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勇敢迈出第一步! (转载)
ypzxzcw 收藏于 2011-09-08 阅读数:1   被转藏:8
生活工作中的每件事情都有第一步,是最简单又是最难的,同时又是最重要的。第一步后,你将自然地过渡到第二步,由于起步的门槛是最高的,接下来就会相对简单一些。1 Learning to overcome the roadblocks in the beginning phase of something new is vital to getting into a proactive mindset and diving right in.  As Tim Jahn sagely advises:        积极的心态和立即行动对于学习新事物的以及克服初始阶段道路上的障碍至关重要。就像Tim Jahn  建议的:
“What separates the successful from the unsuccessful is the acknowledgment of weakness.  Bring your weaknesses to the front of the line, acknowledge them, and learn from them.  Think of them as a valuable tool rather than trash to take out.”       “成功者与失败者的区别就是前者承认自己的弱点。将你的弱点放到台前,承认它们,从中吸取教训。把它们当做宝贵的财富而不是扔进垃圾桶”
Let’s first map out the roadblocks that may be stopping you from taking the first step on whatever is next for you – whether it’s a new business idea, marketing strategy, form of art – anything you’re considering.  After, we will go through some activators    Roadblocks of the first step         接下来不管会遇见什么,让我们首先找出那些会阻止你迈出第一步的障碍——无论是一个新的经营理念,市场策略,艺术形式——你所想到的任何事情。然后,我们将要去激活它们。
The most common stopping point from any first step is fear, which is an irrational anxiety.  Fear in most cases stems from potential failure:  due to our educational system and culture, society fosters an absurd fear of failure.  It is absurd, because failure is actually a beautiful thing.  You’re certainly going to fail, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that if you learn from the experience and become better for it.  Never let fear hold you back, deprogram yourself from that mindset.         迈出第一步的时候,使你停下来最普遍的理由就是恐惧,这是一种非理性的焦虑。大多数情况下恐惧源于潜在的失败:由于我们的教育体系,文化以及社会,助长了对于失败的莫名恐惧。这是荒谬的,因为失败本身就是一件美丽的事情。你肯定将会经历失败,这没有什么不好的,因为你从中学到了经验并将会使得自己变得越来越好。不要因为恐惧而退缩,并且要从你的心里消除这种思想。
“I need more time” I’m going to let my friend Seth say this one, as his advice is perfect: “我需要更多的时间”
我想要让我的朋友 Seth 谈一下这个,因为他的建议很好:
First rule of decision making: More time does not create better decisions.制定决策的第一准则:时间越多做出的决定不一定越好。
In fact, it usually decreases the quality of the decision.实际上,这经常会降低决定的质量。
More information may help. More time without more information just creates anxiety, not insight.然而信息可能会越多越好。但是当随着时间的增长却无法获得更多的消息时候,只会增加焦虑,而不是洞察力。
Deciding now frees up your most valuable asset, time, so you can go work on something else. What happens if, starting today, you make every decision as soon as you have a reasonable amount of data?现在做出决定能够减少占用你的资产,时间,这样你就可以去做其他的事情。如果从今天开始,当你获得信息时,以最快的速度作出决定,将会发生什么?
I firmly believe if you are procrastinating doing something, you are probably doing the wrong thing with your life.  Here’s a dose of reality:  if you are at a point you are consistently putting off work, you should probably reconsider the path you are headed down.  If that’s difficult to hear, it’s probably true.我一直都这么坚定地认为如果你做事拖拉,你也许就在做一件人生中错误的事情。这里有一剂清醒剂:如果你在一味的推迟工作,你应该要重新考虑你所走的路。如果这样很的话难听,但它或许就是正确的。
Activators for the first step
Being able to bring yourself to action regardless of the emotional state you are in requires learning self-discipline.  This is vital to being able to take that first step.  It is a mindset you must focus to build, but the payoff is seeing your ideas and goals come to fruition.  无论你现在心理状态如何,行动起来的时候需要自律。这对于迈出第一步很重要。这就是你集中精力所要建立的心态,但是回馈是通过你的想法和目标的实现来看的。
Steve Pavlina has a great analogy on self-discipline:  Steve Pavlina 有一个关于自律的很好的比喻:
My philosophy of how to build self-discipline is best explained by an analogy. Self-discipline is like a muscle. The more you train it, the stronger you become. The less you train it, the weaker you become.   我如何构建自律的理念就是通过这个比喻来解释的。自律就像肌肉。你锻炼越多,你将会变得越强壮。你锻炼越少,你就会变得体弱。
Similarly, the basic method to build self-discipline is to tackle challenges that you can successfully accomplish but which are near your limit. This doesn’t mean trying something and failing at it every day, nor does it mean staying within your comfort zone. You will gain no strength trying to lift a weight that you cannot budge, nor will you gain strength lifting weights that are too light for you. You must start with weights/challenges that are within your current ability to lift but which are near your limit.  相似地,建立自律的基本方法就是不断地运用你的极限成功地去处理问题。这并不是意味着每天尝试一些让你失败的事情,也不是说呆在一个你认为舒适的领域。当你没有力气去举重物的时候你无法挪步,而当重物太轻时,你也不会用力去举起重物。你必须现在开始,在接近你极限的能力范围的边缘去挑战。
Aligning yourself with the right people面对不同的人作调整
I am fortunate – a few extremely talented individuals have taken their personal time to have in-depth conversations with me, and I know their end goal is to empower me to achieve success.  Despite the fact that I am self-motivated and have a natural passion for what I do, I owe much to the generous people who have invested their time in me.  They have helped me build a mindset to make the all important first step on more than one occasion.  We all should foster those invaluable relationships that push us to the next level.   我很幸运——一些非常有天赋的人用他们的时间和我进行深度的聊天,我也晓得他们的最终目标是赋予我力量去获得成功。尽管我现在对于我所从事的事情能够自我激励并且保持天生的激情,我将这个归功于普通大众将他们的时间投放到我这里。他们促使我去建立良好的心态,并在很多事情上敢于迈出第一步。我们都应该促进这些宝贵的推动我们走下去的人际关系。
Develop a proactive mindset建立积极的心态
Something that has always been clear to me is most spend a greater percentage of time in a reactive mindset than proactive.  When you shift to a proactive mindset, you become someone who takes the first step as a natural.  It takes some time to push yourself to do this because you may have unknowingly be conditioned to have a reactive mindset, but make no mistake, your results will become stronger for it.   我所清楚重要的是,我用大部分时间保持了被动而不是主动的心态。当你转换为主动的心态,你将使迈出第一步变得自然而然。当然,做到这样子,你需要一些时间,因为你也许不知道你现在正处于被动的心态,这样并没有错,你也只是会更加地被动。
Even when you get there it’s tough because many will not understand it.  Ultimately though, the more proactive you are, the more freedom and time you will gain.  Consider all the benefits of being proactive:即使当你做到那些,它的艰难,很多人无法理解。最终,你越主动,你会获得越多的自由和时间。想想主动所带来的好处:
Positions your self/business/blog as a leader1.将你至于一个领先的位置。
Allows you to dictate the future instead of the external forces deciding it for you2.能够使得你自己描绘好未来而不是外部的力量替你决定。
More efficient and better work because the proactive mindset dominates the reactive mindset3.更加地有效率,工作更出色,因为积极的心态占主导位置。
Reactive strategy in fast-changing environment is risk4.同时,在快速变换的环境里被动的策略是危险的。 Let’s you have a sound, measured plan in place instead of constantly jumping around5.让你能做好一个计划周全的而不是思维混乱的企划案。
Your business, your marketing, your blog or your life will be set on fire when you construct a mindset of consistently taking the first step confidently and seamlessly, without fear.  Don’t blindly step forward – certainly have a strategy – but never be afraid to take the first step, or the world will pass you by time and time again.  当你建立一个良好的心态,一直自信自如毫无恐惧地迈出你第一步,那么你的生意,你的市场,你的博客或者你的生活将会被点燃,不要盲目地向前走——要有一个策划——但是请不要害怕迈出第一步,不然你将越来越落后于世界。