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来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/05/21 09:02:25
A brief history of Times New Roman

Times New Roman gets its name from the Times of London, the British
newspaper. In 1929, the Times hired typographer Stanley Morison of Monotype,
a British font foundry, to create a new text font. Morison led the project
and supervised Victor Lardent, an advertising artist for the Times, who drew
the letterforms.

After Monotype completed Times New Roman, it had to license the design to
thenrival Linotype, because the Times used Linotype’s typesetting machines.
(Think of Monotype and Linotype as the Depressionera Microsoft and Apple.)
Since then, Monotype has sold the font as “Times New Roman” and Linotype
has marketed its version as “Times Roman.”

Typesetting technology has evolved since then, but due to its enduring
popularity, Times New Roman has always been one of the first fonts available
in each new format. This, in turn, has only increased its reach.

Objectively, there’s nothing wrong with Times New Roman. It was designed
for a newspaper, so it’s a bit narrower than most text fonts - especially
the bold style. (Newspapers prefer narrow fonts because they fit more text
per line.) The italic is mediocre. But those aren’t fatal flaws. Times New
Roman is a workhorse font that’s been successful for a reason.

Yet it’s an open question whether its longevity is attributable to its
quality or merely to its ubiquity. Helvetica still inspires enough affection
to have been the subject of a 2007 documentary feature. Times New Roman,
meanwhile, has not attracted similar acts of homage.

Why not? Fame has a dark side. When Times New Roman appears in a book,
document, or advertisement, it connotes apathy. It says, “I submitted to
the font of least resistance.” Times New Roman is not a font choice so much
as the absence of a font choice, like the blackness of deep space is not a
color. To look at Times New Roman is to gaze into the void.

If you have a choice about using Times New Roman, please stop. Use something
else. See font recommendations for other options.
Did you make your business cards and letterhead at your local copy shop? No,
you didn’t, because you didn’t want them to look shoddy and cheap. If you
cared enough to avoid the copy shop, then you care enough to avoid Times New
Roman. Times New Roman connotes apathy. You are not apathetic.

If you don’t have a choice about using Times New Roman, make Times New
Roman look its best. Both Windows 7 and Mac OS X now ship with Monotype’s
Times New Roman. Monotype offers additional styles in the Times New Roman
family that will improve its versatility and appearance, like small caps and
additional weights.
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