膝盖正面结构图解剖图:译言网 | 小型企业失败的10大原因

来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/04/29 03:12:00



于2011-01-06 22:58:37翻译 | 已有1197人浏览


Tags:失败 | 企业 | 生意 | 原因
One of the least understood aspects of entrepreneurship is why small businesses fail, and there's a simple reason for the confusion: Most of the evidence comes from the entrepreneurs themselves.



I have had a close-up view of numerous business failures -- including a few start-ups of my own. And from my observation, the reasons for failure cited by the owners are frequently off-point, which kind of makes sense when you think about it. If the owners really knew what they were doing wrong, they might have been able to fix the problem. Often, it's simply a matter of denial or of not knowing what you don't know.




In many cases, the customers -- or, I should say, ex-customers -- have a better understanding than the owners of what wasn't working. The usual suspects that the owners tend to blame are the bank, the government, or the idiot partner. Rarely does the owner's finger point at the owner. Of course, there are cases where something out of the owner's control has gone terribly wrong, but I have found those instances to be in the minority. What follows -- based on my own experiences and observations -- are my top 10 reasons small businesses fail. The list is not pretty, it is not simple, and it does not contain any of those usual suspects (although they might come in at Nos. 11, 12 and 13).



1. The math just doesn't work. There is not enough demand for the product or service at a price that will produce a profit for the company. This, for example, would include a start-up trying to compete against Best Buy and its economies of scale.


1 算术没学好。一项售价在能为公司创利的产品或服务,没有足够的市场需求。这个,举例来说,包括那些试图与(知名企业)Best Buy及其经济规模相竞争的初创企业。

2. Owners who cannot get out of their own way. They may be stubborn, risk adverse, conflict adverse -- meaning they need to be liked by everyone (even employees and vendors who can't do their jobs). They may be perfectionist, greedy, self-righteous, paranoid, indignant, or insecure. You get the idea. Sometimes, you can even tell these owners the problem, and they will recognize that you are right -- but continue to make the same mistakes over and over.


2 业主不能改变自己(处世)方式。他们性格可能很顽固、不愿接受风险、不愿陷入冲突——也就是说他们必需被每个人所喜欢(甚至那些做不好自己本职工作的雇员和销售者)。他们性格可能太过完美主义、贪婪、自以为是、虚妄、易怒或者不可靠。你知道了。有时,你甚至会告诉这些业主他们的问题,他们也会承认你说对了,但是还是不断地犯同样的错误。

3. Out-of-control growth. This one might be the saddest of all reasons for failure -- a successful business that is ruined by over-expansion. This would include moving into markets that are not as profitable, experiencing growing pains that damage the business, or borrowing too much money in an attempt to keep growth at a particular rate. Sometimes less is more.


3 扩张失控。一个成功企业毁于过度扩张,这可能是最悲哀的失败原因。这方面的例子包括进入利润不怎么样市场领域、经历有损企业的发展时期困难,或者为了达到一定增长速度借钱过多。有时候少即是多。

4. Poor accounting. You cannot be in control of a business if you don't know what is going on. With bad numbers, or no numbers, a company is flying blind, and it happens all of the time. Why? For one thing, it is a common -- and disastrous -- misconception that an outside accounting firm hired primarily to do the taxes will keep watch over the business. In reality, that is the job of the chief financial officer, one of the many hats an entrepreneur has to wear until a real one is hired.


4 财务知识差。如果你不知道企业内部正在发生的事情,就不可能掌控一个企业。如果得到数据不准确或者数据空白,一个公司是在盲目前行,这样的情况一直都有发生。为什么这么说呢?一个原因:大家都有普遍误解(灾难性的),就是以为雇来主要做税务工作的外部会计事务所会帮助监督企业运营情况。事实上,这是财务总监的工作,财务总监也是创业者要承担的许多角色中的一个角色,直到雇到一个真正有能力做财务总监的人。

5. Lack of a cash cushion. If we have learned anything from this recession (I know it's "over" but my customers don't seem to have gotten the memo), it's that business is cyclical and that bad things can and will happen over time -- the loss of an important customer or critical employee, the arrival of a new competitor, the filing of a lawsuit. These things can all stress the finances of a company. If that company is already out of cash (and borrowing potential), it may not be able to recover.


5 缺少现金缓冲。如果我们已经从这次经济衰退中学到了什么(我知道它已经结束了,但是我的顾客看起来还没有吸取教训),就是说,事情总是周而复始的,坏事过一段时间可以、将会再次发生,举例来说,失去了一个重要的客户或者关键雇员、来了新的竞争者、卷入某种官司。这些事情都会对公司的财务造成压力。如果那个公司已经现金(或者借贷潜力)短缺了,它就有可能挺不过去。

6. Operational mediocrity. I have never met a business owner who described his or her operation as mediocre. But we can't all be above average. Repeat and referral business is critical for most businesses, as is some degree of marketing (depending on the business).


6 运营平庸,我从来没遇到过一个以“平庸”来形容自己公司运营情况的业主。但是不可能所有公司(运营情况)都在一般水平以上。回头客或者由他人推荐的生意对大多数企业来说都是至关重要的,同样,一定程度的市场业务(取决于业务种类)也很重要。

7. Operational inefficiencies. Paying too much for rent, labor, and materials. Now more than ever, the lean companies are at an advantage. Not having the tenacity or stomach to negotiate terms that are reflective of today's economy may leave a company uncompetitive.


7 运营无能。房租,劳资和材料花费太多。节约的公司在这方面更有优势,当今比从前表现得更为明显。如果在磋商协定条款(当前经济状况的反射)过程中不具备坚韧和勇气,就可能会置公司于没有竞争力的境地。

8. Dysfunctional management. Lack of focus, vision, planning, standards and everything else that goes into good management. Throw fighting partners or unhappy relatives into the mix, and you have a disaster.


8 管理不善。缺乏重点、远见,计划、标准以及一切可令公司走入良性管理的东西。再加上好斗的合伙人或者不知足的亲戚等等。。。你就麻烦了

9. The lack of a succession plan. We're talking nepotism, power struggles, significant players being replaced by people who are in over their heads -- all reasons many family businesses do not make it to the next generation.



10. A declining market. Book stores, music stores, printing businesses and many others are dealing with changes in technology, consumer demand, and competition from huge companies with more buying power and advertising dollars.


10 市场衰退书店,音响店,印刷业和其他一些业务都要应对技术、消费需求的改变,也面对来自购买力更大和广告投入更多的大型公司的竞争。

In life, you may have forgiving friends and relatives, but entrepreneurship is rarely forgiving. Eventually, everything shows up in the soup. If people don't like the soup, employees stop working for you, and customers stop doing business with you. And that is why businesses fail.



Jay Goltz owns five small businesses in Chicago.

