苗疆道事 精校:短线观点:中国通胀的“炼金效应”

来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/09/21 09:03:08
2010年11月16日 12:58 PM


Short view

作者:英国《金融时报》 詹姆斯•麦金托什  


When the indebted King Henry VI was struggling to hold England together in the 15th century, his advisers thought alchemy – turning lead into gold – might be a solution.

十五世纪,当债务缠身的英国国王亨利六世(Henry VI)奋力拯救英格兰时,他的谋士们认为,炼金术(把铅变成黄金)可能是一个解决办法。

The US Federal Reserve’s financial alchemy appears to have succeeded where Henry’s magicians failed, at least in transforming the price of base metals into gold.


Lead has soared since Ben Bernanke, Fed chairman, raised the idea of more quantitative easing at the end of August, rising just under 20 per cent. Copper and other base metals have also been transmuted: copper and gold have performed almost exactly alike.

自美联储主席本•伯南克(Ben Bernanke)8月底提出会进一步实行定量宽松以来,铅价已大幅上涨,涨幅接近20%。铜和其它贱金属也变了模样:铜和黄金的表现几乎完全一样。

For the goldbugs worried that the Fed’s QE2 is about to take the US on a trip back to the inflationary 1970s, this is merely a side effect of the rush for inflation protection. Real assets such as commodities are regarded as among the best way of insuring against inflation, although the market only believes QE2 will lead to slightly higher US inflation.


Not only the Fed’s financial alchemy is at work, though. Since 2005, when China’s insatiable appetite for commodities was recognised, the price of industrial materials has moved broadly in line with Chinese manufacturing.


The spot price of copper approached its $9,000-a-tonne 2008 peak last week, a fortnight after China’s purchasing managers’ index showed unexpectedly strong manufacturing growth.


The effects of QE have begun to fade. The dollar leapt over the past week, while 10-year Treasury bond yields soared.


At the same time, China is grappling with inflation, which reached 4.4 per cent in October. Beijing did not raise rates at the weekend, as many had expected, but it can only be a matter of time before it takes stronger action to cool the economy. Until then, stretched supply suggests prices can rise further. Longer term, the outlook for commodities now depends on whether China can slow growth without conjuring up a crash.


