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“我可以99.9%的保证我捡到了一只车轮,”Peter Elmer在两次潜入红海的亚喀巴海湾后这样告诉世网报,“它被珊瑚所覆盖着。”


来自英国Keynsham的一名38岁的铲车机修工受到Ron Wyatt 和Jonathan Gray两位探险家录像的激发下,这两们探险家在得到至少某一权威对车轮可追溯到出埃及年代的情况下证明了这一人造物品,这位铲车机修工同他的兄弟马克曾来到此地并证实了车轮可追溯到出埃及的那个年代。






    “每个人都在寻找珊瑚并认为它们就是马车的某部分,” 来自田纳西洲的Wyatt考古研究所所长Richard Rives这样说到,“这更像是珊瑚包住珊瑚。……机会主义者将发现的真实的东西与错误的东西混在了一起。这些人就像电视名星一样在虚构。”


    Rives 是Ron Wyatt的老合作伙伴。Ron Wyatt是一名麻醉师同时也是一名业余考古学家,他于1999年死于癌症。去世前Wyatt花费了多年时间研究并用自然证据证明了圣经中的这件事。除了马车车轮之外,Wyatt还称在土耳其的阿勒山附近的山上发现了诺亚方舟,这座山就是沙特阿拉伯“真正”的西奈山,还在耶稣基督被钉十字架地方的不远处发现了存放十条诫命的约柜。


    一起陪同Wyatt进行多次探险的人之一还有他的妻子Mary Nell。她担心对土耳其阿勒山附近的新发现会过于兴奋,但 Spring Hill除外。她告诉世网报她相信在经由亚喀巴湾连结埃及与沙特阿拉伯两地的“路桥”表面存有马车车轮的部分残骸。




    车轮轮毂仍保留着由中心向外延伸的8根辐条,经开罗古董总监Nassif Mohammed Hassan验证,声明这一轮毂可追溯到18世纪的古埃及,并解释这种8根辐条的轮毂只在公元前1400年左右使用过。




    当Mary Nell 与Ron一同潜入海里时,她说人们很容易就会错误地判定水下的每一件东西都具有历史意义。

















    “事实是,没有人真的知道红海是从哪分开的,”来自明尼苏达洲圣保罗Bethel学院的一名旧约方面的教授和圣经方面的地理学家Carl Rasmussen这样说。Rasmussen编写了《圣经Zondervan NIV 地图集》并个人认为这个交点就在现今的苏伊士运河边岸。




    一些欧洲科学家认为现有的地图是错的,Wyatts 是正确的——这个交点始于Nuweiba滩头阵地,穿过亚喀巴湾,进入现在的沙特阿拉伯,也即是他们所说的西奈山真正的所在地。




    但Ron Wyatt认为是在阿拉伯,甚至参考在加拉太书4章25节处圣徒保罗提到的阿拉伯的西奈山。


    为此他和他的儿子们一起去了"Jebel a Lawz,"法律之山,此山被当地人称为"Jebel Musa" –摩西的山。


    对Wyatts 来说,不幸的是他们被逮捕并锒铛入狱,他的妻子说有人向穆斯林国家大使权威通报,声称Ron在为以色列民做密探,入狱78天后他们获释放。




    “我相信最强有力的人是Jebel Sin Bisher”他告诉世网报“沙特阿拉伯在圣经上的根据非常非常弱小,尽管有天花乱坠的宣传报道。


    现在,由剑桥大学物理学家Colin Humphreys所写的书《出埃及的奇迹》,此书不仅支持亚喀巴湾交点这一发现,而且也支持阿拉伯西奈山的位置的说法。







    “关于出埃及,我所发现的比通常所认为的更加离奇” Humphreys说“古以色列民出埃及的确是最伟大的真实故事之一。”




    “风并没有把水分开”斯德哥尔摩Karolinska研究所的Lennart Moller这样说“没人能在那样的大风中活下来…如果上帝创造了天地,那对于他来说,将海水分开一会儿又算得了什么。”



    来自波罗的海哥特兰岛的Moller,《出埃及事件》的作者,对世网报说找出以色列民出埃及的正确路线的关键在于理解阿拉伯人所提到的“yum suph”,其含义并不是众多学者所说的“芦苇的海洋”的意思。








同时Mary Nell Wyatt警告那些潜水者和一些作家过于夸张的断言是有百害而无一利的,她相信她的丈夫有理由为什么去探究Ron所说的“蒙上帝厚待的人”




    再次回到英国,Peter Elmer说人们曾开玩笑地问他“为什么一名来自Keynsham的铲车机修工能到摩西去的地方呢?”


Pharaoh's chariots found in Red Sea?
'Physical evidence' of ancient Exodus
prompting new look at Old Testament


Posted: June 21, 2003
1:00 am Eastern

By Joe Kovacs
© 2008 WorldNetDaily.com



"And Moses stretched out his hand over the sea; and the LORD caused the sea to go back by a strong east wind all that night, and made the sea dry land, and the waters were divided." (Exodus 14:21)

One of the most famous stories of the Bible is God's parting of the Red Sea to save the Israelites from the Egyptian army and the subsequent drowning of soldiers and horses in hot pursuit.

But is there evidence that such an event did in fact happen – and if so, precisely where did it take place?

The issue is surfacing some 3,500 years after the event is said to have taken place with reports of Egyptian chariot wheels found in the Red Sea, photographs to document it and new books by scientists that could lead to a whole remapping of the Exodus route and a fresh look at ancient biblical accounts.

Wheel of fortune

Is this a chariot wheel that chased Moses? 

"I am 99.9 percent sure I picked up a chariot wheel," Peter Elmer tells WorldNetDaily after two diving trips to the Gulf of Aqaba branch of the sea. "It was covered in coral."

The 38-year-old forklift mechanic from Keynsham, England, traveled to the region with his brother, Mark, after being inspired by videos of explorers Ron Wyatt and Jonathan Gray, who have documented artifacts that in at least one case authorities have confirmed to be a chariot wheel dating to the time of the Exodus.

"I believe I actually sat in an ancient chariot cab," Elmer said, referring to his time exploring a submerged item in what he describes as an underwater scrapyard. "Without question, it is most definitely the remains of the Egyptian army."

But despite all of Elmer's excitement, others who have been to the same location are not so sure what is being viewed underwater are the remnants of the great chase and urge extreme caution regarding the unsubstantiated claims.

"All kinds of people are finding coral and calling it chariot parts," says Richard Rives, president of Wyatt Archaeological Research in Tennessee. "It's most likely coral covered with coral. ... Opportunists are combining false things with the true things that are found. These people are making it up as they go to be TV stars."

Rives was a longtime partner of Ron Wyatt, an anesthetist and amateur archaeologist who died of cancer in 1999. Before passing away, Wyatt devoted years searching for and documenting physical evidence for events mentioned in the Bible. In addition to chariot wheels, Wyatt claimed to have found Noah's Ark on the mountain next to Ararat in Turkey, the "true" Mount Sinai in Saudi Arabia and the Ark of the Covenant with the Ten Commandments near the site of Jesus Christ's crucifixion.

Submerged 'land bridge' (wyattmuseum.com)

Among those who accompanied Wyatt on many of his excursions is his wife, Mary Nell. She's concerned about over-exuberance regarding new claims, but the Spring Hill, Tenn., woman tells WorldNetDaily she's "convinced" there are chariot parts located on a subsurface "land bridge" connecting Egypt to Saudi Arabia through the Gulf of Aqaba.

She cites Ron's discovery of a wheel hub that he brought to the surface in the late 1970s as proof.

The hub had the remains of eight spokes radiating outward and was examined by Nassif Mohammed Hassan, director of Antiquities in Cairo. Hassan declared it to be from the 18th Dynasty of ancient Egypt, explaining the eight-spoked wheel was used only during that dynasty around 1400 B.C.

Curiously, no one can account for the precise whereabouts of that eight-spoked wheel today, though Hassan is on videotape stating his conclusion regarding authenticity.

When Mary Nell went diving with Ron, she says it was very easy to assume (wrongly) that every item on the flat bottom had historical significance.

"[At first] I thought everything was a chariot wheel!" Mrs. Wyatt exclaimed, noting how difficult it is for the untrained eye to distinguish an artifact from a piece of coral. "I'm just trying to be cautious about over-identifying too much. ... It is God's truth, and we can't hype it up. We can't add to it."

However, she notes a big problem for explorers and scientists is that the Egyptian government no longer allows items to be removed from the protected region. Thus, someone claiming to find an artifact will have a hard – if not impossible – time verifying its authenticity, a classic catch-22.

The watery grave

"And the waters returned, and covered the chariots, and the horsemen, and all the host of Pharaoh that came into the sea after them; there remained not so much as one of them." (Exodus 14:28)

The Bible account makes it clear that once the Israelites had marched through the parted sea on dry ground, that the waters rushed back to completely engulf the doomed army of ancient Egypt.

With that in mind, many of the items being seen in the Gulf of Aqaba have been photographed by divers for comparison to the Exodus story.

Many other photographs show formations in a circular pattern with projections that could be spokes, but those items remain at the bottom and have not been authenticated.

Another issue is the route of the Exodus, and which body of water the Israelites crossed. Many travel maps and Bibles indicate a crossing point in the Gulf of Suez, the western branch of the Red Sea. But those may have to be updated if the Aqaba location is confirmed as the true location for the miraculous event.

"The truth is, no one really knows where the crossing of the Red Sea took place," says Carl Rasmussen, a biblical geographer and professor of Old Testament at Bethel College in St. Paul, Minn.

Rasmussen compiled the "Zondervan NIV Atlas of the Bible" and personally thinks the crossing took place somewhere along what is now the Suez Canal.

Yellow highlights possible spot of Mount Sinai in Saudi Arabia. Gulf of Aqaba branch of Red Sea is at center, with main Red Sea at bottom-right of photo (wyattmuseum.com)


Some scientists from Europe say the current maps are wrong, and the Wyatts are right – that the crossing began at the Nuweiba beachhead, went through the Gulf of Aqaba, and then into what is now Saudi Arabia where they claim the "true" Mount Sinai is located.

For years, scholars have speculated as to the location of the actual Mount Sinai where Moses received the Ten Commandments from God. At least 13 sites have actually been claimed on the Sinai peninsula as being the correct spot.

But Ron Wyatt believed it was in Arabia, even referenced as "mount Sinai in Arabia" by the Apostle Paul in Galatians 4:25.

So he and his sons made their way to "Jebel a Lawz," the mountain of the Law, which is known by the locals as "Jebel Musa" – Moses' mountain.

Unfortunately for the Wyatts, they were arrested and held in prison. His wife says someone had phoned embassy authorities for the Muslim country, claiming that Ron was spying for Israel. They were released after spending 78 days behind bars.

Rasmussen doesn't agree with the Arabian Mount Sinai theory.

"I believe the strongest candidate is Jebel Sin Bisher," he told WorldNetDaily. "The sites in Saudi Arabia have very, very weak scriptural backing, in spite of the hype."

Now, a new book by Cambridge University physicist Colin Humphreys titled "The Miracles of Exodus" supports not only the claim for an Aqaba crossing, but also the location of Mount Sinai in Arabia.

"If my book is correct, and I believe the evidence is very strong," says Humphreys, "then world maps will need to be redrawn to relocate Mount Sinai. History books, travel guides and biblical commentaries will need to be rewritten."

Throughout his work, Humphreys provides scientific explanations to corroborate the accounts of the Old Testament.

"'The waters piled up, the surging waters stood firm like a wall,' is a remarkable description of what the mathematics reveals to be the case for water pushed back by a very strong wind," he writes.

"What I have found is that the events of the Exodus are even more dramatic than is generally believed," Humphreys said. "The Exodus of the ancient Israelites from Egypt really is one of the greatest true stories ever told."

A Swedish scientist who believes the Red Sea was split says while Humphreys is correct about the Aqaba crossing, there are no natural, scientific explanations for the parting miracle described in Scripture.

Walls of water as depicted in 'The Ten Commandments' (Paramount Pictures)

"The wind did not separate the water," says Lennart Moller of the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm. "No person could be in that wind and survive. ... If God has created all the Earth, it's no problem for Him to separate the water for a while."

Speaking to WorldNetDaily from the isle of Gotland in the Baltic Sea, Moller, the author of "The Exodus Case," says the key in finding the correct route of the Israelites is to understand that the Hebrew reference to "yum suph" does not mean "sea of reeds" as many scholars have claimed.


Moller says it refers specifically to the Gulf of Aqaba, and while he's not formally affiliated with the Wyatts, he agrees with them that a host of other evidence can be found on the Arabian side of the water, including remains of the golden calf, pillars, altars and the even the rock the Bible says Moses split to bring forth water for the Israelites.

Regarding the items found beneath the waters, Moller believes there are remnants not only of chariots and wheels, but also human and animal skeletons.

"There was a disaster [there] a long time ago," he said. "Whatever that is, it's open to interpretation."