
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/05/04 11:54:40
1.日积月累 accumulate through long years
    2. 日暮途穷 at the end of one’s rope
    3. 日日夜夜 day and night 
    4. 日新月异 fast-changing
    5. 日以继夜 night and day; day in and day out
    6. 分秒必争 Every minute counts.
    7. 千钧一发 at a critical moment
    8. 千秋万代 throughout the ages
    9. 千载难逢 once in a blue moon
    10. 穷年累月 year after year; from year to year
    11. 日落西山 like the sun setting beyond the western hills; on the wane
    12. 闰年 leap year
    13. 霎时间 in an instant; in a twinkle
    14. 上旬 the first ten days of a month
    15. 深更半夜 late at night
    16. 时过境迁 Time has changed.
    17. 瞬息万变 change at every moment
    18 遗臭万年 be cursed for ever by posterity; remain infamous in history
    19 无时无刻 all the time; constantly
    20 猴年马月 donkey’s years
    21 与日俱增 be on the increase day by day
    22 蒸蒸日上 grow more and more prosperous
    23 有朝一日 someday; when the day comes
    24 指日可待 can be expected soon
    25 一日千里 at tremendous speed; by leaps and bounds
    26 一年到头 all the year round; throughout the year
    27 有生之年 the rest of one’s life; one’s remaining years
    28 新纪元 new era; new epoch
    29 延年益寿 prolong one’s life
  楼主,有朝一日是指什么意思,when the day comes ? 看过动画EVERY ANT'S HAS IT DAY 吗?
   年复一年 year in year out ! 一复一日 day in day out!
     我个人认为是可以用 every dog has its day ! 
     蒸蒸日上 get better everyday ! 会更好吗??
     指日可待 will be soon ! 如何?
     日新月异 fashion day ! 
     不认同 千钧一万,!英文解释是关键时刻,重要关头,英文里有一句是 被挂在一跟细线上 ,这句可以,(请参考甜心先生!!)电影