鬼火:占领华尔街”变“占领美国” 70城市上演

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“占领华尔街”变“占领美国” 70城市上演
(2011-10-11 05:45:57)转载
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2011/10/10 1:21:20 上午/北美新闻
美国反金融霸权的「占领华尔街」示威运动,要改名成「占领美国」运动了。这个起初只有几百个年轻理想主义者扎营的运动,打烂无数政客和观察家眼镜,在全国 45个州 70个城市遍地开花,演变成跨阶层跨年龄跨种族全国性运动,前天(周六)更在首都华盛顿爆发冲突,反映运动已升级进入新阶段。
华盛顿的占领运动有两班人汇流。一班以「停止机器」为名,反大企业也反战,上周四起在自由广场扎营,数百人中不少是首次参加示威。另一班则打着「占领华府」旗号,仿效「占领华尔街」占据麦克弗森广场( McPherson Square)。两班人前天有百多 200人游行到国家航空航天博物馆,抗议馆内举行的无人机展览,批评政府在军事上大花公帑,没改善民生。
博物馆保安指示威者不能带标语牌进场,双方对峙起来,保安向示威者喷胡椒喷雾驱散,至少一名示威者被捕,博物馆事后关闭。数十示威者遭胡椒喷雾喷到狂咳、呕吐和头痛,消防处则称现场诊治 12人,无人严重不适。
纽约的占领行动踏入第四周越见升级。 3,000示威者前天从扎营大本营祖科蒂公园( Zuccotti Park)游行到上城区的华盛顿广场公园集会,在大量警力监视下没有发难,但声言会再来建立第二个占据扎营点。
西雅图、洛杉矶、芝加哥、费城等 70个城市,先后有「占领」示威,由反越战运动老手到示威新丁都加入,齐齐宣泄对经济不平等的不满,暂未有具体诉求,不少示威者也抗拒运动被民主党利用为选举造势。

Pain: A female protesters has her eyes doused with water after being hurt with pepper spray, while guards, right, rush to stop more demonstrators getting inside the National Air and Space Museum
Support: The anti-war protesters, who were demonstrating against a drone exhibit, help those hurt by pepper spray

Placards: Some protesters remained outside the museum after the incident while others fled
Protest: A banner is unfurled by demonstrators inside the National Air and Space Museum before security guards tore it down

Calm: A security officer gathers up the banner watched by demonstrators, one of whom brought his child along
Masked: One of the protesters marching to Foley square from Liberty Park plaza on the 19th day of the Occupy Wall Street demonstrations
March: Elsewhere in Washington, Occupy Wall Street protesters marched through the city
Bedding in: A camp set up at Freedom Plaza in Washington, DC
Rally: Protesters fill Washington Square in New York during an ‘Occupy Wall Street’ rally yesterday
Blame: A protester carries a picture of Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein on a pole
Point: Officers kept a close eye on the protest but by late Saturday afternoon there were no reports of violence or arrests
Boston: Four hundred people converge on the Boston Common – widening the Wall Street protests
Anger: Demonstrators hold slogans in downtown Los Angeles, in solidarity with the OWS protesters
Protesters with Occupy Wall Street march up Broadway from Zuccotti Park to Washington Square Park