
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/04/26 17:13:44
2009年高考英语单项选择题热点分类汇编(2)(2009-08-13 20:42:56) 标签:2009 词汇 单项选择题 高考 葛平 汇编 句型 热点 英语 语法 知识点 动词 教育  分类:高考专栏

1.(四川卷18)—You speak very good French!
—Thanks. I______French in Sichuan University for four years.
A. studied    B. study   C. was studying      D. had studied
2.(江苏卷22)-- Ann is in hospital.
-- Oh, really? I ______know. I______go and visit her.
A. didn’t; am going to                        B. don’t; would
C. don’t; will                               D. didn't; will
3.(江苏卷25)--- Hi, Terry, can I use your computer for a while this afternoon?
--- Sorry.______ .
A. It' s repaired                        B. It has been repaired
C. It's being repaired                    D. It had been repaired
4.(全国卷I 26)His sister left home in 1998, and ______since.
A. had not been heard of                      B. has not been heard of
C .had not heard of                           D .has not heard of
5.(全国卷I 29)Edward, you play so well. But I ______you played the piano.
A. didn’t know                             B. hadn’t known
C. don’t know                              D. haven’t known
6.(福建卷22)-Why does the Lake smell terrible?
-Because large quantities of water______. 
A. have polluted       B. is being polluted    C. has been polluted   D. have been polluted
7.(福建卷 31)According to the literary review, Shakespeare______his charities live through their language in his plays. 
A. will make       B. had made      C. was making         D. makes
8.(湖南卷23)When he______the door, he found his keys were nowhere.             
A. would open      B. opened      C. had opened       D. was to open
9.(浙江卷9)Over the past decades, sea ice______in the Arctic as a result of global warming.
A. had decreased   B. decreased     C. has been decreasing  D. is decreasing
10.(浙江卷20)—What do you think of the movie?
   —It’s fantastic. The only pity is that I______the beginning of it.
A missed     B had missed     C miss  D would miss
11.(全国卷II 8)Progress ______ so far very good and we sure that the work will be finished on time.
A. was         B. had been      C. has been     D. will be
12.(重庆卷23)She stared at the painting ,wondering where she ______it.
A. saw        B. has seen    C. sees        D. had seen
13.(重庆卷28)—I’ve got to go now.
—Must you ?I ______you could stay for dinner with us.
A. think          B. thought C. have thought    D. am thinking
14.(重庆卷30)Professor Williams keeps telling his students that the future ______to the well-educated.
A. belongs          B. is belonged  C. is belonging      D. will be belonged
15.(天津卷2)My parents _____ in Hong Kong. They were born there and have never lived anywhere else.
A. live         B. lived        C. were living        D. will live
16.(北京卷23)Scientists have many theories about how the universe______into being.
A. came      B. was coming  C. had come   D. would come
17.(北京卷24)For breakfast he only drinks juice from fresh fruit______on his own farm.
A. grown  B. being grown   C. to be grown   D. to grow
18.(北京卷30)When I talked with my grandma on the phone, she sounded weak, but by the time we ______up, her voice had been full of life.
 A. were hanging   B. had hung   C. hung    D. would hang
19.(北京卷32)John was given the same suitcase his father and grandfather______with them to school.
A. took   B. had taken   C. were taking  D. would take
20.(湖南卷27)Would you please keep silent? The weather report ______and I want to listen.
A. is broadcast         B. is being broadcast
C. has been broadcast    D. had been broadcast             
21.(湖南卷35)— The food here is nice enough.                                      
       — My friend ______ me a right place.
A. introduces        B. introduced       C. had introduced D. was introducing
22.(江西卷29)---What is the price of petrol these days
    ---Oh, it ______ sharply since last month.
A. is raised        B. has risen     C. has arisen         D. is increased
23.(江西卷31)---Do you want a lift home?
    ---It’s very kind of you, but I have to work late in the office. I overslept this morning because my alarm clock _______.
 A. doesn’t go off      B. won’t go off     C. wasn’t going off   D. didn’t go off
24.(辽宁卷24)Excuse me, Marcia, a reporter from Vanity Fair ________ all day. Could you speak to her now?
A. phones                  B. has phoned
C. has been phoning          D. phoned
25.(辽宁卷31)My parents have promised to come to see me before I ______for
A have left    B leave   C left     D will leave
26.(山东卷34)I was out of town at the time, so I don’t know exactly how it _______.
A. was happening     B. happened      C. happens         D. has happened
27.(陕西卷9)This is the first time we______a film in the cinema together as a family.
A see     B had seen    C saw      have seen
答案:1-5 ADCBA 6-10 DDDDA        11-15 CDBAA 16-20 AACBB    21-25 BBDCB 26-27 BD
1.(四川卷13)—I don’t care what people think.
—Well, you _______
A. could     B. would   C. should        D. might
2.(江苏卷28)He did not regret saying what he did but felt that he______it differently.
A. could express                        B. would express
C. could have expressed                 D. must have expressed
3.(全国卷I 25)What do you mean, there are only ten tickets? There______be twelve.
A. should   B. would    C. will     D. shall
4.(湖南卷30)— It’s the office! So you______know eating is not allowed here.           
       — Oh, sorry.
A. must     B. will        C. may   D. need      
5.(辽宁卷29)The traffic is heavy these days. I______arrive a bit late, so could you save me a place?
A can       B must     C need     D might
6.(全国卷II 20)I can’t leave. She told me that I _____ stay here until she comes back.
   A. can           B. must             C. will        D. may
7.(浙江卷13)The doctor recommended that you______swim after eating a large meal.
A wouldn’t    B couldn’t     C needn’t     D shouldn’t
8.(重庆卷32)—Hi, Tom . Any idea where Jane is?
— She _____in the classroom . I saw her there just now.
A. shall be             B. should have been
C. must be              D. might have been
9.(北京卷25)One of the few things you______say about English people with certainty is that they talk a lot about the weather.
A. need    B. must    C. should   D. can
10.(天津卷15)This printer is of good quality. If it _______ break down within the first year, we would repair it at our expense.
A. would          B. should     C. could      D. might
答案:1-5 CCAAD          6-10BDCDB
1.(江西卷22)_________ the right kind of training, these teenage soccer players may one day grow into the international stars.
A. Giving     B. Having given     C. To give       D. Given
2.(江西卷34)The government plans to bring in new laws _____ parents to take more responsibility for the education of their children.
A. forced         B. forcing       C. to be forced     D. having forced
3.(辽宁卷22)When we visited my old family home, memory came ______ back
A. flooding       B. to flood           C. flood              D. flooded
4.(辽宁卷27)______, you need to give all you have and try your best.
Being a winner  B To be a winner  C Be a winner   D Having been a winner
5.(湖南卷21)Every evening after dinner, if not______from work, I will spend some time walking my dog.      
A. being tired         B. tiring C. tired   D. to be tired 
6.(湖南卷25)At the age of 29, Dave was a worker,        in a small apartment near Boston and ______ what to do about his future.
A. living; wondering    B. lived; wondering 

C. lived; wondered      D. living;wondered               
7.(湖南卷29)Nowadays people sometimes separate their waste to make it easier for it______.
A. reusing B. reused     C. reuses      D. to be reused
8.(山东卷22)We are invited to a party _________in our club next Friday. 
A. to be held        B. held         C. being held         D. holding
9.(山东卷25)The number of foreign students attending Chinese universities ________ rising steadily since1990.
A. is         B. are         C. has been         D. have been
10.(重庆卷29)With the world changing fast, we have something new _______with all by ourselves every day.
A. deal         B. dealt    C. to deal      D. dealing
11.(北京卷27)The way the guests ___ in the hotel influenced their uation of the service.
A. treated   B. were treated   C. would treat   D. would be treated
12.(北京卷28)All of them try to use the power of the workstation______information in a more effective way.
A. presenting   B. presented   C. being presented  D. to present
13.(北京卷34)______twice, the postman refused to deliver our letters unless we changed our dog.
A. Being bitten     B. Bitten  C. Having bitten    D. To be bitten
14.(天津卷4)______ the project in time, the staff were working at weekends.
A. Competing    B. Having completed   C. To have completed  D. To complete
15.(天津卷9)_____ by the advances in technology, many farmers have set up wind farms on their land.
A. Being encouraged    B. Encouraging   C. Encouraged         D. Having encouraged
16.(浙江卷3)______ and short of breath, Andy and Ruby were the first to reach the top of Mount Tai.
A. To be tried   B. Tired  C. Tiring  D. Being tired
17.(浙江卷7)There is a great deal of evidence ______that music activities engage different parts of the brain.
A. indicate   B. indicating  C. to indicate  D. to be indicating
18.(全国卷II 6)It is often _____ that human beings are naturally equipped to speak.
A. said          B. to say        C. saying       D. being said
19.(四川卷2)A . He told us whether _________ a picnic was still under discussion
A. to have     B. having    C. have    D. had
20.(四川卷4)Ladies and gentlemen, please remain __________ until the plane has come to a complete stop.
A. seated     B. seating   C. to seat    D. seat
21.(四川卷10)________ many times, he finally understood it.
A. Told     B. Telling    C. Having told    D. Having been told
22.(江苏卷26)Schools across China are expected to hire 50,000 college graduates this year as short-term teachers, almost three times the number hired last year,______reduce unemployment pressures.
A. help              B. to have helped     C. to help    D. having helped
23.(江苏卷32)Distinguished guests and friends, welcome to our school,______the ceremony of the 50th Anniversary this morning are our alumni (校友) from home and abroad.
A. Attend      B. To attend         C. Attending        D. Having attended
24. (全国卷I 30)The children all turned ______the famous actress as the entered the classroom
A. looked at                               B. to look at
C. to looking at                            D. look at
25.(全国卷I 35)Now that we’ve discussed our problem, are people happy with the decisions______?           
A. taking           B. take              C. taken                  D .to take
26.(福建卷32)______not to miss the flight at 15:20, the manager set out for the airport in a hurry. 
A. Reminding             B. Reminded            C. To remind     D. Having reminded
27.(福建卷34)In April, 2009, President Hu inspected the warships in Qingdao,______the 60th anniversary of the founding of the PLA Navy. 
A. marking         B. marked           C. having marked    D. being marked Ks5u
28.(全国卷II 16)They use computers to keep the traffic ______ smoothly.
A. being run      B. run          C. to run         D. running
29.(陕西卷12)I still remember______to the Famen Temple and what I saw there .
A to take    to be taken   taking     D being taken

30.(重庆卷25)Michael’s new house is like a huge palace, ______with his old one.
A. comparing    B. compares    C. to compare   D. compared
答案:1-5 DBABC         6-10 ADACC        11-15 BDBDC        16-20 BBAAA 21-25 DCCBC        26-30 BADDD

1.(湖南卷26)I was born in New Orleans, Louisiana, a city ______name will create a picture of beautiful trees and green grass in our mind.                                                                                        
A. which    B. of which       C. that    D. whose    
2. (辽宁卷23)They’ve won their last three matches,________ I find a bit surprising actually.
A. that             B. when             C. what      D. which
3. (全国卷I )She brought with her three friends, none of ______I had ever met before.
A. them            B. who               C. whom                 D .these
4. (江苏卷23)Because of the financial crisis, days are gone _ ______local 5-star hotels charged 6,000 yuan for one night.
A. if                  B. when             C. which             D. since
5. (福建卷24)It’s helpful to put children in a situation ______they can see themselves differently.
A. that          B. when         C. which           D. where u
6. (山东卷24)Whenever I met her, _________ was fairly often, she greeted me with a sweet smile.
A. who         B. which         C. when        D. that
7. (陕西卷11)Gun control is  a subject______Americans have argued for a long time .
A of which     with which    about  which     D into which
8. (全国卷II17)My friend showed me round the town, ______ was very kind of him.
A. which         B. that           C. where         D. it
9. (浙江卷14)I have reached a point in my life ______I am supposed to make decisions of my own.
A which    B where     how   D why
10. (重庆卷34)Life is like a long race _____we compete with others to go beyond ourselves.
A. why       B. what      C. that      D. where
11. (北京卷26)–What do you think of teaching, Bob?
–I find it fun and challenging. It is a job______you are doing something serious but interesting.
A. where         B. Which    C. When     D. that
12. (天津卷5)A person ______ e-mail account is full won’t be able to send or receive any e-mails.
A. who     B. whom    C. whose   D. whoever
答案:1-5 DDCBD    6-10 BCABD     11-12DC
1.(四川卷7)News came from the school office ________Wang Lin had been admitted to Beijing University.
A. which     B. what   C. that   D. where
2. (江苏卷34)Many young people in the West are expected to leave __ ______could be life' s most important decision -- marriage -- almost entirely up to luck.
A. as                 B. that             C. which        D. what
3.(全国卷I 24)Could I speak to______is in charge of International Sales please?
A. who      B. what   C. whoever   D. whatever
4.(湖南卷28)She is very dear to us. We have been prepared to do ______it takes to save her life.
A. whichever      B. however       C. whatever   D. whoever   
5.(江西卷33)The fact has worried many scientists ______ the earth is becoming warmer and warmer these years.
A. what          B. which         C. that       D. though
6.(陕西卷17)The how to booke can be of help to______wants to do the job.   
who   B whomever  C no matter who  D whoever
7.(浙江卷12)—Is there any possibility______you could pick me up at the airport ?
     —No problem
A. when    B. that  C. whether   D. what
8.(重庆卷31)We should consider the students’ request______the school library provide more books on popular science.
A. that       B. when       C. which        D. where
9.(北京卷31)At first he hated the new job but decided to give himself a few months to see ______it got any better.
A. when   B. how  C. why   D. if
10.(天津卷7)It is obvious to the students ______ they should get well prepared for their future.
A. as     B. which      C. whether     D. that
答案:1-5 CDCCC          6-10 DBADD