鱼池过滤系统制作过程:致富六法--The Six Best Ways to Get Rich….--轻松一刻--...

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1 。创业拆卖:已被证明是最有效的致富方法。构意满足客户需求,创造真正的价值,建业而图利。清洁打扫,美发沙龙,顾问或投资银行皆可。创业维艰,风险也高,失败常见。企业家的技能,活力,毅力和勤奋无一可缺。但如成功,潜在回报也是巨大的。这就是大多数富人成功之道。

2 。入伙持股,。累积一个或多个创业公司的股份,如果公司蓬勃发展,无论上市或被并购,资本收益是可观的。但并不乐观;因为初创企业成功实现高资本收益的廖廖可数。对经营理念和管理团队正确的评估甚为重要。苹果,谷歌和微软的百万富翁员工,就筑于此。

3 。持才自主。发展市场需求技能,独立自主,回报可观。此乃体育明星,作家和艺人之所致富。总之,持才自主而不受雇他人盈利机会更大。有风险,必须具专才。然成功自主,所以颇受具专才又想自我奋斗人的青采。

4 。发展物业。购买,开发和销售物业,是既定且建立可观资本之法。关键是,借钱获利。如借贷20万,自投入5万,购入25万产业。开发后售出40万。财产增值60 %,自投的5万增长4倍而为20万。合适的选择和明智的开发是必须。市场的繁荣和萧条是风险。而为一长期积累财富方式。

5 。股票组合。明智选择投资于稳定长期成长股票,红利再投资,可获得巨大财富。股市时有起伏,小额投资会难堪。以长期投资评估,股票同物业,而具更多流动价值。股市崩跌正是有金有胆的储仓良机。

6 。继承财富。富有老父老母,或是吊金龟娶富女!


1 。稳定工作,削减开支,储蓄。此为降低风险的审慎做法,但非有效致富之道。出要赋入。但如真想致富,必须显着提高收入或复倍增值。可再考虑一些以上6法。

2 。致力发明。发明,取得专利。授权,抽拥。此为艰难致富途径。是有发明家因此而富,但取得专利困难,获得有利的授权协议更是不易。然而更多的大企业自外引入可上市的创新,因此也为契机。

3 。赌运致富.彩票黑马和扑克赌神圣侠如凤毛駖角,此法可遇不可求而为致富下品。需避之若浼,而应取以上6法之一。


原文:The Six Best Ways to Get Rich….

发现者:厚德载物  来源: 发布时间:2009-06-13 类型:转载

We tend to assume that if we work hard and save money then one day we will end up wealthy. This is wishful thinking. We are more likely to end up with some modest but useful savings. If you want to accumulate serious wealth then there a number of approaches you can use and some are much more effective than others. The best ways are as follows:

1. Start your own business and eventually sell it.This is the most effective and proven way to become rich. If you can find a new approach to a customer need and build a profitable business that addresses that need then you have created real value. It could be a cleaning business, a hairdresser’s, a consultancy or an investment bank. It will probably take years of very hard work to build up the enterprise. Most new businesses fail so the risks are high. You need all the skills, dynamism, perseverance and diligence of an entrepreneur. But if you can pull it off the potential rewards are huge. This is how many of the seriously wealthy people did it.

2. Join a start-up and get stock. If you can accumulate equity positions in one or more start-up companies then there is an opportunity for a serious capital gain if the company thrives and either floats or is sold to a larger enterprise. Only a small minority of start-ups succeed in realising large capital gains so the odds are not good. However, you can use your judgement to see which business idea and which management team are likely to succeed. Early employees in Apple, Google and Microsoft became millionaires on this basis.

3. Exploit your skill as a self-employed expert. If you can develop a marketable skill and retain your independence then you can reap considerable rewards. This is how sports stars, authors and entertainers become rich. In general the self-employed expert has greater earnings opportunities than one who works for a company. There are risks and you have to have something special. Your success is in your own hands so this is a popular route for people who have developed a skill and want to strike out on their own.

4. Develop property. Buying, developing and selling property is a well-established way to build a significant capital position. One of the key elements is that by borrowing money you can gain leverage on your investment. Say you borrow $200,000 and put in $50,000 of your own to buy a property for $250,000. Then you develop the property and sell it for $400,000. The property has increased in value by 60% but your $50,000 has now grown fourfold to $200,000. You have to select the right properties in the right areas and develop them wisely. You are at risk from booms and busts in the property market. However, in the long term this remains a proven way to accumulate wealth.

5. Build a portfolio of stocks and shares. If you can make steady investments in stocks over a long period, choose wisely and reinvest the dividends then you can build a large store of wealth. Of course stocks can go down as well as up and many small investors lose heart when their portfolio plunges. But over the long-term equities are as good an investment as property and much more liquid. Stock market crashes represent great buying opportunities for those with cash and strong nerves.

6. Inherit wealth. It helps if you were born to successful or wealthy parents but failing that, you could marry fortuitously!

Here’s a few more ideas that are not necessarily bad but are somewhat riskier if your goal is wealth:

1. Work in a steady job, cut back expenditures and save in the bank. This is prudent practice and reduces your financial risk but is not an effective method of becoming rich. You should keep your expense within your income but if you want to make serious money then you must significantly boost your income or find ways to multiply your capital. Revisit some of the ideas above.

2. Be an inventor. Invent a something that everyone needs and patent your invention. Then licence out your invention and watch the royalties roll in. This is another very difficult route to wealth. Some inventors do get rich this way but securing the patent is arduous and signing a good licensing deal is not easy. However more big companies are looking outside for innovations they can market so it is not impossible.

3. Gamble.We hear about lottery winners and poker stars so this approach can sometimes work but the numbers are so unfavourable that it represents a lousy plan for becoming rich. You are strongly advised to avoid this method and use one of the first six above.

There are more important things in life than accumulating wealth. Who wants to end up rich, unloved, lonely and in poor health? However, if you can enjoy a balanced life and at the same time become rich, why not do so? Plan your route and relish the journey!