花垣县双龙镇镇长:瑜珈:打开美丽之门钥匙 让你有更好看的身体

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瑜珈:打开美丽之门钥匙 让你有更好看的身体
发布: 2009-10-09 12:31    作者: augustana  来源: yeeyan   
TAG: beauty health Health yoga 双语阅读 时尚生活 生活贴士
How many topics can a blogger write about yoga? When it comes to the physical benefits of the practice there seems to be only one category that sums it up. Looking better naked. Somehow that became the goal. Now, who are we aiming to look better than? Are we striving to look better than our current self or someone else? Both options take us far away from the present moment, where everything is happening.I get the whole physical benefits of yoga is awesome thing. It's useful to live in a healthy, vibrant, functioning body. A regular yoga practice along with healthy life choices, and a good deal of self-respect and personal growth, can take you there. But the truth is, there is no "there." Once you get there, it turns into here, so why not enjoy being here right now?If you are fixated about being there, you'll miss out on here, and never get there anyway. Life has a way of playing these tricks on us as a test and a challenge to wake up and live our lives. Physical yoga shows us there is always a pose that we can't do, so get over it already. There is nowhere to go. You're already here. Now that doesn't mean you don't have to try. Laziness will also keep you knocked out of the moment. Awareness guides us back in. Use what you need. Relax what you don't. Give away the rest to the Salvation Army.Ram Dass says, "The most exquisite paradox: As soon as you give it all up you can have it all."We have the knowledge and intuition to maintain health, but we ignore it by taking ourselves out of the present. We plan meal times instead of eating when we are hungry. We go on diets instead of living healthy. We have deferred life plans instead of choosing and doing our passion.Our world encourages us to detach from the moment, put ourselves down, and live for something other than where we are right now. We're taught that it's selfish, irresponsible to live in the moment, when the truth is it's the only responsible thing to do for ourselves, the people around us, and even our futures. We're also taught that aging is terrible, and we must do everything to combat the process in fear of being discarded and losing our power.It's true the practice of yoga can make you look and feel younger than your years. A healthy lifestyle earns you a vibrant appearance and a body filled with energy. More interestingly the practice of yoga can bring us, possibly, maybe, with a lot of work, to conscious aging. Being in the moment, instead of attempting to cheat the moments and relish in the past, can free us from our unnecessary worries, concerns and fears about our mortality. We've all had at least glimpses of this, for however short or long they've lasted. We realize the awesomeness of the universe, the richness of our being, and our ability to connect with people on a soul level. Once we realize that level of being alive exists, why would we go back to anything else? Because it's crazy hard and almost impossible to maintain a lifetime in awareness, especially when we have lives, families, jobs, and ambitions...but it's possible and worth the try.I was on a retreat about a year ago, and after a couple days of being in nature, practicing yoga, eating wholesome food made with love and awareness, and then actually settling into what I was experiencing, I saw something amazing. I was in the bathroom brushing my teeth and iridescent dotted lines started to form and connect everything that was in my range of vision. The lines were vibrant and pulsating and very real. They looked like laser beams. I'm not sure how long I was seeing this but the moment when I noticed myself noticing that I was seeing something unusual and special they started to fade. I tried to will them back, and they faded completely. I'm convinced the formula for the flux capacitor was revealing itself to me so I could phone in the 4th installment of Back to the Future. The moment of recognition that something is happening different from what we think or expect is the moment the inner-workings of the universe say goodbye for now.When I was a little kid I saw similar things. I saw very bright colors, brighter than is what in our color spectrum and richer than neon, dance in lines and waves around my room. I saw them every night when I went to sleep. The moment my light was turned off, darkness would roll in and my own personal light show of the universe began. It was even different every night. How kind of the universe to offer me diversity in my visions. I never second guessed it and I always knew it would be there waiting for me. I suppose the colors stopped visiting around the time I got busy planning moments that hadn't happened yet. Every once in a while, maybe after an inspiring day or sometimes when I just get caught off guard, the colors pay me a visit again.We all have these experiences, however rare or frequent. The cool thing is the universe is always there, ready to reveal itself to us and show us how amazing we truly are, if only we are in the moment.Living in the moment frees us from our ideas about our selves, our bodies, and what we think our lives should be. Everything that exists and everything we need is right here with us right now. We can become un-concerned with what we have and don't have and be our best and most present self fully right where we are. When we can view life in the present as a series of experiences and amazing moments, instead of just steps that get us somewhere else, the range of possibility expands beyond what we think our limitations are or should be. 
   关于瑜伽,有多少话题可以写入博客?但凡谈到对塑造形体的种种益处,似乎都只能归入一类 — 好看的裸体。不知怎么的,这已经成为了一种目标。那么,我们的目的是要比谁更好看?这么辛苦是要超越现在的自己还是超越别人?两种选择都让我们离现实渐行渐远。通过瑜伽美化形体,这个我理解。拥有健康的,充满活力的,运转正常的体魄十分的有用,定期的瑜伽训练再加上健康的生活方式,足够的自尊和个性养成可以让你达到那个状态。然而事实却是,根本没有“那个状态”这回事。一旦你达到“那个状态”,就会有另一个“那个状态”摆在你前面从而让你又处于“这个状态”,所以为何不享受处于“这个状态”的乐趣呢?如果你一心想着到达“那个状态”,定会顾 “彼” 而失“此”,从而根本无法到达“那个状态”。生活有自己的办法戏弄我们,像个测验又像个挑战,催人醒悟,让人面对生活。瑜伽训练告诉我们,总有那么个动作我们完成不了,别再纠缠不休了。也别挖空心思另辟蹊径。你已经很不错了。不过这并不意味着你不必再去尝试。懒惰同样会把人搞得神情恍惚。觉悟则将我我们引回正途。已经拥有的利用好。不曾拥有的心放宽。剩下的就托付给救世军吧。Ram Dass说, “最精巧的悖论便是:你放弃一切的同时也得到了一切。”我们具备保持健康的知识和直觉,可我们总是脱离现实,而忽略掉了这些知识和直觉。我们计划着用餐时间,却不在肚子饿的时候吃饭,我们节食却没有健康的生活方式。我们的生活计划被一拖再拖,却不主动选择,积极应对。这个世界怂恿我们脱离眼下现实,让我们失望,让我们为那些现实之外的东西活着。我们所受的教育告诉我们为现实而活是自私的,不负责任的,然而事实却是这样的做法恰是唯一对我们自己,对周围的人,以致对未来负责任的做法。我们还学会了衰老是件可怕的事情,出于对被遗弃感和失去影响力的恐惧,我们必须不顾一切和衰老作斗争。瑜伽训练的确能让你自己感觉年轻,看起来也比实际年龄小。健康的生活方式让你活力四射,精力充沛。更有趣的是,它还能让你 — 这个可能得花些功夫 — 用理智的心态面对衰老。把握当下,别去想着怎么欺骗现实,沉溺于过去,能让我们摆脱面对死亡的焦虑,关注和恐惧的束缚。我们都曾长时间或短时有过这些情绪。我们认识到宇宙的浩瀚,物类的繁盛,和人类心心相通的能力。一旦我们发现生生不息之理,复何所求?正因为想一辈子活得理智清醒真是件极难到几乎不可能的事,特别是当你有了自己的生活,家庭,工作,志向。。。即使这样,活得理智清醒还是有可能的,值得为之努力。一年前我隐遁静修,置身大自然,练习瑜伽,享受用爱心和体悟做成的健康食物,就这过了数天,我开始渐入佳境,更目睹了一件奇妙的事。我当时正在浴室刷牙,射进来的彩虹般的斑驳的光线开始糅合我视野里的一切。那光线动感十足,搏动着,如此的真切,仿佛镭射光。也不知道看了多久,可是在我发觉自己正在注视这不同寻常的事物的那一刹,光线也开始流逝。我想让他重现,可它却彻底消失了。我确信是通量电容器的公式向我揭秘自己好让我打电话给电影回到未来的第四期。我们察觉异乎寻常的事物正在发生的时候之时也既是这个宇宙之奇巧天工想我们告别的时候。我小时候也见过类似的东西。我见过比光谱和霓虹还要光鲜亮丽的色彩,如线如波,在我的房间里四处舞动。每晚睡觉的时候我都能看见它们。当灯光熄灭,黑暗降临,我的宇宙之光的表演便也开始了。每晚演出竟然都不相同。宇宙真是体贴慈爱,赋予我如此多样的视野。我从未在事后想过那些色彩,我知道它们会永远等着我。可能当我忙于为那些不再眼前的事而计划的时候那些色彩就没出现过了。时不时地,那色彩会在我激动人心一天过后,粹不及防地来到我身边。我们都或多或少对那些经历感同身受。最酷的是就是宇宙恒久不变,总是会现身我们眼前,让我们看到只要把握当下,我们自己会有多了不起。把握当下,让我们在审视自己,审视躯体,审视我们看待生活的方式时,可以打开思路。每个存在的事物,每个我们需要的东西,都切实地在我们身边。我们可以不去患得患失,只要脚踏实地做最真最好的自我。如果我们把目前的生活看做许多经历和奇妙瞬间的组合,而不是不知去向何方的路途,你自认的应有的或者必然的局限和不足就会被超越,广阔的可能性就会呈现在你面前。