
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/04/29 06:00:24

  1,Meetings can be held in order to produce action plans or exchange or pass on information.              召开会议的理由可能是为了决定行动计划以及交换或者传递信息。

  2,Which meeting do you think is the most enjoyable?and which the least?           你觉得哪个会议最有趣,哪个最没劲?
        3,Every meething should have an agenda。           每个会议都需要一个日程安排。
  4,The agenda should be circulated in advance.           日程安排应该事先(让相关人员)传阅知晓。
  5,The chairperson is responsible for the success of a meeting.          (会议)主席必须对会议的成败负责。

  6,In every meeting,there should be someone taking the minutes.           每个会议都应该有人做会议记录。
  7,All meetings should be for a fixed length of time.           所有的会议都必须规定开多长时间。

  8,If people are going to attend meetings ,they should always prepare beforehand.           如果要去参加会议,应该总是提前准备好才行。
  9,Everyone should have a chance to speak at meetings.           每个人都有机会在在会议上发言。
  10,A recent survey in the Unitied States revealed the information shown in these charts.             最近美国的一个调查披露了以下表中的信息。