
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/04/29 21:26:57
[汽车]hatchback          掀背式轿车 n.     1. a type of car that has an estra door on the back that opens from the bottom instead of the side  例句:1. He said the Ingolstadt-based car maker will launch its A3 hatchback in China next year as ...他说"奥迪本部生产的A3型号的豪华车也将在明年投入到中国市场" 2. In this case,he means you'll be able to get a two-door,four-door or hatchback Focus off what Ford calls its C platform.他的意思是你能够生产出2门、4门或者两厢的Focus在一个C平台上 3. Mr. Wang says a new SUV,hatchback and a micro minivan are likely to hit showrooms within six months.汪总说,SUV、掀背车(hatchback)及微型面包车未来六个月内可能均有新车展示。 4.  The lower front panel differs from that of the 308 hatchback.较低的前面板不同于308掀背车 5.  Saab used to have some cachet back when a Saab meant a swift hatchback.萨博(Saab)从前因为专攻掀背小车而颇有些名气。 6.  The hinged rear door of a hatchback.仓门式后背有铰链的后门。 7.  The medium-sized hatchback Leaf can carry five adults 100 miles on a single charte.而中型斜背式的日产“叶子”可以在一次充电后承载5名成年人行驶100英里。 8.  This car is the successor to our popular hatchback model.这种汽车是我厂著名的带上掀式斜背小轿车的换代产品。 9.  Singh said Toyota will also introduce the Liva, a hatchback based on the Etions platform,in India next April.丰田汽车印度分公司Toyota Kirloskar Motor Pvt.副董事总经理辛格(Sandeep Singh)说,丰田还将于明年4月在印度推出基于Etios平台的掀背车Liva。 10. The zero-emission hatchback vehicle,called Leaf,is set to go on sale in Japan,the US and Europe next year.这款零排放的汽车命名为"绿叶"明年将在日本、美国和欧洲开始销售   convertible         敞篷车adj.  1. something that is convertible can be changed from one form,use,or system into another可以转换的;可转化的       2. a convertible currency is the money from one country that can be exchanged for the monery of another country[经]可以兑换的,可兑换的n.    1. a car with a roof that can be folded back or removed completely[汽]敞篷车 例句:1. Last time he told me that how much he spend on his wife's convertible car . You just motion it when you are talking.上次他告诉我他花了多少钱给他老婆买了辆敞篷车。你就在闲聊的时候随意提一句吧。 2. Without a freely convertible renminbi , it is hard to see how Shanghai can ever live up to the ambitions embodied in the Bund Bull.在人民币不可自由兑换的情况下,上海如何能实现“外滩金融牛”所承载的雄心壮志呢? 3.The convertible bonds it bought offered a 5% coupon and guaranteed it a return of at least 1.5 times its outlay.其购买的可换股债券提供5%的利息,并且保证利润至少是投入的1.5倍. 4. Woman:If Dan were a brand,he might be a classic convertible Mercedes Benz.女人:如果丹是一个品牌那他可能会是一款经典的敞篷车就象梅塞德斯.奔驰 5. A reserve renminbi would have to be fully convertible , on the capital account as well as the current account.要成为储备货币,人民币必须能够完全自由兑换——无论是在资本帐户还是在经常帐户上。 6.Some countries want to see China more integrated into the global financial system with a fully convertible currency.这些国家认为中国人为压低人民币币值以刺激出口.还有一些国家希望中国能更多地融入到全球金融体系中来,并实现人民币的完全可兑换 7. If the proposed convertible bond took Chinalco past this point it would erquire fresh approval, which could prove politically controversial.如果拟议的可转换债券让中铝突破这一比例,那么这将需要获得新的批准,这可能会在政治上引发争议. 8.GIC's investment in UBS was in the form of a mandatory convertible bond paying a 9 percent coupon for two years,which expires today.GIC对瑞银的投资以强制性可转换债券形式进行,票息为9%,为期两年,今天到期. 9.When sterling finally went off the gold standard in 1931,Bank of England notes ceased to be convertible into any other medium.当英镑最后在1931年放弃金本位时,英格兰银行钞券停止兑换成任何其它媒介. 10. Gleaming in the sun on the driveway are a Ferrari,a Jaguar,a Rolls-Royce and a green convertible Morgan.在太阳下闪闪发光的是车道上的一辆法拉利(Ferrari)、一辆捷豹(Jaguar)、一辆劳斯莱斯(Rolls-Royce)和一辆绿色的摩根(Morgan)跑车。 11. The convertible notes are convertible at a conversion price of  HK$0.1945 ,bEarning no interest and with a maturity period of two years.可换股票据之兑换价为每股0.1945港元,年期两年,不计利息.  12.Paper money,it seemed, had to be convertible into bullion on demand for it to be accepted.纸币似乎必须能即刻兑换成金条银条才能为人接受. 13.Convertible notes let startups beat such deadlocks by rewarding investors willing to move first with lower (effective) valuations. 要打破这种僵局,创业公司可以采用低价格的可置换股份,鼓励、奖赏那些最先作出投资决定的投资人,因为他们所承担的风险更大,这是他们理所因得的。      sports car          跑车n.    1. a small fast car,often with a roof that you can take offstation wagon    旅行车n.    1. a long car that has a lot of space behind the seats to carry things and people. The British word is estate car n.   1.   a vehicle with an engine and two small wheels that looks like a small motorcycle 小型摩托车;踏板车      2.   a child's toy consisting of handlebars attached by a long rod to a footboard on two wheels. one foot is placed on the board and the other pushes against the ground to propel the scooter along 滑板车 n.   1.  a road vehicle that has two wheels and an engine and looks like a large heavy becycle. Someone who rides a motorcycle is called a motorcyclist 摩托车      2. to ride or travel on a motorcycle 骑摩托车abbr.  1. [汽](=sport utility vehicle)运动型多用途汽车n.   1. a car with no roof  that can drive over all types of land and is often used as a military vehicle 吉普车     [房地产]estate                财产,遗产,房地产/庄园,种植园/生活状况,等级,集团,情况,状态/<古>身份,地位,家产/财产,所有权real estate          房产,不动产;房地产[社区]community  社区,居民区/社会团体,社会阶层,社团,指有共同背景或爱好的一群人/共同性,共通,归属感/<泛指>社会,公众/<动植物>群落Street office / Subdistrict Offices / Community Affairs Office 街道办事处neighborhood committee / resident's committee 居委会floating population / flowing population流动人口ZPG (zero population grawth, a demographic balance,which means the birth rate equals to the death rate)人口零增长;人口出生率与死亡率相等的人口平衡状态  [调查]n.  1. a survey which collect information from people living in private households in a particular region.家庭调查,住户调查 n.  1. sb. whose job is to take a census调查员,普查员 n.    1. a board on which notices are pinned usually used in American English布告栏,公告栏,常用于美式英语       2. a place on a computer system or on the Internet where you  can leave messages and read messages from other people.[网]电子公告栏  n.    1. a set of questions used to gather information in a survey例句And I have concocted a questionnaire to see to what degree you express dopamine,serotonin,estrogen and testosterone.为此,我做了一份问卷调查,以探明人们如何显现多巴胺、血清素、雌激素和睾丸激素的性状。 concoct v.    1. to invent a false explanation or false information,especially for a dishonest purpose捏造,编造,虚构       2. to produce something unusual by mixing things in a new way,especially a drink or meal调制,泡制(汤,饮料,肥皂等)       3.图谋,策划,计划web.  1. 混合而制