重庆城市职业学院网址:新目标人教版八年级上册英语学案 Unit 7原创

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(Go for it)新目标人教版八年级上册英语学案 Unit 7(完整版)


Unit7  How do you make a banana milk shake? 

                                      Section A

一.  Teacher's words:

Heaven helps those who helps themselves. (天助自助者)

 .Learning aims:

     Knowledge aims: shake, milk shake, blender, turn on, cut ,up .cut up, peel ,pour, into ,yogurt, ingredient, cup watermelon ,teaspoon, amount instruction, finally, mix  mix up, popcrn, popper, boil, salt, add  add ``to``

   Ability aims :Make and describe a banana milk shake?

Emotion aims:通过学习某些食品的制作过程,了解中西方的饮食文化及差异。

.Teaching steps

Step 1.情景导入



1)打开         2 切碎        3)进入到          

4)混合在一起                5 ...加到          

6 两茶匙蜂蜜             7.一杯酸奶                


 (1)Listen to the tape and do 1b.Then let Ss practise 1b with parteners.

(2)Listen 2a and 2b ,then ask and answer questions about how to make fruit salad, and do 3a.

Step 4.Free talk (小组活动,思维创造)

Look at these pictures and say how to make popcorn.

Step 5.写写,练练






Step 6 实战应用


1.Please give me two ______ milk.

A. glass   B. glass of  C. glasses  D. glasses of .

解题:选D. 本题考查不可数名词的计量法。milk牛奶,为不可数名词,其前不能直接被基数词修饰,但可以用“表示容量的词+偶发”表示,如:two glasses of milk(两杯牛奶)。

2.You__the light .It's  bright enough here .We can see everything clearly.

A. mustn't turn off        B. must turn on

C .needn't  turn on          D. need turn on

解题:选C。本题考查情态动词和动词词组用法区别。turn on 打开,turn off 关上,后面的句子说“这儿够亮了,我们能清楚的看到所有的东西”说明上句应为“你不必开灯”。

3.You must be careful when you cross the street, please.

____________  __________ when you cross the street, please.

解题:答案:Be careful.本题考查同义句转换。“你一定小心”是一种嘱托,可用祈使句。


1.Linda,I'v bought many________ .Now let's make the birthday cake.(2004.上海)

A. fresh eggs  B. chocolate milk  C. frozen food  D. rice dumplings

解析:many 用以来修饰可数名词的复数,而且下面出现了“make the birthday cake",故选A

2.He had something to write down and asked me for ______.2004.天津)

A. a paper  B. some papers  C. some pieces of papers D. a piece of pape解析:paper为不可数名词,不能加's,不能用a 修饰,但可用a piece of 修饰。

3. ---________students are there in your class?

---Forty one.(2004.北京)

A.   How many  B. How much  C. How long  D. How heavy

解析:根据答案判定是提问数量,且students 是复数形式,故可用How many.A

(三). 能力提升:

1.The little boy was so hungry that he ate up ____________(一大碗米饭)

2.Don't ______________________________(把他们混在一起)。

3.Mysister likes __________________________(含有鸡肉的三明治)。

答案。1.a big bowl of rice 2.mix them up 3.sandwiches with chicken

 Step 7.Sum-up:知识梳理:


                                                                                                                       Step8. Homework



Section  B
.Teacher's wordsMen learn while they teach.(教学相长。)

.Learning aims

Knowledge aims :

(1):sandwich, bread, butter, relish, lettuce, turkey, slice, super top recipe, check, green onion, duck, sauce, pancake, roll


Ability aims: Make and describe turkey sandwich.

Emotion aims:


.Learning steps




1)火鸡三明治       2)一些黄油      3)把...放在...       

4)另一片面包       5)两片面包       6)火鸡片             


 (1) Let Ss do 2a and 2b.

(2) Desribe how to make a turkey sandwich.

 (3) Read 3a and 3b  with your partner.

Step4.Free talk(小组活动,思维创造)

How to make super sandwich that you like.

Step 5.写写,练练

Please write the short passage


                                                                                                                      Step 6.实战应用;


1.----____________late for the meeting next time.

----Sorry , I won't.

A.    Be  B. Don't be  C. Do be  D. Be not


.You must read the _________carefully before taking the medicine.

A. news  B. pictures  C. numbers  D. instructions.


3.——Let’s go to the supermarket by taxi.

----We_______ take a taxi .It is not far from here.

A.   can't  B. needn't  C. couldn't  D. mustn't


(二). 中考链接;

1.2007.南通)Come  on  ,children .Help yourselves to some___________ if you like.

A. fish and chicken     B. fishes and chicken  

C. fish and chicken     D. fishes and chickens

解析:fish(鱼肉) chicken(鸡肉)都是不可数名词,故选A

2.2007.青岛)Mr. Smith always has _________ to tell us.

A. some good pieces of news   B. some pieces of good news

C. some good piece of news    D. some

解析:选A。表示“几条好消息”,应将good 放在piece之前,some 决定了piece 用复数形式。

3.2007.厦门)I need some help .Can you __the bananas for fruit salad?

--- Yes, Mum. But where's the knife?

A.   cut up  B.mix up C. put up

解析;选A。上句意为我需要一些帮助。你能切碎这些香蕉做水果沙拉吗? cut up 切碎;mix up 混合;put up 举起。


1.LookThe girl_________________(在切肉)

2.Granny________________the milk ___________(......倒入)the cup.

3.Let me think .We need __________(再,又另外两个)apples.

答案:1.is cutting meat 2.pouredinto 3.another twotwo more




