "Iran: Testing the Waters of Reform," July 1999, National Geographic magazine
  伊朗的圣月,伊朗 1999年
  Alexandra Avakian摄
  —摘自 “伊朗: 改革试水”,国家地理杂志 1999年7月

作者:rosis 回复日期:2008-05-28 16:36:11 

作者:唯一的老四 回复日期:2008-05-28 16:43:17 
    作者:nbnb111 回复日期:2008-5-28 16:32:41 
  May 10, 2001
  Anxious Bride, Kenya, 1999
  Photograph by Maria Stenzel
  "[A] newly circumcised bride (right) spends much of the [wedding] celebration in her mother’s hut in the company of her best friend."
  —From "Vanishing Cultures," August 1999, National Geographic magazine
  焦虑的新娘,肯尼亚 1999年
  Maria Stenzel摄
  " 刚接受了割礼的新娘(右)在闺蜜的陪伴下,在母亲的棚屋里度过大部分的婚礼欢庆时光。”(万恶的女子割礼。。。淡色的树)
  —摘自“消逝着的文化” 国家地理杂志 1999年8月

作者:容止 回复日期:2008-05-28 16:45:13 

作者:孩该长大了 回复日期:2008-05-28 16:49:20 

作者:唯一的老四 回复日期:2008-05-28 17:02:24 
    May 11, 2001
  Okavango Cheetah and Cubs, Botswana, 1999
  Photograph by Chris Johns
  A female cheetah and her three cubs.
  Okavango 猎豹和幼崽,博茨瓦纳, 1999年
  Chris Johns摄

作者:唯一的老四 回复日期:2008-05-28 17:05:57 
    May 12, 2001
  Tiger Carrying Cub, India, 1997
  Photograph by Michael K. Nichols
  "Jaws that can crush a backbone become a tender conveyance as Sita totes a cub to a new den, a constant chore to safeguard her young from leopards, wild dogs, and other tigers. Hiding cubs well is critical, since she may be away hunting for 24 hours or more. Sita is living proof that this endangered species can flourish if only given enough room and enough prey."
  —From "Making Room for Wild Tigers," December 1997, National Geographic magazine
  带着幼崽的老虎 印度 1997年
  Michael K. Nichols摄
  --摘自“为野生老虎留些空间”,国家地理杂志 1997年12月

作者:justhaf 回复日期:2008-05-28 17:07:45 

作者:唯一的老四 回复日期:2008-05-28 17:08:19 
    May 13, 2001

作者:唯一的老四 回复日期:2008-05-28 17:10:51 
    May 14, 2001
  Breaching Whale, Alaska, 1999
  Photograph by Flip Nicklin
  "Whale-watchers flock to such spectacles [as breaching] during the spring-to-fall feeding season off Alaska, while scientists debate whether groups of whales hunt cooperatively."
  —From "Listening to Humpbacks," July 1999, National Geographic magazine
  鲸鱼冲浪,阿拉斯加 1999年
  Flip Nicklin摄
  摘自“倾听座头鲸” 国家地理杂志 1999年7月

作者:唯一的老四 回复日期:2008-05-28 17:13:24 
    May 15, 2001
  Wooly Locoweed, Utah, 1999
  Photograph by Len Jenshel
  "A pretty poison, woolly locoweed, flowering during autumn, can make cattle that eat its toxic leaves go berserk and die."
  —From "Celebrating Canyon Country," July 1999, National Geographic magazine
  羊毛疯草 犹他州 1999年
  Len Jenshel摄
  摘自“峡谷国的庆祝”,国家地理杂志 1999年7月

作者:金翼飞狼 回复日期:2008-05-28 17:14:18 

作者:唯一的老四 回复日期:2008-05-28 17:16:23 
    May 16, 2001
  Bangladesh Cow, Bangladesh, 1993
  Photograph by James P. Blair
  A cow grazes on a paddy of rich three-month-old rice.
  孟加拉母牛 孟加拉 1993年
  James P. Blair摄

作者:whatsky88 回复日期:2008-05-28 17:18:50 

作者:唯一的老四 回复日期:2008-05-28 17:20:06 
    May 17, 2001
  Myanmar Temples, Bagan, Myanmar (Burma), 1984
  Photograph by James L. Stanfield
  The derelict splendor of thousand-year-old Bagan is backdrop for local farmers. Some 2,000 temples, remnants of Myanmar’s first imperial capital, stretch along an 8-mile (13-kilometer) curve of the Ayeyarwady (Irrawaddy) river.
  —From "Time and Again in Burma," July 1984, National Geographic magazine
  缅甸寺庙 蒲甘 缅甸(Burma), 1984年
  James L. Stanfield摄
  —摘自 “游历缅甸”,国家地理杂志 1984年7月

作者:macyjenny 回复日期:2008-05-28 17:20:28 

作者:寂寞的伤感 回复日期:2008-05-28 17:21:07 

作者:唯一的老四 回复日期:2008-05-28 17:24:09 
    作者:whatsky88 回复日期:2008-5-28 17:18:50 
  May 18, 2001
  Utah Cattle Drive, Utah, 1999
  Photograph by Len Jenshel
  "When the dust lifts, Dell LeFevre will have ended his last cattle drive to the Escalante River, now off-limits to cattlemen. A fifth-generation rancher, LeFevre clings to grazing rights elsewhere in the monument."
  —From “Celebrating Canyon Country,” July 1999, National Geographic magazine
  犹他驱牛,犹他州 1999年
  Photograph Len Jenshel
  "当尘土扬起,Dell LeFevre即将结束他驱赶牛群去艾丝卡兰迪河的最后一次旅程,那里现在是禁牧区。五代畜牧,LeFevre试图在纪念碑以外的地方坚持自己的放牧权利。“
  —摘自 “峡谷国的庆祝,”国家地理杂志 1999年7月

作者:songbang 回复日期:2008-05-28 17:24:32 

作者:唯一的老四 回复日期:2008-05-28 17:26:51 
    May 19, 2001
  Street Baseball, Havana, Cuba, 1999
  Photograph by David Alan Harvey
  "A passion for baseball overcomes the lack of a bat in a pickup game in Havana. ’We love U.S. culture,’ says one city resident. ’We play your sports, study your language, and know all your Hollywood stars.’"
  —From "Cuba—Evolution in the Revolution," June 1999, National Geographic magazine
  街头棒球,哈瓦那 古巴 1999年
  David Alan Harvey摄
  "在哈瓦那一场临时拼凑的比赛中,对棒球的激情战胜了球棒不够的窘况,“我们喜欢美国文化”,一位市民这样说。“我们玩你们的体育运动,学习你们的语言,而且认识你们所有的好莱坞明星” “
  —摘自 “古巴—革命中演进”,国家地理杂志 1999年6月

作者:石楼翠 回复日期:2008-05-28 17:28:17 

作者:长江到湘江 回复日期:2008-05-28 17:28:22 

作者:唯一的老四 回复日期:2008-05-28 17:31:07 
    作者:songbang 回复日期:2008-5-28 17:24:32 
  May 20, 2001
  Cash Cow, Quebec, Canada, 1997
  Photograph by Maggie Steber
  Quebec is the ’cash cow’ of Canada, many Québécois think, convinced that they pay more taxes to Ottawa, the national capital, than they receive in benefits. Yet even Quebec government studies show that the province receives a net cash flow of at least two billion dollars U.S. from Ottawa, while other studies reckon it to be much higher. Quebec’s dairy farmers are themselves guaranteed a 47 percent national market share for processed milk. Despite such subsidies, support for independence remains strong in the rural French-speaking area.
  Maggie Steber摄

作者:唯一的老四 回复日期:2008-05-28 17:35:07 
    May 21, 2001
  Caspian Pike Perch, Kazakhstan, 1999
  Photograph by Reza
  "Pike perch seem plentiful at this Kazakh processing plant, but the catch here has fallen sharply in recent years—and that’s not the worst news. The [Caspian Sea’s] sturgeon, ancient fish that survived the transition from dinosaur age to the mammal era, may not survive the transition from communism to free market. The source of 90 percent of the world’s caviar, they are being decimated by poaching and pollution."
  —From "The Rise and Fall of the Caspian Sea," May 1999, National Geographic magazine
  里海的梭鲈,哈萨克斯坦 1999年
  —摘自 “里海兴衰”,国家地理杂志 1999年5月

作者:唯一的老四 回复日期:2008-05-28 17:38:17 
    May 22, 2001
  Wild Dog Pups, Botswana, 1999
  Photograph by Chris Johns
  "Tug-of-war erupts as two four-month-old pups tussle over a strip of impala skin brought to them as a souvenir from a hunt. The pups, their bellies swollen with regurgitated meat, are on the threshold of being physically strong enough to keep up with their pack in the field."
  —From "Africa’s Wild Dogs," May 1999, National Geographic magazine
  幼豺,博茨瓦纳 1999年
  Chris Johns摄  
  —选自 “非洲的豺狗”,国家地理杂志 1999年5月

作者:唯一的老四 回复日期:2008-05-28 17:41:07 
    May 23, 2001
  Havana School Kids, Havana, Cuba, 1999
  Photograph by David Alan Harvey
  A "multiracial rainbow of children from one of Old Havana’s many schools make a pledge: ‘Seremos como el Che—We will be like Che Guevara,’ a legendary leader of the Cuban revolution.”
  —From “The Rebirth of Old Havana,” June 1999, National Geographic magazine
  David Alan Harvey摄  
  选自“古老哈瓦那的新生” 国家地理杂志 1999年6月

作者:gatsbyxm 回复日期:2008-05-28 17:41:28 

作者:hanyue0827 回复日期:2008-05-28 17:42:19 

作者:唯一的老四 回复日期:2008-05-28 17:45:56 
    May 24, 2001
  Montana Rancher, Montana, 1999
  Photograph by William Albert Allard
  "At home in the saddle, a rancher works stock on a spread 60 miles [100 kilometers] from the nearest town. ’My boys always look for an excuse to get on a vehicle, but in these parts a horse is what goes everywhere.’"
  —From "The Missouri Breaks," May 1999, National Geographic magazine
  蒙大拿游牧者,蒙大拿 1999年
  William Albert Allard摄
  "在马鞍上的家,一位牛仔在远离城镇六十英里的地方放牧,“我的儿子们总是想找借口买辆车,但这些地方只有马才能自由驰骋”’ “
  —选自“密苏里山口”,国家地理杂志 1999年5月

作者:迷途小馒头 回复日期:2008-05-28 17:46:45 

作者:唯一的老四 回复日期:2008-05-28 17:48:47 
    May 25, 2001
  Jet Time Exposure, Palmdale, California, 1977
  Photograph by Bruce Dale
  "The magnificent jet propels air safety to new heights, yet accidents still occur. Records show that takeoff and landing remain the critical phases of flight. One long-range solution is increased automation. A Lockheed TriStar touches down ’hands off’ at Palmdale, California; a time exposure by a remotely operated camera attached to the aircraft’s vertical tail fin blurs city and runway lights."
  —From "The Air-Safety Challenge," August 1977, National Geographic magazine
  喷气机定时曝光, 棕榈谷,加利福尼亚1977年
  Bruce Dale摄
  —选自 “飞行安全挑战”,国家地理杂志 1977年8月

作者:拿坡里舞曲 回复日期:2008-05-28 17:50:40 

作者:拿坡里舞曲 回复日期:2008-05-28 17:52:30 

作者:唯一的老四 回复日期:2008-05-28 17:53:15 
  May 26, 2001
  Zhongwei Welcome, Zhongwei, China, 1980
  Photograph by Bruce Dale
  "’We were overwhelmed,’ says author Rick Gore, when thousands turned out in Zhongwei to greet the first American visitors in at least thirty years. A sign reads ’Proletarians of the world unite,’ but ideology is no longer a barrier to curiosity."
  —From "Journey to China’s Far West," March 1980, National Geographic magazine
  中卫的欢迎, 中卫,中国 1980年
  Bruce Dale摄
  —选自 “中国远西之旅”,国家地理杂志 1980年3月

作者:唯一的老四 回复日期:2008-05-28 17:58:51 
    作者:拿坡里舞曲 回复日期:2008-5-28 17:50:40 
  作者:拿坡里舞曲 回复日期:2008-5-28 17:52:30 
  May 27, 2001
  Cuban Farmers, Manicaragua, Cuba, 1999
  Photograph by David Alan Harvey
  "Though they rarely have new wire to mend a fence, tobacco farmers in Manicaragua live better than many city dwellers. A horse takes them on errands, and a kitchen garden helps keep them well fed."
  —From "Cuba—Evolution in the Revolution," June 1999, National Geographic magazine
  古巴的农民, 马尼卡归阿 ,古巴, 1999年
  David Alan Harvey摄
  “尽管他们很少有新铁丝来修补篱笆,马尼卡归阿的烟农仍比许多城市居民生活得好。马儿帮他们工作,有菜园提供食物(似乎又在讽刺古巴城市居民供应不足。。。。淡色的树) 。
  -选自“古巴-革命中演进 ” 国家地理杂志 1999年6月

作者:deeppurple19 回复日期:2008-05-28 18:01:06 

作者:唯一的老四 回复日期:2008-05-28 18:02:06 
    May 28, 2001
  Azerbaijan Mosque, Azerbaijan, 1999
  Photograph by Reza
  "Mosques again flourish in Azerbaijan, a mostly Muslim country that saw all but 18 of its 2,000 mosques shut down under Soviet rule. Their traditions muted by years of official atheism, Azerbaijanis are gravitating toward a moderate practice of Islam—to the chagrin of Iran, which fears its people will look north with envy."
  —From "The Rise and Fall of the Caspian Sea," May 1999, National Geographic magazine
  阿塞拜疆清真寺,阿塞拜疆, 1999年
  -选自“里海兴衰, ” 国家地理杂志 1999年5月

作者:唯一的老四 回复日期:2008-05-28 18:04:43 
    May 29, 2001
  Badlands Grain Fields, Montana, 1999
  Photograph by William Albert Allard
  "Grainfields spill their color across the badlands of the Missouri Breaks, a lonesome swatch of eastern Montana where the Great Plains roll to an abrupt and wild end. The Missouri River and its tributaries have cut deep paths through underlying sandstone and shale, fracturing the open country. Rough and remote spaces rule the Breaks, perfect for folks who insist on carving their own way."
  —From "The Missouri Breaks," May 1999, National Geographic magazine
  蛮荒麦田,蒙大拿 1999年
  William Albert Allard摄
  “麦田把密苏里裂谷铺满了绿色,东蒙大拿大平原寂寞的一角遇到了一个突然的结束。密苏里河及其支流在砂岩地表下切出一道道沟壑,割裂开原野。杂乱的空间支配着裂痕,对那些坚持开辟自己道路的民族这是理想的(Rough and remote spaces rule the Breaks, perfect for folks who insist on carving their own way望强人来改这句)。
  -选自“密苏里山口, ” 国家地理杂志 1999年5月

作者:唯一的老四 回复日期:2008-05-28 18:07:51 
    May 30, 2001
  Colosseum Nightscape, Rome, Italy, 1970
  Photograph by Winfield I. Parks, Jr
  "Memory-haunted arena of the ancients, Rome’s 1,900-year-old Colosseum saw bloody gladiatorial duels, battles with wild beasts, and mock naval engagements on its flooded floor. Christians banned the spectacles, and in later centuries presented church dramas here. Time, earthquakes, and stone scavengers took their toll. Still, the treasured monument survived and again serves Rome—as a traffic circle. Cars at evening rush hour create streaks of light in this time exposure, which also captures horse-drawn carriages waiting at curbside for tourists."
  —From "When in Rome," June 1970, National Geographic magazine
  斗兽场夜景,意大利 罗马, 1970年
  Winfield I. Parks, Jr摄
  “从古人的竞技场捕捉回忆,罗马1900年历史的圆形大剧场中血腥的角斗,和野兽的较量,在地面灌水模拟海战,基督徒禁止眼镜(?),此后的几个世纪中在此上演宗教戏剧,时光流逝,地震、腐蚀,带走它曾经的光采。但是作为财富的纪念碑它幸存下来并再次服务罗马-成为了交通转盘,长时间曝光记录下了晚高峰时的车流灯光拉出的线条,也抓住了道旁等待游客的马车“ 。
  -选自“罗马时光, ” 国家地理杂志 1970年6月,

作者:没带红牌 回复日期:2008-05-28 18:10:07 

作者:唯一的老四 回复日期:2008-05-28 18:10:20 
    May 31, 2001
  Venetian Glassmaker, Italy, 1994
  Photograph by Sam Abell
  "’It’s alchemy,’ says artist Laura de Santillana of the fluid magic of glass. Working with maestros like Lino Tagliapietra, Venetian artisans keep the city’s luminous glassmaking heritage alive."
  —From "Venice: More Than a Dream," February 1995, National Geographic magazine
  威尼斯玻璃匠 ,意大利, 1994年
  Sam Abell摄
  “它就像炼金术”,玻璃艺术家Laura de Santillana 这样描述这种流体魔术。和Lino Tagliapietra这样的大师一起工作,威尼斯的匠人们使这座城市流光溢彩的玻璃工艺得以传承 。
  -选自“威尼斯:不只是梦境” 国家地理杂志 1995年2月

作者:唯一的老四 回复日期:2008-05-28 18:14:24 
    June 1, 2001
  New River Bridge, West Virginia, 1999
  Photograph by Susie Post Rust
  "Spanning a West Virginia canyon 3,000 feet [914 meters] wide, the New River Gorge Bridge transformed 44,000 tons of steel and concrete into structural art as graceful as the morning mists drifting below it. Opened in 1977, it replaced an 1889 trestle—and 40 white-knuckled minutes on one-lane switchbacks—with 40 seconds on cruise control."
  —From “New River’s Deep Soul,” June 1999, National Geographic magazine
  新河大桥,西弗吉尼亚, 1999年
  Susie Post Rust摄
  “跨越西维吉尼亚州大峡谷3000英尺[914米]长的距离,新河谷大桥把44000吨钢铁和混凝土转化成优美的结构艺术,让晨雾在桥下流动。1977年开放,它取代了1889年建成的高架桥——40个白色铰链在单行线上测定时间,每40秒改变方向(老大桥只有一个车道,每边开放40秒通行-淡色的树)“ 。
  -选自“新河道的深层灵魂, ” 国家地理杂志 1999年6月

作者:唯一的老四 回复日期:2008-05-28 18:17:35 
    June 2, 2001
  Singing Humpback, Hawaii, 1999
  Photograph by Flip Nicklin
  "Showing his ID as he floats head-down in the singing position, Frank displays the unique pattern of tail markings by which individual humpback whales can be recognized."
  —From “Listening to Humpbacks,” July 1999, National Geographic magazine
  唱歌的座头鲸,夏威夷, 1999年
  Flip Nicklin摄
  “Frank唱着歌向下游去,其独特的尾部形状是每一只座头鲸可被识别的个性标志。” 。
  -从“倾听座头鲸 , ” 国家地理杂志 1999年7月,

作者:斯丢痞德 回复日期:2008-05-28 18:26:35 

作者:唯一的老四 回复日期:2008-05-28 18:27:51 
    June 3, 2001
  Drying Sturgeon, Turkmenistan, 1999
  Photograph by Reza
  "A Turkmen woman hangs sturgeon steaks to dry on the island of Gyzylsuw. Two hours by slow boat Turkmenbashy, Turkmenistan’s largest port, Gyzylsuw seems even farther afield: According to the island’s governor, photographer Reza was the first foreign visitor in anyone’s memory."
  —From “The Rise and Fall of the Caspian Sea,” May 1999, National Geographic magazine
  晒鲟鱼,土库曼斯坦, 1999年
  “在Gyzylsuw岛上的土库曼斯坦妇女把鲟鱼片挂起晾干。乘慢船两小时到Turkmenbashy——土库曼斯坦最大的港口,不过Gyzylsuw岛似乎比这个距离更远离世界,根据岛上政府的说法,在所有人的记忆里,摄影师Reza是第一个外国来访者” 。
  -选自“里海兴衰, ” 国家地理杂志 1999年5月,

作者:唯一的老四 回复日期:2008-05-28 18:35:21 
  June 4, 2001
  Angkor Thom Monks, Cambodia, 1968
  Photograph by Wilbur E. Garrett
  "Ghostlike faces surround two saffron-robed Buddhist monks in a window of the extravagantly carved Bayon, central temple of Angkor Thom. Here, in northwestern Cambodia, rise the splendid temples of the Khmer kings, ancient rulers of Southeast Asia. Not only does the architectural grandeur speak of a brilliant civilization; complex canals, reservoirs, and ponds—some still in use—reveal a remarkable system of irrigation, forerunner of the Mekong Project."
  —From "The Mekong: River of Terror and Hope," December 1968, National Geographic magazine
  吴哥托姆僧侣,柬埔寨, 1968年
  “ ghostlike面临环绕二番红花红袍的佛教僧侣在一个窗口的奢华刻拜云寺,庙中央的吴哥托姆。在这里,在西北柬埔寨,崛起的宏伟寺庙的高棉国王,古代的统治者,东南亚,不仅不建筑宏伟发言,一个辉煌的文明;复杂的运河,水库,池塘,有些仍在使用中-揭示了显着的灌溉系统,前身湄公河项目“ 。
  -从“湄公河:河流的恐怖和希望, ” 1968年12月,国家地理杂志

作者:大禹治水不靠堵 回复日期:2008-05-28 18:37:20 
大吴哥僧侣,柬埔寨, 1968年
  Wilbur E. Garrett摄
  “ 幽灵般的面孔围绕在两个藏红色僧侣的周围,他们坐在百容寺雕花的窗中——吴哥 窟的中央寺庙。这里是柬埔寨西北,发现了远古东南亚统治者高棉王辉煌的寺庙群,不只是建筑的庄严伟大体现出的灿烂文明,复杂的沟槽水池设施(一些仍在使用)展现出一个不平凡的灌溉系统,湄公河工程的先驱。
  -选自“湄公河:河流的恐怖和希望 ” 国家地理杂志 1968年12月

作者:唯一的老四 回复日期:2008-05-28 18:39:42 
    June 5, 2001
  Mother Weeping, Bulgaria, 1978
  Photograph by James L. Stanfield
  "A Bulgarian woman grieves for her youngest son, who was murdered shortly after he left their village to make his mark in the capital."
  —From "The Art of Photography at National Geographic," September 1988, National Geographic magazine
  母亲的哭泣,保加利亚, 1978年
  James L. Stanfield摄
  “一位保加利亚妇女正在哀悼死去的小儿子,他离开村子到首都去闯荡后不久即被谋杀” 。
  -选自“国家地理杂志艺术摄影” , 国家地理杂志 1988年9月,

作者:唯一的老四 回复日期:2008-05-28 18:42:28 
    June 6, 2001
  Ojibwa Woman, Minnesota, 1907
  Photograph by Roland W. Reed
  "A native of Wisconsin, Reed documented life among the Ojibwa at the turn of the century. He entitled this photograph ’Enemy Wind.’"
  —From "The Art of Photography at National Geographic," September 1988, National Geographic magazine
  奥吉布瓦女子,明尼苏达州, 1907年
  Roland W. Reed摄
  “一位威斯康星州原住民,在世纪之交仍用芦苇记录生活的奥吉布瓦人。他将这幅照片命名为“敌人之风”” 。
  -选自“国家地理杂志艺术摄影” , 国家地理杂志 1988年9月,

作者:唯一的老四 回复日期:2008-05-28 18:45:12 
    June 7, 2001
  Square Butte, Montana, 1986
  Photograph by Sam Abell
  "Courted by an early moon, Square Butte unfolds in spacious grandeur 20 miles [32 kilometers] west of Great Falls. A backdrop in numerous Russell paintings, this mile-wide [1.6-kilometer-wide] tableland of rock can be seen from the town’s outskirts, and Charley sometimes rode out to view it for inspiration when he was ’fighting a painting.’"
  —From "C.M. Russell, Cowboy Artist," January 1986, National Geographic magazine
  方丘,蒙大拿, 1986
  Sam Abell摄
  “新月陪伴下的方丘在大瀑布西边庄严宏大延伸20英里(32公里),是众多罗素画作的背景,从城郊就可以看到这片数英里宽广的高原,查理画画时就不时会驱车前来瞻仰以获取创作灵感。 ”
  -选自“牛仔艺术家C.M.罗素,, ” 国家地理杂志1986年1月

作者:半个杭州人 回复日期:2008-05-28 18:47:03 

作者:1自由1 回复日期:2008-05-28 18:51:09 

作者:幸福的子弹haolkl 回复日期:2008-05-28 19:08:44 

作者:tassel2005 回复日期:2008-05-28 19:10:03 

作者:穿过雾看日出 回复日期:2008-05-28 19:13:54 

作者:林小罗 回复日期:2008-05-28 19:26:39 

作者:淡色的树 回复日期:2008-05-28 19:27:03 

作者:林小罗 回复日期:2008-05-28 19:29:22 

作者:司马椰子 回复日期:2008-05-28 19:30:56 
  很好很好 加油发

作者:妖刀再现 回复日期:2008-05-28 19:35:36 

作者:唯一的老四 回复日期:2008-05-28 19:48:27 
    作者:淡色的树 回复日期:2008-5-28 19:27:03 

作者:ppjj99 回复日期:2008-05-28 19:59:31 

作者:wukunrui 回复日期:2008-05-28 20:03:47 

作者:热灰眼呛骨 回复日期:2008-05-28 20:20:17 

作者:可心的吻 回复日期:2008-05-28 20:29:08 

作者:唯一的老四 回复日期:2008-05-28 20:34:06 
    June 8, 2001
  Plane Hits Truck, Guatemala, 1976
  Photograph by Robert W. Madden
  "Buffeted by crosswinds, a rescue plane crashes into a truck, while trying to land on a mountain highway near Sanarate. Miraculously no one suffered serious injury."
  —From "Earthquake in Guatemala," June 1976, National Geographic magazine
  飞机撞到卡车 危地马拉 1976年
  Robert W. Madden摄
  “遭遇侧风,一架救援飞机与一辆卡车相撞,当时飞机正试图降落在Sanarate附近的一个山顶高速公路上。令人称奇的是,这一事件中无人重伤” 。
  -选自“危地马拉大地震 ” 国家地理杂志 1976年6月

作者:唯一的老四 回复日期:2008-05-28 20:38:04 
    June 9, 2001
  Bengali Refugee, Bangladesh, 1975
  Photograph by Steve Raymer
  "Child of catastrophe, a Bengali girl waits for relief food during a famine that wracked Bangladesh last autumn. Her beleaguered nation, one of the most densely populated on earth, lives in the shadow of chronic hunger, which, many experts fear, may threaten the entire world."
  â?”From “Can the World Feed Its People,” July 1975, National Geographic magazine
  孟加拉难民,孟加拉, 1975年
  Steve Raymer摄
  选自”世界能养活人类吗” 国家地理杂志 1975年7月

作者:wasddsa 回复日期:2008-05-28 20:44:09 

作者:勿爱宁死 回复日期:2008-05-28 20:44:45 

作者:淡色的树 回复日期:2008-05-28 20:45:47 

作者:miaoww 回复日期:2008-05-28 20:49:21 

作者:唯一的老四 回复日期:2008-05-28 20:53:24 
    June 10, 2001
  Hmong Girls, Laos, 1974
  Photograph by Wilbur E. Garrett
  "With little to cling to except each other, Hmong girls reflect the uncertainty of a people driven from their homes in the protracted war for Laos. The Hmong were forced to flee their mountain villages and to take sides in the conflict. Crack Hmong guerillas became the undeclared muscle behind U.S. foreign policy in this Southeast Asian nation. Now, a precarious peace has come with the 1973 cease-fire, and the Hmong, driven out of their hilltop isolation, find themselves thrust into the mainstream of Laotian life."
  —From “The Hmong of Laos—No Place to Run,” January 1974, National Geographic magazine
  苗族女孩,老挝, 1974年
  Wilbur E. Garrett摄
  “除了相互依靠别无支援,老挝苗族女孩反映出被旷日持久的战争赶出家园的人们的无助。苗族被迫从他们的山村中逃离并选择站在冲突的那一方。苗族游击队也成为美国在这个东南亚国家外交政策中的一支暗藏力量。现在,1973年达成了并不稳定的停火协议,被从与世隔绝的山顶驱赶出来的苗族发现他们已融入老挝社会生活的主流 。
  -选自“老挝苗族-无处可逃” 国家地理杂志 1974年1月

作者:唯一的老四 回复日期:2008-05-28 20:55:38 
    作者:淡色的树 回复日期:2008-5-28 20:45:47 

作者:唯一的老四 回复日期:2008-05-28 21:03:00 
  June 11, 2001
  Turkish Steam Bath, Istanbul, Turkey, 1973
  Photograph by Winfield I. Parks, Jr
  "Luxury for an Istanbulian is in the 100°F [38°C] heat of a Turkish bath. The Romans built the city’s first public baths. This marble retreat rose in the 16th century, a design of the architect Sinan, who created hundreds of glorious structures for the Ottomans. Basement boilers produce the steam, and holes in the dome release excess heat. A hundred public baths reserve separate hours or rooms for women. In bygone days, marriage contracts assured wives an allowance for bath money."
  —From "Istanbul, the City That Links Europe and Asia," October 1973, National Geographic magazine
  土耳其浴 伊斯坦布尔 土耳其 1973年
  Winfield I. Parks, Jr摄
  选自“伊斯坦布尔--连接欧亚的城市” 国家地理杂志 1973年10月

作者:mmikko 回复日期:2008-05-28 21:06:00 

作者:也算上了一课 回复日期:2008-05-28 21:06:12 

作者:唯一的老四 回复日期:2008-05-28 21:06:40 
    June 12, 2001
  Gusinje Soft-Drink Break, Yugoslavia, 1970
  Photograph by James P. Blair
  "Forbidden alcohol by their religion, Moslem Shiptars enjoy a soft-drink break in the Montenegrin village of Gusinje, near the Albanian border. The photographer, shooting through the café’s lace-draped window, caught his own reflection (left) and that of grinning boys in the village street."
  —From "Yugoslavia: Six Republics in One," May 1970, National Geographic magazine
  古西涅茶歇 南斯拉夫 1970年
  James P. Blair摄
  选自“南斯拉夫 六合一共和国” 国家地理杂志 1970年5月

作者:唯一的老四 回复日期:2008-05-28 21:09:57 
    June 13, 2001
  Vietnamese Woman at Border, Vietnam, 1968
  Photograph by Wilbur E. Garrett
  "’Please help my baby!’ a Vietnamese mother pleads with an interpreter aboard a U.S. Navy patrol boat in the delta. The patrol, seeking VC craft on the waterways, had stopped her sampan shortly after sunup—before the 7 a.m. curfew ended. Finding neither VC nor contraband, the sailors helped her sick child as much as they could from the vessel’s first-aid kit and moved on."
  —From "Mekong: River of Terror and Hope," December 1968, National Geographic magazine

作者:唯一的老四 回复日期:2008-05-28 21:15:37 
    上图 边境的越南女人 越南 1968年
  Wilbur E. Garrett摄
选自“湄公河--河流的恐怖和希望” 国家地理杂志 1968年12月     June 14, 2001
  Afghan Woman in Chadri, Afghanistan, 1968
  Photograph by Thomas J. Abercrombie
  "Denied face and form by an age-old custom, a woman of Kabul secludes herself in a sleeveless silk chadri; a pair of Old World goldfinches rides home from market on her head. Reflecting the forces of change at work in the land, Afghan law no longer requires the chadri, whose pleats echo a style of centuries ago."
  —From "Afghanistan: Crossroad of Conquerors," September 1968, National Geographic magazine
  穿察都里袍子的女人 阿富汗 1968年
  Thomas J. Abercrombie摄
  选自“阿富汗--征服者的岔路口” 国家地理杂志 1968年9月

作者:alalalalla 回复日期:2008-05-28 21:16:53 
  这个活。。。。。。。 闹特以贼啊

作者:alalalalla 回复日期:2008-05-28 21:18:01 
    欧叶 直播

作者:也算上了一课 回复日期:2008-05-28 21:18:06 
    唯一的老四 淡色的树

作者:唯一的老四 回复日期:2008-05-28 21:19:06 
    June 15, 2001
  Underwater Beauty, Florida, 1944
  Photograph by J. Baylor Roberts
  Sitting on a log in the waters of Florida’s famous Wakulla Springs, near Tallahassee, two trick swimmers start a submarine beauty shop. In places this crystal-clear spring is 185 feet [56 meters] deep. Many underwater movies are made here.
  J. Baylor Roberts摄

作者:mnwvcsy 回复日期:2008-05-28 21:20:42 

作者:ILOVELOVEBUNNY 回复日期:2008-05-28 21:21:02 

作者:伊世 回复日期:2008-05-28 21:21:44 

作者:响亮的喷嚏 回复日期:2008-05-28 21:23:04 

作者:唯一的老四 回复日期:2008-05-28 21:23:36 
    June 16, 2001
  Grand Canyon Sunrise, Arizona, 1997
  Photograph by Bruce Dale
  "Sunrise illuminates the sandstone face of Toroweap Overlook, 3,000 feet [914 meters] above the Colorado River in Arizona’s Grand Canyon."
  —Text from the National Geographic book The American Southwest: Land of Challenge and Promise, 1998
  Bruce Dale<摄
  文字摘自“美国西南部--挑战与希望之地” 国家地理 1998年

作者:淡色的树 回复日期:2008-05-28 21:26:04 
  7-也许是最后一个没有见过人类的动物,这只Goualougo Triangle 小猩猩对Fay的小队没有任何恐惧感“如果让这片地区被采伐,我们将毁掉了解这种动物原生态的机会”Fay如是说
  10-声音穿过雨水洗刷后的群山远去,Ariaal女人们在她们前往婚礼的路上:"’Meirita ngai nkeera ang!"她们唱到。“上帝保佑我们的孩子!”所有Marsabit地区在雨季结束的时候狂欢

作者:唯一的老四 回复日期:2008-05-28 21:27:02 
    June 17, 2001
  Nepalese Laborers, Thimphu, Bhutan, 1991
  Photograph by James L. Stanfield
  Indian and Nepalese laborers at a South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) construction site.
  尼泊尔劳工,不丹,廷布 1991年
  James L. Stanfield摄

作者:唯一的老四 回复日期:2008-05-28 21:28:29 
    作者:淡色的树 回复日期:2008-5-28 21:26:04 

作者:fay119 回复日期:2008-05-28 21:29:07 

作者:天神的左手 回复日期:2008-05-28 21:32:42 

作者:miqin 回复日期:2008-05-28 21:42:33 

作者:wette 回复日期:2008-05-28 21:42:36 

作者:alalalalla 回复日期:2008-05-28 21:42:50 
    作者:唯一的老四 回复日期:2008-5-28 21:28:29 
    作者:淡色的树 回复日期:2008-5-28 21:26:04 
  楼主好负责啊啊啊啊。。。。。。。 闹特以贼

作者:flowerinsky 回复日期:2008-05-28 21:43:51 
     好贴 经久不衰

作者:唯一的老四 回复日期:2008-05-28 21:44:14 
    June 18, 2001
  Tadmur Ruins, Tadmur, Syria, 1991
  Photograph by James L. Stanfield
  Reminders of Tadmur’s glory as a great crossroads of the Roman Empire, a monumental arch and colonnaded streets lie below the hilltop ruins of an Arab castle.
  大马士革废墟 泰德穆尔 叙利亚 1991年

作者:唯一的老四 回复日期:2008-05-28 21:47:44 
    June 19, 2001
  Chinese Dungeon, China, 1928
  Photograph by Joseph F. Rock
  Three murderers are kept in a stone dungeon, where they sit day and night with huge boards around their necks.
  Joseph F. Rock摄

作者:唯一的老四 回复日期:2008-05-28 21:51:11 
    June 20, 2001
  Zambezi River Canoe, Zambia, 1997
  Photograph by Chris Johns
  "The fire of dawn lights a path across Africa’s Zambezi River, where villagers in Zambia travel as they always have—in a dugout canoe. With the coming of political stability in southern Africa, the Zambezi opens the way to some of the continent’s most unspoiled reaches."
  —From "Down the Zambezi," October 1997, National Geographic magazine
  赞比西河独木舟,赞比亚 1997年
  Chris Johns摄
  选自“赞比西河向下” 国家地理杂志 1997年10月

作者:20040806 回复日期:2008-05-28 21:51:31 

作者:唯一的老四 回复日期:2008-05-28 21:54:15 
    June 21, 2001
  Myanmar Boy Bathing, Meiktila, Myanmar (Burma), 1984
  Photograph by James L. Stanfield
  "Near Mandalay, in the village of Meiktila, I saw this young boy bathing by a river bank. I am always looking for faces, light, some kind of mood, something that will move the reader. Although this one was just beautiful, it did not appear in the magazine."
  —From Eye of the Beholder: The Photography of James L. Stanfield, 1998

作者:hebingqin 回复日期:2008-05-28 21:54:50 

作者:wen84biao 回复日期:2008-05-28 21:56:21 
   很是希望LZ找个如 树 那样英文水平高人的合作!

作者:唯一的老四 回复日期:2008-05-28 21:58:19 
    June 22, 2001
  Bhutan Monk, Tongsa, Bhutan, 1991
  Photograph by James L. Stanfield
  At the time of this photograph, senior monk Tharpa Tashi had been confined to the Tongsa Dzong ("Tongsa Fortress") watchtower for six years. He was to remain there for four more years, when he was to retire at 60.

作者:唯一的老四 回复日期:2008-05-28 22:08:58 
    作者:wen84biao 回复日期:2008-5-28 21:56:21 
     很是希望LZ找个如 树 那样英文水平高人的合作!
  June 23, 2001
  Empty Quarter Desert, Oman, 1995
  Photograph by James L. Stanfield
  Late afternoon light glints off the sand dunes in the Rub’ al Khali (Empty Quarter) desert.

作者:唯一的老四 回复日期:2008-05-28 22:12:48 
    June 24, 2001
  Puerto Ayora Albatross, Ecuador, 1999
  Photograph by Stuart Franklin
  "Imagine Puerto Ayora without fishing and tourist boats and that concrete albatross [foreground], and you get a picture of the pristine South American islands Charles Darwin visited in 1835. But the picture has since been developed."
  —From "Galápagos: Paradise in Peril," April 1999, National Geographic magazine

作者:浅草fairy 回复日期:2008-05-28 22:20:19 
  辛苦啦 楼主和翻译树

作者:香槟超新星 回复日期:2008-05-28 22:24:56 

作者:拿起枪来 回复日期:2008-05-28 22:25:22 

作者:风起青萍之初 回复日期:2008-05-28 22:28:36 

作者:芳宾 回复日期:2008-05-28 22:28:37 
    喵一声显示存在 嘿嘿

作者:唯一的老四 回复日期:2008-05-28 22:31:04 
    June 25, 2001
  Sari and Catsuit, Mumbai (Bombay), India, 1999
  Photograph by Joe McNally
  "They’re well-off, well-educated, widely traveled, fluent in several languages. Nakshatra Reddy is a biochemist, married to a prosperous businessman in Mumbai (formerly Bombay). Her daughter Meghana (in a PVC catsuit of her own design) is a model and former host on the music video channel VTV. Another daughter models full-time, and a third works for Swatch, the trendy Swiss watchmaker. They are elites, and the global marketplace for goods, information, and style is their corner store."
  —From "A World Together," August 1999, National Geographic magazine

作者:sumi00745 回复日期:2008-05-28 22:31:55 

作者:华东路大肉面 回复日期:2008-05-28 22:38:57 

作者:samsgenie 回复日期:2008-05-28 22:41:22 

作者:唯一的老四 回复日期:2008-05-28 22:42:10 
    June 26, 2001
  Neversink Pit, Alabama, 1998
  Photograph by George Steinmetz
  "The limestone walls of Neversink, a 162-foot-deep open-air pit, provide habitat for a rare fern. ’The frontiers,’ wrote Henry David Thoreau, ’are not east or west, north or south, but wherever a man fronts a fact.’"
  —From "Making Sense of the Millennium," January 1998, National Geographic magazine

作者:飞不上去的猫 回复日期:2008-05-28 22:44:30 

作者:Emma813 回复日期:2008-05-28 22:44:48 

作者:唯一的老四 回复日期:2008-05-28 22:45:55 
    June 27, 2001
  Arles, France, 1997
  Photograph by Lynn Johnson
  "Lit by a vigorous sun, a sheet casts a long shadow on a building in Arles, an ancient town in the south of France where van Gogh journeyed to seek luminous colors like the ones in Japanese prints."
  —From "Vincent van Gogh: Lullaby in Color," October 1997, National Geographic magazine

作者:你化的蝶 回复日期:2008-05-28 22:48:44 

作者:唯一的老四 回复日期:2008-05-28 22:51:10 
    June 28, 2001
  Victoria Falls Flight, Africa, 1997
  Photograph by Chris Johns
  "’Angels in their flight’ would have paused to marvel at Victoria Falls, wrote missionary and explorer David Livingstone, who in 1855 became the first European to see the mile-wide [1.6-kilometer-wide] cataract on the Zambezi. Today ultralights provide a heavenly view."
  —From "Down the Zambezi," October 1997, National Geographic magazine

作者:帝王龙熙 回复日期:2008-05-28 22:57:21 

作者:唯一的老四 回复日期:2008-05-28 22:59:13 
    June 29, 2001
  Great Sail Peak Summit, Canada, 1999
  Photograph by Gordon Wiltsie
  "Glorying in the moment, climbers stand tall on Great Sail Peak’s summit."
  —From "Hitting the Wall," January 1999, National Geographic magazine

作者:淡色的树 回复日期:2008-05-28 22:59:47 
  11-被冰霜覆盖山谷的石头和土壤形成巨大的七巧板,这儿火山灰的年龄告诉我们百万年来这里几乎没有改变“南极洲掌握着答案”地理学家Dave Marchant说道,他在找寻地球历史的蛛丝马迹“它们只是被隐藏起来了”

作者:一切缘由个中滋味 回复日期:2008-05-28 23:00:02 

作者:看看天下 回复日期:2008-05-28 23:00:24 

作者:书剑无涯 回复日期:2008-05-28 23:03:33 

作者:灵芝灯 回复日期:2008-05-28 23:06:08 
    谢谢楼主 楼主辛苦了 还是坚持翻译把 虽然翻译得不好 但是有个 翻译起码可以猜测到中心内容 不翻译什么都不知道

作者:唯一的老四 回复日期:2008-05-28 23:08:44 
    June 30, 2001
  Tobacco Farmer, Cuba, 1999
  Photograph by David Alan Harvey
  "Natural riches still support much of Cuba’s economy. Some of the world’s finest cigar tobacco grows in San Juan y Mart"Natural riches still support much of Cuba’s economy. Some of the world’s finest cigar tobacco grows in San Juan y Martínez, where farmer Juan Gomez checks drying leaves that he will sell to the state monopoly."
  —From “Cuba—Evolution in the Revolution,” June 1999, National Geographic magazine

作者:半颗尘土 回复日期:2008-05-28 23:09:32 

作者:唯一的老四 回复日期:2008-05-28 23:10:33 
    作者:淡色的树 回复日期:2008-5-28 22:59:47 

作者:唯一的老四 回复日期:2008-05-28 23:11:47 
    作者:淡色的树 回复日期:2008-5-28 22:59:47 

作者:hmily2367 回复日期:2008-05-28 23:15:49 

作者:mpotter 回复日期:2008-05-28 23:18:46 

作者:selooloo 回复日期:2008-05-28 23:19:50 

作者:你永远不会独行 回复日期:2008-05-28 23:20:33 
    ding ~!

作者:唯一的老四 回复日期:2008-05-28 23:20:50 
    July 1, 2001
  Young Ballerinas, Monaco, 1996
  Photograph by Jodi Cobb
  Young ballerinas wait in the wings at a recital.

作者:局面要失控 回复日期:2008-05-28 23:25:41 

作者:唯一的老四 回复日期:2008-05-28 23:26:14 
    July 2, 2001
  Still Life, Moscow, Russia, 1986
  Photograph by Sam Abell
  "What’s the use? What’s going on in the world? War and Peace hero Count Pierre Bezukhov looked at Moscow society in 1811 and wrestled with his conscience. Like this character in his epic novel, Tolstoy questioned his own life; he eventually became a vegetarian and espoused religious views that drew fire from the Russian Orthodox Church and the government. He often visited the Kremlin, right, where he met and proposed to his wife, Sofia Andreyevna Behrs, a court doctor’s daughter."
  —From "The World of Tolstoy," June 1986, National Geographic magazine

作者:唯一的老四 回复日期:2008-05-28 23:32:43 
    July 3, 2001
  Tomoe Inn Window, Hagi, Japan, 1984
  Photograph by Sam Abell
  "Seeing with eyes of the heart—known as mono no aware in Japanese—describes the way to understand this visual poem of a tree, framed by a window, against a backdrop of roof tiles at Hagi’s Tomoe Inn. Set to haiku, a traditional Japanese poetry form, the scene reads:
  "A courtyard window
  This tree stands, remembering
  The old Tomoe."
  —From "Hagi: Where Japan’s Revolution Began," June 1984, National Geographic magazine

作者:hugo997 回复日期:2008-05-28 23:36:20 

作者:唯一的老四 回复日期:2008-05-28 23:40:11 
    July 4, 2001
  Chipaya Woman and Sheep, Bolivia, 1999
  Photograph by Maria Stenzel
  "Scoured by gusting sand, a Chipaya woman follows her sheep home across the high plains. As more of her people leave to become farmworkers or housekeepers elsewhere in Bolivia and Chile, will the Chipaya’s roots hold, or will they be pulled up and scattered to the winds?"
  —From "Vanishing Cultures," August 1999, National Geographic magazine

作者:电力工人 回复日期:2008-05-28 23:40:46 
    直播 ????精彩 支持一下

作者:淡色的树 回复日期:2008-05-28 23:43:53 
  28-当尘土扬起,Dell LeFevre将要结束他最后的牲畜,开车去Escalante河,那里现在是禁牧区。五代畜牧,LeFevre只能在纪念碑上坚持自己的放牧权利。。

作者:淡色的树 回复日期:2008-05-28 23:45:19 

作者:唯一的老四 回复日期:2008-05-28 23:46:08 
    作者:hugo997 回复日期:2008-5-28 23:36:20 
  July 5, 2001
  Van Gogh Window, France, 1997
  Photograph by Lynn Johnson
  "Framing a view that inspired van Gogh, a window lights an art therapy studio newly opened in the asylum to which the artist retreated, shaken by his illness."
  —From "Vincent van Gogh: Lullaby in Color," October 1997, National Geographic magazine

作者:兀秃秃 回复日期:2008-05-28 23:50:59 

作者:唯一的老四 回复日期:2008-05-28 23:56:17 
    July 6, 2001
  Texas Wildflowers, Texas, 1999
  Photograph by Vincent J. Musi
  "Deep in the heart of Texas, the Hill Country’s limestone heights bend with the Balcones Escarpment and unfold west for some 200 miles [320 kilometers]. The rocky terrain has its soft spots; spring-fed rivers overflow with bass, catfish, and perch. And nowhere else in Texas is the show of wildflowers, such as purple vervain and fiery Indian blanket, more profuse—and striking—than here."
  —From "Texas Hill Country," April 1999, National Geographic magazine

作者:唯一的老四 回复日期:2008-05-29 00:01:13 
    July 7, 2001
  Desert Spadefoot Frog, Australia, 1999
  Photograph by Frans Lanting
  "A desert spadefoot frog surfaces with a wary stare at Australia’s Alice Springs Desert Park. Life hides in unexpected places: These frogs wait for rain deep in the outback’s red sands—for years, if need be."
  —From "The Variety of Life," February 1999, National Geographic magazine

作者:jhytxy 回复日期:2008-05-29 00:10:48 

作者:未央与鱼 回复日期:2008-05-29 00:11:23 

作者:fajoys 回复日期:2008-05-29 00:12:20 

作者:唯一的老四 回复日期:2008-05-29 00:12:54 
    July 8, 2001
  Borneo Pitcher Plant, Borneo, 1999
  Photograph by Mark W. Moffett
  "Deadly beauty, the pitcher plant traps insects in its fluid-filled cup, where they drown. But Colobopsis ants that live in the tendril are unharmed."
  —From "Ants and Plants," February 1999, National Geographic magazine

作者:唯一的老四 回复日期:2008-05-29 00:15:58 
    July 9, 2001
  Oxford Riverbank, England, 1999
  Photograph by Annie Griffiths Belt
  "Hooked on history as a boy, ’Ned’ [T.E. Lawrence] roamed the fields and riverbanks behind his home in Oxford, England, on the lookout for artifacts from Britain’s age of chivalry. At about age ten, he learned the unhappy truth about his own family: He and his four brothers were illegitimate, his parents unmarried, and the family name, Lawrence, fictitious."
  —From "Lawrence of Arabia," January 1999, National Geographic magazine

作者:唯一的老四 回复日期:2008-05-29 00:29:18 
    July 10, 2001
  Translucent Goby, Indonesia, 1999
  Photograph by David Doubilet
  "The island nations of the tropical western Pacific cradle the richest coral life on our planet. These submarine archipelagoes are bathed in the warmest of waters, and the designs of life are fashioned like tapestries. Small creatures consort with great ones, as does this inch-long [2.5-centimeter-long] translucent goby that lives and feeds on the mantle of a giant clam."
  —From "Coral Eden," January 1999, National Geographic magazine

作者:唯一的老四 回复日期:2008-05-29 00:32:17 
    July 11, 2001
  Prayer Flags, Canada, 1999
  Photograph by Gordon Wiltsie
  "For luck, the team strung prayer flags, a custom from Himalayan climbs."
  —From "Hitting the Wall: First Ascent of a Baffin Island Peak," January 1999, National Geographic magazine

作者:ralphralf 回复日期:2008-05-29 00:33:30