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原作者: 来源Cell Phone Cancer Scare: What Now?Discovery News...
来源Cell Phone Cancer Scare: What Now? : Discovery News
The WHO has classified cell phones as "possibly carcinogenic," but there are still many open questions.
Most research suggests that cell phones do not pose an increased cancer risk.
If worried, people can text or use headphones to reduce radiation exposure from wireless phones.
With cell phones classified as "possibly carcinogenic" this week, the World Health Organization put the devices smack dab in the middle of its groupings for cancer risk and raised new concerns about how wireless devices might be affecting our health.       本周世界卫生组织(WHO)表示长期、高强度使用手机和其他无线通信设备可能增加患癌症几率,并将手机列入“致癌性危害物”名单中。他们还对无线设备可能会如何影响身体健康产生了新的担忧。A closer look, however, revealed just as many unknowns as there were before the announcement came out. For the scientists who recommended the new classification, concern emerged from some evidence that heavy cell phone use might raise the risk of certain kinds of brain tumors, such as gliomas and acoustic neuromas.
不过仔细看一下就会发现此次公告纰漏的未核实问题和以前一样多。对于支持这种分类的研究人士来说,相关证据表明高强度使用手机会增加罹患诸如神经胶质瘤(gliomas)、听神经瘤(acoustic neuromas)等脑瘤的几率。
NEWS: Cell Phones May Cause Cancer: WHO        相关新闻:世界卫生组织:手机可能会引发癌症
Still, the new WHO report was peppered with uncertainty. The researchers acknowledged that the evidence linking wireless phones with brain tumors was "limited." For other kinds of cancer, the evidence was "inadequate."
A WHO press release quoted working group chairman Jonathan Samet of the University of Southern California as saying simply: "There could be some risk, and therefore we need to keep a close watch for a link between cell phones and cancer risk."       一位WHO新闻通讯署发言人乔纳森·萨米特(Jonathan Samet)没有详细解释这些问题,他说:“(使用手机)可能会有风险,我们仍然要进行更深入的临床观察来证实这一联系。”
For now, experts say, it's up to individuals to decide how much to use their cell phones. There are ways to minimize radiation exposure, and there's no need to panic.       专家表示,迄今为止还是由每个人自己决定使用手机的频率。不是没有减少辐射照射的方法,因此也根本没有必要引起恐慌。
"In my view, the evidence has been increasingly reassuring about the absence of a hazard," said David Savitz, an epidemiologist at Brown University in Providence, R.I. He is part of a panel that has been monitoring the issue. "I'm surprised, looking at the research up to this point, that they would even be that supportive of a possible hazard."
“在我看来,这些证据反倒应该让大家安心才对。”另一方面,大卫·萨梅特(David Savitz)——任教于布朗大学的流行病专家,本次课题监测组成员之一——却提出了他的质疑:“我很纳闷,研究都到这样的地步,他们还坚信手机会给人们带来所谓‘莫须有’的危害。”
"Studies have gotten better and better, and there has been more time for problems to develop if they were going to develop," he added. "And yet, as the research grows in quality and quantity, there continues to be a fairly consistent absence for evidence of harm."
To cut through a pile of conflicting research and news reports, the WHO's International Agency for Research on Cancer brought together 31 international experts from 14 countries last week to consider hundreds of studies, both published and not-yet published, regarding cell phones and cancer risks.
After eight days in France, the group put radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (the kinds that come out of cell phones) into group 2B.
(译者注:致癌危害等级(Cancer Hazard Ranking)是根据人和动物试验所取得的致癌性证据,结合潜力因素分组数据,可将化学品致癌危害等级分为高、中、低3级。而文中的2B类是指第二级B类,包含236类物质(如黄樟素、四氯化碳、电磁波、抗甲状腺药物propylthiouracil、二异氰酸甲苯、抗艾滋病药物zidovudine、汽油引擎废气、干洗业等),对人类为有可能致癌物,对动物为很可能也是致癌物。
That makes mobile phones less risky than the 107 substances in Group 1 that are known to be "carcinogenic to humans," such as tobacco, arsenic, radium and plutonium. Cell phones are also safer than the 59 agents in Group 2A, which includes diesel engine exhaust, certain insecticides and shift work that disrupts circadian rhythms. These are considered "probably carcinogenic."      相对于第一级“对人类为确定之致癌物”的107种物质来说手机的风险已经大大降低了。它比2A类的59种“可能会致癌”的物质(包括柴油机排气、某些杀虫剂以及因为昼夜换班导致的神经紊乱等等)也会更安全一些。
But cell phones are now officially more of a concern than the hundreds of agents listed in groups 3 and 4, which are "not classifiable" or "probably not" carcinogenic. Those include caffeine, extremely low-frequency electric fields, saccharin and personal hair-coloring products.
Along with cell phones, other items in Group 2B include lead, traditional Asian pickled vegetables, coffee, certain food dyes and working as a firefighter or dry cleaner.
The WHO's working group did not say how much cell-phone exposure might be too much. But they pointed to new data suggesting a 40 percent increase in glioma risk among people who averaged 30 minutes of cell-phone exposure a day for 10 years.
That would increase the risk of developing a glioma from six out of every 100,000 people every year to about eight out of every 100,000, said Henry Lai, a bioengineering professor at the University of Washington, Seattle. There are an estimated five billion mobile phone subscriptions globally.
当今世界已经生产了大约5亿部手机,这样的话神经胶质瘤的发病率将会从万分之0.6提高到万分之0.8,华盛顿大学的亨利·莱尔( Henry Lai)教授如是说。
BLOG: Do Cell Phones Cause Cancer?
"If you multiply that, it would be quite a lot of people," Lai said. He mentioned a recent study out of China that linked heavy cell-phone use to a 13-fold increase in risk for salivary gland cancer.
“如果你把这些数字翻倍,那将会涉及非常多的人。”他提到了最近来自中国的一次研究,(手机的使用)使人们罹患唾液腺癌(salivary gland cancer)的几率翻了13番。
Other studies have shown a boost in activity in adjacent regions of the brain when people hold cell phones up to their ears and changes in sperm when men keep cell phones in their pockets.
"Cell phones are voluntary," Lai said, and he chooses not to use one. But he added that if people are worried, they can greatly reduce their radiation exposures by texting or using ear buds instead of holding their phones up to their ears. Most cell phones actually come with warnings for users to hold the phone a few millimeters away from their heads.      “手机并不是必需品,”莱尔说,他自己就拒绝使用手机。但他补充说如果人们担心的话,可以通过发信息或者戴耳机代替将手机贴近耳朵的方式来避免辐射的影响。大部分手机制造商实际上也在说明书中警告使用者要将手机远离耳朵一定距离。
Despite concerns by Lai and others, most evidence so far is reassuring, Savitz said. For one thing, scientists have not measured an uptick in cases of brain cancer or other problems since cell phones began their path toward ubiquity more than 20 years ago.
Meanwhile, a long-term, ongoing, 13-nation study called Interphone has found that "overall, cell phone users have no increased risk of the most common forms of brain tumors," according to a National Cancer Institute statement. "In addition, the study revealed no evidence of increasing risk with progressively increasing number of calls, longer call time, or years since beginning cell phone use."
With so many people using cell phones so frequently these days, perhaps the main point of the 2B classification is not to alarm people but to encourage researchers to keep their eyes open. It's possible, after all, that related health problems just haven't emerged yet.
"We've been wrong before, and when an exposure is this widespread, we want to be as vigilant as possible," Savitz said. Cell phones are "probably without harm. That lingering uncertainty is what people have to make judgments about."
“我们以前的方向一直是错的,而当辐射(会对人们有影响)的观点广泛传播出去,我们就会变得非常谨慎” 萨梅特最后说。“手机可能并没有危害,但那挥之不去的未确定性将仍会是人们未来不得不去通过实验去判断的。