连诗雅一事无成mv:OK:CAFE2011年运 双鱼座 (欢迎合翻)

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CAFE2011年运 双鱼座 (欢迎合翻)

2011-01-24 01:06:19 来自: blacklynx(不再留恋)



原文地址: http://www.cafeastrology.com/2011pisceshoroscope.html#1stdecanate




2月20日 到 3月1日

木星在1月22日进入白羊座,把这个成长扩张型星星带到你的日座第2宫。从2月22日到6月4日,你很可能看到自己的赚钱能力和价值系统,并乐在其中。木星在你的星象宏图中会带来富有肥厚利益及成就的一年。你会更加自信热情于自己的生存能力,只要你是现实务实的,这将会帮你吸引更多的收入。在木星运行时期你可能会决心发展自己的聪明才智,挨个增强你的吸金能力。收入会上升,也有个机会可以提升你未来的财务状况。不管怎样,你也可能会倾向于为自己挥霍,为更加有安全感,选择布置填满自己的小窝或增加个人财产储备。去年的钱财问题会在你适当的操作下清理掉,发展预算及解决方法能更好的管理你的资源。你会增添自己的财产,成为大项目,礼物,大宗购物或销售的获益收件人,这样的情况会不时发生。某个重要的礼物或奖金会到来。现在正是与财政机构工作的好时期,去争取涨薪吧,或申请贷款。或许你需要控制下自己过度花费挥霍无数的意向—— 当患临时性遗忘症时,感觉良好会把你引到商场里去疯狂扫荡一番~~ 为了未来事业的目标发展,在将注意力集中在打磨个性塑造人际关系技巧的几年之后,你也会全力关注于增加工作收入。已罗列的积极有利的环境状况不一定会落在你身上,并且都不太可能一次性到来,所以你需要在生活中保持睁大眼睛抓住机遇。




今年土星在你的日座第8宫运行,从2009开始在此期间,你们中的大多数可能会对外界的压力更加敏感,并被迫于仔细检查你的深远渴求及其附属部分。这包括了性关系,财务(特别是对债务及财务共享的关注),以及你对控制力的需求。面对性欲的满足你可能会有些困难,或是亲密关系遭遇问题出现。这些压力都是被设计好的,使你更加意识到自己的原始欲望,以及到底什么是你想要的。不满足及沮丧令你得到自己想要的,尤其是与他人及资源关系相关时,通常以运行的第一部分为特征。你能发现你曾经在生活中控制周遭环境或人的方式完全不再有效。你甚至都没意识到在此运行之前你是如何使用权力和控制力的。土星在你星相图中的扇区出现也鞭策你好好组织规划下财务事物。在心理学层面,你面对某些天性中不由自主的恐惧感——那些恐惧感正是指引你,让你相信为了生存你肯定需要某些事物。接近2012年此运行的结束,你将会清理掉某些抑制你自由表达情绪的根深蒂固的习惯和附属品,你表现得更加健康坚强。当我们让步于情不自禁的行为时,我们放弃了自控,内疚逐渐破坏了我们的生活,我们不再是原本的自己。当企图控制他人时,我们交出了原有的力量,甚至超过了自己。临近运行结束时,你将会感到情感上更为健康。你会否决某些附加物,并控制自己迷信的行为和思想。 你会感到更有力量,因为你已经放弃了想要控制那些你不能或不应该控制的事物,相反,你会得以收获,自我约束从容不乱。






2011日/月食分别发生在你的第5,第11, 第4,第10宫。社交活动,爱情罗曼史,以及友谊方面会发生转变。需被赏识的,需紧密团结的,都统统上演。在此影响下,某段爱情可能开始或结束。新的联系也将出现。你正学习发展自己的勇气,挥手开创一条独自创新的途径,而这条路上恐不再充满恐惧。当你明白怎样恰当的让自己更富浪漫及创意,你也会学会如何释然那些自我和关系中的戏剧性附加物,而这些所有都是为了在适当的时候让你明白团队的真正价值。你正在学会建立真正的友谊。同样,是迈开大步提高家庭生活质量的时候了。要回望过去,为事业目标做出改变了。事业成为首要目标,可能会有挑战性的动作,在本年内让自己能力得到证明。





  • 2011-01-24 01:09:33 mint (the truth heals)


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  • 2011-01-24 05:05:20 Jin


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  • 2011-01-24 09:29:02 不过如此


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  • 2011-01-24 10:43:55 辛雪 (不能当怨妇)


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  • 2011-01-24 17:29:44 展颜 (我是在无所事事还是在等待?)


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  • 2011-01-24 17:50:37 麋鹿猫猫 (彻头彻尾猫控,彻头彻尾双鱼座。)


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  • 2011-01-24 23:00:14 mint (the truth heals)


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  • 2011-01-25 00:46:06 minnie佳佳


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  • 2011-01-25 08:51:22 阿猫不喝可乐 (最好的尚未到来)

    关注 谢谢了

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  • 2011-01-25 09:08:43 Alice (君子日省吾身)


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  • 2011-01-25 13:01:02 bigwawa


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  • 2011-01-25 13:17:09 !~歪歪~! (坦然接受命运的挑战)


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  • 2011-01-25 14:40:31 萌鱼 (我很想朝你方向飞~~~)


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  • 2011-01-25 19:07:28 Noreli (You're behind me.)

    作为一枚升鱼的高三学生 我迫切的需要六月的大好形势啊!

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  • 2011-01-25 20:43:13 傻B骆驼 (挺着肚子看音乐节)


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  • 2011-01-25 21:36:40 月之北交 (最佩服三妈的就是好的从来没准过)


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  • 2011-01-25 23:39:25 box

    亲爱的 blacklynx 辛苦啦。。。。谢谢你哦!!!

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  • 2011-01-26 12:31:43 花树 (梦到开满鲜花的原野了)


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  • 2011-01-26 13:18:57 雪溪图


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  • 2011-01-26 13:29:43 小白白白白 (give me a reason to stay...)


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  • 2011-01-26 22:49:54 yuchan (2011要坚强要幸福~)


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  • 2011-01-26 23:05:19 花猫要早睡

    go on

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  • 2011-01-26 23:10:03 pipkin (一開電腦誤終身)

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  • 2011-01-26 23:40:25 何玛蕾 (~升狮日鱼月瓶~)


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  • 2011-01-29 20:02:22 接受凋零


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  • 2011-01-29 20:55:44 lulu为中国祈福


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  • 2011-01-29 22:17:44 wind of ice (气死我了,因为手慢走宝了)


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  • 2011-01-29 23:11:54 旁观猴 (我要不离不弃)


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  • 2011-02-04 19:32:30 among春风 (齐秦 我愿意)


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  • 2011-02-04 21:10:37 御书楼 (挥洒了大把青春)

    不错不错 接着看······

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  • 2011-02-04 21:55:09 bigwawa


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  • 2011-02-10 09:42:40 天使伤鱼

    xiexie! 实在是太辛苦啦!

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  • 2011-02-10 14:42:21 暗夜精灵


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  • 2011-02-10 17:35:36 有神经病的猫 (每天都在老去。)


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  • 2011-02-10 17:41:09 (道生一、一生二、二生三。)


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  • 2011-02-11 04:34:13 mint (the truth heals)


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  • 2011-02-11 11:10:56 野栗花 (人生若只如初见)


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  • 2011-02-11 14:30:53 天使伤鱼


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  • 2011-02-11 19:23:39 阿猫不喝可乐 (最好的尚未到来)


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  • 2011-02-16 08:58:05 天使伤鱼


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  • 2011-02-16 09:01:43 天使伤鱼


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  • 2011-02-16 10:51:18 小鹿 (不悲不喜)


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  • 2011-02-16 12:27:50 坐看世事无常 (努力追求幸福)


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  • 2011-02-17 18:13:03 安若


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  • 2011-02-17 21:15:52 宝珠 (多情总被无情搞)


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  • 2011-02-18 08:07:59 天使伤鱼


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  • 2011-02-18 13:54:00 白浅。 (戒骄戒躁。)


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  • 2011-02-18 15:10:12 桃花坞 (活在当下)


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  • 2011-02-18 16:34:42 奇奇怪怪 (我不需要氧气了)


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  • 2011-02-18 17:26:20 花朵儿 (什么是幸福,我概念模糊!)


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  • 2011-02-18 17:50:38 豆丁鸵鸟 (上上签~~~)


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  • 2011-02-18 21:35:54 clover (Black Swan)


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  • 2011-02-18 22:39:47 joy (放心我不会就此狼狈~)


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  • 2011-02-18 23:30:03 爬爬 (我要一步一步往上爬~)


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  • 2011-02-19 08:55:38 栖霞 (轻易不骂人)


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  • 2011-02-19 12:13:44 闪电侠


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  • 2011-02-19 21:10:48 天使伤鱼


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  • 2011-02-20 02:54:19 beebee (不应该再浪费時間找奇迹)


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  • 2011-02-20 18:41:01 隐形人


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  • 2011-02-21 20:30:24 wangbb3 (境由心转)


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  • 2011-02-23 18:14:19 yuchan (2011要坚强要幸福~)


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  • 2011-02-25 06:51:21 天使伤鱼


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  • 2011-02-25 13:44:57 吴索蔚 (活在自己的世界)


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  • 2011-02-25 17:06:49 !~歪歪~! (坦然接受命运的挑战)


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  • 2011-02-25 17:39:50 蒲公英 (不可预见,只可遇见...)


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  • 2011-02-28 12:24:36 天使伤鱼


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  • 2011-02-28 15:30:22 susande (积极生活)


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  • 2011-02-28 15:39:14 豆瓣奶酪 (日久见人心!)


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  • 2011-02-28 22:50:24 喵二呆 (thank you)

    m,thx so much!

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  • 2011-03-03 04:00:34 可以温暖


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  • 2011-03-03 11:44:58 豆丁鸵鸟 (上上签~~~)


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  • 2011-03-03 12:45:44 's


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  • 2011-03-03 21:54:38 实现


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  • 2011-03-06 19:53:33 吴索蔚 (活在自己的世界)


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  • 2011-03-06 19:53:49 吴索蔚 (活在自己的世界)


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  • 2011-03-06 23:57:18 心惊肉跳 (Miss Shanghai)


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  • 2011-03-07 09:34:56 Starfish (真诚是王道!)


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  • 2011-03-07 21:40:57 正义少女咩绵绵 (虹彩妹妹佷high喲~)




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  • 2011-03-07 22:28:23 花树 (梦到开满鲜花的原野了)


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  • 2011-03-07 23:00:55 常夏 (心似莲花开)


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  • 2011-03-10 12:37:30 \(^o^)/~


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  • 2011-03-10 18:34:50 缘晶

    生于三月12日至20号的鱼 - 20至30度双鱼座:。.

    2011年总览所有双鱼座。亲爱的双鱼,在2011年,个人财务,通讯,学习是你生命中的重头戏。今年,你将大大减少沉湎于过去。你是不太愿意让你的情绪停留在与自己有关,更激进的前进 - 对过去的悬挂式UPS和内疚的感情动人。今年友谊是一个认真的品质。你真的探测其深度,需要更多的强度和减少你的人际关系交往。2011年职业目标围绕赚钱,你的知识交流,而去年你更感兴趣的真实性和对准在个人层面上你的目标。你想你的目标,以反映真实的你。现在你已经取得了这一点,你的重点是使你的事业一个良好的生活和多样化的利益。从一月至六月,2011年,你可以有一个真正意义上有足够的,并可能绰绰有余,至于物力去。您可以享受加薪或接收重要的礼物。然而,你可能会感到在同一时间掐当谈到钱的来源,实际上超出了你从就业收入 - 通过贷款资金支持,共享资源或配偶的收入。一个合作伙伴可能会采取怎样度过你的钱的问题。从别人的支持可能不会像即将举行的,因为它在过去是,而且这需要你承担你自己的生活条件使更多的独立性。从六月起,你可以从中学习和交流非常满意。你的职业生涯可能会牵扯到更多的在这个时候通讯活动。您的个人利益增长,你可能采取的一个新的项目或研究报告。要小心,不要超负荷现在的你,或者你可能会发现,你的生活有点太繁忙。你可能会配合一组或网络,帮助你感觉支持和满足今年晚些时候自己。家之间的重视,个人目标和私人生活和公众关注的事业和生活的平衡可能是一个问题在2011年。由于天王星离开你的三月号(永久这个时候),你可能感觉不到动荡和不稳定。您不再觉得有必要引起轰动,当谈到你的独立主张。关系也开始定居下来。

    直到4月21日,木星将继续过境你的太阳的第一宫。这项过境带来改善你的生活环境和自信心,以及增加你慷慨的个性。这项过境加剧你的乐观和慷慨,整个周期的,作为一个在你的生活轻松,幸运,希望的时刻的潜力。你是一个鲜活的生命问候,可以做的态度。在过去发生的事情是什么,是不是很重要,你现在 - 这是未来的你盯上了。事件发生时,帮助你克服以前的问题,似乎无法克服的挑战,甚至 - 你有一个完全不同的角度对现在的生活,而不是倾向于出汗多的小东西。您创建一个对别人不同的第一印象,你的亲和力增加。深化你的个人野心和利益更容易出现在这个周期。有时,你会觉得天空是极限!然而,您可能需要警惕自己变得太满或过于自我关注。还有一种放纵和过激行为的其他形式的风险。木星可以使你的生命的结局,为了你的成长,但这些通常是容易的。一个无忧无虑的态度是一个比一个粗心的不同,两者之间的界线,肯定是要留意。你觉得相当自由地做你自己,别人往往更容易接纳你。这些积极的情况下不一定会落入你的腿上,并且不可能一下子来,尽管他们更可能是因为木星在你的生活有直接影响。你需要打开你的眼睛保持在这些方面的生活的机会,始终注意矫枉过正的事物或粗心大意。

    从4月21日提出,木星过境你的太阳的第二宫,你可能会看到你的好处,享受盈利能力和价值体系。在这个图表的一部分木星很可能带来一个有利可图的和富有成效的一年。你可能会感到更加自信,你有能力谋生的热情,这可以帮助你吸引更多的收入,只要你是现实的。你可能会决定在这个发展木星周期,从而提高您的盈利能力的人才。你的收入可能会增加,并有可能是一个机会,提高你未来的财务状况。然而,你可能也同样倾向于挥霍自己,以饱满选择你的巢或存储你的个人财产,以感到更安全。从过去的钱的问题可能会清除在这一期间,如果您使用它适当,预算和制定发展方式,以更好地管理你的资源。你可能会增加你的财产,在一些大型项目或礼物,或发生重大购买或出售收件人可能时有发生。一个重要的礼品或奖金可能会出现在你面前。这是一个好时机,与金融机构的工作,去加薪,或申请贷款。您可能需要遏制的倾向超支 - 感觉不错可以带您到商店,你暂时忘了未来!您可能还集中于增加对你的事业磨炼后,你的个性和网络技能,为进一步聚焦你的职业目标数年您的收入。这里列出的积极情况不一定会落入你的腿上,并且不可能马上来的。你需要保持在这些方面的生活的机会,睁开眼睛。





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  • 2011-03-12 04:14:20 蒲公英 (不可预见,只可遇见...)


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  • 2011-03-12 13:47:59 Amy


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  • 2011-03-12 15:47:13 缘晶


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  • 2011-03-12 17:48:20 yuchan (2011要坚强要幸福~)


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  • 2011-03-13 05:53:52 当当当当 (Learn to labor and to wait.)


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  • 2011-03-13 12:40:52 blacklynx (不再留恋)


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  • 2011-03-17 22:21:16 Noreli (You're behind me.)


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  • 2011-03-19 21:59:42 mint (the truth heals)


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  • 2011-03-19 22:14:12 逆光的温暖 (礼仪之大是为夏,服章之美为之华)


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  • 2011-03-20 03:34:46 blacklynx (不再留恋)


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  • 2011-03-20 10:58:17 花树 (梦到开满鲜花的原野了)

    Pisces (Born February 20 to March 1) - 0 to 10 degrees Sagittarius:
    2011: Pisces Horoscope: Love, Career, & General Trends

    2011 Overview for all Pisces. Personal finances, communications, and learning are big themes in your life in 2011, dear Pisces. There is considerably less dwelling on the past this year. You are less inclined to get stuck in your emotions and more militant with yourself about moving forward - about moving past your hang-ups and guilty feelings. Friendships this year are of a serious quality. You're really probing their depths, requiring more intensity and less superficiality in your interpersonal relations. Career goals in 2011 revolve around making money and communicating your knowledge, while last year you were more interested in authenticity and aligning yourself with your goals on a personal level. You wanted your goals to reflect the real you. Now that you've achieved this, you are focusing on making a good living with your career and diversifying your interests. From January to June, 2011, you can have a real sense of having enough, and possibly more than enough, as far as material resources go. You might enjoy a pay increase or receive significant gifts. However, you might at the same time feel a pinch when it comes to sources of money beyond what you actually earn from employment - financial support through loans, shared resources or a spouse's income. A partner might take issue with how you spend your money. Support from others may not be as forthcoming as it has been in the past, and this requires you to assume more independence in terms of making your own living. From June forward, you can derive much satisfaction from learning and communicating. Your career might involve more activity in communications at this time. Your personal interests grow, and you might take on a number of new projects or studies. Be careful not to overload yourself now, or you might find that your daily life is a little too hectic. You might align yourself with a group or network that helps you to feel supported and fulfilled later this year. The balance between attention to home, personal goals, and private life and attention to career and public life can be an issue in 2011. With Uranus leaving your sign in March (permanently this time), you're likely to feel less volatile and unsteady. You no longer feel the need to make a splash when it comes to asserting your independence. Relationships also begin to settle down.

    2011 Details.

    Jupiter entering Aries on January 22nd puts this planet of growth and expansion in your solar second house. From January 22nd until June 4th, you are likely to see and enjoy benefits to your earning power and value system. Jupiter in this part of your chart could very well bring a profitable and productive year. You are likely to feel more confident and enthusiastic about your ability to earn a living, and this can help you to attract more income, as long as you are realistic. You might decide to develop your talents during this Jupiter cycle, which in turn boosts your earning power. Your income might increase, and there may be an opportunity to improve your future financial situation. However, you may also be just as inclined to splurge on yourself, opting to plump up your nest or your store of personal possessions in order to feel more secure. Money problems from the past may clear up during this period if you use it appropriately, developing budgets and working out ways to better manage your resources. You may be adding to your possessions, the recipient of some large item or gift, or a major purchase or sale might occur now. A significant gift or bonus may come your way. This is a good time to work with financial institutions, go for a raise, or apply for a loan. You may need to curb an inclination to overspend--feeling good could bring you to the stores as you temporarily forget about the future! You might also be concentrating on increasing your earnings in your career after some years of focusing on honing your personality and networking skills in order to further your career goals. The positive circumstances listed here won't necessarily fall into your lap, and are unlikely to come all at once. You need to keep your eyes open for opportunities in these areas of life.

    From June 4th forward, Jupiter is moving through your solar third house. Educational and communication opportunities present themselves. You may increase your knowledge and skills set, and find much enjoyment in so doing. During this long-term trend, neighbors or relatives could be especially helpful in your life. You express your ideas with more enthusiasm and positivity, and they are received well. You are able to comprehend more complicated subjects and problems, and you are able to explain them in such a way that others can readily understand; thus, teaching, authoring, or otherwise delivering information may be prosperous now. Higher level studies, courses, and perhaps some travel opportunities might arise during this cycle. Many of you will benefit from taking courses if you aren't already doing so, and those already involved in studies will benefit more than usual during this period. You may decide to buy a new car, or transportation opportunities present themselves, making it much easier for you to get from point A to point B. Gifts, benefits, or other opportunities may come through visits, short trips, messages, emails, or they could come through contacts with siblings, classmates, and neighbors. Some sort of positive news or announcement is likely to be part of the picture. If you're an author, teacher, or other position in communications, you will find more opportunities to advance your trade as your creative juices flow nicely. If you're a student, school is especially favored. If you're in business, you are likely to find sales are especially strong. In general, you find much joy in communicating, learning, and socializing. Career focus can be in the communications industry, or your career may necessitate more traveling, writing, or speaking. These positive circumstances won't necessarily fall into your lap, and are unlikely to come all at once. You need to keep your eyes open for opportunities in these areas of life.

    The most favorable periods for these matters occur while Jupiter is in direct motion in your solar third house, from June 4th to August 30th, and then from December 25th forward. (This transit lasts until June 2012).

    Jupiter transits sextile your Sun from June 6th forward (until March 2012). This is a feel-good transit that offers you opportunities to rise above petty concerns and to achieve a more balanced approach to your life. Relationships with others tend to be easygoing, friendly, and positive. It's natural for you to cooperate with others, and others find it easy to cooperate with you! This is a time when you really enjoy life, appreciating the good things and rarely harping on the more inconvenient or annoying elements of life.

    Saturn transits your solar eighth house again this year. During this cycle that began in 2009 for most of you, you are likely to be more sensitive to what seem like outer world pressures that force you to examine some of your deepest desires and attachments. These include your sexual relationships, your finances (especially with regards to debts and shared finances), and your need for control. You may face some difficulties satisfying your libido and/or encountering problems with intimacy. These pressures are "designed" to make you more aware of your desire nature, and what exactly it is you want. Dissatisfaction and frustrations getting what you want, especially with regard to relationships with others and with your resources, often characterize the first part of the transit. You may discover that previous methods of controlling your environment and the people in your life simply are not effective any more. You may not even be aware just how you have been employing power and control before this transit. Saturn's presence in this sector of your chart also urges you to organize your finances. On a psychological level, you face some of your fears that are of a compulsive nature—those fears that lead you to believe you need certain things in order to survive. Towards the end of this transit in 2012, you will have eliminated some deep-seated habits and attachments that have been keeping you back from feeling emotionally free. You emerge healthier and stronger. When we give in to compulsive behaviors, we give up self-control, and guilt undermines our lives. We are not ourselves. By attempting to control others, we give away our own power over ourselves. By the end of this transit, you will feel considerably more emotionally healthy. You will have nixed some of your addictions, and mastered your superstitions. You will feel more powerful because you have given up attempting to control things you cannot or should not control, and you will have gained a feeling of self-mastery instead.

    Neptune, your ruling planet, enters Pisces rather briefly before returning to Aquarius. Neptune will begin to transit Pisces solidly in 2012. This is a strong position with Neptune in the sign that it rules.

    For those born approximately February 25-28, and those with an Ascendant of 5 to 8 degrees Pisces, Pluto sextiles your Sun in year 2011, bringing some wonderful benefits to you. Subtle yet deep changes within you affect your relationships to others, as well as the manner in which you present yourself. Your integrity is strengthened through the course of this long-term transit. It's a time to pursue the dreams, ideals, and ideas you have put on the back burner. Take creative risks, as well as personal ones, with your newfound confidence.

    For those of you born February 20-25, and those with a Pisces Ascendant of 0-5 degrees, Uranus begins its lengthy transit of your solar second house, bringing about changes to your value system. Some of you are moving towards a less materialistic value system, and others may be encountering unexpected circumstances that bring about a fluctuating or uncertain income. There may be a trend towards Uranus-ruled areas as the major source of income in your life, such as through new technologies, science, computers, the Internet, or metaphysics. You are also inclined to take a few more risks with your finances, or unusual ways of making money could be in place during this cycle. The best advice for increasing your earning power now is to nurture your latent inventive or progressive, future-oriented talents.

    The influence of Neptune is similar to last year for most of you. Neptune continues to transit your solar twelfth house, as it has been doing for a number of years. It's a pleasant placement for this mysterious and elusive planet. Because Neptune is your ruler, and because the twelfth house is a privacy sector, you have likely found much joy and reward in some level of solitude. Dreams have been rich and involved. You have been paying attention to synchronicities, signs, symbols, and omens in your life. This year, you continue to build your faith in all that is "unseen". However, for those born February 20-21, Neptune conjuncts your Sun this year. This influence sensitizes your mind, body, and soul to a higher energy. It can act to soften your disposition, as you become more attuned to subtleties in your environment and in everyday activities. You absorb the mood of those around you quite easily now, and your temperament is somewhat changeable as a result. This transit can add a mysterious aura to the way you project yourself to others. You tend to be less practical than you are idealistic, dreamy, and sensitive. Some of you may find the mundane concerns of life too boring to grab your attention! Some may feel less confident, as their direction in life is suddenly uncertain; others may attune themselves to a stronger spiritual purpose.

    Chiron conjunct your Sun (or Ascendant) is active for those born February 20-25 and those with an Ascendant of 0-5 degrees Pisces. This influence is a healing one. Others look upon you with more respect, tolerance, and acceptance. You don't feel the need to prove yourself, and that feels good. You have the chance to shine, largely because you are projecting yourself with self-respect and modesty at once. You are especially appealing and charming during this transit just by being yourself. Opportunities—both personal and professional—are likely to present themselves as a result. You are not looking for credit for what you do, which frees you up to get it anyhow! New friendships are likely to emerge this year--supportive ones. As Chiron illuminates the wounds you have accumulated over the years with regards to your self-esteem, this may not be the most comfortable of transits at the outset, but you are given the chance to work on these issues and find ways to heal them. Openness to the process is crucial.

    Eclipses in 2011 fall in your fifth and eleventh houses and your fourth and tenth houses. Social activity, romance, and friendships are areas of transformation. The need to be appreciated by others, and the need for togetherness with others, comes into play. A love affair may begin or end under this influence. New contacts with others may also occur. You are learning to develop the courage to strike out on your own individual and creative path without fear. While you are learning how to give more of yourself creatively and romantically when appropriate, you are also learning about letting go of the attachment to the drama of personal relationships and the ego in order to learn the true value of the team when appropriate. You are learning to cultivate true friendships. As well, it's time to take steps to improve your family and home life. You may need to review and change your career goals as well. Career matters come to a head. You may be challenged to perform and prove your competence this year.

    A positive connection between your third and eleventh houses this year suggests that a friendship may bring some joy into your life. Chances are excellent that you will find a lovely confidante this year--someone to share your daily activities and thoughts with--even if this is an online friend or other casual connection. A sibling may introduce you to a new group or friend this year. Whatever the case may be, grab the chance to share your thoughts with someone who is not too close to you. You are likely to be brimming with ideas about how to go about manifesting your innermost desires and dreams. Networking is strong for you in 2011, and opens you up to many new possibilities and ideas.

    Jupiter trines Pluto in July and then again in October. This transit generally favors business, the law, and commerce. We might enjoy increased influence, faith, and insight now. The desire for more personal significance can lead us to give of ourselves or motivate us to more ambitiously pursue personal or professional goals. The ability to sway or persuade can be enhanced now. One of the most positive uses of this transit involves taking steps to better ourselves. We might solve a problem that has been in existence for some time, or capitalize upon a resource that was previously hidden or unacknowledged. Jupiter also forms favorable aspects to Neptune and Chiron from June forward. For you, more focus, determination, and intensity is brought to your career and professional goals. Business-related travel may enter the picture or it might increase. You may be reaching more people in your career - broadening your contacts or your audience. You can be more persuasive in your profession. Educational, publishing, and promotional activities are favored during this period. Valuable alliances might be formed that help to advance your career.

    Special: 2011 Future Forecast Report

    Get your unique 2011 Personalized Horoscope—over 100 pages long—for a detailed guide to your best days and your most challenging days for attracting love, career success, communication, and more.

    See your current Monthly Forecast.

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  • 2011-05-24 22:39:29 Amy


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  • 2011-05-24 22:45:18 S.Miyako (I Can't Stop missing You .)


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  • 2011-05-25 00:01:45 sickbaby (世上无难事,只要肯淡定)


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  • 2011-05-25 00:18:01 心惊肉跳 (Miss Shanghai)


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  • 2011-05-25 22:12:17 阳阳 (少批判 平常心 无心插柳柳成荫!)

    Pisces (Born March 2 to 11) - 10 to 20 degrees Pisces:
    2011: Pisces Horoscope: Love, Career, & General Trends

    2011 Overview for all Pisces. Personal finances, communications, and learning are big themes in your life in 2011, dear Pisces. There is considerably less dwelling on the past this year. You are less inclined to get stuck in your emotions and more militant with yourself about moving forward - about moving past your hang-ups and guilty feelings. Friendships this year are of a serious quality. You're really probing their depths, requiring more intensity and less superficiality in your interpersonal relations. Career goals in 2011 revolve around making money and communicating your knowledge, while last year you were more interested in authenticity and aligning yourself with your goals on a personal level. You wanted your goals to reflect the real you. Now that you've achieved this, you are focusing on making a good living with your career and diversifying your interests. From January to June, 2011, you can have a real sense of having enough, and possibly more than enough, as far as material resources go. You might enjoy a pay increase or receive significant gifts. However, you might at the same time feel a pinch when it comes to sources of money beyond what you actually earn from employment - financial support through loans, shared resources or a spouse's income. A partner might take issue with how you spend your money. Support from others may not be as forthcoming as it has been in the past, and this requires you to assume more independence in terms of making your own living. From June forward, you can derive much satisfaction from learning and communicating. Your career might involve more activity in communications at this time. Your personal interests grow, and you might take on a number of new projects or studies. Be careful not to overload yourself now, or you might find that your daily life is a little too hectic. You might align yourself with a group or network that helps you to feel supported and fulfilled later this year. The balance between attention to home, personal goals, and private life and attention to career and public life can be an issue in 2011. With Uranus leaving your sign in March (permanently this time), you're likely to feel less volatile and unsteady. You no longer feel the need to make a splash when it comes to asserting your independence. Relationships also begin to settle down.

    2011 Details.

    From March 12th forward, Jupiter transits your solar second house, and you are likely to see and enjoy benefits to your earning power and value system. Jupiter in this part of your chart could very well bring a profitable and productive year. You are likely to feel more confident and enthusiastic about your ability to earn a living, and this can help you to attract more income, as long as you are realistic. You might decide to develop your talents during this Jupiter cycle, which in turn boosts your earning power. Your income might increase, and there may be an opportunity to improve your future financial situation. However, you may also be just as inclined to splurge on yourself, opting to plump up your nest or your store of personal possessions in order to feel more secure. Money problems from the past may clear up during this period if you use it appropriately, developing budgets and working out ways to better manage your resources. You may be adding to your possessions, the recipient of some large item or gift, or a major purchase or sale might occur now. A significant gift or bonus may come your way. This is a good time to work with financial institutions, go for a raise, or apply for a loan. You may need to curb an inclination to overspend--feeling good could bring you to the stores as you temporarily forget about the future! You might also be concentrating on increasing your earnings in your career after some years of focusing on honing your personality and networking skills in order to further your career goals. The positive circumstances listed here won't necessarily fall into your lap, and are unlikely to come all at once. You need to keep your eyes open for opportunities in these areas of life.

    The most favorable periods for these matters occur while Jupiter is in direct motion in your solar second house, from March 12th to August 30th, and then from December 25th forward.

    Saturn transits your solar eighth house again this year. During this cycle that began in 2010, you are likely to be more sensitive to what seem like outer world pressures that force you to examine some of your deepest desires and attachments. These include your sexual relationships, your finances (especially with regards to debts and shared finances), and your need for control. You may face some difficulties satisfying your libido and/or encountering problems with intimacy. These pressures are "designed" to make you more aware of your desire nature, and what exactly it is you want. Dissatisfaction and frustrations getting what you want, especially with regard to relationships with others and with your resources, often characterize the first part of the transit. You may discover that previous methods of controlling your environment and the people in your life simply are not effective any more. You may not even be aware just how you have been employing power and control before this transit. Saturn's presence in this sector of your chart also urges you to organize your finances. On a psychological level, you face some of your fears that are of a compulsive nature—those fears that lead you to believe you need certain things in order to survive. Towards the end of this transit in 2012, you will have eliminated some deep-seated habits and attachments that have been keeping you back from feeling emotionally free. You emerge healthier and stronger. When we give in to compulsive behaviors, we give up self-control, and guilt undermines our lives. We are not ourselves. By attempting to control others, we give away our own power over ourselves. By the end of this transit, you will feel considerably more emotionally healthy. You will have nixed some of your addictions, and mastered your superstitions. You will feel more powerful because you have given up attempting to control things you cannot or should not control, and you will have gained a feeling of self-mastery instead.

    Neptune, your ruling planet, enters Pisces rather briefly before returning to Aquarius. Neptune will begin to transit Pisces solidly in 2012. This is a strong position with Neptune in the sign that it rules.

    The influences of Uranus and Neptune are similar to last year. Uranus continues its journey through your first house this year. Because Uranus is well beyond a conjunction to your Sun (or Ascendant), its effects are less startling and more subtle than they were when Uranus first entered your first house. Changes in the image you project to others, and perhaps your personal style and appearance, continue to take place. You have been breaking free from the expectations of others in these areas. Your behavior tends to be more spontaneous, and perhaps a little rebellious. Freedom of personal is immensely important to you now, and if you turn a few heads or raise some eyebrows in the pursuit thereof, you don't particularly worry about it! Neptune continues to transit your solar twelfth house, as it has been doing for a number of years. It's a pleasant placement for this mysterious and elusive planet. Because Neptune is your ruler, and because the twelfth house is a privacy sector, you have likely found much joy and reward in some level of solitude. Dreams have been rich and involved. You have been paying attention to synchronicities, signs, symbols, and omens in your life. This year, you continue to build your faith in all that is "unseen".

    Eclipses in 2011 fall in your fifth and eleventh houses and your fourth and tenth houses. Social activity, romance, and friendships are areas of transformation. The need to be appreciated by others, and the need for togetherness with others, comes into play. A love affair may begin or end under this influence. New contacts with others may also occur. You are learning to develop the courage to strike out on your own individual and creative path without fear. While you are learning how to give more of yourself creatively and romantically when appropriate, you are also learning about letting go of the attachment to the drama of personal relationships and the ego in order to learn the true value of the team when appropriate. You are learning to cultivate true friendships. As well, it's time to take steps to improve your family and home life. You may need to review and change your career goals as well. Career matters come to a head. You may be challenged to perform and prove your competence this year.

    A positive connection between your second and tenth houses this year suggests some material benefits coming from your career. Increased focus on increasing your income figures strongly this year. Alternatively, you may have more resources to invest into your career or business. You may find that you are more able to earn a living from what you love doing this year.

    Jupiter trines Pluto in July and then again in October. This transit generally favors business, the law, and commerce. We might enjoy increased influence, faith, and insight now. The desire for more personal significance can lead us to give of ourselves or motivate us to more ambitiously pursue personal or professional goals. The ability to sway or persuade can be enhanced now. One of the most positive uses of this transit involves taking steps to better ourselves. We might solve a problem that has been in existence for some time, or capitalize upon a resource that was previously hidden or unacknowledged. Jupiter also forms favorable aspects to Neptune and Chiron from June forward. For you, more focus, determination, and intensity is brought to your career and professional goals. Business-related travel may enter the picture or it might increase. You may be reaching more people in your career - broadening your contacts or your audience. You can be more persuasive in your profession. Educational, publishing, and promotional activities are favored during this period. Valuable alliances might be formed that help to advance your career.

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