
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/05/21 15:42:34


更新时间:2011-05-01 14:02 互动:米尔论坛 文字大小:大中小


  1。 Be Ambitious


  One day this summer, Sean Maloney, an executive vice president at Intel, was bouncing from one appointment to another in northeastern China, speeding along in a van traversing newly built highways。 He gazed out at one of the worlds biggest construction projects: a network of high-speed train lines — covering 10,000 miles (16,000 km) nationwide — that China is building。 As far as the eye could see, there sat vast concrete support struts, one after another, exactly 246 ft。 (75 m) apart。 Each was full of steel cables and weighed about 800 tons。 "We used to build stuff too," Maloney mused, unprompted。 "But now its NIMBY [not in my backyard] every time you try to do something。 Here," he joked, "its more like IMBY。 Theres stuff happening here, everywhere and always。"

  这个夏天的一天,一个Intel的执行副总Sean Maloney,调任到中国东北,坐在一辆出租车上,在一条新的高速路上,他向外注视着世界上最大的建筑工程:中国正在建设的高铁网络——覆盖全国 16000公里。一眼望去,都是巨大的混凝土支架,一个接一个,间隔75米,每个都满载钢索,约800吨。Maloney沉思着不假思索地说:“我们过去也建这些东西,但现在每次你想做些什么,都是NIMBY(邻避主义,意思是,不要在自己住所附近设立任何有危险的事物)”他开玩笑说,“这里更像是 IMBY(意思是去掉not的NIMBY),这里到处都有新事物。”

  Its not just NIMBYism that constrains the U。S。 these days, of course。 America is close to tapped out financially, with budget deficits this year and next exceeding $1 trillion and forecast to remain above $500 billion through 2019。 But sometimes the country seems tapped out in terms of vision and investment for the future。


  Some economists believe that given its stage of development, China spends too much on expensive items like high-speed rail lines。 But step back from the individual infrastructure projects and the debates about whether a given investment is necessary, and whats palpable in China is the sense of forward motion, of energy。 No foreigner — at least not one Ive met in five years of living here — even bothers denying it。 And the Chinese take it for granted。 When a brand-new six-lane highway opened in suburban Shanghai in October, Zhong Li Ping, who shuttles migrant workers to the city and back to their hometowns, said, "I dont know what took them so long。" In truth, it took about two years — roughly the time it would take to get the environmental and other regulatory permits for a new highway in the U。S。 If, that is, you could get them at all。



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