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 (2007-10-10 09:29:42)   标签:




分类: 园丁四季之歌 不知大家有没有这样的感慨:工作中做到尽忠职守,兢兢业业相对容易,可要从中体会快乐,获得认同,赢得晋升空间却不是仅凭“勤劳”二字便可为之。如何谋得上级青睐,如何笼络人际关系,如何在讲演中脱颖而出,如何在会议上收放自如,别着急,答案立刻一一揭晓。 

Do you work for a manager who meets all your expectations? Do you get along well and respect one another's abilities? If you answered yes to both of these questions, consider yourself lucky. 但是,也有不少职场中人常常有这样的疑问:What can I talk about with the boss especially when having the boss riding along on a long trip?




Ian: Hey, want to go out for a couple of beers after work?
Thomas: I don't think so. I have to get to bed early tonight-cannot miss the train tomorrow. 
Ian: What train?
Thomas: The one for… I'm going on a business trip.
Ian: Oh-with the boss?
Thomas: Yeah. And nothing is more stressful than going on a trip with the boss.
Ian: I know what you mean. You cannot relax in a situation like that. 
Thomas: Besides that, they've scheduled the first meeting for 9:30a.m.
Ian: That's terrible! Don't they know how long it takes to get there?
Thomas: The worst thing is, half the time noting is decided on these visits. There's no point in going all the way there, anyway.
Ian: Well, at least you get out of the office for a couple of days. 
Thomas: True…but I don't get away from the boss.


1 Thomas can take it easy this time since he'll go with his colleague on the business trip.
2 Thomas wishes his schedule weren't so tight on business trips.
3 Thomas wants to know What the point is in coming all this way when half the time nothing has been decided.
4 Thomas thinks a business trip is great because he won't have to cook for several days.


1 事实上,Thomas对这次出差感到非常紧张。He has to deal with the boss the whole trip.
"Nothing is more stressful than going on a trip with the boss."

2 "They've scheduled the first meeting for 9:30a.m." "That's terrible! Don't they know how long it takes to get there?" 说明这次商务旅行的行程安排得非常紧凑,而二人对此都感到很不满。

3 "The worst thing is, half the time noting is decided on these visits-there's no point in going all the way there, anyway."

4 事实上,虽然Thomas可以几天不去公司,不用做饭,但是他要成天和老板在一起。" But I don't get away from the boss." 所以He is down in the dumps。


通过对话,我们觉察到Thomas在和上司相处的时候感到压力万分,他和上司的关系似乎很普通或者不是很好。It's normal to have differences of opinion and style with your supervisor. 所以这时候Thomas最应该做的就是learn to accept these differences and work with them to limit his workplace stress。既然Having a healthy relationship with your supervisor usually means you're more satisfied with the work you do and have less stress,我们就来谈几条和上司的相处之道。

 How to Get Along with Your Supervisor

1 Show respect.Your boss is responsible for your work and the work of your colleagues. That can be a significant burden. Try to understand the business from your boss's perspective. 尊重上司,站在他的角度去理解问题。

2 Don't be afraid of your boss. Some supervisors can be intimidating, but remember, your boss needs you. Your performance is often key to the success of your boss. 不要惧怕你的领导。即使他很强势,他还是希望你为他分忧。

3 Don't try to hide problems.First, try to solve the problem. If you can't and the problem becomes serious, let your supervisor know as soon as possible. 碰到你无法解决的事情要及时向上司汇报,不要让其他人把你的问题汇报给上司。

4 Give honest feedback. Of course, temper your honesty with diplomacy. Choose your words wisely and use a gentle tone. Both should promote and contribute to an environment of mutual respect. 对上司讲真话。当然,你要小心措辞。

5 Maintain your boundaries. Getting too cozy too soon may lead to trouble. Not to mention that many bosses like to keep a professional veil between themselves and their employees.和上司过快地表现得很亲近可能会有麻烦,所以还是保持一定的距离比较好。

6 Manage your anger. This doesn't mean you have to sit and stew when you're angry. But learn how to communicate your anger appropriately. 在上司面前发火只会说明你缺乏自控能力。你要学会合理地化解郁气。

7 Learn to translate boss language. "If it's not too much trouble" means "Do it, and the sooner the better". 你要学会“翻译”上司的话语,当上司说“如果这不是太麻烦的话”,他的实际意思是“做吧,尽快去做”。

 8 Embrace your strengths and face your shortcomings. Recognize your own talents and nurture them. Ask your supervisor for advice to help you grow in areas where you're weak. Take his or her advice and make an honest effort to improve. 发扬优点,改正缺点。