
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/04/29 22:56:22
Source:     2011-04-28  我要投稿 
Source:     2011-04-28  我要投稿   论坛   Favorite President Barack Obama says the White House released his long-form birth certificate Wednesday because questions about his birthplace have become a distraction. He said the country faces "enormous challenges" and he has better things to do than deal with the "silliness" about whether he was born in the United States. He said there would be some people who would not put the issue to rest, no matter what information is released. Mr. Obama's comments came shortly after the White House released the long-form birth certificate to again refute claims that he was not born in the United States.The certificate says he was born August 4, 1961, in the Pacific U.S. state of Hawaii. So-called "birthers" believe the president has not provided adequate proof that he is a natural born citizen and therefore eligible for the presidency. New York real estate mogul Donald Trump, who is surging in polls among possible Republican presidential candidates, has been vocal in questioning whether Mr. Obama was born in the United States. He claimed credit for forcing Mr. Obama to release the document. Mr. Obama's presidential campaign released a short-form certificate of birth in 2008. Mr. Obama, born to an African father and an merican mother, had lived in Indonesia in his youth. 奥巴马总统说,白宫星期三公布他的长格式出生证书,因为有关他出生地问题已成为一件分散精力的事情。他说,国家面临“巨大挑战“,他有比处理关于他是否在美国出生的“愚蠢”问题更重要的事情要做。他说,无论什么信息公布出来,还是会有一些人不肯对这个问题善罢甘休。奥巴马发表这番话不久前,白宫公布了奥巴马总统的长格式出生证明,再次反驳他不是在美国出生的指称。这份出生证书说,奥巴马1961年8月4日生於太平洋的美国夏威夷州。所谓的“出生地质疑派”认为,总统没有提供足够证据证明他生来就是公民,因此有资格担任总统职务。纽约房地产巨头唐纳德.特朗普一直公开质疑奥巴马是否在美国出生。特朗普在可能的共和党总统候选人当中民调行情上涨。特朗普声称,他迫使奥巴马公布有关的文件。奥巴马的总统竞选班子2008年公布了一份短格式的出生证书。奥巴马的生父是非洲人,生母是美国人,青春时代曾住在印度尼西亚。