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百度知道 >教育/科学 >外语学习 >英语翻译
悬赏分:20 - 解决时间:2010-4-30 20:36
提问者:qq姐天生丽质 -二级
哈,完全可以理解你的难处。英语中有很多汉语中没有的读音,当然觉得难。(对于那些相似或相近的你很容易掌握是吧)下面是一些发音技巧,即:什么词发什么音。其中有很多规则的。看完你会收获一些心得吧。音素: 音的最小单位,英语中有48个音素.音节: 由元音和辅音构成的发音单位.元音: 发音响亮,是乐音,口腔中气流不受阻碍,是音节的主要组成部分.英语中有20个元音. 辅音: 发音不响亮,是噪音,口腔中气流受到阻碍,不是音节的重要组成部分,英语中有28个辅音.1 元音:1) [i:] 字母组合:ee ea e iethree tree green sheep meet beef see seekeat tea meat leave lead teacher team mean speak clean pleasehe she mepiece receive ceiling2) [i] 发音字母 i y esit picture it is list six mix fix fit pig big build missmyth many twenty happy dictionarydefect decide delicious3) [æ ]发音字母 abag hand and ant happy hat map mad bad black back glad flag shall man4) [e] 字母组合 ea e ahead bread pleasureelephant electric remember sell shell lesson better bed desk hotel yesmany any5) [?:] 字母组合ir ur ear ur orgirl shirt skirt thirty thirteen third birdturn burn murder nurse turtle Thursday burgerlearn earn earth heardterm her nerd servework worm work world6) [?] 字母组合 er or ou ar o a e uteacher leader remember player speaker farmer powderdoctor actor mayor author tractordelicious gracious pleasurefamiliar collar dollartogether tomorrow today shallop lesson Washington control polite around account ago elephant manta banana Canada Japan chinamen listenfamulus Saturday7) [a:] 字母组合 ar acar farm card arm gardenfast class last glass plant aunt calm8) [?] 发音字母 u o ou ooup supper lunch fun gun hunt cup buscome mother dose brother love abovetrouble rough flourishblood flood9) [?:]字母组合 al or au our arsmall wall talk tall hall ball call walkshort more lord horse for forty sport door floor storeauthor caught autumnfour mourn court boughtwarm quarrel quarter10) [?] 发音字母 o ahot lost lot fox box mop hop loss collar notwant wash11) [u:] 字母组合 oo o ufood moon room gloom broom doom goose toothshoe do twotrue truth blue full12) [u] 字母组合 oo ou u olook good foot bookshould couldput full bull pull pushwomen whose13) [ei] 发音字母 a ay ea ai eyname cake late gate plane Aprilplay say may waygreat breakrain paint plainthey grey14) [ai] 发音字母 i ybike fine find die nine light night highmy try fly eye15) [au] 字母组合 ou owhouse out flour ground account count sound loud around mouseflower down now cow how town16) [?u] 发音字母 o ow oahome cold go no phone host ghostknow low below grow blow show flowboat coat goal17) [?i] 字母组合oy oiboy toy joyoil soil voice choice18) [i?] 字母组合 eerbeer deer ear idea near here fierce19) [ε?] 字母组合ear airpear bear chair air fair care there where20) [u?] hour tour poor flower shower2 容易混淆的元音[æ] [e]bad bed hand head man men land lend pan pen sad said[i:] [ei]real rail greet great mean main read raid[e] [ai]bet bite red write said side head hide[au] [?:]house horse loud lord south sauce cloud clause now nor count corn[au] [?]found fond down done gown gone town ton3辅音1) [p] pen pear play pig pour pull push2) [b] book big boot bike bread break3) [t] tree two ten ton town twenty city4) [d] door dull desk dose do dog dictionary5) [k] king kite key look cook book kitchen sky (发音字母k)card cat cream correct climb come account accept (发音字母c)fox box oxygen x-ray (发音字母x)school schedule schema (字母组合ch)6) [g] girl good goal goat grade long language7) [m] man make moon morning move come comb8) [n] pen ten nine fine night noon moon clean9) [?] uncle bank English think thank junksing king morning evening10) [l] long land lend lord fly flag blackworld cold could goal soul11) [r] read red right run room write12) [f] five fly fine flag frog fog roof knife life wifecough laugh rough physic photo phone13) [v] very evening even every voice vestof14) [s] six sit student same seat kiss miss case scarf (发音字母s)license city cease cedar ceiling celebrate (发音字母c)licence piece juice science lance space ace (字母组合ce)15) [z] zoo zebra zero zapclose nose hose suppose pause those whose16) [θ] think thank three thirty tooth mouth17) [ð] that this those these though18) [?] sheep shoulder ship shoe she brush washnation attention stationsocial specialsure19) [??] pleasure20) [h] hot hop home house horse how who21) [w] when what where window wind wood22) [j] yes year yell you your yolk yellow23) [t?] child chicken china chair lunch ouch catch teach24) [d?] age language cabbage vegetable stage bridgejoy enjoy join July June junk25) [tr] tree country try treat track trunk26) [dr] dry dream drop drive drink27) [ts] students boots boats goats nuts28) [dz] goods woods moods hoods4容易混淆的辅音[v] [w]vest west vet wet vine wine very well[s] [θ]sink think mass math miss myth sort sought[z] [ð]close cloth breeze breathe[n] [?]thin thing sin sing ran rang ban bang win wing添加一点:9) [?:]字母组合 al or au our ar awsmall wall talk tall hall ball call walkshort more lord horse for forty sport door floor storeauthor caught autumnfour mourn court boughtwarm quarrel quarterdraw saw flaw23) [t?] child chicken china chair lunch ouch teach (字母组合ch)catch watch match (字母组合tch)5 字母,组合音节发音规律1)a [ei] [æ] [?] [a:] [?:]late private grade bake grape nation station pageactive hand bank fan parent family glad flagaccept about above formative machine cinemafast last glass class past fatherwash what watch want2)e [i:] [e] [i] [?] 不发音appreciate extremely secret she me heletter left message generate pebbledecide pretty previous result restoreproblem prosperous student confidentactive table late wife store lecture3)i [ai] [i]high price library ice cream wife size linefist pick chicken piano fiancé city unit4)o [?u] [u:] [?] [?] [?]lode host cold note okay old homelose do who whose provelove some other mother honey companytoday tomorrow together control collectlost hot mock office soft honest5)u [ju] [u] [?] [?]university refuse unique universe hugeput push pull full bullbut brush bucket duck bubblesupport suggest6)c [k] [s]country camp camera courage cablecity ceiling celebrate cell cease7)g [g] [d?] [?]girl grade glass glade bag flagvillage vegetable bridge gentleman gymlong song sing morning evening8) l [l] 读音不同listen learn language collect English gorillaworld cold soil tall sell cool animal9) n [n] [?]moon night noodle numberuncle hungry angry young10) r [r] [[](美语发音)right read write grade progresscard board door floor form north11)y [j] [i] [ai]yellow year yell young yolkuniversity country pretty happydyke dying fly buy by my12)ar [a:] [?] [?:]farm card garden markdollarwarm quarrel quarter13) ea [i:] [e] [ei] [i?]cease season breathe feature meat pleasebread breast breath meadow weathergreat breakidea realize14) ear [?:] [i?]learn earth earn heardhear near clear ear fear15) er [?:] [?] [i?]deserve serve her personteacher driver anger singerserious experience mysterious fierce16) ere [i?] [ε?]here mere fere serethere17) ir [?:] [ai]shirt girl skirtadmire desire18) oo [u:] [u] [?] [?:]room tool cool moon noon goof foodgood foot stood wood wool cook wood bookblood flooddoor floor19) or [?:] [?:] [?]short form corn born forwork world worm word worsttractor doctor actor sector senior senator20) oor [?:] [u?]door floormoor poor boor21) our [u?] [?:]hour tour flour bourn lourpour court four mourn22) ou [au] [?] [?]house mouth mouse sound foundenough trouble touchdelicious gracious prosperous23) ow [?u] [au]window meadow know show lownow town how down cow24) se [z] [s]nose suppose gose lose pose rosemouse house25) th [θ] [ð]thank think thought clothclothes that this then than26) sion [? ? n] [? ? n]propulsion tension progression passionprotrusion provision conclusion television27) tion [? ? n] [t? ? n](不常见)station nation translation attentionquestion
回答者:最美的洒脱 -三级  2010-4-28 17:14
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•求:韩剧《小妇人》插曲《和解》,用汉字、英语单词或音标对照韩语发音  7  2007-9-2
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其他回答    共 1 条
1 元音:1) [i:] 字母组合:ee ea e iethree tree green sheep meet beef see seekeat tea meat leave lead teacher team mean speak clean pleasehe she mepiece receive ceiling2) [i] 发音字母 i y esit picture it is list six mix fix fit pig big build missmyth many twenty happy dictionarydefect decide delicious3) [æ ]发音字母 abag hand and ant happy hat map mad bad black back glad flag shall man4) [e] 字母组合 ea e ahead bread pleasureelephant electric remember sell shell lesson better bed desk hotel yesmany any5) [?:] 字母组合ir ur ear ur orgirl shirt skirt thirty thirteen third birdturn burn murder nurse turtle Thursday burgerlearn earn earth heardterm her nerd servework worm work world6) [?] 字母组合 er or ou ar o a e uteacher leader remember player speaker farmer powderdoctor actor mayor author tractordelicious gracious pleasurefamiliar collar dollartogether tomorrow today shallop lesson Washington control polite around account ago elephant manta banana Canada Japan chinamen listenfamulus Saturday7) [a:] 字母组合 ar acar farm card arm gardenfast class last glass plant aunt calm8) [?] 发音字母 u o ou ooup supper lunch fun gun hunt cup buscome mother dose brother love abovetrouble rough flourishblood flood9) [?:]字母组合 al or au our arsmall wall talk tall hall ball call walkshort more lord horse for forty sport door floor storeauthor caught autumnfour mourn court boughtwarm quarrel quarter10) [?] 发音字母 o ahot lost lot fox box mop hop loss collar notwant wash11) [u:] 字母组合 oo o ufood moon room gloom broom doom goose toothshoe do twotrue truth blue full12) [u] 字母组合 oo ou u olook good foot bookshould couldput full bull pull pushwomen whose13) [ei] 发音字母 a ay ea ai eyname cake late gate plane Aprilplay say may waygreat breakrain paint plainthey grey14) [ai] 发音字母 i ybike fine find die nine light night highmy try fly eye15) [au] 字母组合 ou owhouse out flour ground account count sound loud around mouseflower down now cow how town16) [?u] 发音字母 o ow oahome cold go no phone host ghostknow low below grow blow show flowboat coat goal17) [?i] 字母组合oy oiboy toy joyoil soil voice choice18) [i?] 字母组合 eerbeer deer ear idea near here fierce19) [ε?] 字母组合ear airpear bear chair air fair care there where20) [u?] hour tour poor flower shower2 容易混淆的元音[æ] [e]bad bed hand head man men land lend pan pen sad said[i:] [ei]real rail greet great mean main read raid[e] [ai]bet bite red write said side head hide[au] [?:]house horse loud lord south sauce cloud clause now nor count corn[au] [?]found fond down done gown gone town ton3辅音1) [p] pen pear play pig pour pull push2) [b] book big boot bike bread break3) [t] tree two ten ton town twenty city4) [d] door dull desk dose do dog dictionary5) [k] king kite key look cook book kitchen sky (发音字母k)card cat cream correct climb come account accept (发音字母c)fox box oxygen x-ray (发音字母x)school schedule schema (字母组合ch)6) [g] girl good goal goat grade long language7) [m] man make moon morning move come comb8) [n] pen ten nine fine night noon moon clean9) [?] uncle bank English think thank junksing king morning evening10) [l] long land lend lord fly flag blackworld cold could goal soul11) [r] read red right run room write12) [f] five fly fine flag frog fog roof knife life wifecough laugh rough physic photo phone13) [v] very evening even every voice vestof14) [s] six sit student same seat kiss miss case scarf (发音字母s)license city cease cedar ceiling celebrate (发音字母c)licence piece juice science lance space ace (字母组合ce)15) [z] zoo zebra zero zapclose nose hose suppose pause those whose16) [θ] think thank three thirty tooth mouth17) [ð] that this those these though18) [?] sheep shoulder ship shoe she brush washnation attention stationsocial specialsure19) [??] pleasure20) [h] hot hop home house horse how who21) [w] when what where window wind wood22) [j] yes year yell you your yolk yellow23) [t?] child chicken china chair lunch ouch catch teach24) [d?] age language cabbage vegetable stage bridgejoy enjoy join July June junk25) [tr] tree country try treat track trunk26) [dr] dry dream drop drive drink27) [ts] students boots boats goats nuts28) [dz] goods woods moods hoods4容易混淆的辅音[v] [w]vest west vet wet vine wine very well[s] [θ]sink think mass math miss myth sort sought[z] [ð]close cloth breeze breathe[n] [?]thin thing sin sing ran rang ban bang win wing添加一点:9) [?:]字母组合 al or au our ar awsmall wall talk tall hall ball call walkshort more lord horse for forty sport door floor storeauthor caught autumnfour mourn court boughtwarm quarrel quarterdraw saw flaw23) [t?] child chicken china chair lunch ouch teach (字母组合ch)catch watch match (字母组合tch)5 字母,组合音节发音规律1)a [ei] [æ] [?] [a:] [?:]late private grade bake grape nation station pageactive hand bank fan parent family glad flagaccept about above formative machine cinemafast last glass class past fatherwash what watch want2)e [i:] [e] [i] [?] 不发音appreciate extremely secret she me heletter left message generate pebbledecide pretty previous result restoreproblem prosperous student confidentactive table late wife store lecture3)i [ai] [i]high price library ice cream wife size linefist pick chicken piano fiancé city unit4)o [?u] [u:] [?] [?] [?]lode host cold note okay old homelose do who whose provelove some other mother honey companytoday tomorrow together control collectlost hot mock office soft honest5)u [ju] [u] [?] [?]university refuse unique universe hugeput push pull full bullbut brush bucket duck bubblesupport suggest6)c [k] [s]country camp camera courage cablecity ceiling celebrate cell cease7)g [g] [d?] [?]girl grade glass glade bag flagvillage vegetable bridge gentleman gymlong song sing morning evening8) l [l] 读音不同listen learn language collect English gorillaworld cold soil tall sell cool animal9) n [n] [?]moon night noodle numberuncle hungry angry young10) r [r] [[](美语发音)right read write grade progresscard board door floor form north11)y [j] [i] [ai]yellow year yell young yolkuniversity country pretty happydyke dying fly buy by my12)ar [a:] [?] [?:]farm card garden markdollarwarm quarrel quarter13) ea [i:] [e] [ei] [i?]cease season breathe feature meat pleasebread breast breath meadow weathergreat breakidea realize14) ear [?:] [i?]learn earth earn heardhear near clear ear fear15) er [?:] [?] [i?]deserve serve her personteacher driver anger singerserious experience mysterious fierce16) ere [i?] [ε?]here mere fere serethere17) ir [?:] [ai]shirt girl skirtadmire desire18) oo [u:] [u] [?] [?:]room tool cool moon noon goof foodgood foot stood wood wool cook wood bookblood flooddoor floor19) or [?:] [?:] [?]short form corn born forwork world worm word worsttractor doctor actor sector senior senator20) oor [?:] [u?]door floormoor poor boor21) our [u?] [?:]hour tour flour bourn lourpour court four mourn22) ou [au] [?] [?]house mouth mouse sound foundenough trouble touchdelicious gracious prosperous23) ow [?u] [au]window meadow know show lownow town how down cow24) se [z] [s]nose suppose gose lose pose rosemouse house25) th [θ] [ð]thank think thought clothclothes that this then than26) sion [? ? n] [? ? n]propulsion tension progression passionprotrusion provision conclusion television27) tion [? ? n] [t? ? n](不常见)station nation translation attentionquestion
回答者:第三句话语 -一级  2010-4-29 18:12


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