
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/04/27 23:59:29


有些人偏爱浓烈的黑咖啡。他们倾向于选择“an espresso”(浓缩咖啡)。浓缩咖啡是让水蒸气强行穿过咖啡豆制成的浓烈黑咖啡。在许多其它咖啡类型中它也是主要的原料。“Americano”(美式咖啡)是将热水倒进少量浓缩咖啡后制成的一种咖啡。是非常浓的。

对那些偏爱在咖啡中加牛奶的人,“cappuccino”(卡布奇诺)是唯一的胜者。它由浓缩咖啡、热牛奶和蒸汽奶泡制成。卡布奇诺类似于“cafe latte”(拿铁咖啡),它是由浓黑咖啡或浓缩咖啡混合烫牛奶制成的。

大多数种类的咖啡同样也有冷饮的选择。如果你不喜欢热饮,你可以尝试选择“iced coffee”(冰咖啡)。简单来说就是指任何热咖啡都有冰饮的种类。

有些人喜欢在咖啡中加一点酒精,这些被认为是“coffee liqueurs”(咖啡酒)。其中最受欢迎之一是“Irish coffee”(爱尔兰热咖啡),是浓缩咖啡与威士忌和奶油组合制成的。



What Coffee Lovers Should Know

Some people prefer strong black coffee. They tend to opt for "an espresso". An espresso is strong black coffee made by forcing steam through coffee beans. It’s also the main ingredient in many other types of coffee. The "Americano", is a type of coffee made by pouring hot water into a shot of espresso. It can be very strong.

For those who prefer milk in their coffee, then the "cappuccino" is a firm favourite. It consists of espresso, hot milk and steamed milk foam. The cappuccino is similar to the "cafe latte" which consists of strong or bold coffee or espresso, mixed with scalded milk.

Most types of coffee will also have a cold option. If you don’t like it hot then you can try "iced coffee". This simply refers to the cold variation of any hot type of coffee.

Some people like to add a little alcohol in their coffee. These are referred to as "coffee liqueurs". One of the more popular of these is "Irish coffee" which is espresso combined with whiskey and cream.

Remember, Coffee usually has caffeine but if you want a healthier option you can always ask for "decaf" (short for decaffeinated).
