观致3suv价格及图片:《Sea the Truth》(继《Meat the Truth》后,荷兰爱护动物党的又一力作)

来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/05/18 03:11:01
Sea the Truth(《面对海洋的真相》)是一部关于海洋保护的纪录片,由荷兰“爱护动物党”的自然科学事务处——又名“尼可拉斯?皮尔森基金会”(Nicolaas G. Pierson Foundation)出品发行,2010年8月23日于荷兰阿姆斯特丹首映。
该基金会曾经推出《面对肉食的真相》(Meat the Truth),此片被视为美国前副总统、总统候选人戈尔(Al Gore)的影片《难以忽视的真相》(An Inconvenient Truth)的续集,因为戈尔的影片虽然说明了全球暖化所产生的问题,但却没有提到造成全球暖化的最大元凶——畜牧业。
《面对海洋的真相》(Sea the Truth)进一步揭露了渔业对海洋生态环境的巨大冲击。一些著名海洋生态学家和环保人士都在影片中现身说法,与观众分享他们对蔬食及环保的观点。
荷兰MP Marianne Thieme的两位海洋生态学家Marianne van Mierlo and Barbara van Genne,在影片拍摄过程中,提供了广泛的专业知识给制片与导演。这部影片的片尾,还向观众提出建言,告诉人们该如何保护海洋和地球家园。
About the filmThe state of our oceans and seas is the main focus in “Sea the Truth”. Leading scientists such as Daniel Pauly suggest that if we continue to catch and eat fish at the current rate, the oceans and seas will be empty within 40 years. The hunt for fish is an economic monster on the run: large bottom trawlers are scraping the bottoms of the seas empty, taking with them all living things with destructive force. The massive amount of bycatch is thrown back into the sea, maimed or dead.
Under the guidance of Dutch MP Marianne Thieme, two young marine biologists Marianne van Mierlo and Barbara van Genne, are searching worldwide for scientific information about the condition of our biggest ecosystems, which cover more than two thirds of our planet. Underwater photographer Dos Winkel shows them the beauty of marine life and the enormous threats to which it is exposed. For the documentary the producers filmed in Newfoundland, on Bonaire, on the North Sea, the Azores and at various locations in the Netherlands. Authorities offer the solution of sustainable fisheries projects while leading scientists say that every fish that is taken now, is one too many. This documentary shows that, unfortunately, there is no such thing as “sustainable fishing”.
“Sea the Truth” premiered on May 19th in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

The official Sea the Truth DVD is available now! Order here