超级军工霸主sodu:第九章 思嘉再婚

来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/09/21 09:25:30

                                             第九章 思嘉再婚           








弗兰克:难道苏·爱伦小姐没有对你讲起我的店吗? 思嘉:是吗,我不记得了。你开了门店吗?这间?           















弗兰克:这让我太荣幸了,思嘉小姐。 思嘉:而且你最好留下来吃晚餐。我想贝蒂姨妈一定会很高兴的,而且我也想和你多聊一聊。           








苏·爱伦:我恨德园,我恨思嘉。我恨德园,更恨思嘉。 (在起居室。)希礼:全是我的错,我应该为了你的税款去大路上抢劫。思嘉:我不会让你去做这种事的。不管怎么样,现在事情解决了。           










思嘉:澳,希礼!希礼。 (媚兰走进来。)           












瑞德:您不喜欢我,奶妈。你别争辩,你的确是不喜欢我。 (思嘉下来,引瑞德进起居室。)           












思嘉:我从一开始就不该和弗兰克结婚。他是苏·爱伦的男友。他爱的是她,不是我。我让他痛苦。是我害了他,是的,是我,是我害了他。噢,瑞德这是我第一次对自己的所作所为感到后悔。               瑞德:来,擦擦眼睛。你如果有机会再来一遍,你还会这么做的。你象一个贼,一点不为偷东西行窃伤心,而是为了要去监狱痛心疾首。           










瑞德:原谅我,我情感的放任吓着你了,我亲爱的思嘉,我是说我亲爱的肯尼迪太太。不过你不会没有注意到,在过去这段时间里,我对你的友谊已经发展成为一种更深的感情。一种更美丽,更纯洁,更神圣的感情--允许我给它一个名字吗?可以叫它"爱"吗?               思嘉:快站起来,我不喜欢你无聊的笑话。           











瑞德:我希望如此,应该让你这样。你知道的那些傻瓜都不会这样吻你。你的查理,或者弗兰克,或者是你那个傻瓜希 礼·威尔克斯。           





                                                Chapter 9 Scarlett's Second Marriage           
              (Scarlett leaves the jail in burning anger. But the visit of
              Scarlett and her new dress to Atlanta is not a complete
              "futility. She meets Frank Kennedy, Sue Ellen's beau.)           

Frank: Surely it can't be Miss Scarlett!
              SCARLETT: Why, Frank Kennedy!
              FRANK: And Mammie...
              MAMMIE: It sure is good to see home folks.
              FRANK: I didn't know you were in Atlanta.
              SCARLETT: I didn't know you were.
              FRANK: Didn't Miss Sue Ellen tell you about my store?
              SCARLETT: Did she, I don't remember. Have you a store? This?
              FRANK: Won't you come in, look around a bit? (Into the store) I              
              don't suppose it looks like much to a lady, but I can't help being              
              proud of it. SCARLETT: You're not making money?
              FRANK: Well, I can't complain. In fact I'm mighty encouraged.
              Folks tell me I'm just a born merchant. It won't be long now before              
              Miss Sue Ellen and I can marry.
              SCARLETT: Well , you're doing as well as all that?
              FRANK: Yes, I am. Miss Scarlett. I'm no millionaire yet, but I have              
              cleared a thousand dollars already.
              SCARLETT: And lumber too.
              FRANK: Well, that's only a sideline.
              SCARLETT: A sideline, Frank? With all the good Georgia pine
              around Atlanta, and all this building going on?
              FRANK: Well, all that takes money, Miss Scarlett, and, I got to               be
              thinking about buying a home.
              SCARLETT: What would you want a home for?
              FRANK: For Miss Sue Ellen and me to set up housekeeping.
              SCARLETT: Here in Atlanta. You'd want to bring her to Atlanta,
              wouldn't you? There wouldn't be much help in that for Tara.
              FRANK: I don't rightly know what you mean, Miss Scarlett.
              SCARLETT: I don't mean a thing. Frank, how'd you like to drive me              
              out to my Aunt Pitty's?
              Frank: Oh, nothing could give me more pleasure, Miss Scarlett.
              SCARLETT: I think you'd better stay for supper, too. I'm sure Aunt              
              Pitty would be agreeable and I know I'd like a good long visit with              
              FRANK: Oh, you act on me just like a ^tonic, Miss Scarlett. And               will
              you tell me all the news, all the news of Miss Sue Ellen? What's               the
              matter, Miss Scarlett? Miss Sue Ellen's not ill, is she?
              SCARLETT: Oh, no, no. I thought surely she had written you. I guess              
              she was ashamed to write to you. She should be ashamed. Oh how
              awful to have such a mean sister.
              FRANK: You must tell me, Miss Scarlett. Don't leave me on the tenderhooks.
              SCARLETT: Well, she's going to marry one of the county boys next              
              month. She just got tired of waiting and was afraid she'd be an               old
              maid and...Oh, I'm sorry to be the one to tell you. Oh, it's cold,               and I
              left my muff at home. Would you mind if I put my hand in your

(Scarlett returns to Tara as Mrs. Kennedy, with 300 dollars, to               face
              Sue Ellen's broken heart and the astonishment of the other people.)           

SUE ELLEN: But Melanie, you don't realize what she's done.
              She's gone and married my Mr. Kennedy! He's my beau and she's
              gone and married him.
              MELANIE: She did it to save Tara, you must understand that, Sue               Ellen.
              SUE ELLEN: I hate Tara. And I hate Scarlett. She's the only thing               I
              hate worse than Tara!           

(In the living room.)
              ASHLEY: It's all my fault. I should have commited highway robbery              
              to get that tax money for you.
              SCARLETT: I couldn't let you do anything like that, and anyway,              
              it's done now.
              ASHLEY: Yes, it's done now. You wouldn't let me do anything
              dishonorable yet you'd sell yourslef in marraige to a man you didn't              
              love. Well, at least you won't have to worry about my helplessness              
              SCARLETT: What do you mean?
              ASHLEY: I'm going to New York..I've arranged to get a position in              
              a bank there.
              SCARLETT: But you can't do that! I've counted on you to help me              
              start a lumber business Ashley and, I counted on you.
              ASHLEY: Scareltt, I wouldn't be any good to you, I don't know
              anything about the lumber business.
              SCARLETT: You know as much as you do about banking, and
              I'd give you half the business Ashley.
              ASHLEY: That's generous of you Scarlett. But it isn't that. If I               go to
              Atlanta and take help from you again, I'd bury forever any hope               of
              standing alone. SCARLETT: Oh, is that all? Well, you could
              gradually buy the business, and then it would be your own, and
              ASHLEY: No Scarlett. SCARLETT: Oh,
              Ashley! Ashley           

(Melanie walkes in.)
              MELANIE: Scarlett. Scarlett, what is it?
              SCARLETT: Ashely is so mean and hateful.
              MELANIE: (to Ashley )What have you done?
              ASHLEY: She, she wanted me to go to Atlanta.
              SCARLETT: To help me start me my lumber business,
              and he won't lift a finger to help me.
              MELANIE: Why how ^unchivalrous of you. Why think
              Ashley, think. If it hadn't of been for Scarlett, I'd have
              died in Atlanta, and maybe we wouldn't have had little
              Beau, and, when I think of picking cotton and plowing
              just to keep food in our mouths, I could just, oh, my darling!
              ASHLEY: All right, Melanie. I'll go to Atlanta. I can't fight
              you both.
              (Months passed. The lumber business is a great success.
              But good times don't last long. Frank Kennedy died in a
              fight against some tramps, for their insult on Scarlett.
              Scarlett is very sad.)
              MAMMIE: Miss Scarlett. Captain Butler here to see you.
              I told him you was ^prostrate with grief.
              SCARLETT: Tell him, tell him I'll be right down, Mammie.           

              MAMMIE: She says she's coming. I don't know why she's
              coming, but she's a-coming.
              RHETT: You don't like me Mammie. Now don't you argue
              with me, you don't, you really don't like me.           

(Scarlett comes down, and shows Rhett into the living
              RHETT: It's no good Scarlett.
              SCARLETT: what?
              RHETT: The cologne.
              SCARLETT: I'm sure I don't know what you mean.
              RHETT: I mean you've been drinking. Brandy. Quite a
              SCARLETT: Well, what if I had? Is that any of your affair?
              RHETT: Don't drink alone, Scarlett. People always find
              out. And it ruins reputation. What is it? This is more
              than losing old Frank.
              SCARLETT: Oh, Rhett. I am so afraid.
              RHETT: I don't believe it. You've never been afraid in your
              SCARLETT: I'm afraid now. I'm afraid of dying, of going
              to Hell.
              RHETT: You look pretty healthy. And maybe there isn't
              any Hell.
              SCARLETT: Oh, there is. I know there is. I was raised on
              RHETT: Well, far be it for me to question the teachings of
              childhood. Tell me what you've done that Hell yawns
              before you.
              SCARLETT: I ought never to have married Frank to begin
              with. He was Sue Ellen's beau and he loved her not me.
              And I made him miserable. And I killed him. Yes, I did,
              I'd killed him. Oh, Rhett. For the first time, I'm finding
              out what it is to feel sorry for something I've done.           

RHETT: Here, dry your eyes. If you had it to do all over again,               you'd
              do it no differently. You're like the thief who isn't the least               bit sorry
              he stole but he's terribly, terribly sorry he's going to jail.
              SCAELETT: I'm glad ma is dead. I'm glad she's dead so she can't               see
              me. I always wanted to be like her, calm and kind and...and suddenly              
              I've turned out disappointing.
              RHETT: You know what, Scarlett? I think you're on the verge of a              
              crying jag. So I'll change the subject and say what I came to say.
              SCARLETT: Say it, then get out! What is it?
              RHETT: That I can't go on any longer without you.
              SCARLETT: Oh, you really are the most ill-bred man to come here               at
              a time like this...
              RHETT: I made up my mind you were the only woman for me,
              Scarlett, the first day I saw you at Twelve Oaks. Now that you've               got
              your lumber mill and Frank's money, you won't come to me as you              
              did at the jail. So I see I shall have to marry you.
              SCARLETT: I never heard of such bad taste.
              RHETT: Would you be more convinced if I fell to my knees?
              SCARLETT: Turn me loose, you varlet and get out of here.
              RHETT: Forgive me for startling you with the impetuosity of my
              sentiments, my dear Scarlett, I mean my dear Mrs. Kennedy.
              But it cannot have escaped your notice that for some time past,              
              the friendship I have felt for you has ripened into a deeper feeling.              
              A feeling more beautiful, more pure, more sacred...
              dare I name it? Can it be love?
              SCARLETT: Get up off your knees, I don't like your common jokes.
              RHETT: This is an honorable proposal of marraige, made in what I              
              consider a most opportune moment. I can't go all my life waiting               to
              catch you between husbands.
              SCARLETT: You're coarse and you're conceited. And I think
              this conversation's gone far enough. Besides, I shall never marry               again.
              RHETT: Oh yes, you will. And you'll marry me
              SCARLETT: You...you? I don't love you. And I don't like being married.
              RHETT: Did you ever think of marrying just for fun?
              RHETT: Oh yes, you will. And you'll marry me
              SCARLETT: You...you? I don't love you. And I don't like being married.
              RHETT: Did you ever think of marrying just for fun? SCARLETT:
              Marriage, fun? Fiddle-dee-dee. Fun for men you mean. Hush, do you              
              want them to hear you outside?
              RHETT: You've been married to a boy and an old man. Why not try               a
              husband at the right age? With a way with women?
              SCARLETT: You're a fool, Rhett Butler. When you know I shall
              always love another man.
              RHETT: Stop it. You hear me Scarlett, stop it. No more of that talk.
              SCARLETT: Rhett don't, I shall faint.
              RHETT: And I want you to faint. This is what you were meant for.              
              None of the fools you've ever known have kissed you like this, have              
              they? Your Charles or your Frank or your stupid Ashley. Say you're              
              going to marry me. Say yes. Say yes.
              SCARLETT: Yes.
              RHETT: Are you sure you meant it? You don't want to take it back?              
              SCARLETT: No.