
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/04/29 08:19:38


9 R! Z. k% j' A1 rError Codes     Description     错误内容
, X) |" ?0 [4 _! {5 [0 @  H1     Carriage Jam     光头组件卡住8 ?& N+ u0 J2 J
3     Cutter Jam     裁刀卡住! V# s8 K9 K& s# \# ?
4     Out of Media     没菲林3 Z0 X- z. M4 j4 M9 |- `2 ~
5     No Take-up Cassette     没收片盒& k6 a+ V. [- O% K( S5 {
6     Media Jam     进片口菲林卡住+ D; ?) k$ H" f& N
7     Take-up Punch Jam     出片口位置打孔装置卡住& \; ]* V8 ?' q4 o- M& K2 |
8     Cutter Off Sensor     裁刀没复位
, k5 ^" f7 o4 _( T' F9 n) A10     Take-up Cassette Mis-match     收片装置不匹配: T! L1 Q* U1 S0 ]1 l
11     Page Length Error     页面长度错误; H5 g6 G9 B3 {
12     Hardware Error     硬件错误
4 z- O7 |, M  r& ~13     Left Door Open     左边门打开3 W( q  a/ f! U+ S) ~
14     Missed Breakpoint     RIP数据错误+ c! ]/ z6 K' N
15     No RIP Cable     RIP没有连接6 f; X; P0 F+ N2 G
17     Spinner Over Speed     转镜速度错误
- g  h  Y! j8 I" p) @0 X22     Spot Changer Jam     光点转换器卡住5 C- j# L4 g+ f5 J) `" ?' E
23     Checksum Error     自检错误1 L' L! t  a. s$ W# {
27     Processor Off-line: Warning     冲机没联线
3 Y+ d7 Y$ [: q8 y7 J# L28     EEPROM Error     EEPROM错误
% [* g  c4 i/ I5 i2 M! _31     Supply Punch Jam     进片口位置打孔装置卡住
  W  {* {' o$ N8 N  t33     No Media Loaded     没有加载菲林
8 ^$ o, o" D& W" r34     Take-up Cassette Full     收片盒满了
9 _* b( h4 f  x6 v36     Supply Cassette Select Jam     进片盒位置卡住4 N- _" J" h9 t7 w4 h& L1 }, ?. k
37     Take-up Cassette Core Jam     收片盒卡住( H7 u0 R2 x" \& b% c. k; w9 h  U
38     Focus Jam     调焦装置卡住! C! E! R3 ~2 g! D8 N
39     Polarizer Jam     光圈装置卡住6 N; B# r; ?8 K" l) _9 f9 u& G
40     Diagnostic Error     检测错误
: l9 b: c" i8 @+ K41     Bridge Not in Position     桥没有复位( v. ^  y3 T5 b% h
42     Right Door Open     右边门打开: k. D. A5 s( \/ g
43     Unknown SPI Command     非法SPI命令
$ b$ u5 R. V# n5 W* V6 |44     Cut Not Allowed     裁刀错误
2 ]2 G8 W- `9 w/ P- z45     Load Not Allowed     需要裁片) K3 k5 c4 ^2 W* t4 Z
46     Laser Bad     激光问题" p, d) o' e: x3 P( {$ `0 O/ J
47     Carriage Speed Error     光头组件速度错误
) K- M! D/ _$ j9 h/ b8 |48     Invalid Configuration     非法设置8 z1 q- F, Y/ t$ O: u! p: F# ^
49     EEPROM Write Error     EEPROM写错误- O) t8 Y) K* u, `
50     Password Error     密码错误
  O3 P. z6 ^* u% t) I+ I51     Bridge Comm. Error     桥通讯错误
6 A6 |/ ^. _1 \) C52     Bridge Jam Before Center Sensor     桥进片卡住/ D- P( Q1 M2 g: D3 X4 A* S; _
53     Bridge Jam at Processor     桥中间卡片
1 k6 b* Y( o" [* X. X# P54     Bridge Jam Before Clear     桥出片卡住  D! V! t+ c. [& }9 j
55     Bridge Motor Jam     桥马达卡住4 W! _& i; F4 ?' g, I$ V9 h7 b2 O
56     Bridge has no media at Input     没有菲林进入桥
0 S& y, f! F( [' U' i0 C57     Processor Off-line: Fatal     冲机出现错误
; l8 M, o8 y. A8 }6 j3 \2 S0 q2 ~58     Processor Not Communicating     冲机通讯错误) C2 Q' m9 F% A1 }5 F2 i
59     Processor Top Cover Open     冲机顶盖打开" J  H$ ^0 R2 ^% ~. U
60     Processor Garbled Communication     冲机连接错误+ L+ Z' j6 Q6 Y
61     No Carriage Encoder Mix     光头组件读码错误
% d+ @; V' C9 @4 Q& D1 f# l62     Possible Out of Media (or Jam)     没有菲林或卡片3 N2 o) [) ]% |  {9 z
63     Beam Compressor Jam     快门装置卡住
5 t- S1 S0 K7 a, K* N: d64     Flapper Jam     进片挡板卡住. M. D) v. p5 p! D* _# l) t5 {, W
65     Media Warranty Met (Exceeded)     警告信息& s* b" a- r) U5 H7 R& [
66     Media Runaway     进片装置问题
8 C0 a* ~, y; l3 F7 `' V, A2 N67     Media Blocking T/U Sensor     已经裁了片
, a$ m8 @7 d* c+ M68     Jam in Buffer Before Buffer Entry     缓冲进口卡片) I# ^4 k4 r4 q( x3 O
69     Jam in Buffer Before Purchase Sensor     缓冲中间卡片
# ]! T7 q1 k" i! {( d+ s7 \70     Jam in Buffer Before Exiting to Processor     缓冲出口卡片3 q" B4 e% \) Q5 P
71     Jam Moving Buffer Carriage     缓冲进口卡片; ?( N  k( O* l/ ?
72     Jam Moving Bridge Shuttle     桥解锁错误* b$ n: P! Y3 y! q* b: v% A
73     Bridge Up, cannot Move Shuttle     放下桥错误
( J3 g, V! c5 k  X7 a74     Bridge Foot Missing     桥进片口没装好  v5 e5 S" b+ Y% C1 z
75     Bridge Communication Overflow     桥通信错误
% @& X  ]5 @' q76     Bridge Jam Before Exit Sensor     桥在出片口前卡片
4 d( f4 @- N# M$ y* k" f77     OLP Front Sensor Not Reached     冲机进片口问题" a- ?- `. x( F
78     OLP Rear Sensor Not Reached     冲机出片口问题
0 V1 @( S  Y8 t79     Media Partially Loaded     菲林未完全装载
! j% j" q* ~. @' |) b5 N' p. M80     Bridge Up - Illegal Mode     桥升起非法模式
6 h9 i  _% X* ]0 h/ n6 v: Y81     Vector in Service     维修服务/ C! ~' Q6 R7 b+ }6 n- q
82     Unknown Bridge Error     未知桥错误" W* I1 U9 `% w/ N5 r
83     Buckle in Drum     鼓内卡片; `$ d" I) Q* y5 `9 R) \" n, q2 D
84     Missing Spinner Index Pulses     转镜脉冲丢失
9 K  `! T5 X5 _/ g3 h85     Extra Spinner Index Pulses     转镜脉冲错误
& H3 ]% u" C$ t2 H4 [+ E0 K5 L  u86     Forced Rewind     强制退片7 z9 x  Q8 z9 \8 X/ M) l$ |
87     No Load - 12 mil Too Low     片太短2 [: ?9 E& T) e8 L! T
88-98     Unused     未用
8 s1 |  V- _( `2 e99     Multiple Code Error     多样代码错误1 `9 Y+ h- v# i& J/ G
Boot Error Codes         
4 C, U  q, i. o- f* q& M, W- f7 xError Codes     Description     启动错误代码
$ ]8 U7 R3 E! B" \2 }) l1 s135     Spinner Overspeed Error     转镜超速- H! T) D: J1 W: J% |- ?) I6 X7 }
136     Door Open during Boot     启动时打开门
6 |2 D6 V2 [7 h+ u; a6 h137     OCP Hardware Handshake error     控制面板硬件错误2 f2 }+ O6 b+ L: f& Q& X2 s
138     DEC flash ROM is blank     主板 flash ROM 损坏
0 d, U* x& y* u: I5 E139     Cannot switch K-4 to master mode     不能转到K4模式  K+ G; z+ u  ~. {6 o- U7 Y
140     DSP hardware handshake error     DSP硬件错误
8 U  y7 s; @& u9 O, T8 b141     Cannot sets DACs to zero     DAC不能置零( y. S# `3 d4 w
142     Carriage DAC failed to go low (-4 volts)     光头组件DAC电压过低
% L% F4 ^% r) L7 _0 X- X/ N143     DAC failed to go high (+4 volts)     DAC电压过高  q. P; O- M% V6 V# |
144     Supply current DAC failed     供片电路错误
4 ^0 g1 o& D' Y7 a4 c2 E145     Take-up current DAC failed     出片电路错误- u; b5 A' G9 |2 B. Z% u8 T5 _% e9 I
146     Spinner DAC failed     转镜电路错误
! `. O- g% x* m0 Z- u; g$ t147     Take-up servo DAC failed     供片伺服电路错误
' W7 T+ h8 h9 s" R% b$ V6 S# V148     Supply servo DAC failed     出片伺服电路错误9 y4 x( ]& K; @& ~
149     Spinner did not lock     转镜速度不能锁定' M# O# N5 w( f+ j- v  u
150     Offgate register failed     关闭模式错误
# i2 t) L2 D4 |$ D, s% w% I1 [151     Ongate register failed     打开模式错误1 \1 B6 {$ @: E$ P5 x% ?
152     Vacuum register failed     真空泵错误0 q( {/ n6 q) G/ ?" K- q
153     Diag to OCP handshake failed     控制面板检测错误
6 {: ]2 p; t! Q- [1 v154     Diag to DSP handshake failed     DSP检测错误
4 _; j* k: d. F% a2 q: z( |155     Diag to DEC K-4 handshake failed     DEC检测错误
( K$ D6 h+ p2 }/ |' D& I( ?156     DEC K-4 offgate register failed     DEC k-4 关闭模式错误
& N$ w5 Y5 r8 i3 u157     DEC K-4 ongate register failed     DEC k-4 打开模式错误& Q* E8 P2 \# T! O& h
158     DEC K-4 vacuum register failed     DEC k-4真空泵错误1 d' v( f) y4 G$ r0 d5 S& Y, @
159     DEC K-4 to DSP handshake failed     DEC k-4 到DSP错误8 F; i: E) s8 x5 x
160     Carriage Sensor / Cable not connected     光头组件感应器连线没接
# D7 o, D7 j5 r) t* U161     Carriage not in idle state     光头组件没复位& f' H. ~& R2 i& C6 z
162     Cannot command DSP to zero-out carriage position loop     DSP不能控制光头组件位置6 c. p/ k+ W/ C
163     Cannot command DSP to move carriage     DSP不能控制光头组件移动
) A4 R9 B2 T2 H8 ~164     Cannot command DSP to stop carriage     DSP不能控制光头组件停止
. Y# V2 v; l0 S0 h, m8 M0 z( t165     No carriage encoder pulses     没有光头组件脉冲1 B. N  J5 G( V6 B0 F1 C1 I
166     Missing (not enough) encoder pulses     脉冲遗失
* A3 T! c) i" i5 X# c167     Cannot command DSP to move carriage in reverse     DSP不能控制光头组件移动- n: a) K; O; Z$ @) A/ b( _
168     No times 4 carriage encoder pulses     脉冲遗失# O6 B  |8 x4 l( N2 j- F- h
169     Missing (not enough) times 4 encoder pulses     脉冲遗失
+ X# s6 Z; ]) V* A# W- _% i0 m: H170     Supply sensor / cable not connected     供片感应器连线没接! U# z- q1 }' ]6 q3 C+ ]% n
171     Supply punch motor on failed     供片打孔马达开错误" P( N# E3 {7 z1 X
172     Supply punch motor off failed     供片打孔马达关错误
1 B8 G9 d4 R& r) o$ j, K173     Supply spindle 1 motor on failed     供片马达1开错误
) V+ K1 Z! ~( y% V# J1 I- t174     Supply spindle 1 motor off failed     供片马达1关错误
' A* }" ?$ p. W- t8 V7 ?175     Supply spindle 2 motor on failed     供片马达2开错误
! j* d) ~: [, G- S- J176     Supply spindle 2 motor off failed     供片马达2关错误) S/ }9 d  a- ]" ~& P% ~
177     Supply cassette select motor on failed     供片盒选择马达开错误% g0 h. ~7 {, ~
178     Supply cassette select motor off failed     供片盒选择马达关错误( u0 }  t3 z7 P+ u
180     Take-up Sensor / cable not connected     收片感应器连线没接
! l# R8 U6 a( E2 U181     Take-up punch motor on failed     收片打孔马达开错误
  I$ v$ o4 \9 o+ U2 i* o182     Take-up punch motor off failed     收片打孔马达关错误; r! o1 U- _1 P7 O3 R. d5 j
183     Take-up nips motor on failed     收片夹片马达开错误; A- Q& }' m. R5 K  z
184     Take-up nips motor off failed     收片夹片马达关错误
% l9 L0 c! p3 R' E: W5 Z185     Take-up cutter motor on failed     收片裁刀马达开错误
1 o; i2 |- o. e0 z186     Take-up cutter motor off failed     收片裁刀马达关错误% A( \3 G9 W# F: D% W/ Y/ `3 W
187     Take-up cassette core motor on failed     收片马达开错误
% Y( U. Z' I5 F) e. ?188     Take-up cassette core motor off failed     收片马达关错误
0 S8 ~- w  s4 \191     Image Buffer: Error Bit set     影像缓冲写错误& [4 P1 b+ T7 Q0 |3 ^- v
192     Image Buffer: Buffer not ready     影像缓冲未准备好1 D/ y2 k% e! C' e) e
193     Image Buffer: Packet Count not equal to 2     影像缓冲错误" ~+ S; M- [; r& r# n( v8 X, \
194     Image Buffer: Error Bit remains set     影像缓冲错误
- J+ s% I/ U/ P195     FlapperA Motor ON Error     进片挡板A马达开错误/ H+ D( U- S  L+ j/ g
196     FlapperA Motor OFF Error     进片挡板A马达关错误) D' U( f* E. s% a
197     FlapperB Motor ON Error     进片挡板B马达开错误
  a$ R. v) ^# i7 T198     FlapperB Motor OFF Error     进片挡板B马达关错误; s3 G; E! [" v% s% V& A  R# }
200     Bridge / Buffer Comm Error at Boot     桥/缓冲启动通讯错误
% W# P; u; k& N3 e$ ~201     Bridge / Buffer Servo 1 motor test failed     桥/缓冲伺服电机1错误
$ I) v/ `/ o7 c+ T! H202     Bridge / Buffer Servo 2 motor test failed     桥/缓冲伺服电机2错误+ [, a) g3 n( A8 i
203     Bridge / Buffer brake motor on test failed     桥/缓冲制动电机开错误! h( ^1 Z! ^$ \& d  F; s& ?; Z
204     Bridge / Buffer brake motor off test failed     桥/缓冲制动电机关错误
# l% s  O- A" |) {2 Y% \2 J6 d% h205     Bridge / Buffer shuttle motor on test failed     桥/缓冲升起电机开错误, V' T7 E* c) r
206     Bridge / Buffer shuttle motor off test failed     桥/缓冲升起电机关错误