
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/05/16 08:41:24
01.肢体leg系列一。leg cramps 腿抽筋;cross-legged 盘腿;legging 紧身裤袜;leg warmers 护腿; 大腿 thigh; 小腿肚子 calf; 小腿前面的迎面骨是 shin, 踢足球穿的护胫是 shin guard;leg pillow 大腿枕头; leg room 腿的伸展空间,主要是指汽车,电影院和飞机,bow-legged 罗圈腿,也叫 bandy-legged.

肢体leg系列二。to give someone a leg up 帮某人进步。A master degree will definitely give you a leg up in the job market. 硕士学位对你找工作一定有好处。类似的,如果说 have a leg up 意思则是占有优势。比如,They have a leg up in the race. 他们在比赛中比我们占优势。

肢体leg系列三。My legs fell asleep. 我腿麻了。Break a leg! (好运,别人参加表演前说的)。pull someone's leg 逗某人,开玩笑。Are you pulling my leg? 你开我玩笑是不是?Stop pulling my leg! 别跟我开玩笑!还有 three-legged race 两人一组,一个人的左腿跟另一个人的右腿绑在一起,赛跑。

肢体leg系列四。have legs 有两个意思,如果说 The story has legs. We need to follow up on it. 意思是说这个消息不会马上消失,我们需要进行后续报道。如果说,The business idea has legs. I'm willing to invest in it. 意思是这个商业创意一定会成功,我愿意出钱投资。

肢体leg系列五。on one's last legs 面临崩溃,指人或指物。After staying awake for 20 hours, I was on my last legs. 20个小时没合眼,我快不行了。My old clunker is on its last legs. 我那辆老破车快不行了。Without new orders, the company is on its last legs. 没有新订单,公司快关门了。


肢体arm系列一。arm in arm 挽着手臂。They walked along the beach arm in arm. 他们手挽手在海边散步。keep someone at arm's length 跟某人保持距离。The boss always keeps his employees at arm's length. 老板一贯跟雇员保持距离。with open arms 欢迎。They welcomed me with open arms.

肢体arm系列二。cost someone an arm and a leg. 贵得离谱。 The new car cost me an arm and a leg. 这辆新车真是贵得要命。 to give your right arm for something 为某事不惜一切代价。I'd give my right arm for a date with her. 要能跟她约会,让我干什么都行。

肢体arm系列三。as long as one's arm 特别长。My Christmas shopping list is as long as my arm. 我的圣诞节购物清单特别长。a shot in the arm 强心针。The investment will give the factory a much-needed shot in the arm. 这笔投资正是工厂急需的一剂强心针。

肢体arm系列四。could do sth. with one arm tied behind one's back. 轻而易举。I used to work in a car repair shop. I could change a tire with one arm tied behind my back. 我以前在修车店干过,换轮胎小菜一碟。arm也可以用 hand代替, could do sth. with one hand tied behind one's back.

肢体arm系列五。采取强硬手段可以用 to strong arm someone into doing something. I was strong armed into agreeing to the plan. 我被迫接受这项计划。另外一个说法是 twist arm, 比如 I had to twist a few arms in order to change the contract. 为了改合同,我可是费了不少的力气。

03.midlife crisis 中年危机;seven-year itch 七年之痒;They are perfect for each other. 他们俩太合适了。What do you see in him? 你看上他哪点了?You’re a match made in heaven. 你们天生一对。

1) live from paycheck to paycheck 月光族;2) have money to burn 钱多得花不完;3) money is no object 钱不是问题。

各种hugs. Big hug, 热情拥抱;Bear hug 紧紧拥抱 (想象被熊拥抱的样子); group hug 集体拥抱 (家人或是团队) ;man hug (两个男子右手相握,左手拍打对方后背);还有发短信时用的 text hug 是 ((H))=a hug; (((H)))=big hug; {{{{H}}}}=really big hug. Now come here and give me a hug!

这些 by 的短语你常用吗?Day by day 日复一日;piece by piece // little by little // bit by bit 一点一点;one by one 一个一个;step by step 一步一步地;blow by blow 详详细细地;其他的大家补充吧。side by side 肩并肩; case-by-case 个案,on a case-by-case basis 个案处理;还有 play-by-play 详细解说,尤其指体育比赛。


Make it quick有话快说 

Stop talking/shut up/shut your mouth/zip it/zip your mouth闭嘴

 Just drop it别说了吧

hey,I'm talking here喂别插嘴

 Cut your crap别废话了

He always talks the talk but never walks the walk他总是光说不练 

I don't buy a word you say你说的我一个字不信

05.颜色black系列一。black list 黑名单;black box 飞机上记录飞行数据的黑盒子;blackberry 黑莓(手机);black belt 黑带级选手 ;black-eyed peas 黑眼豆豆演唱团;Black Friday 黑色星期五(感恩节过后大减价的购物日); black hole 黑洞;black ice 黑冰 (指柏油马路上薄薄一层几乎看不见的冰)。

颜色black系列二。in the black 赚钱,相对 in the red 亏损。black out 失去知觉。My legs gave way and I blacked out. 我两腿一软,昏了过去。black out 也可以说 pass out. I felt like I was gonna pass out and had to sit down for a while. 我感觉要昏,只好坐下歇会。blackout连在一起是停电

06.nag [n?g] 唠叨,烦人 v. Don't nag me! 别唠叨我了!He's busy. Stop nagging at him.他忙着呢,别烦他了。She nagged continuously from the moment she opened her eyes to the moment she went to bed. 她从早上一睁眼到晚上睡觉,一刻不停地在唠叨,抱怨。

nagging 还可以用来形容伤病。I've been having this nagging pain in my right leg for a while. 我右腿最近一直疼。The nagging cough just won't go away. 讨厌的咳嗽老也不好

07.:【美国习语All的表达_视频版】all your eggs in one basket 孤注一掷;all ears洗耳恭听;all in your head胡思乱想;all in a day's work很平常的事;all hell broke loose一团糟;all over the map各有喜好/遍布全球;all eyes on me所有的目光都聚焦到了我的身上。

08.颜色blue系列一。blue-blooded 带有皇室血统的;blue-collar 蓝领,体力劳动者;blue book value (一般指美国人在买卖旧车时参考的价格标准);blue chip 蓝筹股;bluetooth 蓝牙;还有 Blue Cross Blue Shield (美国最大的医疗保险公司之一,蓝十字蓝盾牌保险公司);

颜色blue系列二。out of the blue 突如其来的。I haven't heard a word from him for 10 years, and one day he just showed up out of the blue. 他一连十年音信皆无,有一天突然出现。once in a blue moon 很少见。他们特抠门。They only go out to eat once in a blue moon. 很少出去吃饭。

blue系列三。black-and-blue 青一块紫一块。 until you are blue in the face 说破大天(别人也不会听)。You can try to persuade me until you're blue in the face, but I won't change my mind. 你就算说破大天,我也不会改主意。还有 baby blues 产后忧郁. She is suffering from baby blues.

09.:【down 结尾短句】#英语来了#1. Keep it down. 小声一点。2. Calm down. 冷静点。3. Put it down. 把这东西放下来。4. You look down. 你看起来很沮丧。5. Upside down. 上下颠倒了。6. Step down. (从高处)下来(下台)。7. He broke down. 他崩溃了。8.She walks up and down. 她来回踱步(欢迎补充)

I'm down with that. 表示赞成。比如,A: Do you want to hang out at Joe's place tonight? B: I'm down with that. A: 今晚上上Joe家去?B:行啊。I'm down with that. 还可以进一步简化为 I'm down.

It's all your fault! 都赖你!It's not all that bad. 也没那么糟。for all I care 不关我事。He could gamble away all his money, for all I care. 他就算把钱都输掉,也不关我的事。All in all 总地来说,It's not a bad movie all in all. 总的说,这个电影还不是很烂。That's all. 就这些了。

10.with a good head on one's shoulders 聪明,有智慧。You have a good head on your shoulders. What would you do if you were me? 你是聪明人,如果你是我,你怎么办?You should listen to your mentor. He certainly has a good head on his shoulders. 你应该听你导师的意见,他很有头脑的。

11. take2: I'll do whatever it takes我会不惜任何代价What does it take to be your love?做你爱人的要求是什么You gotta take up a new hobby你得培养个新爱好Don't take it for granted不要觉得这是理所当然You can't take it serious你不能当真啊Take steps采取措施http://t.cn/akHuK5

take: take it easy放松/淡定take your time慢慢来take off your shoes把鞋脱了I'm taking off我准备撤了What do you take me for你把我当成什么了Sorry i took you for someone else不好意思我认错人了Take it or leave it别讨价还价I'll take care of it这事交给我http://t.cn/akCYhS

快点可以说:Hurry up! Step on it! Hurry! Move! Let's go! Chop-chop! //@piggyhope:谢谢!如果说别着急、慢慢来用take it easy,take your time,那么"快点"、"抓紧"、"时间很紧"都常用哪些呢?

12.颜色green系列一。green card 绿卡,Green Bay Packers 绿湾包装工队(美国著名橄榄球队);the Green Berets 绿色贝雷帽,专指美国陆军特种部队; the Masters green jacket 指的是美国大师高尔夫球赛冠军得主穿的绿色西装上衣;还有推动环保的国际性非政府组织 Greenpeace 绿色和平。

颜色green系列二。the green-eyed monster 嫉妒。She is suffering from a major case of the green-eyed monster. 她嫉妒得要命。或:someone is green with envy. 如: She was green with envy when she saw her ex-boyfriend with another girl. 她看到前男友跟另外一个女孩在一起,嫉妒得要命。英语中的颜色很有趣:增添一个ho: The grass is always greener on the other side. 和这个惯用语基本相当的中文说法是“这山望着那山高”。意思就是说得不到的总是看起来更诱人一些,总是看上去比已经拥有的好。

颜色green系列三。green light 是绿灯,give someone the green light 意思是批准。My boss gave me the green light to implement the plan. 老板批准我开始落实计划。have a green thumb 特别擅长种花种草。I didn't know you had such a green thumb. 我以前还真不知道你这么擅长种东西。

13.@英语口语精华:【警察面对歹徒时说什么?】 Freeze! 本意是结冰、冻结,口语中指“不要动/别动!”。生活中常用的还有:(1) Don’t move.别动。(2)Sit still. 坐好。(3)Stay put.不要乱动。(4)Hold still. 别动。(5)Nobody move! 大家不准动!(6)Remain where you are. 待在你原来的位置。——Stop right there! Don't move a muscle!

14.for a change 变一下。每次带女儿去踢球都晚,Today we were early for a change. 今天居然早了。My kids always pack lunch for school. I ask them to buy lunch for a change. 孩子老是从家带饭,我叫他们买饭试试。Let's ditch the car and walk to school for a change. 咱不开车了,走路上学。

When will you cook for me for a change?喜欢这句话!When will you cook for me for a change?

15.颜色white系列一。a white lie 善意的谎言;white-collar 白领;White House 白宫;white pages 电话查询簿;Snow White 白雪公主;white noise 白噪音;white water rafting 白水漂流;white chocolate 白巧克力;white Christmas 白色圣诞节;raise the white flag 举白旗。

澄清一下,在美国,yellow pages 一般是商业电话查询,比如是找哪家商店或是饭馆的电话,white pages 一般是个人电话查询,比如 John M. Smith, Jackson D. Landers 等等。

颜色white系列二。white elephant 累赘,负担。Jack won a boat on the game show. It turned out to be such a white elephant. He had to pay through his nose for its maintenance. Jack在有奖竞猜游戏节目中赢了一条船,保养费贵得要命,简直就是个累赘。

颜色white系列三。in black and white 白纸黑字。Please write it down in black and white. 请写下来。Here is the evidence, in black and white. 这是证据,白纸黑字。另: black-and-white 黑白分明的。It's very complicated. It's not a black-and-white issue. 这事很复杂,不是要么对,要么错。

smoking gun 是指确凿的,无可辩驳的证据。The prosecutors say they've found the smoking gun. 检方说,他们已经找到了确凿证

颜色white系列四。white-bread 白面包,买三明治时别人会问你what kind of bread, white or wheat? white就是白面包,wheat 是麦面的。white-bread 也形容传统的,没有新意的事物,如 He left the white-bread life in a small town and went to the big city. 他抛弃了无聊的小镇生活,到大城市去。

颜色white系列五。as white as a sheet 面色苍白;She was as white as a sheet when she heard the news. 她听到消息后,脸色苍白。white knuckle something 历险。The roller coaster was so scary. I had to white knuckle the entire ride. 这个云霄飞车吓死人了,从头到尾我一直胆战心惊。

16.:【英语的陷阱】否定式+比较级的表达容易误解:1. You don't say! 是吗?!不会吧?!(不是“你别说”)2. I haven't slept better. 我睡得好极了。(不是"我从未睡过好觉") 3. You can't be too careful in your work. 你工作越仔细越好。(即“再仔细也不为过”不,而不是“你工作不能太仔细”)You can't be serious! 你不会是认真的吧!(不是“你不能太认真”)。

17.flaky['fleiki] 不靠谱儿的,靠不住的。She told me she would send me her pictures, but it's been 3 months and she hasn't sent me anything. She's really flaky.她说要给我发照片,结果三个月都没寄来,真是不靠谱儿!He stood me up! What a flake! 他让我白等半天,真是不靠谱儿的人!

He is really flaky. He says things he doesn't mean, and never honors his commitments. 他这人特不靠谱,从来不是心里怎么想嘴上怎么说,答应的事也不去做。

18.own up to 承认错误。He owned up to stealing the money. 他承认偷钱。He owned up to cheating on the test. 他承认考试作弊。The coach owned up to making the wrong call. 教练承认决策失误。I owned up to my mistakes. 我承认了自己的错误。She owned up to her lies. 她承认自己没说实话。

19.颜色red系列一。redhead 红头发的人。code red 紧急情况。red card 红牌警告;The Red Cross 红十字会;red meat 红肉类(牛肉羊肉等生的时候是红颜色的肉,相对 red meat 的是 white meat 鸡肉鸭肉等),red wine 红酒;red light 红灯; 还有 red light district 自然就是红灯区。

颜色red系列二。in the red 入不敷出, My bank account was always in the red when I was in college. 我上大学的时候银行帐户经常透支。see red 暴怒。I really saw red today when I was wrongly accused of lying to my boss. 今天我被无端指责对上司撒谎,把我肺都要气炸了。

颜色red系列三。to paint the town red 出去喝酒跳舞,玩得开心。We went out last night and painted the town red. 我们昨天晚上出去玩,特别尽兴。run a red light 闯红灯。I got a ticket yesterday for running a red light. 我昨天因为闯红灯吃了张罚单。red envelope 红包。

RIGHT ON! caught red-handed. 被抓了现行。He was caught red-handed while cheating during the exam. 他考试时被当场抓住作弊。go as red as a beet 因为不好意思而脸色通红。His face went as red as a beet when the girls looked at him. 那些女孩看他时,他脸涨得通红。

20.说别人不上相一般是说: The picture doesn't do you justice. (意思是你本人比照片好看多了。)

21.Look what you've done! 看看你干的好事!Look who is here! 看看谁来了。Take a look yourself! 你自己看看!I've been looking for you all over the place. 我到处找你。Look me in the eye! 看着我的眼睛。You look good! 你真精神!You don't look your age! 你看上去可没那么大年纪。

22.get 用在口语里,系列一。Get a life! 别那么无聊。Get a room! 找个没人的地方吧!(一般指两人在大庭广众下过分亲密)I don't get it. 我不明白。Get out! 滚出去。Get real! 现实点吧!Let's get down to business. 咱们还是干正事吧!Get up, sleepy head! 起床了,磕睡虫!

get 用在口语里,系列二。You got me wrong. 你误会我了。I'm getting nowhere. 我一点进展都没有。You're getting there. 你离成功越来越近了。You'll get a kick out of it. 你一定会觉得很好玩。Don't get drunk! 别喝多了。You're gonna get it if you don't stop NOW. 不马上停,看我怎么收拾你。

get 用在口语里,系列三。Let's get together. 咱们聚聚。I'll get back to you ASAP. 我尽快答复你。Get well soon! 尽快康复!Get lost! 赶快消失!Just get it over with. 干完完了(一般指不愿意干的事)。You get what you pay for. 一分钱一分货。He's getting on my nerves. 他烦死我了。

23.jump 系列一。long jump 跳远;high jump 跳高;jumping jacks 开合跳;jump rope 跳绳;jump seat 弹跳座椅;bungee jumping 蹦极跳。jump ship 跳槽。The company offered him a $10,000 signing bonus to jump ship. 这家公司愿意出一万美元做签约奖,让他跳槽。

jump 系列二。jump start 助动启动汽车。I need to jump start my car. 我车死了,要助动启动。We need new measures to jump start the economy. 我们需要新措施,启动经济。jump the gun 抢跑。Everyone had to start all over again because John jumped the gun. John抢跑,所以大家重来。

jump 系列三。jump out of one's skin. 被吓一跳。You almost made me jump out of my skin. 你吓我一跳。jump through a few hoops 几经周折。I jumped through quite a few hoops to get the ticket for you. 我可是费了不少力气才帮你搞到这张票的。还有 jump to conclusions 过早下结论。

24.:【#我们很合得来用英语怎么说#】 1)We have good chemistry. 我们一见如故。2) We are in sync. 我们很合得来。3)I think we two really click.4)We really hit it off.我们俩真的很合得来。4)She's easy to get along with. 她特别好相处5)We have a lot of things in common我们有许多共同点。

she is my BFF. We finish each other's sentences.

25.@英语口语控:【各种同情的表达】1. I'm so sorry for your loss. 对你的损失我深表遗憾/请节哀顺变,口语中在他人遭遇不幸时,通常可以简单地说I'm sorry以表同情;2. I know exactly how you feel. 我感同身受。3. U have my sympathy. 我很同情你。I sympathize with u会给人一种你高高在上的感觉令人反感,勿用

I feel your pain.

26.:[美剧口语连连看-8-吐露心声]I can't live without you没你我活不下去;What's on your mind你在想什么;You're the one for me你是我唯一;I always speak my mind我说的都是真心话;Don't play hard to get别装腔作势;You're my type你是我的菜;You're sweet你真好;You're everything to me你是我的一切.

!(拒绝对方时可以说)Let's just be friends. 我们还是做朋友吧。

27.button 系列一。Button up! 把扣子系好。如,Button up your coat! It's cold outside. 系上扣,外面冷。Right on the button. 完全正确,跟 Right on the money 意思一样。As cute as a button 可爱极了。belly button 肚脐眼;button-down shirt 扣结领衬衫;

再加一个:belly button 有人凸有人凹,凸的叫 outie; 凹的叫 innie.

button 系列二。know what buttons to push 知道按哪个按钮能达到想要的效果。My daughter knows exactly what buttons to push to make her little brother upset. 我女儿最会气她弟弟。to push the panic button 惊慌失措。It's not time to push the panic button yet. 还没到惊慌失措的时候。

button 系列三。a hot-button issue 引起激烈争论的话题。Animal research is a hot-button issue. 用动物做实验是一个热门话题。at the touch of a button 形容非常容易做。I can sell my stocks at the touch of a button. 我很容易就能把手里的股票卖掉。

28.@徐斌斌_:#哥录音系列#out口语句Hear me out听我说完Cut it out停止/别说别闹I bought a new car, check it out我买了辆新车,来看看We should hang out sometime我们应该一起玩玩Let's get out of here我们离开这吧You're out你出局了She's out of my league我配不上她ask me out约我出去

Dude, check this out!

29.@新东方-汪海涛:【贬义的“爹”】“爹” has become an internet buzzword with negative implications. "坑爹":坑人/胡扯 Such a rip-off/ Bullshit; "拼爹":依仗比拼家庭权势 rely on/flaunt one's family background;我爸是李刚-My father is Li Gang;"干爹":除foster father/god father外,又指大款男友sugar daddy

30.just 在口语里。Just in time. 刚好赶上。Just a minute! 稍等。Just in case 以防万一。I'm just wondering. 就是好奇。You just don't get it. 你怎么就是不明白。Just getting by. 勉强渡日。I'm just saying. 我随便说说。He's just a friend. 他就是个普通朋友。I'm just kidding. 我开玩笑的。

31.dead 用在口语里。I'm so dead. 我这下死定了。I'm dead serious. 我可是认真的。I'm dead broke. 我是彻底没钱了。Dead on! 完全正确。Over my dead body! 除非我死,否则甭想。Knock them dead! 震了他们!You are dead meat! 你死定了。drop-dead gorgeous 惊艳。It's a dead-end. 死胡同。

32.what 用在口语里。What now? 或者是 Now what? 又怎么了?What for? 为的是啥?What about? 关于什么的?....and what have you 诸如此类。So what! 那又怎么样。What does it matter? 这有什么重要的?What's up with you? 你怎么了?What's up with that? 那是怎么回事?欢迎补充!

33.far 用在口语里。Far from it. 一点也不。Far out! (俚语)赞!So far, so good. 到现在为止还行。As far as I'm concerned 就我而言。So near and yet so far. 咫尺天涯。The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. 有其父必有其子;someone will go far. 某人前途无量。You're going too far! 你过了

34.time 用在口语里,系列一。Time flies! 时光如逝。Time will heal. 时间能愈合伤口。Only time will tell. 时间会作出检验。One last time. 最后一次。One more time. 再来一次。Give it time. 耐心点。You're wasting your time. 你在浪费时间。Is this a good time for you? 你现在方便吗?

time 用在口语里,系列二。It's just a matter of time. 早晚的事。It's about time! 早该如此。Better luck next time. 下次再试。Take your time. 慢慢来。Maybe some other time. 下次有机会。One at a time. 一个一个来。Once upon a time....从前啊。Long time no see. 好久不见。

time 用在口语里,系列三。Right on time. 正好赶趟。Time is money! 时间就是金钱。Time and tide wait for no man! 时不待我。Time's up! 时间到了。Time-out! 比赛暂停,或是让孩子去罚站。Have a good time. 好好玩。I'm having the time of my life. 我从没这么开心过。

35.better 在口语里。It's better than nothing. 总比没有强。This is my better half. 这是我老公/老婆。Get better! 尽快康复!The sooner, the better. 越快越好。Better safe than sorry.小心总比后悔好。Better late than never. 晚了也比没有强。I've got better things to do. 我不跟这浪费时间了

36.small 用在口语里。It's a small world. 这世界真小。Don't sweat the small stuff. 别为小事烦恼。Could you do me a small favor? 帮我个小忙行吗?I am a small fry. 我是个小人物。Good things come in small packages. 小包裹里往往都是值钱的东西,在夸奖个子瘦小但是精明强干的人时常用。

big 用在口语里。Big deal! 有什么大不了的。He's a big shot. 他是大人物。She has a big mouth. 她嘴巴大,不能保密。You're a big girl/boy now! 你是大孩子了(一般鼓励孩子时说)。big bucks 很多钱。What's the big idea? 你怎么想的呀!Your eyes are bigger than your stomach. 你是眼大肚子小。

37.@VOA英语每天学个词儿:long shot 机会渺茫 I dreamed of becoming a professional model, but I always knew that was a long shot. 我以前梦想当职业模特,不过我一直都知道这希望不大。和long shot相反的是good shot (很有可能)I've been doing well at my job lately, so I have a good shot at getting promoted.

 还有: I don't stand a chance against him, but I promise I will give it my best shot. 跟他比我根本没戏,但我保证尽最大努力。

38.never 用在口语里。Never heard of such a thing!没听说过这种事。Never mind. 算了算了。Never been better. 从没这么好过。Never say never. 永不言败。Almost never 很少。It's now or never. 要做就是现在,过这村就没这店了。Never in a thousand years! 永不。欢迎补充!

Never ever; Never too late; You never know.

39.大家都知道 to kill two birds with one stone 一石两鸟,一箭双雕,这一习语如今已经被演绎为 to kill two pigs with one bird. 凡是玩 angry birds (愤怒的小鸟)的同鞋一定明白。

40.around 用在口语里。I'll ask around. 我打听打听。I'll shop around. 我多转几家店。I'll call around. 我打几个电话问问。I've been around. 我是过来人了。Stop fooling around. // Stop screwing around. 别胡闹了。What goes around comes around. 善有善报恶有恶报。See you around. 再见。

41.:make 用在口语里。You made it. 你赶来了。You made my day. 你让我这一天都高兴。Make it two! 来两份,意思是我点跟他一样的。Make up your mind. 快做决定。Make no mistake. 别误会。Make sense. 有道理。Make yourself at home. 随便点,别见外。That makes two of us. 我跟你一样。欢迎补充。

42.hold 用在口语里。1) Hold on a minute. 等等。2) Hold your horses! 慢着。3) Hold the line. 别挂电话。4) Could you hold? 请等一下,别挂电话。5) Don't hold your breath. 别盼着了(指某事不会立刻发生)。6) Can you hold it? 你能憋会吗?7)Hold it! 慢着点!8)Hold your tongue! 闭嘴吧!

43.Got用法造句: I got a problem here(我这出事了) I got your back(我顶你)You got me wrong(你误会我了)I got it(我懂了)I got this(这事儿我来搞定); I gotcha(I got you)(我懂了)You got it!(好的okay)You got me(你耍/难倒我了) He almost got me killed(他差点害死我);

44.have 用在口语里。Have fun! 好好玩!Have a heart! 有点同情心行不行!Have a nice day! // Have a good one! 祝你一天开心!I've had it. 我受够了。Have a look! 你看看!Have it your way! 就按你说的办!Have a nice trip! Have a safe journey! 旅途愉快!旅程安全!Don't have a cow! 别激动.

45.good 用在口语里。Good job! 干得好。Good luck! 祝你好运!Good for you! 好样的!It's so good to see you. 见到你真高兴。Good enough! 够好了。Good as new 跟新的一样。Good heavens!//Good Grief!//Goodness! 表示惊讶。No news is good news. 没消息就是好消息。 Be good! 好好的!欢迎补充。

46.:【''质疑''的各种表达】1)I doubt it. 我怀疑。2)It can' t be/ true.不可能。3)How is that possible? 那怎么可能呢? 4)It' s hard to believe. 真难以相信。5)oh. Really?真的吗?6)I don' t buy it./I can't believe it . 我才不信。7)I' m doubtful about that. 我对此表示怀疑。请大家补充~

补充:8) I'm skeptical. 9) You must be kidding! 10) Get out of here!

47.give 用在口语里。1) Give it a try. 试一下。2) Give me five. 击掌庆祝 (也说 Give me some skin);3) Give me a break. 够了,别没完没了啦;4) Give me a call. 或 Give me a ring! 打电话给我。5) What gives? 出什么事了?6) I don't give a damn. 我才不关心呢!7) Give it up! 放弃吧,没戏!

48.我要走了英语可以说: 1) I have to get going. 2) I have to take off. 3) Got to run. 4) Got to go. 5) I've got to split. 6) It's time for me to leave. 7) It's time to go. 8) It's time to hit the road. (相关的,我要晚了,可以说 I'm running late. ) 欢迎补充!

再见用 see 有很多说法:1) See you soon. 2) See you later. 3) See you around. 4) See you then. 5) See ya! 6) See you tomorrow. 7) See you later, alligator! (对方可以说:In a while, crocodile! 主要是孩子用) 8) I'll see you when I see you. (一般用在不知道下次什么时候见面的时候用) 。

49.我不明白,想不通可以说。1) I don't understand. 2) I don't get it. 3) It doesn't make sense. 4) I can't figure it out. 5) It's beyond me. 6) I'm baffled. 7) I'm confused. 8) I'm without a clue. 9) Beats me! 欢迎补充。

50.表示感谢时说:1) Thank you! 2) Thanks! 3) Thanks a bundle! 4) Thanks a bunch! 5) Thanks a million! 6) Thank you so much! 7) Thanks a lot! 8) I appreciate it. // I appreciate your help. 9) You have been very helpful. 10) I owe you one. (我欠你一份情) 欢迎补充!

51.care 用在口语里。See if I care! 我才不在乎呢!Who cares? 谁稀罕!Care to join us? 要不要跟我们一起来?I couldn't care less. 我一点不关心。I don't care. 我无所谓。Care for another one? 再来一个?Take care! 保重。That takes care of it. 这样就行了。Care to dance? 能请你跳舞吗?

52.to the tune of something 大约是个什么数。My student loan was to the tune of 40,000 at the time of my graduation. 毕业时,我欠的学生贷款大约是四万块。乔丹最近要被罚款。Rumor has it that Michael Jordan will be fined to the tune of 100,000. 乔丹据说要被罚大约十万美元。

53.leave 用在口语里。Leave me alone! 别烦我!Leave it to me! 我来办!Leave it at that! 就这么着吧,别再追究了。Take it or leave it! 要不要,不要就算了。比如:$50. That's my final offer. take it or leave it! 意思是50块,不能再让了,要你就拿走,不要拉倒。

54.look 用在口语里。look out! 小心。I'm just looking. 我随便看看。Look who is here! 看谁来了。Look who is talking! 先管好自己再说别人吧!Things are looking up. 情况有好转。Look me up when you're in town.什么时候到我们这来,一定找我。How do I look? 我看上去如何?

55.No 用在口语里。No way! 甭想!No fair! 不公平!No kidding! 没开玩笑吧?No problem! 没问题。No doubt. 毫无疑问。No smoking! 禁止抽烟。No sweat. 没什么。No questions asked. 绝不追究(如,Whoever took my dictionary please return it, no questions asked. 拿我字典的人请归还,绝不追究)

56.补充几个:frenemy (friend+enemy 友敌); bromance (brother+romance 男漫); metrosexual 花美男;

57.let 用在口语里。Let's roll! 开始吧!Let's go. 咱们走。Let's get out of here. 咱走吧!Let it be. 就这么着吧。Let's talk. 我们谈谈。Let me! 我来。Let me know. 告我一声。Let me have it! 快说说!Let's do lunch! 一起吃午饭!欢迎补充

58.#大家经常理解错误的英语单词意思系列一#1.purse理解为钱包,正解是女士挎包,或女士小钱袋,钱包只能是wallet;2vest理解为背心,正解是马夹,背心应该是wife-beater;4.hang out理解为出去玩,正解是一起玩,不一定是出去.(Let's just hang out at my place) 如图:1是purse;2是vest;3是wife-beater.

:#常见单词你不知道的常见意思系列一#1.crash睡觉I'm tired. So I am gonna go crash(我累了,所以我去睡觉了);2.see约会I can't believe she is seeing someone.我真不敢相信她已经开始跟别人约会了;3.dig喜欢 I will buy a hat tomorrow because girls dig that.我明天要买个帽子,因为女孩子喜欢。

再加几个: 1) buy 相信. I don't buy it. 我才不信呢. 2) dough 钱. That guy has lots of dough. 那家伙特有钱. 3) total 做动词是车子报废的意思. His car was totaled in an accident. 出车祸,他的车彻底报废了.

59.Keep 用在口语里。keep in touch! 保持联系。Keep trying! 继续努力,别放弃。Keep quiet! 安静!Keep it to yourself! 保密,你自己知道就行了。Keep up the good work! 好好干!Keep your chin up! 别灰心,打起精神来。Keep your shirt on! 别着急!Keep your mouth shut! 别多嘴!(欢迎补充!)

60.think the world of someone 对某人高度评价。She is a talented musician. Her student thinks the world of her. 她是个很有天分的音乐家,学生们对她很仰慕。He is one of the top brain surgeons in the country. His patients think the world of him. 他是全国最棒的脑外科医生之一,病人很信他

看不上某人可以说 to think nothing of someone //@更名帝:对人评价很低/贬低某人 怎么说?

61.good-old-boy network 多指贵族学校男生之间的关系网。He can always turn to the good-old-boy network in times of trouble. 他有困难总能依靠自己以前的老同学。The good-old-boy network runs deep in the local politics. 当地政界人物里,很多人之间都是有私交的。

62.think straight 想得清楚 (一般用于否定)。I only slept for three hours last night. I can't think straight now. 我昨天晚上就睡了三小时,现在脑袋不好使。Don't ask me anything now. I have to digest the news first. I can't think straight. 先别问我,我得消化一下这消息,现在想不清楚。

63.英雄所见略同,Great minds think alike. 如:A: Let's sell the house while the market is still hot. B: I was thinking the same thing. It's like you read my mind. A: Great minds think alike. (A: 趁市场火,咱把房子卖了吧。B: 我也想这事呢,你真是钻到我脑袋里去了。A: 英雄所见略同嘛。)

64.to one's liking. 合某人胃口和喜好。The dish was cooked to his liking. 这菜是按他的口味做的。The steak is a little over done to my liking. 对我的口味来说,这牛排有点烤过了。The pants are too tight to my liking. 这裤子款式太紧了,我不喜欢。

65.跟again连在一起用。think again 再想想,意思是你错了。come again? 再说一遍,我没听清。guess again 猜得不对,再猜一遍。try again 再试一下。here we go again 又来了,表示不耐烦。还有 not again! 意思是怎么又来了!如:A: The roof is leaking. B: Not again! (A: 房顶漏水了。B: 怎么又漏!)

66.natural 做名词,指天生适合做某事的人。A: Is she doing OK? B: She is a natural. (A: 她还行吗?B: 她天生适合干这个。) He is a natural at acting. 他天生会演戏。No one would believe she picked up ballet only a year ago. She is a natural. 没人相信她一年前才开始学芭蕾,她天生就是这块料

67.book smart vs. street smart. book smart 是会念书,学问好;street smart 是知道如何在社会上混。比如,Amy is book smart, but her boyfriend is street smart. They complement each other. Amy会读书,但是她男朋友很会混,他们两个人互补。你觉得哪个更重要,是book smart 还是 street smart?

68.old 用来形容人。old flame 老情人;old lady 可以指老婆,也可以指老妈; old man 可以指老公,也可以指老爸;dirty old man 下流的老男人;old maid 嫁不出去的老姑娘;old hand 应验丰富的老手; old guard 保守派; 欢迎补充!

69.should have known better than to do sth (需拟)本应懂得不去做某事。I should have known better than to trust him. 我不应该傻到去相信他。You should have known better than to let her go. 你怎么会傻到放走她。You should have known better than to lie to me. 你应该知道不要欺骗我的。

70.you'll live. 没什么大不了的。A: I scraped my knee. B: Let me see. it's not too bad. You'll live. (A: 我把膝盖磨破了。B: 让我看看,没什么事。)也可以说 I'll live. 如:A: What's up with the crutches? B: I broke my leg, but I'll live. (A: 你怎么用拐杖?我腿摔断了,不过死不了人。)


72.say 系列六。That's easy for you to say. (站着说话不腰疼) A: Of course you should choose Harvard over UVA. B: That's easy for you to say. The tuition will be twice as expensive. (A: 在哈佛和维吉尼亚州立大学之间,你当然要选哈佛。B: 你说得轻巧,读哈佛学费得多出一倍去。)

say 系列五。Whatever you say. (意思是随便你吧,我不想跟你争了) 比如,A: I think we should get the green curtain. B: Whatever you say, hon. (A:我觉得我们应该买绿色的窗帘。B: 随便你。) What do you say? (征求别人意见) What do you say we go catch a movie? 咱们去看电影怎么样?

say 系列四。say it all. 表现得再清楚不过了。He hasn't called you in two weeks, right? I think that says it all. 他两星期没给你打电话了吧?他的意思不是明摆着的嘛?You want to know how bad things are? These numbers say it all. 你想知道情况有多差?这些数字再清楚不过了。

say 系列三。say no more 不用多说了。如:A: We cannot let him ruin his life like that. B: Say no more. I'll talk to him. (A: 我们不能让他自毁前程。B: 我同意,我找他谈。) A: We need to borrow $ 000. B: Say no more. Consider it done. (A: 我们得借两千块。B: 不用说了,交给我好了。)

say系列二。You can say that again. (表示赞同)。如:A: That guy is a total jerk. B: You can say that again. (A: 那家伙简直就是一混蛋。B: 一点没错。) A: It's 100 degrees outside, but it's freezing in the office. B: You can say that again. (A: 外面100度,办公室里却冻死人。B: 就是!)

say系列一。 Say cheese! (照相时说的,大家一起说 cheese 这样照出相来都在 笑,cheese 也可以换成别的字。) Says who? (带有挑战意味地)谁说的?比 如,A: He is not the marrying type. B: Says who? (A: 他不是要结婚的那种类型。B: 谁说的?) 还有:Say what? 你说什么?我没听清。

73.have to hand it to someone 不承认不行,不佩服不行。I have to hand it to Jack. He makes the best BBQ ribs. 我不得不承认,Jack烤的排骨是最棒的。 You have to hand it to Coach John. He turned the team around in just one year. 不服气不行,教练John用了一年的时间就让球队改头换面了。

74.a happy camper 形容一个人很高兴。If I don't finish the report before the end of the day, my boss will not be a happy camper. 如果我今天下班前不把报告写完,我老板一定不爽。I bought these shoes at half price. I'm a happy camper. 我半价买的这些鞋,太高兴了!Are you a happy camper?

75.freshman fifteen 新生15磅,指的是大学一年级学生因为住校,整天在食堂吃,生活不规律,睡眠不够,锻炼不足等诸多原因,新生那一年体重的上升。15磅只是一种固定说法,有人可能只长五磅,有人可能长20磅,因人而异。Did you gain the freshman 15 during your first year in college?

76.:#开学#在美国,七月一开始,商店就纷纷推出 back-to-school sale 开学前减价销售,文具卖得很便宜。每个学校在网站上都会按年级列出 supply list--每个学生必须提供的文具清单,家长按清单到商店去买,开学时孩子把一大袋文具带到学校交给老师,大家一起用,It's called a community system 资源共享。

#文具# 晒晒儿子上学前学校要求准备的部分文具:1) two boxes of crayons 两盒蜡笔;2) 1 box of washable marker一盒能洗掉的记号笔;3) 6 glue sticks 六根固体胶;4) one box of colored pencils 一盒彩色铅笔;5) one large backpack (labeled) 一个标明了孩子名字的大双肩背书包;.........

77.catchy 吸引人的,上口的, 好记的。We need to think of a catchy name for the book. 我们得帮这本书起个吸引人的书名。Gee, this song is catchy! 天啊,这歌儿真上口!The new slogan is much catchier than the old one. 新的宣传标语比旧的好记多了。

78.to die for 形容某件东西特别好,为了得到死了都值。These shoes are to die for. 这些鞋太好看了。The view is to die for. 景色太美了。Her mom's cooking is to die for. 她妈做的菜可好吃了。 She might not be a looker, but she has a voice to die for. 她长得不能不怎么样,但是声音特别好听。

79.动词活用break, break the law 违法;break a promise 失信; break one's heart 让人心碎;break the bank 太贵;break a record 打破记录; break a story 首家报道;break silence 打破沉默;break the ice 破冰;break one's back 辛苦;break wind 放屁;break a leg! 好运!

80.in the (very) nick of time 刚好赶上。We arrived at the bus station in the very nick of time. The bus was pulling out of the parking lot. 我们刚好赶到车站时,车正开出停车场。You got here in the nick of time. She was ready to leave. 你来得刚好,她正要离开呢!

81.形容人又高又瘦 a very tall and thin person,可以用 beanstalk / beanpole (豆秆);broomstick (笤帚); string bean (四季豆); 可以说,he is such a beanstalk. (他又高又瘦) He used to be a beanpole. He looks like a bodybuilder now. (他原来又高又瘦,现在一身肌肉,象个练健美的。)

82.@英语天天说:今天在收音机里听到个新词,叫little spoon,指的是两个人侧卧躺在床上时,蜷在里面,躺在伴侣臂弯里的那一个,往往是女孩子。比如说,I like being the little spoon. I am always the little spoon. 跟 little spoon 相对的,躺在外面的那个人,则叫big spoon. Men are most likely the big spoon.

 再教一个有意思的,大家肯定都有过两个人头对脚,脚对头睡觉的时候,这在英语里叫 shoebox, 就跟鞋盒子里两支鞋的摆法一样。比如,There was only one bed. So we decided to shoebox.

83.@默默猫仔:@英语天天说 您好,我想请教一下,我看美剧和美国的一些动画片的时候,经常有“我吃惊得袜子会掉下来”,“我感动得袜子会掉下来”…为什么要这样翻啊?有啥寓意没?谢谢啦!

 好问题。这种翻译应该是来自 blow one's socks off 或者 knock one's socks off;意思是特别好或是令人震惊。比如:his generosity blew my socks off. 他太热情了。The news knocked my socks off. 这消息太让我吃惊了)。

84.休息一会儿:Let's take a break. 歇会;Let's take five/ten. 休息五分钟/十分钟;I'm taking a cigarette break. 我歇会,抽根烟;I'll take a bathroom break. 我得去上趟厕所;Let's take a 30-minute lunch break. 歇30分钟吃中饭。吃中饭时遇到某人或接到电话,可以说: I'm on my lunch break.

85.411 是查号台,引伸为情况和信息。比如,Come on, give me the 411 on your date last night! (快给我讲讲你昨天晚上约会的情况)。如果你喜欢哪个女生,跟别人打听她的情况,就可以问 Do you know that girl over there? What's her 411? // What is the 411 on her? 也可以说 what's her deal?

86.right up someone's alley 这他在行,这他爱干。He is very much into computers, so this job should be right up his alley. 他喜欢电脑,这份工作正适合他。He has ten years of teaching under his belt. This position is right up his alley. 他有过十年教书的经验,这个职务正适合他。

87.speak for yourself (不同意别人意见)。A: The party was so boring. B: Speak for yourself. I had a great time. (A: 派对真没劲。B: 你这么想啊,我可是挺开心的。) A: I cannot eat another bite. B: Speak for yourself. I'm getting deserts

88.:【朋友失落时,我们可以这样表达】1)There's nothing to worry about./No worries.没有什么可担心的。2)I have faith(confidence) in you.我对你有信心。3)Things will be better soon./Everything will be fine./Things will turn out all right./Things will work out all right.一切都会好起来的。. (A: 我一口也吃不下了。B: 真的?我还要甜点呢!)

--It's OK. // No big deal. // I'm here for you. // It's probably for the best.

89.I can live with that. 这是我可以接受的。The dress is a little pricey, but I can live with that. 这条裙子有点贵,但我可以接受。I just landed a new job. The commute is a little too long, but I guess I can live with that. 我刚找到一份新工作,上班有点远,但我觉得还算可以接受。

90.think on one's feet 脑子反应快。To be a successful talk show host, you have to be able to think on your feet. 要做个成功的脱口秀主持,反应一定要快。I'm not good at thinking on my feet. 我这人反应不是特别快。The job requires the ability to think on your feet well. 这工作要反应快。

91.@英语纠错机:”施工进行中“居然翻译成Execution in Progress (死刑正在进行?)

牌子上可以写:work zone 或 construction ahead 或 road work ahead

92.do something religiously 抱着一种虔诚态度。It's my favorite show. I watch it religiously. 那是我最爱看的节目,每集都看。I love his blog. I follow it religiously. 我喜欢他的博客,他的东西我每条必看。I go to the gym religiously. 我定期去健身,一次不差。What do you do religiously?

93.复 @迪艾斯:加得好! //@迪艾斯:跟神有关的:Jeez or Geez.....Gosh......Hallelujah....... 跟人有关的:Man!.......Oh Boy!

@英语天天说:我常用的感叹词: oops (做错事时说),hurrah (胜利时说),WOW (惊叹时说); Ouch (疼痛时说);Ugh (不屑一顾时说);yuck (感到恶心时说);类似的还有 eww 也是表示让人感到恶心;Shhhh (让别人安静时说);huh? (表示惊讶,难以置信时 说);boo (从暗处跳出来吓唬别人时说);你常用的有哪些呢?

94.out of the running 出局。I was out of the running after the first round. 第一轮下来我就出局了。With the injury, he is clearly out of the running for MVP. 因为受伤,他显然拿不到最有价值球员的称号了。The movie is out of the running for Oscar this year. 这部电影今年奥斯卡无望了。
95.:【各种哭的表达】快要哭了feel like crying/be close to tears/be about to cry ;红了眼眶there are tears in one's eyes;把某人弄哭make some1 cry;使某人感落泪move some1 to tears ;突然哭起来break/ burst into tears;情不自禁的哭can't help crying一直哭不停can't stop crying 亲补充~

I was trying to blink back the tears. 我试图忍住泪水. My eyes became wet. 我的眼睛有些潮湿. I got tears streaming down my face. 泪水哗哗地顺着脸颊流下来.

96.be like 口语里常用,相当于说.... 比如:Jack broke up with Becca. I was like, "are you out of your mind?" Jack跟Becca分手,我问他"你脑袋进水了吧 "?The tickets were sold at $100 each. We were like, "it's highway robbery." 票价一张100刀,我们说,“这简直就是拦路抢劫!"

97.中文说形影不离,英文说 to live in each other's pockets. 比如:Amy and Katie are inseparable. They live in each other's pockets. Amy和Katie从不分开,两个人形影不离。Being best friends doesn't mean you have to live in each other's pockets. 好朋友并不意味着要随时随地形影不离。

98.watch your language! // watch your mouth说什么呐!不能这么没礼貌。如:That's no way to talk to your mom. You'd better watch you language! 不能这么跟你妈说话,别这么没礼貌。You'd better watch your mouth! Don't let me catch you saying that again. 你嘴里干净点,别再让我听见你说这字

99.before you know it. 意思是很快。I will be back before you know it. 我马上就回来。It will only take a second. I'll be there before you know it. 等一小下,我马上就到。Don't worry, things will be better before you know it. 别太着急了,情况用不了多久就会出现好转的。

know a thing or two about....对某事略知一二。My dad has a car repair shop. I know a thing or two about cars. 我爸开了间修车行,我对车略知一二。Growing up in a big family, I know a thing or two about sibling rivalry. 我从小有很多兄弟姐妹,我对兄弟姐妹之一间的争斗略知一二。

you never know 没准呢,谁知道呢。Things might change. You never know. 情况也不是不可能发生变化,谁知道呢!The stock market might climb right back up. You never know. 股票市场也可能马上就回升,谁知道呢!She might come to her senses. You never know. 她没准能明白过来,谁知道呢!

100.eyebrow 眉毛。I have thick eyebrows. (我眉毛很浓)。I have bushy eyebrows. (我眉毛很浓很密)。I have thin eyebrows. (我眉毛很稀)。修眉毛, 拔眉毛要用动词 pluck 或 tweeze. I have to tweeze my eyebrows every once in a while. 我隔一段时间就要拔一次眉毛。拔眉毛用的夹子叫 tweezer.

101.Eat one's dust! 落在别人后面(吃别人跑过掀起的尘土)。We'll have to step on it! I don't want to eat their dust. 我们得快点,我可不想被他们落在后面。We're way ahead of you. Eat our dust! 我们领先你们一大块,你们是望尘莫及。龟兔赛跑前,兔子说,“Prepare to eat my dust.” 结果....

102.:#他放屁了# 1)He farted! 2) He ripped one! 3)He cut the cheese! 4) He passed gas (委婉客气的说法).形容人满嘴胡话,说话等于放屁,可以说He's full of crap. 形容没声音却很臭的屁,可以用SBD (silent but deadly). 最后,形容胃肠胀气,可以用I feel bloated ['bl?utid]. 或I feel gassy.

You can also say, "who tooted?" "I tooted."


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104.a ball and chain 累赘,指原来犯人身上栓的铁链子上再加个铁球,让人动弹不得。The house has become a ball and chain. Our monthly mortgage payment eats up a big part of our income. 这房子简直就是累赘,我们每个月很大一部分收入都用来支付房屋贷款了。

someone's point is well taken. 接受意见。Your point is well taken. I will bring it up with the boss. 你的意见我接受,一定转告老板。A: I think the paper lacks substance. B: Your point is well taken. That's what my professor told me too. A: 我觉得文章不够充实。B: 对,我教授也这么说

@英语口语精华:【问外国人的十大问题】①Have you been to China before? ②Are you here for business or pleasure?你是来出差还是来玩? ③How do you like China so far? ④What impresses you most about China?中国什么给你印象最深? ⑤What bothers you most about China?中国什么最让你烦恼?

106.work the room 擅长社交活动时跟人打交道,也指讲话者会吸引听众。As a campaign manager, he is really good at working the room. 做为竞选负责 人,他很擅长在社交活动中跟人打交道。The speaker really knows how to work the room. 讲话者很会吸引听众,也叫 work the crowd 或 work an audience.

107.walk out on someone 断绝跟某人的关系,抛弃某人。He walked out on his wife and kids. 他抛弃了老婆孩子。His mom walked out on them when they were little. 他们很小的时候就被妈妈抛弃了。My dad walked out on us when I was only a baby. 我还是婴儿的时候,爸爸就抛弃了我们。

108.one's side of the story 某人自己怎么说。He's gonna tell his side of the story in the new book. 他要在新书里做出他的解释。You can't just hear her side of the story. 你不能听她一面之词。I can't wait to hear your side of the story. 我等不久想听听你的解释。

109.@大山:#山哥微中文# 【闪shan3】“Flash”, also used to describe something that happens quickly or “in a flash”:闪存 Flash memory;闪客 Flash animator;闪婚 speed marriage;闪离 speed divorce;闪孕 quick pregnancy (often to exploit labour laws and avoid layoff)

 ---转!让我想起 a flash in the pan 昙花一现。

110.回复 @css0536:对,还有teeth cleaning 六个月一次,oral hygiene 口腔卫生,gingivitis 牙周炎, dental plague 牙垢 //@css0536:洗牙呢?wash teeth? //@英语天天说:还有 tooth ache 牙疼,teething 长牙,baby tooth 乳牙,permanent tooth 恒牙,implant 植牙,denture 假牙

@英语口语精华:【看''牙医''必备词汇】1)dentist 牙医 2)toothache 牙痛 3)tooth decay 蛀牙4)dental filling 补牙 5)dental floss 牙线 6)dental extraction 拔牙 7)crown 牙冠 8)dental braces 牙套 9)false tooth 假牙 10)toothbrush 牙刷 11)gum 牙龈 12)incisor 门齿 13)wisdom tooth 智齿 *请补充*

111.sweep sth under the rug 隐瞒某事。He tried to sweep the whole thing under the rug. 他试图把整件事隐瞒起来。Sweeping it under the rug won't make it go away. 你可以把事情隐瞒起来,但不能让事情消失。It was swept under the rug and remained a secret till now. 事情被隐瞒下来,直到今天

112.(come/get/bring someone) to the point. 谈到重点。Why don't you cut the crap and get to the point! 别费话,有话直说吧!I wish he would come to the point soon. 真希望他能赶快讲重点的。I just lost my job, which brings me to the point, can I borrow some money? 我刚失业,借点钱行吗?

113.look someone square in the eye 直视某人的眼睛。I looked him square in the eye and asked him if he was cheating on me. 我直视他的眼睛,问他有没有对我不忠。He sat me down, looked me square in the eye and said, "I love you." 他拉我坐下,看着我的眼睛说,我爱你!(有木有?)

114.@美国驻华大使馆:从本周开始,我们将在每周五给大家介绍一条美国俚语,祝大家周五快乐!今天介绍“Sup? ” 这是“What is up? ”的缩写,是 “你怎么样?”或“你在做什么?”的俚语。“Sup? ”是一般会话,特别是青年人会话,的开场白。“Sup?” “Not much, just finished lunch.”

115.You're on your own. 全靠你自己了。No one can help you now. You're on your own. 没人能帮得了你,只能靠你自己了。I don't want to get involved. You're on your own. 我不想搀和进去,你好自为之吧。I can't make the decision for you. You're on your own. 我不能替你做决定,你只能靠自己。

116.talk the talk, walk the walk.(或者用walk the talk) 言行一致。If you're going to talk the talk, you've got to walk the walk. 如果你把话说出来了,就得做到。When it comes to protecting the environment, he talks the talk, but he doesn't walk the walk. 在环保方面,他说一套做一套。

--->Talk is cheap! Show me what you got. 光说没用,给我点真格的看看。

117.blood brothers 结义弟兄,拜把子弟兄;同理,blood sisters 就是结义姐妹。 如:we cut our fingers to exchange blood and became blood brothers. 我们把手指割破,让血流到一处,成为结义弟兄。Do you have any blood brothers or blood sisters? 你有木有结义弟兄或姐妹?

118.open secret 公开的秘密。They are living together. It's an open secret. 他俩同居,这是公开的秘密。Her husband left her for another woman. It's an open secret. 她老公跟别的女人走了,这是公开的秘密。It's an open secret that she is looking for another job. 她想换工作,这是公开的秘密

119.story of my life “我老这么倒霉”,I met this awesome guy, but he already has a girlfriend---story of my life. 我认识了个特好的男人,可惜有女朋友了,我总这么倒霉。I waited in line for three hours, but the tickets were sold out--story of my life. 我排3小时的队,却没买到票,真倒霉

120.sit back and (do...)坐好,不采取行动。You can't just sit back and let our efforts go down the drain. 你可不能什么都不管,眼看我们的努力付诸东流。I refuse to sit back and let him call the shots. 我不愿眼睁睁看他发号施令。Please sit back and enjoy the show. 坐舒服,表演开始了。

121.a slow go 进度慢。The morning traffic is a slow go. 早上车流移动很慢。 With two feet of snow on the ground, the effort to restore electricity is a slow go. 地上积雪两尺深,修复供电的努力进展缓慢。Without adequate funding, the project is a slow go. 由于缺少足够资金,项目进度很慢。

122.a shrinking violet, a very shy person 害羞的人。I am no shrinking violet. 我不是个爱害羞的人。She has always been a shrinking violet. 她从来都很害羞。If you continue to be a shrinking violet, you will never be noticed by the boss. 如果你老这么爱害羞,那你永远也不会被老板注意到。

123.__down, __to go. 几个已经做好,还剩下几个要完成;把数字添进去就好了, 如:A: We're half way there. B: Yeah, three down, three to go. (A: 完成 一半了。B: 没错,做好三个,还剩三个)。I just finished another term paper. Two down, one to go. 我又写好一篇期终论文,两篇完成,还剩一篇。

124.I stand corrected. 意思是我承认自己错了。比如:I stand corrected. The deadline is next Friday, not this Friday. 我错了,最后期限应该是下星期五,不是这星期五。I stand corrected. He graduated from Tsinghua University, not Peking University. 我说错了,他是清华毕业的, 不是北大。 

125.What's the point? 跟 What's your point? 有区别。What's the point? 有什么用呢?A: Did you talk to her again? B: What's the point? (A:你又找她没? B:有什么用呢?) What's your point? 别扯东扯西了,你到底想说什么?也可以打断别人,问 Your point being? 意思一样的。(讲礼貌的同学慎用)

you've got a point there. 你说的有道理。A: You guys already broke up. He had no reason to lie to you. B: You've got a point there. (A: 你们两已经分手了,他没道理骗你啊。B: 你说的也有道理。) OK, you've got a point, but I just have a feeling that....你说的确实有理,可我就是感觉...

126.someone's nose is in the air. 自负,自大。His nose is always in the air. 他谁都瞧不上。win by a nose 险胜。I won the race only by a nose. (只比对手快一个鼻子)险胜;还有擤鼻涕,blow one's nose.

127.mouthfeel 口感。The wine has a smooth mouthfeel. 这种葡萄酒口感很滑顺。 The beer has a different mouthfeel. 这种啤酒喝在嘴里口感与众不同。I love the mouthfeel of this chocolate. 我很喜欢这种巧克力的口感。

128.feel left out 被排斥在外。I invited Jack to my party because I don't want him to feel left out. 我邀请Jack来参加派对,因为我不想让他觉得没人理他。My husband was talking about soccer with his buddies at the party. I felt left out. 开派对时,老公跟他哥们聊足球,我整个一插不上嘴。

129.all in one's head 瞎想的,不是事实。The doctor said that there was nothing wrong with him. It was all in his head. 医生说他一点毛病都没有, 都是他自己胡思乱想。You don't need to lose weight. You are not fat at all. It's all in your head. 你不用减肥,你一点都不胖,都是你自己瞎想。

130.@英文王子_张介英:【如何用英语表达#分手#】1. It's over. 我们关系已尽。2. We are history. 我们已经结束了。3. We are done here. 我们结束了。4. They broke up. 或是 They split up. 他们分手了。5. We're not seeing each other anymore. 我们已经不在一起了。

--->加一个:They went their separate ways.

131.好用句型# I can't (even) begin to tell you....强调后面要说的。如:I can't even begin to tell you how bad the situation was. 我简直无法形容情 况坏到了什么地步。I can't even begin to tell you how much we appreciate your help. 我简直无法用言语表达对你帮助的感激之情。

132.各种派对:birthday party (生日);office party (公司派对) ;Bridal shower (送礼物给准新娘的派对) ;baby shower (送礼物给准妈妈的派对); bachelor/bachelorette party (准新郎/准新娘告别单身生活派对);going-away party (告别派对);costume party (化装晚会); 其他大家一起来补充!

133.sink one's teeth into something 大干一场。The new project is very challenging. I can't wait to sink my teeth into it. 新项目特别具有挑战性,我真等不及大干一场。I was only given small jobs here and there, nothing I could sink my teeth into. 分派给我的都是些小活,无法施展身手。

134.什么是 Mississippi seconds? 据说,用Mississippi seconds数秒是最靠谱的, 基本能跟秒针的走动吻合,不信你试试?one Mississippi, two Mississippi, three Mississippi. 用在句子里可以说,Hold the position for 30 Mississippi seconds. (这个姿势保持30秒) one Mississippi, two Mississippi...

135.nothing to sneeze at 不容忽视和小瞧的事。My daughter won first place in the math competition. It's nothing to sneeze at. 女儿赢了数学比赛第一 名,不简单。Jason never missed a day of work in his 2 years with the company, and that's nothing to sneeze at. Jason两年没请过假,不简单。

136.好用的小词,tweak (细微的调整)。The draft only needs a few tweaks. 这项草案只需要做一些微调。We are willing to tweak the proposal to incorporate your demands. 我们愿意修改提案,把你们的要求加进来。We made a few tweaks to the design. 我们稍微修改了一下设计。

--->回复 @岔路口行走:没错,fine tune 和 touch up 也都是细微调整,以便完善润色。 //@岔路口行走:fine tune 可作微调电子产品之类参数,还有一啥touch来着表示给文章作微调,润色用的,想不起来了,求教!

137.prima donna 原指歌剧里的女主唱,在日常生活中指自我中心,自命清高, 爱发 脾气,难伺候的女人,跟 diva 意思差不多。Kate is such a prima donna. How could you put up with her? Kate 那么难伺候,你怎么能受得了她?Do you know any one who is a prima donna?

138.形容工作没有前途,可以说:My job felt like a trap. (我的工作就象个陷阱);I am (stuck) in a dead end job. (我现在的工作简直就是条死胡同);There is no room for career growth. (事业没有发展空间);There is no way to move up the corporate ladder. (想在公司里升迁一点戏也没有)。

139.shape up or ship out 要么改进,要么走人。I was late again today. My boss told me to shape up or ship out. 我今天又迟到了,老板告诉我以后再迟到就走人。Our team has lost 10 games in a row. The coach was told to shape up or ship out. 我们队连输十场,教练被告知,要么改进要么走人。

140.:#手机没电怎么说#我们常说“手机”没电,英语里则要说“电池”没电了,用dead表示就好了:1) My cellphone battery's dead. 我的手机电池没电了。2) My cellphone’s battery is low. 我的手机电池快没电了。3) We got cut off because my cellphone battery died. 刚刚我的手机电池没电,所以断线了。

--->I need to charge my cell phone, but I can't find the charger. 我手机需要充电,但是找不到充电器。

141.at one's fingertips 很容易就可以得到。The new app puts every restaurant in town at your fingertips. 这个新应用可以帮你轻松找到城里任何一家餐馆。 The online library will let you have millions of books at your fingertips. 这个网上图书馆可以让读者轻松借阅到数百万册图书。

142.to come up with 想出,得到。We need to put our heads together and come up with a solution ASAP. 我们需要集思广益,尽快找到解决问题的答案。Who came up with the idea? 这是谁想出来的主意?I have to come up with an excuse for not going to the party. 我得想个借口,不去参加派对。

143.not hurt a fly. 说人心善,连只苍蝇也不会伤害。I don't think John would ever do something like that. He won't even hurt a fly. 我不相信John能干出这种事来,他连只苍蝇也不会伤害。She is the nicest person I've ever known. She won't hurt a fly. 她是我认识的最善良的人,连苍蝇也不会伤害

144.:【如何用英语#安慰#别人】#英语来了# 1. Keep your chin up. 别灰心。2. Take heart! We'll find a way out. 振作起来!我们会有办法的。3. Hang in there. Things will get better. 坚持住。情况会好转。4. Don't let it get you down. 不要让这件事击垮你。5. I'll be there for you. 我会支持着你。

--->再加一个,It's not the end of the world!

145.apples and oranges 没有可比性的两件东西。如:you can't compare Amy and Kate. They are like apples and oranges. 你不能拿Amy跟Kate比,她们根本不是一类人.

146.blow up 发火。What made him blow up? 他为什么发火?He is gonna blow up when he finds out the truth. 他发现事实真相后一定会大发雷霆。blowup 连在 一起,变成名词。They had a major blowup over their finances and he moved out. 他们因为钱的事大吵一架后他搬了出去。

147.to throw someone under the bus 意思是出卖某人,为达到目的牺牲某人。I have a feeling that he's just the fall guy, who got thrown under the bus. 我有种感觉,他其实就是替罪羊,成了牺牲品。They threw him under the bus to save their own behind. 他们为了保住自己,把他当作牺牲品。

--->回复@糖Xin彬: 酒驾是 drunk driving; DUI (driving under the influence); 或是 driving while intoxicated; BAC (blood alcohol level) 血液酒精浓度;相关的还有 get pulled over by the police 被警察拦下来;designated driver 一帮人出去玩,那个不喝酒,玩完负责开车送大伙回家的人,指定司机

148.keep tabs on something 密切关注某事发展。I try to keep tabs on my kids' online activities. 我很注意孩子上网都干些什么。You need to keep close tabs on how much money you have in the bank. 你得随时注意银行里有多少存 款。We're keeping tabs on the situation. 我们密切注意事态的发展。

--->回复@JING包包需要勇气: 好问题。know better than to do something意思是不应该干出某件事来。I know better than to piss off my boss. 我可不会傻到去把老板惹急。You should have known better than to fall for him. 你怎么会傻到爱上他! //@JING包包需要勇气:knows better than …这个怎么用?

回复@更名帝: to keep up with the Joneses 是跟别人攀比, 不落在别人后面的意思. Joneses 泛指邻居. He bought a convertible, just to keep up with the Joneses. 他为了不落在邻居后面, 买了辆敞篷车. //@更名帝:keep up with the joneses,介个短语怎么用呢?

149.@英语口语精华:【形容''简单''的N种表达】1)It's really simple/It is a snap.很简单。2)kid's play 小儿科。3)It's a piece of cake!小菜一碟!4)It's as easy as pie.真是易如反掌。5)It's no big deal! 沒什么大不了的!6)That's no sweat at all! 轻而易举的事。7)Nothing to it!不费事8)It's a cinch! 小事一桩

--->It's a walk in the park.

 ---->回复@KX-每一天: 粘牙的食物叫 sticky food. 塞在牙缝里了叫 something is stuck between my teeth. 东西太硬不好嚼是 something is hard to chew. 另外能想到的还有牙签 tooth pick; 牙线 dental floss. //@KX-每一天:请问这个东西吃起有点粘牙怎么怎么表达呢?还有什么不太好嚼,不好咬.请您一次要回复

150.as good as it gets. 最好不过如此。Their marriage is as good as it gets. 最幸福的婚姻也不过就是他们那样。类似的,My son's soccer team coach is as good as they come. 没有比我儿子足球队教练更好的了。或者也可以说, They don't come any better than him.

151.hard to swallow 很难接受。She rejected me. It's really hard to swallow. 她拒绝我,让我很难接受。 I found his criticism hard to swallow. 他的批评我觉得很难接受。I understand how you feel, the loss must be really hard to swallow. 我知道你的感受,这次失利一定让你很难接受。

152.高和低。high-end/low-end 高端/低端;we are targeting high-end customers. 我们主要针对高端客户。high profile/low profile 高调/低调;He's trying to keep a low profile. 他尽量保持低调。high-tech/low-tech 高科技/ 低科技。 She is into high-tech gadgets. 她特别喜欢玩那些高科技的玩艺。

153.性格篇之一。She's outgoing. 她性格外向;She is shy. 她很容易害羞;She is quiet. 她很安静;She is always the center of attention. 她走到哪走是注意的中心;She is weird. (She is a weirdo.) 她是个怪人。She is a loner. 她不合群。She is a drama queen. 她老是无事生非。

性格篇之二。He is a nerd. 他是个书呆子。He is a player. 他很花心。He is an easy going sort of guy. 他特随和。He is a funny guy. 他很搞笑。He is a fun guy to be around. 跟他在一起乐趣无穷。He is one of a kind. 他与众不同。He is a stand-up kind of guy. 他是真爷们。大家对号入座吧!

性格篇之三。 She is a tomboy. 她是个假小子。She is a girly girl. 她女孩气十足。He is a loser. 他特没出息。He is a jerk. 他是个无赖。She has a bubbly personality. 她天性活泼。She is a tough cookie. 她可不是好惹的。She is a gossip. 她特八卦。She is a party animal. 她是派对狂。

154.break something in 把...新东西用得顺手,多指新车新鞋。I just got a new car, but I still need to break it in. 我刚买了辆新车,不过还得开开,磨合磨合。I only wear my new shoes for one or two hours per day, trying to break them in. 我的新鞋现在每天只穿一两个小时,慢慢穿软,省得磨脚

155.孩子成长期:0-1岁是 infant; 1到2岁3岁叫 toddler, (孩子两岁前后最蛮不讲理,英语里称这段时间为 the terrible twos); 3-8岁叫 kid/child 小孩;9-12岁这段时间叫 tween (半大孩子);13岁-19岁 teenage (长大成人的阶段,抽烟喝酒谈恋爱都来了) So, how old are you? / How old is your kid now?

156.穿得太暴露怎么说? scantily clad 或是 show too much skin. I don't like clothes that show too much skin. 我不喜欢特别暴露的衣服。The dress shows too much skin. 这裙子太暴露了。They used scantily clad models to help sell cars. 他们用穿着暴露的车模帮着卖车。

157.@英语口语精华:【有关“Time”的谚语】1.Time flies.光阴似箭。2.Time is money.时间就是金钱。3.Time works wonders.时间创造奇迹。4.Time cures all things.时间能治愈一切。5.Time and tide wait for no man.时间不待人。6.There is no time like the present. 现在正是时候。 请补充~ 

Time is the best healer. 时间是最好的医生。A stitch in time saves nine. (及时补一针,可以省九针) 防微杜渐。

158.folks 在口语里一般有两个意思,第一是指父母,如 My folks live down the street. 我父母跟我们住得很近。My folks are retired. 我父母已经退休了。第二是泛指一群人。如:The folks around here are very friendly. 这的人都特友好。Come on, folks, we can do this! 大伙加把劲,我们一定能行。

159.抽筋怎么说?muscle cramps 抽筋处: 腿 leg cramps; 小腿 calf cramps; 脚 foot cramps; 肚子抽着疼 stomach cramps; 女生经期肚子痛 menstrual cramps. 如:I used to get night time leg cramps when I was young. 年轻时我夜里腿老抽筋。I always get toe cramps when I swim. 我一游泳脚趾就抽筋

再说说腿麻,脚麻和手麻。一个姿势坐久了,腿会失去知觉,比如 My right leg fell asleep. My right leg feels numb. I can't feel my right leg. My right leg is asleep. 知觉慢慢开始恢复时,会感觉麻麻的,象针扎,英语里说, I feel pins and needles in my leg. 或 My leg feels tingly.

160.@大山:#山哥微英语# “体胖”较好听的说法:女装店里一般会说full-figured丰满体型,或plus-size加大码。男性可以说stout粗壮结实,或heavy-set敦实。男女都可以形容为big-boned骨架子大,或big guy / big girl / big woman。赞美BBW(Big Beautiful Women)最艺术化的说法:Rubenesque鲁本斯油画式美女。

--->补偿两个: 夸女人身材好还可以说 She is very shapely. She has a well-proportioned body. 更简单的, She has a great body. She has a body to kill for.

161.I've got your back. 我帮你看着身后,意思是我帮你,我支持你,我保护你。 You have nothing to worry about. I've got your back. 你什么都不用担心, 有我支持你呢。He is the kind of friend who will always have my back. 他 是那样无论什么时候都能依靠的朋友。

162.脖子落枕怎么说?I must have slept funny last night because my neck hurts. (我昨晚一定是睡姿不对,今早上脖子落枕了) I woke up with a stiff neck and could hardly turn my head. 我落枕了,早上起来脖子动不了了。或者最简单的,I slept funny.

上班 go to work. I don't want to go to work today.(我今不想去上班);下班 get off work. What time do you get off work? 你几点下班?加班 work overtime. I have to work overtime tonight. 我今晚上得加班。翘班 skip work. I need an excuse to skip work 我得找个借口翘班。

163.___101 基础,入门。比如: philosophy 101 哲学入门;algebra 101 代数入门; music theory 101 乐理入门;basic plumbing 101 修理水管入门;auto repairs 101 修车入门;gardening 101 园艺入门;parenting 101 育儿须知;online dating 101 网上交友入门;

164.口语里好用的小词#get#. She doesn't get me. 她不懂我。I get(got) it. 我明 白。(注意区别: 打球时告诉队友,我来接,在英语里是 I got it. ) You got me. 你把我问倒了/或是你抓住我了(根据上下文区分)。Do you get it now? 你现在明白了吗? How come you still don't get it? 你怎么还不明白?

165.loud and clear 十分清晰。The message is loud and clear. 这意思简直是再明白不过了。A: Did you hear what I said? B: Loud and clear. (A: 你听见我说的了吗?B: 再清楚不过了。) You don't have to yell. I can hear you loud and clear. 你不用使劲喊,我听得一清二楚。

166.practice what you preach 以身作则。As parents, you need to practice what you preach. 父母教导孩子要以身作则。If you don't want your kids to smoke, you’d better quit smoking yourself. You have to practice what you preach. 不想让孩子抽烟,你最好自己先把烟戒掉,要以身作则才行。

167.@英语口语精华:【''质疑''的各种表达】1)I doubt it. 我怀疑。2)It can't be/ true.不可能。3)How is that possible? 那怎么可能呢? 4)It's hard to believe. 真难以相信。5)oh. Really?真的吗?6)I don't buy it./I can't believe it . 我才不信。7)I am doubtful about that. 我对此表示怀疑。 请大家补充~

--->You've got to be kidding!

168.one's lucky day 今儿走运。 She agreed to go out with me. Today is my lucky day. 她同意跟我约会,今天真是好日子。You won? This must be your lucky day. 你赢了,今天一定轮上你走运。You want to take me out to lunch? It must be my lucky day today. 你请我吃中饭,我今个怎么这么走运。

169.ballbuster 把男人睬在脚下的母老虎。I can't take it anymore. Joan is such a ballbuster.我忍无可忍了,Joan真是只母老虎。Although she is known to be a ballbuster, there are still plenty of guys after her because of her good looks. 虽然她是有名的母老虎,还是有很多男人追她,因为她漂亮

170.drive someone up the wall 让某人感到气愤烦躁。His whining is driving me up the wall. 他没完没了发牢骚,烦死我了。The way he treats female colleagues is driving me up the wall. 他对女同事的态度实在让我受不了。 The construction noise is driving me up the wall. 施工的声音烦死我了。

171.to keep someone on a short leash 管得严,不给自由。He doesn't hang out with us anymore. His girlfriend is keeping him on a short leash. 他现在不跟我们玩了,他女朋友管他可严了。He's a trouble-maker. You have to keep him on a short leash. 他是个捣蛋鬼,对他你可得管严点。

172.the bee's knees (蜜蜂的膝盖为什么是)最棒的。The concert was the bee's knees. 这场音乐会是最棒的。Being a mom is the bee's knees. 当妈妈是最好的工作。My new smart phone is the bee's knees. 我新买的智能手机是最棒的。This wine is the bee's knees. 这葡萄酒最好喝不过的了。

173.All about eating:grocery shopping 买菜;make dinner 做饭;pack lunch 打饭盒;home cooking 家里做饭;eat out 出去吃;fast food 快餐;buffet 自助餐;dine in or take out 堂吃还是外卖;cook out 烧烤;snack 零食;junk food 垃圾食物;leftover 剩菜剩饭;doggie bag 打包的袋子;

174.买衣服系列一: Can I try these on? (我能试穿一下吗?) Where is the fitting room? (试衣间在哪里?) Does this shirt come in other colors? (这件衬衣有其他颜色的吗?) Are these jeans on sale? (这些牛仔裤打折吗?) What is this dress made of? (这条裙子是什么质地的?)

买衣服系列二。The skirt is a little tight. I need one size up. 短裙有点紧,我需要大一号。I love the dress, but I'll need to lose a few pounds to fit into it. 我很喜欢这条裙子,但是得先减几磅,才能穿进去。The size 8 is a bit loose. Can I try a size 6? 八号有点肥,我能试试六号吗?

衣服系列三。This suit is a bit casual. You'll need something more formal for the interview. 这西装有些休闲,你面试得要套更正式的。 These are must-have shoes for the office. They go with anything. 这些鞋是上班必备,跟什么配都行。You look gorgeous in that dress. 你穿那条裙子真好看

买衣服系列四。I can't find my size on the rack. Do you have a size 4 in the back? 货架上没有我的号,你们库存里还有没有四号的?Can you put it on hold for me? 你能帮我留一下吗?The dress is 50% off its original price. 这条裙子半价出售。What a steal! 真上算,让你捡着了。

买衣服系列五。The top is so cute. It's totally you. 这件上衣真可爱,就是你的风格。I bought it online, with 60% off and free shipping. 我在网上买的,打四折免运费!It's a designer piece, but I got it really cheap at the outlet. 这是名牌,我在直销大卖场买的,所以特便宜。

175.Stay away from married men. It ain't worth it. (ain't worth it 口语里很常用,意思是不值)

 176.Stop it! 够了!Cool it. 淡定。Be quiet! 安静!Hurry up! 快点。You rock! 你牛!

177.What gives? 怎么回事? The house is a total mess. What gives? 家里乱死了,怎么搞的?A: I sent Tom to his room. B: What gives? (A: 我罚Tom待在房间里不许出来。B: 怎么了?) A: How did the date with Amy go? B: She didn't show up. A: What gives? (A: 跟Amy约会了?B: 她没来。A: 怎么会?)

178.pro, 相当于professional 意思是专业人士。You guys are the pros. 你们是这方面专家。Let the pros do their job.//Let's leave it to the pros. 还是让专家来处理吧。Jack is a semi-pro boxer. Jack 是个半专业的拳击选手。He's thinking about turning pro. 他正在考虑转为专业选手。

--->回复@江江smiley: I'm just a bystander. or I'm just an innocent bystander. (旁观,路过) //@江江smiley:老师好请教您,现在流行的”打酱油”,在英语里有木有类似,生动而有趣的表达呢?

179.:【"你是答应咯?"的几种英语说法】1、Is that a Yes? 2、So you're saying Yes? 3、I'll take that as a Yes, okay? 4、Does that mean Yes? (欢迎补充!)#英语来了#  Is that a yes or no?

180.come on to someone 勾引某人。Did you come on to her or did she come on to you? 是你主动找她,还是她主动勾引你的?Honestly, she came on to me. 是她勾引我,真的。She came on to me, but I said no. 她勾引我,被我拒绝了。 Do you think he is coming on to me? 你觉得他是不是对我有意思?

hit on someone 跟某人搭讪,挑逗某人。He always hits on me. 他老跟我搭讪。 A couple of guys hit on me before my boyfriend finally showed up. 我男朋友没到前,有两男的跟我搭讪。Are you hitting on all the girls like this? 你是不是跟所有女孩子都这样搭讪。Stop hitting on me! 别缠着我。

181.在苹果软件中经常也会看到这个标识,PRO指的是专业版;另外还有一个是lite,指的是精简版;Trial是指试用版;Demo是指演示版,仅仅集合了软件中的几个功能,不能升级;full version 指的就是完整版,属于正式版了。

182.get the shaft (俚语) 受到不公对待。He made the bad call, but I ended up getting the shaft. 明明是他做的错误决定,结果却是我倒霉。The students got the shaft because school lost some of its funding. 学校经费削减,最后受损失的是学生。

183.carbon copy非常相似的人或物.She made her room a carbon copy of the hotel room we stayed last year. 她把屋子布置得和我们去年住过的酒店房一模一样.He's a carbon copy of his twin brother. 孪生兄弟俩长得一模一样.I want something unique, not a CARBON COPY. 我想要独一无二的,不要仿制品.

We just adopted two kittens. They are carbon copies of each other. (我们刚领养了两只小猫,他俩长得一模一样。)

--->fun是好玩有趣,如:We had a lot of fun. funny 是好笑,如 he told a funny joke. She made a funny face. //@LBY淳波:老师,麻烦问一下您,fun和funny有什么区别么?

copycat 学别人的。比如 a copycat crime 就是说这个案子不是开始那个人干的,而是别人学他的样子干的。 //@davidlai2011:Can you tell me what does a "coppy cat" mean?

184.mum's the word 千万保密,别传出去。Jane is pregnant. She doesn't want everyone to know, so mum's the word. Jane怀孕了,她不想传得大家都知道, 所以一定要保密。We're planning a surprise retirement party for Tom, but mum's the word. 我们在为Tom筹备退休聚会,一定要保密,别传出去。

185.on the side 有三种意思。第一,I'd like to order a Caesar salad with dressing on the side. 我点个凯萨色拉,色拉酱放在边上。第二,John makes some extra money on the side as a bouncer. John还兼职当保安赚钱。第三,He's married, but has a woman on the side. 他除了老婆,还养了个小三。

186.Let' take the stairs. 咱们走楼梯吧.

187.upfront about something 坦白。He was upfront about his requests. 他把要求说得明明白白。The car salesman was quite upfront about the history of that used car. 售车代理对那辆旧车的车史毫不隐瞒。I wish you had been more upfront about the issue. 如果你当初对这个问题更坦率些就好了。

188.still going strong 依旧很棒。After 50 years, their marriage is still going strong. 结婚五十年,他们恩爱如初。As the age of 92 Ms. Newman is still going strong. 92岁高龄的Newman太太身体还是很硬朗。After 10 seasons, the show is still going strong. 十季过后,这个节目还是很受欢迎。

189.up and running 开始运行。We expect the new system to be up and running soon. 我们估计新系统很快就能开始运行。It took him nearly a year to get the company up and running. 他用了快一年,才把公司搞起来。The website will be up and running in no time. 网站马上就能开始运行。

190.burst someone's bubble 让某人的幻想破灭。I hate to burst your bubble, but seriously, you don't stand a chance against him. 我也不想打击你的积极性,但老实说,你跟他比确实没希望。Sorry to burst your bubble, but she isn't gonna come back to you. 别怪我打击你,她是不会回来找你的了。

191.get away with something 逃脱惩罚。He cheated on the test and got away with it. 他考试作弊,没有被发现。Did you expect to get away with lying to me? 你骗我,还想蒙混过关吗?I can't believe he got away with that! 我 简直不敢相信,他这么做居然没有受到惩罚

192.have a ___ problem. __有问题。He has a weight problem. 他体重超重。He has a drinking problem./He has an alcohol problem. 他酗酒。He has an anger problem. 他动不动就发火。He has a gambling problem. 他喜欢赌钱。He has a spending problem. 他太会花钱。

193.open invitation 不是拆开来的邀请,而是没有时间限制,可以随时有效的邀请。They've always treated me like family and have given me an open invitation to stay with them any time I want to. 他们对我就好象是一家人,而且告诉我,可以随时去他们那住。

194.:【词汇接力棒76—眼】睁(眼):open 闭(眼):close 揉(眼):rub 眨眼:blink 扫视:glance 一瞥:glimpse 凝视:gaze 抛媚眼:leer/ogle 鸟瞰:have a bird's eye view of 盯视:stare 怒视:glare 蔑视:despise/scorn 眯眼:squint 使眼色:wink 刺眼的:dazzling 吸引眼球的:eye-catching 难看的东西:eyesore

--->eye-popping 让人跌破眼镜的;eye candy 养眼的东西 vs. eye sore 碍眼的东西

195.come to think of it 让我想起。Come to think of it, I know someone who can help. 这倒让我想起,有个人能帮忙。Come to think of it, I haven't seen him for days. 这倒让我想起,好些天没看见他了。Come to think of it, I need to touch base with him. 这倒让我想起,我得找他联系一下。

196.#你懂的# You get the point! 如: I'll do anything to get that job! Well, maybe not anything, but you get the point. (只要能得到那份工作,让我干什么都行.....干什么都行可能有点夸张,不过我的意思你懂的.) He's such an idiot! ...Well, that might be a little harsh, but you get the point!

197.kick the can down the road 把罐子踢开,意思是推延决策和行动。如:Deal with it! You cannot just kick the can down the road. 现在就处理,不能一味拖延下去。If we kick the can down the road, the problem will only snowball. 如果我们继续拖延下去的话,问题只会滚雪球,越滚越大。

--->回复@JIA_肚皮匠: waiter 如果问你鸡蛋怎样煎, 你可以回答: 1. sunny-side up (只煎一面, 蛋黄看上去象个太阳); 2. over-easy (煎两面,中间是软的); 3. over-hard (煎两面,中间是硬的); 4. scrambled 炒鸡蛋; 另外,煮鸡蛋是hard-boiled; //@JIA_肚皮匠:哇!谢谢指教。顺便问一下。waiter也会问你鸡蛋要

回复@馮豹女: 好问题。去餐馆点牛排,waiter会问你,How do you like your steak cooked? 回答基本有五种,well done (全熟);medium well (七分熟);medium(五分熟);medium rare (三分熟,最里面带血丝);;rare (一分熟)。 //@馮豹女:點牛排時,如果我要五分熟怎麼說了

198.by choice 自愿的,不是被迫的。I'm single by choice. 单身是我的选择。He is homeless by choice. 过无家可归的流浪生活是他的选择。She is a stay-at-home mom by choice. 她留在家里相夫教子是自己的选择。I don't want to buy a house. I'm a renter by choice. 我不想买房,租房住是我的选择。

199.:【情侣分手的原因】 1. We have nothing in common. 我们没有共同语言。 2. There's some1 else. 我有了别人。3.U're not steady/reliable. 你太不靠谱了。4.I can't put up with your nagging any more .我再也无法忍受你唠唠叨叨了。 5.U're cheating on me.你一直在欺骗我。 还有诸多原因,请补充。

--->说不清楚的时候就说 irreconcilable differences 无法调和的差异。Maria Shriver filed for divorce from Arnold Schwarzenegger citing irreconcilable differences, not infidelity. 施瓦辛格的太太提出离婚,理由是两人有无法调和的差异,没提施瓦辛格有婚外情的事。

200.slam dunk 篮球里的灌篮,作为名词,也指戳手可得的事情。比如: With your help, it'll be a slam dunk to win first place. 有你帮忙,第一名稳拿。With your income, the loan will be a slam dunk. 按照你的收入水平,拿贷款肯定是轻而易举。

201.newcomer vs. old-timer. newcomer 新来的,也叫 the new kid on the block; 如: You must be the newcomer. Welcome aboard. 你 一定是那个新同事,欢迎。Old-timer 老一辈,老资格。如:Many old-timers cannot keep up with the new technologies. 很多老一辈人都跟不上科技的步伐。

202.butt dial 屁股拨号,不小心坐在手机上误打的电话。I butt dialed my ex-boyfriend. 我不小心坐在手机上,拨通了我前男友的电话。I always lock my phone so that I won't butt dial. 我总是把手机锁屏,以免不小心误打电话。Did you ever butt dial anyone?

203.heat wave 热浪天气。the dog days of summer 三伏天。It's so hot you could fry an egg on the sidewalk. 天热得可以在便道上煎鸡蛋。

204.back on one's feet 重新站起来(病后或经济上) He was finally back on his feet after a month-long rehab. 修养一个月后,他终于恢复了健康。I'm glad to see you're back on your feet. 你恢复了,真好。He was looking for a job, trying to get back on his feet. 他正找工作,设法摆脱经济困境。

205.one-man band 一个人的乐队,引伸各种工作一个人干。A: How many people do you supervise? B: None. I'm a one-man band. A: 你手下有几个人?B: 一个也没有,我一个人什么都干。He does shooting, writing and voicing all by himself. He's a one-man band. 他摄影,写稿,录音都是自己一个人。

206.let something get the best of someone 某人的行为受到某事的控制。He let his anger get the best of him and had a shouting match with his co-worker. 他气急败坏,跟同事大吵了一架。She let her emotions get the best of her and had a good cry. 她控制不住情绪,痛痛快快哭了一顿。

207.the cream of the crop 一群人里最优秀的。These guys are the best programmers in my shop, the cream of the crop. 这几个人是我们这最棒的编程师。The sisters graduated at the top of their class, the cream of the crop. 这姐妹俩以全班最优异的成绩毕业。

208.short and sweet 言简意赅,速战速决。He kept his speech short and sweet. 他的讲话言简意赅。The meeting was short and sweet. 会议速战速决。The poem is short and sweet. 这首诗短小精悍。A: How did you like the show? B: It was short and sweet. A: 你觉得表演怎么样?B: 不长,挺好看。

209.称赞某一新鲜事物可以说 It is the best thing since sliced bread. 比如:I just bought an iPad. It's the best thing since sliced bread. (我刚买了 iPad,太赞了) I love Nikon D200. It's the best thing since sliced bread. (我太喜欢尼康D200了,超好用。)

---->回复@Allen学英语: 原来面包都是一整条卖,a loaf of bread, 直到1924年前后,才出现面包切成片卖的,当时的广告说,it's "the greatest forward step in the baking industry since bread was wrapped." 所以后来才有了 "the best thing since sliced bread" 这种说法。

210.speed dating 快速交友,闪电约会 I've never tried speed dating. 我从没试过闪约.Speed dating is popular for single professionals who maintain a busy life style.忙碌的单身白领喜欢参加闪约.I went out with a girl I met through a speed dating agency. 我跟快速交友机构介绍的女孩出去约会。

---|>Has anyone tried speed dating? What's your take on it? 有人试过闪电约会吗?你怎么看?

211.你周围有没有这几种鲨鱼?1. pool shark 台球高手,有时也指那些靠球技和欺骗赌球赢钱的人,又叫 hustler; 2. card shark 扑克高手,靠牌技和瘴眼法赌牌赢钱的人,老千,又叫 card sharp;3. loan shark 放高利贷的人。

212.one man's meat is another man's poison. 萝卜青菜, 各有所爱;One man's trash is another man's treasure. 一个人的垃圾是另一个人的财富。这里的 trash 也可以用 junk 代替,one man's junk is another man's treasure. 或者 换过来 one man's treasure is another man's junk. 总之物尽其用就好。

213.扑克系列一:一副牌 a deck of playing cards; 洗牌 shuffle the cards; 发牌 deal the cards; 抬牌 cut the deck; 一手好牌 a good hand; 一手烂牌 a bad hand; 扑克脸 poker face,意思是不动声色;扑克老千 card shark或 card sharp; sleight of hand 老千手法。

扑克系列二:cards are stacked against someone 运势差。Don't even think about getting your hand on that project! The cards are stacked against you.你甭想拿到那个项目,没戏。They have a much stronger team. The cards are stacked against us. 他们队实力比我们强多了,我们肯定赢不了。

扑克系列三:牌手惯用的手法之一是 bluff 明明是一手烂牌,非要显得十分强势,猛下赌注。说别人 He's bluffing! 意思是别信他的。Stop bluffing! 别装了!call someone's bluff 意思是指责别人虚张声势,让他拿出证据来。I called his bluff and he couldn't prove it. 我戳穿了他,他拿不出证据。

214.keep it under your hat保守秘密,别告诉别人 It's a top secret,so keep it under your hat.这可是绝密的,自己知道就行了。I've got some interesting news, but you must promise to keep it under your hat for the moment.我知道些特有意思的事儿,但是你必须保证先别告诉别人。

保密的其他说法:Don't tell anyone! Keep it to yourself. Mum's the word. Don't tell a soul. Keep your mouth shut.

215.hand系列一。left-handed 左撇子 (a left-handed person 又叫 lefty);right-handed 右撇子 (a right-handed person 又叫 righty);right-hand man 左膀右臂;(He is my right-hand man. 他是我最好的帮手);light-handed 手轻;heavy-handed 笨手笨脚的;one-handed 单手的;single-handed 单枪匹马的
hand系列二。empty-handed 两手空空。He left the store empty-handed. 他从商店出来,什么也没买。catch someone red-handed 当场抓住。a back-handed compliment 表面是赞扬,实际是挖苦。short-handed 缺人手,We're always short-handed during the holiday season. 节庆期间我们人手总是不够用。
肢体hand系列三。a sleight of hand 变戏法;all hands meeting 全体大会;all hands on deck 全体出动;a show of hands 举手表决。hand-made 手工做的。handy man 擅长家居维修的人。Many hands make light work. 人多力量大。Cold hands, warm heart. 手冷的人往往是热心肠。
肢体hand系列四。hand-me-down 别人用剩下的。All my clothes were hand-me-downs when I was little. 小时候我的衣服都是捡别人穿小的。hands down 轻松地。You are hands down the best cook I know. 你毫无疑问是我认识的人里最会做饭的。You'll win the case hands down. 这官司你赢定了。
肢体hand系列五。Hands up! 举起手来!Hands off! 不许碰;Give me a hand 帮我一下。My hands are tied. 我无能为力。My hands are full. 我两只手都占上了,意思是忙得很,无暇顾及其他事。give someone a big hand (不是给某人一只大手),而是为某人鼓掌。Let's give all the kids a big hand.

hand系列六。first hand亲身经历。I saw it first hand. 我亲眼所见。second-hand 二手 My first car was a second-hand Honda Accord. sit on one's hands 袖手旁观。off hand 意思是现在不知道,但能查出来。I don't have the number off hand, but I can find out. 我现在不知道具体数字,但能查到

肢体hand系列七。to get out of hand 失控。If you don't do something, the situation will get out of hand. 如果你不做些什么,情况就要失控了。另一个意思完全不同的用法是 out of one's hands 不归某人管了。John took over the case. It's out of my hands now. 这个案子John接手,不归我管了。
肢体hand系列八。hand-held 手持的。hand-eye coordination 手眼协调;hour hand 时针;minute hand 分针;second hand 秒针;hand mouth foot disease 手足口病。come in handy 有用。Let's save the boxes. They will come in handy when we move. 这些盒子留着吧,到时候搬家正好用。

hand系列九。can count sth on the fingers of one hand 五个手指头就数得过来,形容少。I can count on the fingers of one hand the number of times you were not late. 你不迟到的时候,我五个手指头就数得过来。hand sth to someone on a plate 拱手向赠。We handed the game to them on a plate.

肢体hand系列十。know sth like the back of one's hand 了如直掌; live from hand to mouth 勉强糊口;The left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing. 左手不知道右手在干什么,意思是缺少沟通。还有 handbook手册,handpick 钦定;handshake 握手;handwriting笔迹,sign language手语

216.相形见黜可以说 pale in comparison with something. 比如,My achievements pale in comparison with yours. 我这点成绩跟你比差远了。 朋友兄弟之间的欺负可以用 bully (欺负), tease (嘲弄), torment (折磨)。情侣间一方欺负一方可以说 You treat me like dirt. dirt 也可以换成 crap, He treats me like crap. 也可以说 He treats me like he owns me. 他表现得好象我归他所有。说某人好欺负:He is such a pushover. 217.

肢体foot系列一。football 美式足球,(区别于soccer); footwork 步法;flat feet 平足;Athlete's foot 脚气;foot callus 脚上的茧子;footprint 脚印;foot traffic 步行的人;foot massage 脚部按摩;bare-foot 光脚的;header and footer (页眉页脚) foot soldier 走卒,跑腿的;

foot系列二。I have two left feet. (意思是不会跳舞);start off/get off on the right foot (不是从右脚开始,意思是有一个好的开端),相反的,start off/get off on the wrong foot 意思则是开端不好。The negotiation got off on the wrong foot. 谈判一开始就不是很顺利。

foot系列三。to get your foot in the door 入门,机会。I'm doing this unpaid intern gig to get my foot in the door. Hopefully they will offer me a full-time job when they get to know me. 我现在免费做实习生,就是为了找个机会,最好是等他们了解我了,能给我个全职的工作。

foot系列四。put one's foot down 坚定立场。Don't spoil him. You need to put your foot down sometimes. 别惯他,在有些事上你不能让步。put one foot in front of the other 按步就班地。I don't want to rush it. Let's put one foot in front of the other. 别赶,咱们一步一步来。


flip out 气急败坏。He flipped out when he heard the news. 听到消息后他气急败坏。She flipped out when she saw the report card. 看到成绩单后,她气急败坏。 I've never seen him flip out like that. 我从没见他发这么大火。He flipped out when he lost the game. 输了比赛他气急败坏。

set the record straight 以正视听。She gave an interview to the local TV station to set the record straight. 她接受当地电视台的采访,把事情真相说清楚。I just want to set the record straight. I take full responsibility for the mistakes. 我把话说清楚,我对错误负全部责任。  

to live up to one's end of the bargain 说到做到,履行诺言。You can't bail out now. You have to live up to your end of the bargain. 你现在可不能甩手不管,你得说到做到。I've lived up to my end of the bargain. It's your turn now. 我可是说到做到了,现在轮到你了。

pick one's brain 跟某人讨论获取信息。Do you mind if I pick your brain? I can't think of anything to get for Jack's birthday? 你给我出点主意?Jack过生日,我不知道给他买什么。I need some new ideas. Do you mind if I pick your brain for a second? 我需要新点子,你有时间给我出出主意吗

out of the ordinary不同寻常。I didn't notice anything out of the ordinary. 我没注意到异常情况。It's a nice painting, but nothing out of the ordinary. 画不错,但没什么不同凡响。After the game, I got a few bruises, but nothing out of the ordinary.比赛后我身上青了几块,没什么特别的

live out of a suitcase 经常旅行,到一个地方来不及把箱子里的东西拿出来就又要离开了。He travels a lot. He lives out of a suitcase.他经常跑这跑那,所有东西就是一个箱子。类似,live out of cans靠罐头食品过日子。During the snowstorm, we had to live out of cans.暴风雪期间,我们一直吃罐头

[如何表达“他被解雇了”】①He got fired. ②He got canned. ③He got the pink slip. ④He got the ax. ⑤He was laid off.他下岗了。⑥He was relieved of his position.他被撤职了。还有吗?请补充! --->He got the boot. He was let go. 

hands are tied. 无能为力。As much as I'd like to give you a bonus, my hands are tied because of the budget. 虽然我很想给你发奖金,但是因为预算的原因,我真是无能为力。I'm sorry. There is nothing I can do. My hands are tied. 对不起,我什么也做不了,我实在是无能为力。

in black and white 白纸黑字。I will sign the contract as soon as you have it in black and white. 你把合同白纸黑字写下来,我马上就签。Here it says in black and white that we have the right to cancel our membership at any time. 这白纸黑字写得明明白白,我们随时可以取消会员身份。

right off the bat 一上来,第一件事。The new boss let a number of people go right off the bat. 新老板一上来就遣散了好几个人。I could tell right off the bat that she was upset. 我立刻感觉到她不高兴。They had great chemistry right off the bat. 他俩从一开始就很来电。

a walking encyclopedia, encyclopedia百科全书,引伸为活字典,意思是知识丰富,什么都懂。My English professor is a walking encyclopedia. 我的英语教授简直就是一本活字典。My friend Jeff is a walking encyclopedia on baseball. 我朋友Jeff简直就是一 本棒球百科全书,没有他不知道的。

luck out 走运。I lucked out and got home right before the rain came down. 我走运,赶在下雨前进家门。I grabbed the last iPad in store. I guessed I lucked out. 我走运,抢到店里最后一台iPad。I lucked out and won two tickets to Lady Gaga's concert. 我走运,赢了两张Lady Gaga音乐会的票

is no picnic. 不是容易的事。Raising three kids on your own is no picnic. 一个人抚养三个孩子可不是闹着玩的。Going back to school while working full time is no picnic. 工作的同时回去上学不是件容易事。Getting along with my mother-in-law in no picnic. 跟我婆婆相处可不是件容易事。

:【各种''雨''】#北京暴雨#今天整理了一些有关下雨的表达。 1)rain spell/rainy season 雨季 2)rainy day 雨天3)prinkle/Drizzle 毛毛雨 4)Light Rain=小雨 5)moderate rain 中雨 6)Heavy Rain 大雨 7)thunder shower 雷阵雨8)downpour 大暴雨 9)ice rain 冻雨 10)hail/hailstone 冰雹 ~请大家补充。 --->

下雨要用 umbrella, 要穿 rain coat 雨衣, rain boots 雨鞋; 开车要用 windshield wipers 雨刷,下完雨找找 rainbow 彩虹, 小时候下完雨最喜欢去趟水,walk and jump in the puddle.....同记忆的童鞋请举手。

ringing off the hook. (电话)一个接一个。Interview requests are pouring in. Our phones have been ringing off the hook. 我们收到很多采访要求,电话一个接一个。The emergency hotline has been ringing off the hook after the tornado touched down. 龙卷风来袭后,急救热线电话响个不停。

219.社交网上加好友用befriend. He befriended his girlfriend in high school on Twitter. 他在推特网上把自己高中时的女友加为好友。I don't befriend anyone I don't personally know. 我不加那些我不认识的陌生人。如果把某人从好友列表中去除,则用defriend. I can't believe he defriended me! --->

defriend 和 unfriend 两种用法都可以。//@Jeremy_傳://@英语天天说:应该是defriend 删除好友;