郑州市科技市场在哪里:中文没有的数字 -润物无声 - raymayblog- 和讯博客

来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/05/21 08:38:26
2011-05-05 13:44:59  转帖

   Ones                   1   一
   Tens                   10   十
   Hundred                100   百
   Thousand               1,000   千
.    . . . . .            10,000   万  -  英、美没有“万”,他们用“十千”
1 million                 1,000,000   百万
2 billion                 1,000,000,000  ** 亿 - 英(?),美(1000x百万),中国(100x百万)都不相同
3 trillion                1,000,000,000,000
4 quadrillion             1,000,000,000,000,000
5 quintillion             1,000,000,000,000,000,000
6 sextillion              1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000
7 septillion              1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000
8 octillion               1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000
9 nonillion               1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000
10 decillion              1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000
11 undecillion            1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000
12 duodecillion           1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000, 000
13 tredecillion write     1,000 followed by 13 groups of three zeros  (1,000 后面 跟 13 组“000”)
14 quattuordecillion      1,000 followed by 14 groups of three zeros  (1,000 后面 跟 14 组“000”)
15 quindecillion          1,000 followed by 15 groups of three zeros
16 sexdecillion           1,000 followed by 16 groups of three zeros
17 septendecillion        1,000 followed by 17 groups of three zeros
18 octodecillion          1,000 followed by 18 groups of three zeros
19 novemdecillion         1,000 followed by 19 groups of three zeros
20 vigintillion           1,000 followed by 20 groups of three zeros
21 unvigintillion         1,000 followed by 21 groups of three zeros
22 duovigintillion        1,000 followed by 22 groups of three zeros
23 trevigintillion        1,000 followed by 23 groups of three zeros
24 quattuorvigintillion   1,000 followed by 24 groups of three zeros
25 quinvigintillion       1,000 followed by 25 groups of three zeros
26 sexvigintillion        1,000 followed by 26 groups of three zeros
27 septenvigintillion     1,000 followed by 27 groups of three zeros
28 octovigintillion       1,000 followed by 28 groups of three zeros
29 novemvigintillion      1,000 followed by 29 groups of three zeros
30 trigintillion          1,000 followed by 30 groups of three zeros
31 untrigintillion        1,000 followed by 31 groups of three zeros
32 duotrigintillion       1,000 followed by 32 groups of three zeros
33 tretrigintillion       1,000 followed by 33 groups of three zeros
34 quattuortrigintillion  1,000 followed by 34 groups of three zeros
35 quintrigintillion      1,000 followed by 35 groups of three zeros
36 sextrigintillion       1,000 followed by 36 groups of three zeros
37 septentrigintillion    1,000 followed by 37 groups of three zeros
38 octotrigintillion      1,000 followed by 38 groups of three zeros
39 novemtrigintillion     1,000 followed by 39 groups of three zeros
40 quadragintillion       1,000 followed by 40 groups of three zeros (quardragintillion?)
41 unquadragintillion     1,000 followed by 41 groups of three zeros
42 duoquadragintillion    1,000 followed by 42 groups of three zeros
43 trequadragintillion    1,000 followed by 43 groups of three zeros
44 quattuorquadragintillion 1,000 followed by 44 groups of three zeros
45 quinquadragintillion   1,000 followed by 45 groups of three zeros
46 sexquadragintillion    1,000 followed by 46 groups of three zeros
47 septenquadragintillion 1,000 followed by 47 groups of three zeros
48 octoquadragintillion   1,000 followed by 48 groups of three zeros
49 novemquadragintillion  1,000 followed by 49 groups of three zeros
50 quinquagintillion      1,000 followed by 50 groups of three zeros
51 unquinquagintillion    1,000 followed by 51 groups of three zeros
52 duoquinquagintillion   1,000 followed by 52 groups of three zeros
53 trequinquagintillion   1,000 followed by 53 groups of three zeros
54 quattuorquinquagintillion 1,000 followed by 54 groups of three zeros
55 quinquinquagintillion  1,000 followed by 55 groups of three zeros
56 sexquinquagintillion   1,000 followed by 56 groups of three zeros
57 septenquinquagintillion 1,000 followed by 57 groups of three zeros
58 octoquinquagintillion  1,000 followed by 58 groups of three zeros
59 novemquinquagintillion 1,000 followed by 59 groups of three zeros
60 sexagintillion         1,000 followed by 60 groups of three zeros
61 unsexagintillion       1,000 followed by 61 groups of three zeros
62 duosexagintillion      1,000 followed by 62 groups of three zeros
63 tresexagintillion      1,000 followed by 63 groups of three zeros
64 quattuorsexagintillion 1,000 followed by 64 groups of three zeros
65 quinsexagintillion     1,000 followed by 65 groups of three zeros
66 sexsexagintillion      1,000 followed by 66 groups of three zeros
67 septensexagintillion   1,000 followed by 67 groups of three zeros
68 octosexagintillion     1,000 followed by 68 groups of three zeros
69 novemsexagintillion    1,000 followed by 69 groups of three zeros
70 septuagintillion       1,000 followed by 70 groups of three zeros
71 unseptuagintillion     1,000 followed by 71 groups of three zeros
72 duoseptuagintillion    1,000 followed by 72 groups of three zeros
73 treseptuagintillion    1,000 followed by 73 groups of three zeros
74 quattuorseptuagintillion 1,000 followed by 74 groups of three zeros
75 quinseptuagintillion   1,000 followed by 75 groups of three zeros
76 sexseptuagintillion    1,000 followed by 76 groups of three zeros
77 septenseptuagintillion 1,000 followed by 77 groups of three zeros
78 octoseptuagintillion   1,000 followed by 78 groups of three zeros
79 novemseptuagintillion  1,000 followed by 79 groups of three zeros
80 octogintillion         1,000 followed by 80 groups of three zeros
81 unoctogintillion       1,000 followed by 81 groups of three zeros
82 duooctogintillion      1,000 followed by 82 groups of three zeros
83 treoctogintillion      1,000 followed by 83 groups of three zeros
84 quattuoroctogintillion 1,000 followed by 84 groups of three zeros
85 quinoctogintillion     1,000 followed by 85 groups of three zeros
86 sexoctogintillion      1,000 followed by 86 groups of three zeros
87 septoctogintillion     1,000 followed by 87 groups of three zeros
88 octooctogintillion     1,000 followed by 88 groups of three zeros
89 novemoctogintillion    1,000 followed by 89 groups of three zeros
90 nonagintillion         1,000 followed by 90 groups of three zeros
91 unnonagintillion       1,000 followed by 91 groups of three zeros
92 duononagintillion      1,000 followed by 92 groups of three zeros
93 trenonagintillion      1,000 followed by 93 groups of three zeros
94 quattuornonagintillion 1,000 followed by 94 groups of three zeros
95 quinnonagintillion     1,000 followed by 95 groups of three zeros
96 sexnonagintillion      1,000 followed by 96 groups of three zeros
97 septennonagintillion   1,000 followed by 97 groups of three zeros
98 octononagintillion     1,000 followed by 98 groups of three zeros
99 novemnonagintillion    1,000 followed by 99 groups of three zeros
100 centillion            1,000 followed by 100 groups of three zeros
One GOOGOL is a           ONE followed by 100 zeroes.
One GOOGOLPLEX is a       ONE followed by one googol zeroes.
(You can't write a googolplex, even in a million years)