
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/05/18 23:20:51

日本公厕又现匿名捐款 1000万日元赠海啸受难者

http://www.sina.com.cn  2011年09月30日 14:19   环球网

  An anonymous donor in Japan has left 10m yen ($131,000; £83,000) to charity by dumping it in a public toilet。

  The money was found with a letter saying it should be donated tovictims of the earthquake and tsunami that hit Japan in March。

  The neatly wrapped bills were found in a plastic shopping bag in atoilet for disabled people in the city hall of Sakado in the Tokyosuburbs。

  The note read: "I am all alone and have no use for the money."

  The City Hall said it would hand the money to the Red Cross if it was not reclaimed within three months。

  City officials said the anonymous donor had slipped in and out unnoticed。

  The BBC's says the earthquake and tsunami that devastatednorth-eastern coastal areas in March has brought out striking examplesof generosity and honesty。

  The equivalent of $50m in cash has been picked up in the disasterarea and handed over to the police. Another $30m was recovered fromsafes found in the rubble。

  It is not the first time that anonymous benefactors in Japan havechosen toilets to leave cash. In 2007, 400 blank envelopes containing10,000-yen notes were found in the toilets of local council buildingsacross the country。

  At the same time, 18 residents of a Tokyo apartment building found atotal of 1.8m yen stuffed into envelopes in their mailboxes。

  Nearby, 1m yen was apparently thrown from an apartment block above a local shop。

  Most of that money appears to have been handed in to the police. The mysterious benefactor was never found。

  据英国广播公司9月29日报道,日本一匿名捐赠者将1000万日元(约合13.1万美元, 8.3万英镑)给慈善机构的捐款放在一公共厕所内。












日本公厕又现1000万日元匿名捐款 中石油汶川地震仅仅捐款1000万,日本地震捐款3000万和3万吨石油( 日本警察枪杀中国人案二审 改判赔偿1000万日元 日本警察枪杀中国人案二审改判赔偿1000万日元 5万日元葬送了一个日本首相!【原创】 5万日元葬送了一个日本首相!【原创】 山西“大肚”女童续:进京求诊获5万匿名捐款 - 真光的日志 - 网易博客 吉林省向日本捐款10万美金之我想! 中国红十字会再次向日本地震灾区捐款2000万元 日本人均为国背债800万日元 仍助欧洲渡难关-搜狐财经 日本国家债务创历史最高纪录 人均负债721.6万日元 日本国家债务创历史最高 人均负债721.6万日元 日本国家债务创历史最高纪录 人均负债721.6万日元-[中财网] 日本外相收受韩国店主5万日元政治献金被迫辞职 为何5万日元能让日本堂堂一介外相辞职? 为何5万日元能让日本堂堂一介外相辞职? 日本人均为国背债800万日元 仍助欧洲渡难关 日本惊现致命核辐射 日元避险地位分崩离析 中国民营企业家向美国加州大学捐款1000万美元 80万豪华公厕的特色在哪儿? 中国女研修生称遭日本农民多次性侵 索赔1100万日元 | -闲话杂谈- - 闲话工程网 -... 日本外相前原诚司因接受20万日元政治资金辞职2011年03月06日 21:11 该给日本捐款吗? - 又进入租界时代。日本掠夺万亩中国沃土!