辽宁省丹东市监督局:如果一直对孩子说“Yes”效果会怎样? - 双语阅读 - 论坛 - Happy Life

来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/04/28 21:42:33
如果一直对孩子说“Yes”效果会怎样?1# 倒序看帖 打印tT 楼主:serena_cf9 发帖日期: 昨天 09:31只看楼主回复 Like most children, my own brood complains constantly about my style of parenting. "You’re always saying 'No'," they complain, as I tell them they can’t have yet more mayonnaise on their dinner.

  "It’s bad for you," I say. "So, no, you can’t."

  "You say no to everything,"says Leonard, aged eight.

  He and his younger siblings — Jerry, six, and Ottoline, three — then list everything I have said ‘No’ to since they got home from school. Sweets, playing outside with their uniform on, biscuits, getting stuff out from drawer, painting?…

  I’ve always considered myself a pretty easy-going parent, and yet here they are telling me I’m a nay-saying harridan.

  According to the currently fashionable idea of ‘free parenting’, though, what I should be saying is ‘Yes’.

  It’s particularly interesting to me because I recently decided to try an experiment. In the style of ‘free parenting’, I would say yes to everything my children wanted for an entire week — and see what happened.

  The only rules were not to let the children know what I’d decided to do, and to ensure that I alerted them to the consequences of their actions, so they could make their own well-informed choices.

  But what if they wanted to swing on the curtains and to paint the walls red? What if my teenage son, 14-year-old Raymond, wanted to bring girls home every night and smoke? What would I say then?

  There was only one way to find out?…
如果一直对孩子说“Yes”效果会怎样? - 双语阅读 - 论坛 - Happy Life 【双语】如果一直对孩子说“Yes”效果会怎样 如果一直对孩子说“Yes”效果会怎样 调查:女人对爱情有更多遗憾 - 双语阅读 - 论坛 - Happy Life 500个常用中英文谚语 - 双语阅读 - 论坛 - Happy Life 500个常用中英文谚语 - 双语阅读 - 论坛 - Happy Life 近一半美国人手头紧张 - 双语阅读 - 论坛 - Happy Life 中国人最易犯错的30句英语 - 双语阅读 - 论坛 - Happy Life 英语学习中最容易犯得16个错误 - 双语阅读 - 论坛 - Happy Life 柬埔寨女禁嫁50岁以上外籍男 - 双语阅读 - 论坛 - Happy Life 美国为何国富而政府穷 - 双语阅读 - 论坛 - Happy Life 与老外过招经典百句口语 - 双语阅读 - 论坛 - Happy Life 职场真人秀:像相亲一样找工作 - 双语阅读 - 论坛 - Happy Life 优雅交际100句:交际高手必知英文表达 - 双语阅读 - 论坛 - Happy Life 190句使用频率最高的英语短句 - 双语阅读 - 论坛 - Happy Life 奥巴马宣布本拉登死亡演讲中英对照全文 - 双语阅读 - 论坛 - Happy Life 商店英语最常见的50句口语 - 双语阅读 - 论坛 - Happy Life 最常用的118句英语口语 - 双语阅读 - 论坛 - Happy Life 围脖上的经典语录,说得太给力了! - 灌水专区 - 论坛 - Happy Life 学会高傲健康的活着 - 灌水专区 - 论坛 - Happy Life 怎样巧妙的对孩子说“不”? 双语:家庭虐待会对孩子生活产生巨大影响 emailer的空间 - HAPPY life 颜小乐的空间 - HAPPY life