超大大黑鲷鱼的钓法:[译] 茉 莉

来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/05/17 21:58:11
   [原创] 韩亦言 版权所有(c)
   从这首诗, 可以感到非洲大地上的春风, 可以闻到茉莉扑鼻的芳香。
   故尝试翻译, 供参考。

   熏木的烟雾 混杂着
   茉莉的芳香和尘土 -
   青草 花岗石 羚羊骨 -
   血色的记忆暗淡了 -
   在非洲大地回荡的时刻 我熟悉
   光着脊梁 光着脚
   他擦着 我将唾沫吐在鞋头上
   他擦着 我们唱着
   "上帝保佑非洲 ...
   一遍又一遍 直到
   今年八月 我意识到
   茉莉盛开 沉寂的空气
   充满了熏木的烟雾 -
   我是怎样学会他们的歌 -
   充满了泪水 迷人的烟雾
   Jasmine by John Eppel
   When they cried freedom, when the sweet
   mingling of woodsmoke and jasmine
   with dust – grass, granite, antelope
   bone – gathered into wrists which turned
   light the colour of blood, darkness
   a memory of the colour
   of blood – when their voices lifted
   that song and sent it echoing
   across Africa, I knew it.
   Sibanda had taught it to me,
   polishing the family's shoes,
   squatting outside the scullery
   door. We both wore khaki trousers
   many sizes too big; no shirt,
   no shoes. I spat on the toecaps
   while he brushed: and while he brushed
   we sang: 'Nkosi sikelel'
   iAfrika…' over and over
   till the birds joined in. August birds.
   '… Maluphakanisw' udumo lwayo …' *
   It comes back to me, this August,
   now that the jasmine is blooming
   and the air is stilled by woodsmoke;
   how they cried freedom, and how I
   knew their song. A lingering chill
   pinches Zimbabwean sunsets
   into the cheeks of my children
   squatting beside me as I write.
   It is their song too. I teach it
   to them, over and over, till
   my tired eyes are pricked with tears
   held back, sweet smoke, dust and jasmine.
   *(Zulu) "God bless Africa … Raise up her spirit."
   Published on http://www.guardian.co.uk/books/booksblog/2010/jul/12/jasmine-john-eppel-poetry
   Disclaimer: The poem and my translation in this blog is purely for mypersonal use. The copyright belongs to the original author andpublisher, and it must not be violated. Thank you.