苏什的痰盂怎么获得:钱云会案判决未能解除质疑 | -专业英语- - 闲话工程网 - Powered by PH...

来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/04/28 03:20:02







但录像片段的出现似乎并没有为钱云会的死因问题画上句号。因为即使录像是真的,也不能排除有人蓄意碾压钱云会的可能性。录像片段播放后,立即招来了网上的大堆留言。从这些留言看,至少有些人不相信录像是真的。美国报业集团McClatchy的记者拉塞特(Tom Lasseter)对部分疑问的原因作了总结








Two days after a relatively light sentence handed down in the infamous 'My Dad is Li Gang' case sparked outpourings of cynicism and anger online, China's justice system has returned another decision in a separate, controversial case that is drawing fresh questions.

The case this time revolves around the death of Qian Yunhui, a rural activist in the Zhejiang province city of Yueqing who was crushed under the wheels of a truck last month. Police proclaimed the death an accident, but many of Qian's supporters said they suspected murder, noting among other issues that he had died on the same road he and others had earlier blocked in protest of the building of a power plant. Fury over the incident spread across China's Internet, fueled by horrifically gruesome photos and video of Mr. Qian's corpse.

A court in Yueqing city on Tuesday sentenced the driver of the truck, Fei Yuliang, to three-and-a-half years in prison, according to a report in the state-run Xinhua news agency that was confirmed by Mr. Fei's lawyer. The sentence is consistent with local authorities' contention that Mr. Qian's death was an accident, but it left many observers in China unconvinced.

Adding to the controversy is video footageâ 'aired on state-run CCTV Tuesdayâ 'that is purported to have been recovered from a mini camera in Mr. Qian's wristwatch, and that local police say proves the activist was not murdered.

It's not exactly clear how Mr. Qian came to own a wristwatch that records video, nor why he would have set it to record what appears to be an otherwise unremarkable stroll. The point of the local officials in showing it is that it demonstrates that the incident was an accident, thus refuting accounts of Mr. Qian's death that have circulated on the Internet in which he was purportedly held by a group of thugs as the truck ran him over.

But the footage doesn't seem to be the end of the issue. For one thing, even if authentic, it doesn't preclude the possibility that whoever struck Mr. Qian did so intentionally. And judging by the flurry of commentary that quickly appeared online after the footage was aired, at least some people don't believe that the video is authentic. McClatchy's Tom Lasseter summarized the reasons for some of that skepticism in a blog post:

Mr. Lasseter noted that much of the initial commentary on the Web questioning the video's validity were soon deleted.

Asked about the skeptical reaction from some viewer's of the video, Mr. Fei's lawyer, Zhou Gang, told The Wall Street Journal: 'There is nothing to doubtâ ¦ We can't suspect everything. These suspicions are not justified.'

Employees at the Yueqing court said no one was available to comment on the video. Multiple attempts to contact the Wenzhou police department by phone Tuesday were unsuccessful.

According to Chinese media reports, Mr. Qian's family was paid more than a million yuan, or roughly $150,000, in compensation for his death.

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