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来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/04/28 14:24:26




尽管经期内的性生活使女性怀孕的概率很低,“但是,对怀孕而言,没有什么不可能发生,”美国印第安纳州立大学的Aaron Carroll说,他是《别吞下你的口香糖:有关你身体和健康的谎言和迷思》(Don't Swallow Your Gum: Myths, Half-truths and Outright Lies About Your Body and Health)一书的作者。



这并不是性生活发展的一个必然趋势。早在1994年,Edward Laumann就在美国进行了一项关于性生活习惯的大面积普查,调查结果显示,在年龄超过50岁的妇女中,仍有一半的人每个月都会进行数次性生活。

尽管部分更年期妇女会有潮热(hot flash)或其他不适症状,但这并不代表性欲和更年期有必然联系,Vreeman说。所以,如果你还能享受性生活带来的快乐,就没有理由对它说再见。





美国杜克大学的Edward Suarez在2008年对210人进行了一次系统研究,他发现女性更容易失眠或者惊醒,这将导致女性患心理疾病的概率增大,同时还会导致胰岛素水平上升,并出现更多的炎症——这些都将损害人的健康。




Rachel Vreeman是美国印第安纳州立大学教授,同时也是《别吞下你的口香糖》一书的合著者(另一位作者是Carroll),她说:“一些人认为(在一个女人失去贞操之前),处女膜是将阴道封闭起来的,其实这是错误的观念。”她继续说,只在极少的个案中,处女膜将阴道封闭起来,这样一来,女性经血将无法排出,进而引发多种疾病。


(Scientific American)

【原文】5 Myths About Women's Bodies

Myth: A women can't get pregnant during her period.

While a woman is unlikely to conceive during menstruation, "nothing, when it comes to pregnancy, is impossible," said Aaron Carroll of Indiana University and co-author of "Don't Swallow Your Gum: Myths, Half-truths and Outright Lies About Your Body and Health" (St. Martin's Griffin, 2009).

Once inside a woman, sperm can wait for an egg for up to a week. Ovulation can occur soon after, or even during, the bleeding phase of a woman's menstrual cycle, giving patient sperm the chance to get lucky. The timing method of birth control doesn't work well, Carroll said, agreeing that couples who practice it are often called: parents.

Myth: Menopause causes sex drive to nosedive.

The Change is not necessarily one that happens in the bedroom. A comprehensive survey of sexual habits in the United States, completed by Edward Laumann and colleagues in 1994, found that roughly half of women in their fifties have sex several times a month.

While hot flashes and other discomforts may make a women temporarily not in the mood, there is not a direct link between menopause and sexual desire, Vreeman said. So if you are entering the Big M, there is no reason to say good-bye to the Big O.

Myth: Antibiotics make birth control pills unreliable.

"Many physicians even believe this," Carroll said. Alone, birth control pills fail about one percent of the time. And that failure rate is unchanged when taken with the vast majority of antibiotics, Carroll said.

A possible exception is rifampin, the antibiotic prescribed for tuberculosis. Rifampin does lower pregnancy-protecting hormone levels induced by birth control pills, but whether the effect is large enough to increase pregnancy risk is unclear. Carroll thinks rifampin research spurred the antibiotic/birth control rumor. "Sometimes people say things and they just take off," he said.

Myth: Women and men need equal sleep.

Tossing and turning not only causes women more psychological distress, it also raises their insulin and inflammation levels -- risk factors for compromised health, found a 2008 study of 210 people led by Edward Suarez at Duke University.

A study of more than 6,000 participants, led by researchers at the University of Warwick in 2007, found that women who slept five or less hours a night were twice as likely to suffer from hypertension than women who slept for seven or more hours. Among men, there was no such relationship. Sleeping Beauty may be better off waking up on her own watch.

Myth: A doctor can tell if a woman is a virgin.

Even when using 10-fold magnification, doctors can not accurately sort virgins from the sexually-active, several studies have reported. It is not as simple as looking for a hole in the hymen because, well, there is always a hole in the hymen.

"Some people think the hymen seals off the vagina [until virginity is lost], but that is just not true," said Dr. Rachel Vreeman of Indiana University and Carroll's co-author of "Don't Swallow Your Gum." In the rare cases when it is sealed, period blood builds in the uterus and causes severe medical problems, she said.