高树数声蝉送晚解释:@英语天天说 Real English(voa linwei)

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 1.one way or the other 不论如何。I'll get the job done, one way or the other. 不论通过什么途径,我一定会完成那份工作。We'll get the contract, one way or the other. 我们一定要拿到那份合同,不管通过什么途径。I'll pay you back, one way or the other. 不论怎样,我一定把钱还给你。


soso宋帅: 这和Anyway有何区别吗?这个是书面用法比较多?
英语天天说one way or the other 比较接近于 no matter what.无论如何,书面口语都可以用,跟 anyway有区别。

 2.#造句#___in one's blood ___是与生俱来的。她从小就有同情心。Caring for people is in her blood. 照顾别人是她的天性。Both of his parents were dancers. Dancing is in his blood. 他父母都是跳舞的,舞蹈已经溶入了他的血液。她三岁就开始弹琴,Music is in her blood. 她天生就有音乐天赋。

3.not just a pretty face 不光是脸蛋漂亮。She's proved to everyone that she's not just a pretty face. 她已经向所有人,她不光长得漂亮。I can't believe you actually pulled it off. I have to admit, you're not just a pretty face. 你居然成功了,我只能承认,你不光脸蛋漂亮,还有头脑。

 4.#中英对照# rub salt in the wound 在伤口上撒盐。I saw John's ex-girlfriend with another guy at the mall. I decided not to tell him because I don't want to rub salt in the wound. 我在购物中心看见John的前女友跟另外一个男人在一起,不过我决定不告诉他,因为我不想在他的伤口上撒盐。 

5.pay the price for sth. 承担后果。A: The headache is killing me. B: You're paying the price for drinking too much last night.--A: 头疼死了。B: 谁让你昨晚喝那么多。A:I can't eat anything! B: That's the price you have to pay for losing weight.--A:什么都不能吃!B: 减肥就要付出代价

 6.veg out 放松,什么都不干。Do you have any plans for the weekend? Nah, I think I'll just stay home and veg out. 你周末有安排吗?没有,我可能会宅在家里,什么都不干。After a busy day, all I want to do is to veg out in front of the TV. 忙了一天,我唯一想做的就是赖在电视前面。
回复@yeahX:宅女宅男可以有两种说法,一个是 homebody; 另外一个是 shut-in. 

 7.screw something up 把某事搞砸。You screwed everything up! 你把一切都搅得一团糟!I'll give you one last chance. Don't screw it up. 我给你最后一次机会,别再搞砸了。I will be in so much trouble if I screw this up. 我如果把这事搞砸了,那麻烦可就大了去了。
上马再战:粗口一点的用fucked up,是吧老师?
英语天天说: sure. 
王一霖either: screw up 是不是也有振作的意思?那与cheer up有什么不同?
英语天天说: screw up the courage 有鼓起勇气的意思,但是很少用,一般说到 screw up 都是 mess up 的意思。
吾石吾刻: 搅得一团糟、搞砸都是screw something up么?感觉搞砸比搅得一团糟要严重些。
英语天天说:区别貌似没有那么大,英语里都可以用 screw up 或是 mess up. 

 8. in a nutshell 简言之。Just give me the facts in a nutshell. 把情况简单告诉我。Let me explain the situation in a nutshell. 我简单讲一下情况。 That's the story in a nutshell. 事情大概就这样。Well, to put it in a nutshell, the project is a go. 简单说吧,这项目可以上马了。
回复@王一霖either: 好问题。总而言之,我能想到的有: in short, in a nutshell, to sum things up, in a word 其它的,大家一起来补充吧。
回复@猪猪快跑: 千万不能这么翻!拳头产品应该是 flagship product.
回复@YaoJun8: 好问题!"山寨"可以用 knockoff, fake, counterfeit 

 9.get the short end of the stick 吃亏。I don't think our partnership is working out. It seems we always get the short end of the stick. 咱们恐怕不能继续合作了,我们好象老吃亏。I'm tired of getting the short end of the stick. I want my fair share. 我不想再吃亏了,我要我应得的那份。

10.on the spur of the moment 即兴。We decided to go to Las Vegas on the spur of the moment. 我们临时起意,决定到拉斯维加斯去。They decided to get married on the spur of the moment. 他们临时决定登记结婚。Do you do things on the spur of the moment? 你喜欢即兴做事吗?   

11.think outside the box 别出心裁。What impressed me the most is his ability to think outside the box. 他给我印象最深的是他能别出心裁,想到一般人想不到的主意。I want you guys to think outside the box and come up with a better idea. 我要你们标新立异,想出个更好的办法。
英语天天说soul mate is hard to find. 知音难觅。

12.fat chance 没啥可能。A: Do you think she will go out with me? B: Fat chance. (你觉得她会跟我约会吗?别做梦了。) A: Can I borrow your new ride? B: Fat chance! (借你新车开开?甭想。) A: I think I'll get a big end-of-the-year bonus. B: Fat chance. (我觉得我能拿一大笔年终奖。做梦!) 
西西xi86:老师, adopted home是什么意思......businessman is leaving his adopted home mired in huge financial woes. 
英语天天说 : adopted home 有点类似第二故乡

13.中文说“自己的骨肉”英文说 one's own flesh and blood. 比如:How could you treat him like that? He's your own flesh and blood. 你怎么能这么对待他呢?他可是你的亲骨肉啊。I treat my stepson as my own flesh and blood. 我把继子当作自己的亲骨肉对待。

14.if worst comes to worst 实在不行。Let's try to fix the car first. If worst comes to worst, we will buy a new one. 这车咱先修修试试,实在不行 就换辆新的。Don't worry about the test. If worst comes to worst, you can always retake the course. 别太担心考试,实在不行,重修就是了。
AngelHeart0204I always tell my team to have a Plan B, or a contingency plan. So even if worst comes to worst, we can still keep our feet on solid ground. 
英语天天说: It's good to have a contingency plan in place. Hopefully you'll never have to use it.
岔路口行走: 老师,我们口语中 “我都晕死掉了”怎么个翻译?是否可以用 "I was stunned" ? 
英语天天说: 也可以说 I'm speechless.//I'm shocked.

 15.lost cause 注定失败的努力。Don't try to change him. It's a lost cause. 别想改变他,没戏。I'm against the war from the very beginning. It's a lost cause. 我从一开始就反对那场战争,根本打不赢。I love food. For me, losing weight is a lost cause. 我这人爱吃,所以减肥无望。
回复@吸血土豆: lost cause 在口语里用得多的基本上就是it's a lost cause. 根据上下文去理解. 

16. #没门# 1. Absolutely not! 2. Over my dead body! 3. No way! 4. Never! 5; Not in a million years! 6. Not a chance! 7. Not in your lifetime; 8. When pigs fly! 9. In your dreams! 
@卢碧Ey: 10.don't even think about it!

17.have a memory like an elephant 记性超好。My boss is in his 70s. He still has a memory like an elephant. 我老板已经七十多了,可记性还是一流。A: Didn't you say your brother is coming over? B: Wow, you have a memory like an elephant. (A: 你不是说你哥要来吗?B: 你记性真好。) 
悠悠4995: 老师您好,请问情非得已如何翻译。
英语天天说: It's beyond my control. It's not up to me. I can't help it. 

18.a clean bill of health 身体状况一点问题都没有。Josh was given a clean bill of health by his doctor. 医生说 Josh 身体非常好。The doctor gave Bill a clean bill of health and told him he was as fit as a fiddle. 医生说Bill 很健康,身体一点问题都没有。
hooyeedog: 你好,我想问一下“打钩钩”英文怎么说?

英语天天说: pinkie swear.
Katrinazhang的世界:请问as fit as a fiddle如何解释呢?为什么用fiddle这个单词呢?
英语天天说: fiddle原指小提琴,a fit fiddle是调得很好的琴,后来引伸为健康 as fit as a fiddle 

19.#造句# My mom always treats me like a baby. (我妈老把我当小孩子对待) My boyfriend treats me like a princess. (男朋友把我当公主捧着) My boss treats me like crap. (老板简直不把我当人) You have to stop treating me like a slave. 你不能把我当下人似的指使来指使去。
回复@悠悠4995: 好问题!相见恨晚英语里没有固定习语。可以说 1. I wish we had met earlier. 2. It feels like I've known you all my life. 3. It's a shame we couldn't hit it off earlier. 

20.keep sth. under wraps 保密。We need to keep the plan under wraps until the end of the month. 计划在月底前要保密。The details of the case is kept tightly under wraps. 案子的细节严格保密。I'd prefer to keep our relationship under wraps for now. 我希望现阶段暂时不公开咱俩的关系。

21.There's no such thing as a free lunch. 天下没有免费午餐。A: Jerry said I could have his old TV, but I have to take care of his dog next week. B: See? I told you there's no such thing as a free lunch. (Jerry说把他旧电视给我,但下星期我得帮他看狗。B: 我就说吧,天下没有免费午餐。) 
__陈泽青: 老师,“国粹”怎么翻译
英语天天说:the quintessence of Chinese culture

22.#想不明白# 除了最常说的 I don't understand it. 还有下列说法:1. I don't get it. 2. It beats me. 3. I'm totally stumped. 4. It's beyond me. 5. I have no clue. 6. I can't make heads or tails of it.

 23.call it a day/call it a night 今天/今晚就到这吧。We've been working our butts off the whole day. Let's call it a day and go home. 咱今一天挺辛苦,就到这,回家吧。At two o'clock in the morning, we decided to call it a night and head home. 凌晨两点,我们决定到此为止,各自回家。

24.美国国会众议院新议长贝纳说自己:I am who I am. And I'm never gonna be anybody that I'm not. I am a regular guy with a big job. (我就是我,永远做不了我不是的那种人。我就是个普通人,有一份很重要的工作。) 
eeJOY: I'd rather be hated for who I am than be loved for who I'm not

25.#各种清单# shopping list 购物清单,guess list 宾客清单,to-do list 工作清单,short list 入围的最后人选,A-list 最重要的人(比如 A-list actors 最大牌的演员),blacklist 黑名单, checklist 核实清单,wish list 愿望清单。其它的大家一起来加吧。
回复@意如飘风: 没错,bucket list (kick the bucket 见阎王之前要做的事),还有 cradle list (生孩子,被摇篮拴住之前要做的事) //@意如飘风:bucket list. 有部电影就叫the bucket list,很好看。

26.发电子邮件给我的几种说法。1. write me an email; 2. send me an email; 3. shoot me an email; 4. drop me an email; 5. email me. 6. fire off an email. 
Ivivi: drop me a line.

 27.#生活# Forget about testing the waters. Dive right into the river of life and make a splash when you do it. You have only one life. Live it. Don't waste it. (不必万事投石问路,勇敢地跳进生活的大河,别忘了一定要激起一涟浪花。人就这一辈子,要活得有声有色,别让生命付之东流。)

28.#工作时间# I work the graveyard shift. (我上大夜班) I work from 9 to 5. (我工作朝九晚五) I am on call 24/7. (我一周七天,一天24小时随叫随到) I work irregular hours. (我工作时间没规律) I have a flexible work schedule. (我的工作安排比较有弹性) What hours do you work?

29.rub someone the wrong way 招人烦。I'm sorry for rubbing your brother the wrong way at the party. I didn't mean to make his upset. 对不起昨天说话惹你哥不高兴了,我不是有意的。The only thing that guy is good at is to rub people the wrong way. 

30.set in stone 已经决定的,很难更改的。The schedule isn't set in stone. Let me know whether it works for you. 日程安排不是不能改变的,告诉我你有没有问题。The plan isn't set in stone. We can still make changes.这项计划没有最后确定,还是可以调整的。

 31.#造句# There is no doubt in my mind that...我丝毫不怀疑...There is no doubt in my mind that we'll come out the winner. 我毫不怀疑,最后赢的一 定是我们。There is no doubt in my mind that he got the job through his father's connections. 我毫不怀疑,他是靠他爸的关系得到这份工作的。
Real阿步: There is no doubt in my mind that he is a gay! 

32.earn your stripes 证明能胜任。老板说: You have to earn your stripes before stepping into a management role. 进入管理层之前,你必须证明自己能够胜任。He earned his stripes as an assistant coach before becoming the head coach. 升主教练之前,他担任过助理教练,并证明自己有能力胜任。
余青微博:the magnetic stripe (bar code) 磁条 The stripe width field 带区宽度字段 a stripe pattern 条纹图案 The kid with the red stripe 穿红条衫的那个孩子 governments of every political stripe 任何政治形式的政府。
英语天天说u r right. 

 33.to talk some sense into someone 给某人讲道理。I talked some sense into him and he agreed to finish college first. 我给他讲道理,最后他同意先读完大学再说。He has made up his mind. There's no way to talk sense into him now. 他已经下定决心,现在再怎么说他都听不进去了。
Real阿步: I talked some sense into her and she has 老师“想开了”怎么说?
英语天天说: finally come to her senses. 

34.on top of everything else 此外。两个孩子吵架,其中一个告状说,On top of everything else, he even said I was ugly. 不光是这些,他居然还说我丑。 The company gives its employees a year-end bonus on top of everything else. 除了其他福利外,公司每年还给员工发年终奖。
英语天天说:不一样,otherwise 意思是否则的话。比如我女儿就经常威胁我儿子说,You'd better leave me alone, otherwise, I will tell mom. 你最好别烦我,要不,我去告诉妈妈。 

35.nice going! 干得好(很多时候是在说反话。)A: Have you finished the paper yet? B: The computer crashed last night before I was able to save it and I lost everything. A: Nice going! (A: 论文写完了吗?B:昨天晚上电脑死机,我没存盘,全丢了。A:真有你的!)
英语天天说: canker sores 

36.out of the picture 不再参与,退出。Now that your ex-girlfriend is out of the picture, you can start dating again. 如今你跟前女友分手了,又可以重新开始谈恋爱了。With Jack out of the picture, you have to take up more responsibilities. 现在 Jack 不在了,你就得多担点责任了。

37.be raring to go 巴不得能马上开始。比如:I'm pumped about the project. I'm raring to go. 这项目太让我兴奋了,真巴不得能马上开始。He's very excited about his new job. He's raring to go. 他找到新工作高兴极了,巴不得马上就能去报到上班。
悠悠4995:  请问老师,路痴怎么说?
英语天天说: have no sense of direction.
Hansnowya: I would say, I cant wait to go! raring's an adjective n got nothing to do with the word rare.
英语天天说: raring 是从 rear 来的,rear 指骏马抬起前蹄,准备飞奔的样子,所以才有了 raring to go.

38.until further notice 另行通知前。The meeting is postponed until further notice. 会议推迟,什么时候开会等通知。The parking lot is temporarily closed until further notice. 停车场暂时关闭,另行通知。These rules will stay in place until further notice. 另行通知前,这些规定继续有效。

39.体检医生告诉Jack说:You have to watch what you eat in order to keep your weight from getting out of hand. 你得注意饮食,不要让体重一发不可收拾。
  @VOA英语每天学个词儿: out of hand 失控。The situation almost got out of hand.情况几乎失控。We kept buying things we couldn't afford and our credit debt was getting OUT OF HAND.我们没完没了地买那些根本负担不起的东西,卡债已经多到没法应付。
真茹:老师,这和out of control是同一个意思吗?
莫华璋Frank_Mok: yes, pretty much the same

40.girly girl 百分百小女生。If you like to wear dresses, talk about boys, go shopping for clothes, read the latest fashion magazines, then you must be a girly girl. 如果你爱穿裙子,爱谈论男生,爱上街购物,爱读最新时尚杂志,那你一定是个百分百小女生。另一极端则是 tomboy 假小子。
   男人娘娘腔是 sissy. 比如,He is such a sissy. (他怎么这么娘娘腔) 再如,You have to stop being a sissy and man up. (你不能老这么娘娘腔,得想个男人) //@晨曦-霄:那就是说男生很娘怎么讲嘞?

41.身体不舒服怎么说?1. I'm sick. (我生病了) 2. I'm not feeling well. (不舒服) 3. I'm feeling under the weather. (生病了) 4. I think I'm coming down with a flu/cold. (我好象感冒了) 5. I think I got the bug. (我染上流感病毒了) 6. I don't feel so hot. (我身体不太舒服)。
英语天天说:好问题,吃坏了肚子可以说 I ate something bad. 也可以说 I ate something that didn't sit well with me. //@Cocozzj:请问吃坏了要怎么说呢?
回复@Hansnowya: 我拉肚子是 I have diarrhea. I have loose stool. I have the runs. 
回复@7-Gee: I woke up with stuffy nose and have been sneezing all morning. (一早醒来就鼻塞,打了一上午喷嚏) //@7-Gee:请问鼻塞和打喷嚏怎么说?早上醒来就这状态 I may get a flu.
回复@微笑盼明天: 好问题。我下班了可以说,I am done for the day. I am finished for the day. I am heading home now. I am signing off. See you tomorrow. //@微笑盼明天:我下班了。有哪些说法呢~~。
回复@余青微博: you can say "Are you feeling OK?//You should take a couple of days off.//Drink plenty of water! //Let me know if you need anything. //Feel better soon. (你还好吗?休息几天吧。多喝水。需要什么只管说。尽快康复。) //@余青微博:一个老外同事不舒服了,怎么关心?
回复@君小飞:我很高兴说法很多,I am happy. I am thrilled. I am pleased. I am excited. I am overjoyed. I am over the moon. I am on cloud nine. 
回复@静流Candy:好问题,心情不好的最佳说法是:I'm in a bad mood. I am depressed. 也可以说:I'm feeling blue. I am feeling down. I am feeling out of sorts.

42.#造句# ___ is nothing short of___. 根本就是。His behavior was nothing short of political suicide. 他的行为无异于政治自杀。Her performance was nothing short of spectacular. 她的表演简直太棒了。The date was nothing short of a disaster. 这次约会简直就是杯具。大家一起来造句!

43.rebound guy/rebound girl 备胎。She just had a terrible breakup. You don't want to be her rebound guy! 她刚失恋,你不想做她的备胎吧?!How come I'm always the rebound guy? Is there anything wrong with me? 我怎么老是当备胎?是我有什么不对劲吗?
回复@wiwiand的生活拼图: backup 泛指候补,替补,不专指备胎。车后面带的真正的备用胎是 spare tire. //@wiwiand的生活拼图:哦?我以为是backup呢

回复@SmashingPumpkin:absolutely! fallback guy 也是备胎。加得好。//@SmashingPumpkin: Fallback guy is supposed to be the same meaning, right?

44. The sweater he got me for Christmas was so....TACKY! 
  @VOA英语每天学个词儿:tacky ['tæki] 俗气的。tacky clothes 艳俗的衣服。a tacky remark 流于俗套的话。Your pink Hello Kitty tennis shoes are quite tacky.你的粉色hello kitty网球鞋很俗气。She looks really tacky with the red sunglasses.她戴那副红色太阳镜看着俗不可耐。

Hansnowya: cheesy是不是差不多意思?
英语天天说: Yeah, 差不多,cheesy比tacky 还要常用。
liciaho: 比较地道点的情敌要怎么用英语表达?
英语天天说: love rival

45. Life is a song, sing it. Life is a game, play it. Life is a challenge, meet it. Life is a dream, realize it. Life is a sacrifice, offer it. Life is love, enjoy it. (Sai Baba)(生命是歌,去唱;是游戏,去玩;是挑战,去迎接;是梦想,去实现;是牺牲,去奉献,是爱,去享受。)

46. 最近变甜品控!我想请教林老师,......控,应该怎么表达适合?都在后面+holic,还是?
回复@BeebeCheung好问题!+holic 指对某件事情上瘾. alcoholic 酒鬼,workaholic 工作狂,shopaholic 购物狂;另外还有一个词也很好用,freak. 比如: 甜品控 dessert freak; #微博控# blogging freak; clean freak 洁癖控。

47.#生病症状# I have a fever (发烧) I have a running nose (流鼻涕) I have a headache (头疼) I'm shivering (发抖) I'm coughing up mucus (咳嗽有痰) I have a dry cough (干咳) I have a sore throat (嗓子疼) I'm aching all over (浑身疼) I feel weak (四肢无力) I've been throwing up (呕吐) 
KingYes:哈哈 老师 我送一个 现在天气那么冷 我们出去大风一来老是牙齿颤抖 我们可以用很形象的 my teeth are chattering.
英语天天说: I strained my foot. I feel dizzy. 
@VOA英语每天学个词儿:I have a cold. 感冒。
某勃友问(省去名): M痛怎么说…真的…
英语天天说: they are called menstrual cramps

 48.to a tee 或是 to a T. 完美,到位(adv.恰好地)。The soup was made to a tee. 这汤做得太地道了。Retirement life suits my mom to a tee. 退休生活对我妈来说再合适不过了。That description fits her to a tee. 这么形容她简直分毫不差。The plan suits me to a tee. 计划跟我的日程安排完全合拍。
融化de冰雪: 老师,我想请教一下,单词怎样记忆稍微有点效果,感觉每天拿着单词本从六级考试前记到考试后也没记多少张纸。本想把分数考高点就可以考口语,这次能不能过还是问题。
英语天天说: 以前上学考试,也就是拿着书照背,为应付考试,还是蛮有效果的,但如果是为了真正提高水平,就要日积月累,按照语境,从词汇的用法入手去记效果比较好。

49.考试不挂科。Never fail an exam. Never flunk an exam.考试不考砸。Never blow an exam. Never bomb an exam. Never screw up an exam.一定要考好。You have to nail the exam!

50.I may not get to see you as often as I like. I might not get to hold you all through the night. But deep in my heart, I truly know, you are the one that I love, and I can not let you go. (虽不能长相厮守,虽不能彻夜相拥,但我心底深知,你是我的最爱,我不会放你走。) (by Niki) 

51.两个跟 shirt 有关的说法。1. to lose one's shirt (倾家荡产) 如:If you lose the bet, you'll lose your shirt. 赌输了,你会赔得精光。2. the shirt off one's back (竭尽所能) I'll give the shirt off my back for all my friends. (为朋友,我没什么舍不得的。)
回复@融化de冰雪it's better to say I will give the shirt off my back for the CPA exams.
Jessy_Chen小乐:谢谢 那抱歉晚回复你 是这么说吗sorry to delay reply
英语天天说: You can say, sorry for the late reply, or sorry for getting back to you so late.

 52.second nature 第二天性,习惯成自然。He's really good at keeping his feelings inside, it's like second nature to him. 他很善于把感情藏在心 底,已经习惯成自然了。做父母身边随时要有相机。Keeping a camera by my side has become second nature to me. 我现在随身带相机已经习惯成自然了。
达闻西DaVenci:  Taking my cellphone along with me has become second nature to me since I don't remember when.
英语天天说:  Absolutely. Before heading out, I always check if I have my wallet, my cellphone and my keys. I cannot live without them. 

 53.hit the spot 恰到好处,爽。A cold beer on a hot summer day really hits the spot. 夏天来瓶冰啤酒,爽。A cup of hot chocolate on a winter morning hits the spot. 冬天早上喝杯热巧克力感觉超好。That's the best apple pie I've ever had. It hit the spot. 这是我吃过最棒的苹果派,真好吃。

54.#在状态# 1. in the zone; 2. in the groove. 如:He is unbeatable when he gets in the zone. 他一旦进入最佳状态,就无敌了。He was feeling out of place at first, but now he's beginning to get in the groove. 他刚开始还觉得有些不适应,但是现在已经越来越进入状态了。

55.中文说无风不起浪,英文说 there is no smoke without fire. (无火不升烟) A: Rumors say Michael was stealing money from the store. I just can't believe it. B: Well, there is no smoke without fire. (A:传说 Michael偷店里的钱,我简直不敢相信。B:嘁,无风不起浪。)

56.old school 传统,保守。A: You're showing too much skin. B: Seriously? Don't be so old school. (A: 你露太多了。B: 你真这么想?别那么保守。) Call me old school if you want to. I just don't think anyone should cheat on his or her spouse. 或许是我老套,可我就是认为不能对配偶不忠。
真茹:和old fashih同样吗?
英语天天说: 基本一样。

 57. #脾气急# 1. hothead (n.). 2. have a quick temper; 3. have a short fuse. 如:My ex-boyfriend was a hothead. 我前男友脾气暴。The professor is known to have a short fuse. 这位教授喜欢发火是有名的。The coach has a quick temper. All players are afraid of him. 这教练脾气急,队员都怕他。

 58.get the ball rolling 启动,开始。We have all the money we need to launch the website. Let's get the ball rolling. 开网站必须的资金已经齐了,咱们开始吧。I'll get the ball rolling first, but you guys need to do your share down the line. 我可以先做起来,不过以后你们大家也得出力。
陈智韬: down the line到底是什么呢?
英语天天说down the line, down the road 都是 in the future 的意思,今后。

 59. spread oneself too thin 事事都要过问,结果什么也做不好。My son is the captain of two sports teams and the chairman of three students' clubs. He is obviously spreading himself too thin. 我儿子是两个球队的队长,三 学生俱乐部的主席,他参加的活动显然是太多了。
Jacique: 可译作: 分身乏术 或 忙不过来

英语天天说: great!

60. play hard to get 故作清高,欲擒故纵(尤指男女间)。I know what you're doing. You're playing hard to get with him. 我知道你什么意思,你这是对他欲擒故纵。I'm telling you. Playing hard to get won't get you anywhere with that guy. 我告诉你啊,你玩欲擒故纵那招在他那不灵。

61. Missing someone gets easier everyday because even though you are one day further from the last time you saw them, you are one day closer to the next time you will. 想念会一天天变得容易承受,因为虽说不在一起的日子不断增加,但是距离下次相见的日子却也越来越近了。

62. roll up one's sleeves 挽起袖子,准备大干一场。Once the manager gives me the green light, I 'll roll up my sleeves and get the project started. 经理一批准,我就准备挽起袖子,全力投入项目。新年到来前,老公信誓旦旦: I'm ready to roll up my sleeves and hit the gym. 我准备好好健身。
Punchline_2B:老师,我请问下 fall over oneself 的用法,我完全想不通这个词的意思是从哪里发散来的?
英语天天说: 使出浑身解数表现。He fell over himself to make the new boss notice him. 他极尽表现,让新老板注意到他。She fell over herself to impress the movie director. 她使出使出浑身解数,想方设法给电影导演留下深刻的印象。

 63. soft spot 心软,莫名地喜爱。I have a soft spot for puppies. 我特别喜欢小狗。She has a soft spot for Jackie, her only granddaughter. 她特别宠爱Jackie,她唯一的孙女。The boss is known to have a soft spot for young female employees. 老板偏向年轻的女职员,这个大家都知道。
喻嬌嬌kama: 想请教一下 吃一亏长一智 怎么说…?! thx…!!

英语天天说: 好问题!吃一堑,长一智,once bitten, twice shy. 也是中文里的一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳。

64. #号外# Apple CEO Steve Jobs is taking leave of absence because of a medical condition. 苹果首席执行官 Steve Jobs 因为健康原因暂停工作。(语言点: leave of absence 休假,前面动词用 take) 
豆逗纳豆:请假是ask for leave吗?还有几种假期,年假,产假,婚假?
英语天天说: sure. or you can say to request leave: sick leave 病假;annual leave 年假, maternity leave 产假, 美国没有婚假,还有 leave without pay 停薪留职。
托雷Terry:能不能说成medical situation的吖?!

英语天天说: 可以。 

65. I've got you covered. 有我在呢(我罩你)!A: I totally forgot to do my homework. B: Don't worry, I've got you covered. (A:我完全忘记做作业。B:没事,有我呢!) A:I don't have enough money to buy that bag. B: No big deal. I've got you covered. (A: 我没带够钱买那个包。B:没关系,我这儿有。)

66. #淘汰和晋级# 淘汰是 eliminate or knock out. 比如:Our team was eliminated in the first round. Our team was knocked out in the first round. 我们队第一轮就被淘汰出局。相反的,晋级是 advance, 比如,Our team advanced to the semifinal round. 我们队进了半决赛。
@KingYes:来个打平 draw game或者tie
回复@KingYes: The game is a tie. 平局。A game that ends in a tie in regulation time will go into overtime. 常规比赛时间打平,就要进入加时赛。

67. to jump the gun 操之过急。I jumped the gun and booked a vacation without asking for leave first. 我太操之过急,没请假就定了出去旅游。The newspaper jumped the gun and got the story wrong. 报社操之过急,报导出现了偏差。Let's not jump the gun. 咱们还是不要操之过急。

1) t's too sweet 太甜;2) It's too salty 太咸;
3) It's too sour. 太酸;4) It's yummy 好吃;
5) It's yucky 难吃;6) It's tasteless 没滋没味;7) It tastes funny 味道很怪;
8) It tastes awful. 难吃死了。
9)  太腻了:It's too greasy/creamy/ fatty. 
10) 太苦--It will give you a bitter taste in the mouth. 
@KingYes: greasy spoon 是卫生条件较差的餐馆. We could go nowhere but the greasy spoon because we just don’t have any money left. 其实挺形象的. 

69.It's as good as it gets 或者 it's not going to get any better than this 最好不过如此。A: How did you like the cake? I baked it myself. B: Really?I didn't know you're a chef. It's as good as it gets. (A: 蛋糕好吃吗?我自己烤的。B: 真的?我真不知道你厨艺这么好,简直不能再好吃了。) 

70.tight 关系铁,(俚语)。We used to be really tight. 我们以前关系特铁。He is tight with the movie producer. 他跟电影制片是铁哥们。铁哥们也可以说 buddy buddy。比如,John and Jack were buddy buddy when they were in college. John 和 Jack 上大学的时候是铁哥们

71. 你脑子没进水吧?1. Are you crazy? 2. Are you insane? 3. Are you nuts? 4. Are you out of your mind? 5. Are you serious? 6. Get real! 7. What were you thinking! 8. What's wrong with you? 9. What's the matter with you?还有补充的吗?
10. Are you kidding me? 11. Have you lost your mind?  12. You got to be kidding me! 
13. You can't be serious.

72. Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we are here we might as well dance. 生活可能并非我们想要的派对,但是既然来了,还不如翩翩起舞。 (出处不详)
@格格Bella:Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass. It's about learning to dance in the rain... 

73.   is looking up. 有起色,有转机。My financial situation is looking up. 我的财务状况出现了转机。Things are looking up for the hotel industry. 饭店业生意出现了好转。The job market is looking up this year. 就业市场今年有了起色。My love life is looking up. 我情场开始得意起来

74.He has a killer smile. 笑容迷人。I have a killer idea. 我有个特棒的主意。That's a killer dress.这裙子太好看了。大家一起来造句。

 @VOA英语每天学个词儿:killer是杀手,不过作形容词,可以指很棒。She has killer legs.她的腿超美超正。That is a killer show. 这是一档特别受欢迎的电视节目。另外,Killer也可以指特别难做的东西。This exam was a real killer. We all failed. 那次考试特别难,我们都没过。
回复@柠檬bibisky: 她身材很好可以说:She has a killer body. (这句很好用,一定要记住!) 
温馨提示:最好不要用 woman killer,听起来象谋杀犯,改用 lady killer 就不会引起误解了。

75. Are you a drama queen?

@VOA英语每天学个词儿:drama ['dra:m?] 戏剧,是非。drama queen 大惊小怪,事儿多的人。My last roommate was a drama queen. 我以前的室友是个是非鬼,最爱没事找事。drama-free 没有是非,清静。I'm a laid-back person and I really like my lifestyle to be drama-free.我是个很随和的人,希望生活中没有那么多是非。
回复@hewenting:说某人淡定可以说 He is always cool-headed. He never loses his cool. He always keeps his cool.
回复@不想加班的芒果: 加得好,as cool as a cucumber 也是淡定的意思。

 76. (like an) open book. 简单,易懂。He reads me like an open book. 他特 别能读懂我。Emily is an open book. I can always tell what's on her mind. Emily是个很好读懂的人,我总能知道她心里的想法。Your intentions are an open book. 你的意图大家一眼就能看穿。
回复@Regina_cc: 可以。She is my best friend. She can always read me like an open book. 

77. once and for all 彻底解决,一了百了。We need to fix the problem once and for all. 我们需要彻底解决这个问题。Mark decided to quit smoking once and for all. Mark 决心彻底戒烟。Why don't you guys have a fistfight and get it over with once and for all? 你们不如索性打一架,彻底了结。

 78. go through the roof 贵得要命。The cost of living in my home town is going through the roof.我家乡生活消费水平如今特别贵。The gasoline price is going through the roof. 现在油价贵死了。House prices in our areas are going through the roof. 我们这块地区的房价贵得要命。

1Diary of a Wimpy kid(已出八本);
2Dork Diaries (已出两本);

3Big Nate (已出三本)

 79.英文人名的怪用法。I'm on the John. 我坐在马桶上。I am just an average Joe. 我就一普通人。I want a cup of Joe. 我要杯咖啡。You don't know Jack. 你懂什么。He is a Jack of all trades. 他什么都会。No way, Jose. 绝不行!He is a Johnny one note. 五音不全。其余的大家一起来补充。
童鞋集思广益,整理补充下:It's like robbing Peter to pay Paul. 拆东墙补西墙。All work and no play, makes Jack a dull boy. 只工作不玩耍,谁都会变傻。You're such a peeping Tom. 你个偷窥狂。Please put the dishes on the lazy Susie. 请把盘子放在转盘上。最后还有 Uncle Sam 山姆大叔。
英语里张三李四有很多说法,Average Joe; Joe Blow; 还有 John Doe 和 Jane Doe. 很多童鞋都补充的 Dear John letter 分手信,是女生写给男生的,男生写给女生的是 Dear Jane letter.

80.between a rock and a hard place 进退维谷(面临的两种选择都不好)。如: I'm caught between a rock and a hard place. If I move there with him, I have to quit my job. If I don't, I will risk losing him. 我现在真是进退两难,跟他一起搬去那里就要辞去现在的工作,不跟他走就可能失去他。

 81. #饭量# eat like a bird 饭量小。No wonder you're so slim. You eat like a bird. 难怪你这么苗条,原来就吃这么点。相反,eat like a horse 则是饭量大。You eat like a horse. How do you manage to stay so thin? 你吃这么多,怎么还能这么瘦?Do you eat like a bird or do you eat like a horse? 
回复@blog-glister: 对,饭量大可以是eat like a horse, 或是 eat like a pig, 但是 eat like a pig 说出来很难听,所以说得不多。

 82. to tip one's hand 让人知道自己的计划。Rumors say Joe plans to go overseas, but he has so far refused to tip his hand. 传说Joe要出国,但他至今没露口风。Everyone knows Jack is working on a major proposal, but he refuses to tip his hand. 大家都知道Jack在做一份重要提案,可他不吐口。

83. run a tight ship 管理严格。The new teacher really runs a tight ship. 新老师对班里学生管得很严。My boss runs a tight ship. 我老板对下属要求很严格。The coach is known to run an extremely tight ship. 教练对球队要求特别严格,是出了名的。 Do you know someone who runs a tight ship? 

84. #造句# like there is no tomorrow 尽情做某事。They are dancing like there is no tomorrow.他们尽情跳舞。You can't keep on eating chocolates like there is no tomorrow. 你不能这么拼命吃巧克力。You have to stop spending money like there is no tomorrow. 你花钱不能这么不管不顾的。

85. money talks 金钱能使鬼推磨。A: How did he get a job here? He didn't even have a college degree. B: I heard his father is filthy rich, and money talks. (A: 他怎么能进到我们这来工作的,连张大学文凭都没有。B:我听说他爸特有钱,有钱能使鬼推磨呗。) 
说某人特别有钱有很多说法,最常见的包括 He is rich. He is wealthy. He is well-off. He is well-to-do. He is in the money. He is a fat cat. 
回复@KingYes:加得好,He's loaded.也是说他特别有钱,但是如果换个场合,说 he's loaded还可能指他醉得一塌糊涂。

 86. 号外:潮词学习区 #放鸽子# #啤酒肚# #扫货# ..... 中文潮词用英语怎么说?新节目--美语怎么说,十集上线,文字音频,感兴趣的童鞋来学习下。http://sinaurl.cn/hGLJke 
87. go easy on someone 对某人客气点。go easy on sth 少吃少用。Go easy on Jack. This is his first day. 对Jack别太严,他今天第一天。Go easy on me. I've never played this game before. 让着我点,我没玩过这游戏。Go easy on the salt. It's bad for your blood pressure. 少吃点盐,对血压不好。
回复@望星河的小屋:车到山前必有路可以说 It will work itself out. 比如, Don't worry about it. It will eventually work itself out.或是I believe things will work themselves out in the end.
88. in good company 很多人跟你一样。If you don't understand some of the trendy terms young people say, you are in good company. 如果年轻人说的很多潮词你不明白的话,很多人跟你一样。If you're having trouble finding a job, you are in good company. 如果你找不到工作,跟人一样的人不在少数
@viviQZ:If you can not get a ticket now, you are in good company.如果现在你搞不到一张车票,很多人跟你一样。
@岔路口行走:老师:I see my friends achieved some degree of success and I congratulate them enthusiastically. But inside,I'm eating my heart out.其中I'm eating my heart out.做何解比较妥当?

回复@岔路口行走: 好问题。to eat one's heart out 就是中文里说的嫉妒得要命。

89. grunt work 繁重乏味,而又不受重视的工作。He sits in a cubicle, doing nothing but grunt work all day long. 他坐在小隔间里,整天做些乏味的工作。As a research assistant, I did all the grunt work for the professor. 当研究助理的时候,教授那些乏味的工作都让我干了。
@VOA英语每天学个词儿 补充:busy work, 花时间但是没有意义的工作。My boss gives me the busy work only to keep me occupied. 老板让我做一些花时间但没意义的工作,只为了不让我闲着。

90. fall for someone 喜欢上某人;fall for something 信以为真。I fell for him the first time I laid my eyes on him. 我第一次看见他,就喜欢上了他。I can't believe you fell for him. 你居然喜欢上他,简直难以相信。Do you expect me to fall for your lie again? 你觉得我还会相信你的谎话吗? 
回复@我是薛定锷的猫: have a crush on someone 偷偷喜欢

91. a smart cookie 聪明家伙;a tough cookie 坚强的人,或是难缠的人。I'm sure Cathy can figure it out. She is a smart cookie. 我肯定Cathy一定能找到答案,她才智过人。Jackie finished the game with a broken thumb. She is one tough cookie. Jackie 手指骨折还坚持打完比赛,太坚强了。

91. something else (非正式)不同寻常。His new book is something else. 他的新书特给力。A: I met this girl yesterday. She is pretty, and she is smart. she's really something else! B: It sounds like you have a crush on her. (A:我昨天新认识个女孩,漂亮而且聪明,不一般。B: 你喜欢上了吧? 
回复@苏雯姎: 行李分两种,checked baggage 托运行李和 carry on baggage 随身携带的行李。办理登机手续是 to check in, 过安检是 go through security checks,登机口是 gate, 登机牌是 boarding pass. 转机是 connecting flight. 其它的大家一起来加吧。

92. #1 关于写信开头称谓:

@MG_1160 童鞋问写信称谓。假设信写给 John Adams. 上来最好说 Dear Mr. Adams, 如果是熟人,可用 Dear John, 或Hi John, 如果不知道熟没熟到用 John 的程度,最好用 Dear Adams, 宁可过份客气,也不要过份随便。如不知具体收信人名字,可以说 To Whom It May Concern, 或是 Dear Sir or Madam。

#2 关于写信结尾问候语:

继续说写信收尾,最正式的包括 Your sincerely, Sincerely, Yours faithfully, 稍微熟一点的人,可以用 Best regards, Best wishes, 或者索性就是 Best, 还可以说 Thanks 或是 Thank you. 然后在下面写上自己的名字。相对写信,email 要更随便一些,我一般最后就用 Best, 或是 Thanks,肯定不会错。

93. 保密,别告诉别人:1. Don't tell a soul. (谁都不许告诉) 2. Keep it to yourself. (自己知道就行了) 3. Just between you and me. (别告诉别人)。

4. Keep it a secret.(保密) 回答别人可以说,1. My lips are sealed. (我嘴一定严) Your secret is safe with me.(我替你保密) I won't breathe a word of it. (我一个字也不会说)。

94. 中文说这山望着那山高,英文说 the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. (邻居家的草地总比自己家的绿)。比如,A:I'd love to have a job like yours. B: The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. (A: 真想有份象你那样的工作。B: 你就是这山望着那山高。) 
@英语天天说: Yeah. to keep up with the Joneses 跟别人攀比。We are who we are. I don't want to try keeping up with the Joneses. 我们就是我们,我可不想跟别人攀比。

95. This is the first REAL snow we've had this winter. Schools will be closed tomorrow. Kids are happy. 华盛顿在下雪,这是这个冬天第一场真正的雪,学校明天关门,孩子乐死了。
回复@spoiledbrat: 好问题. once in a blue moon 指非常少见。My boyfriend buys me flowers once in a blue moon. 男朋友很少给我买花。My boss is really cheap. We only get bonuses once in a blue moon. 老板特抠门,很少给我们发奖金。
妙哉! once in a blue moon--太阳从西边出来了。 //@Miss五仁儿:这个,once in a blue moon 意思是不类同汉语太阳打西边出来阿

96. hit the jackpot 中头奖,赚大钱。He hit the jackpot with his debut novel. 他的处女作赚了大钱。I really hit the jackpot when I bought an antique vase for $50. I later found out that it's worth half a million dollars. 我在旧货店花50美元买了个古董瓶,结果撞了大运,花瓶价值50万美元。
回复@__没那么简单a: 剪刀石头布: Rock, Paper, Scissors. //@__没那么简单a:老师,突然想弱弱地问下,“剪刀石头布”怎么说?

回复:上帝在关上一扇门的同时也为你打开一扇窗英语是When one door shuts, another opens. 在不同语境下也可译为 1.此处不留爷,自有留爷处。2. 天无绝人之路。3. 东边不亮西边亮。大家觉得哪种好?

97. worried sick 急死了。如:I'm worried sick about my dog. She hasn't been eating for three days. 我的狗狗三天没吃东西,急死人了。I am worried sick about the upcoming math test. 数学马上要考试,简直急死我了。Where have you been? I was worried sick. 你去哪了?担心死我了。

98. go in one ear and out the other 一耳朵进一耳朵出。Talking to my teenage daughter is like talking to a brick wall. Everything I tell her seems to go in one ear and out the other. 我跟十几岁的女儿说话好象在对牛弹琴,我 告诉她的话,她总是这耳朵进那耳朵出。
回复@王一霖either: 他把我的话当耳边风可以用 go in one ear and out the other,或者也可以用 fall on deaf ears. 比如,The boy didn't listen to anyone. All our advice fell on deaf ears. 这男孩谁的话都不听,把我们的建议当耳旁风。

回复@chow小丸: 没错. like talking to a brick wall 是对牛弹琴的意思.

99. walls have ears 隔墙有耳。Be careful what you say. Walls have ears. 说话小心,隔墙有耳。I don't want to discuss private matters in the office. Walls have ears. 我在办公室不想谈私事,隔墙有耳。Let's go outside and talk about it. Walls have ears. 咱们到外面谈,隔墙有耳。

100. #红包# red envelope; #压岁钱# lucky moneygift money or red envelope money. If you have an 8-year-old son or daughter, how much red envelope money will you give him or her? 如果你家里有个八岁的孩子,你会给在他/她红包里放多少压岁钱? 

101. 这还差不多。1. That's more like it. 2. Now you are talking. 3. That's what I'm talking about. 比如:孩子成绩从C提高到A,你就可以说 That's more like it. 年终公司请员工去度假,你可以说 that's what I'm talking about. 卖家终于把价格降低到合理水平,你可以说 Now you are talking. 

102. Close, but no cigar.(口语) 差不多,不全对。A: Guess how much is my new dress? B: 50 bucks? A: Close, but no cigar. (A: 你猜我新裙子多少钱?B: 50块?A: 差不多,不全对。) A:Did you win? B: Close, but no cigar. We won second place. (A: 你们赢了吗?B: 就差那么一点,我们第二名。) 
回复@nicole10155: 以前美国游乐场的奖品是 cigar. 如果差一点儿,但是没赢,主持人就会喊: close, but no cigar. 如今引伸为差不多,但是没全对. //@nicole10155:同问为什么是cigar?

103. @chrispears说:我想问个问题。我看了电影Burlesque,里面有段对话是cher说why do u want my club so badly?然后房地产老板回答If i like it i must have it,ever since i was a kid.然后cher回答that must make u very popular in the sand box. 这个sand box啥意思啊?沙箱??求解~谢谢!!
回复sand box 沙坑. 房地产老板说,我从小就是想要什么一定要得到手.cher则是在讽刺他, 意思是说,那你在沙坑里小朋友们一定很喜欢跟你玩,其实是在说,你这么独的人,肯定从小就没人喜欢你.

104. you can't miss it. (口语) 显而易见,绝对不会错过。The supermarket is just around the corner. You can't miss it. 那间超市就在拐角处,你绝对不会错过。Their house is the largest in the neighborhood. You can't miss it. 他们家的房子是小区里最大的一栋,很好找,绝不会错过。
Hermann中国零售微博: IFC is the tallest building on the HK island. You can't miss it! 

105. Has the cat got your tongue? 你怎么哑巴了!Why did you skip school today? Has the cat got your tongue? 你今天为什么逃学?怎么不说话?哑巴了?You'd better come clean and now is the time. Has the cat got your tongue? 你最好实话实说,而且现在就要,怎么不说话,哑巴了? 
回复@形而不下: I have a fish bone stuck in my throat.(我喉咙卡了鱼刺。)
回复@Evelyn_Wen: 自给自足、自食其力英语是 self-sufficient. 
回复@handsome06: 好问题,实话实说可以说 tell the truth; be straightforward; tell it like it is; call a spade a spade; be up front; 其它的大家一起来补充吧。

106. 中文形容饿,说饿得象狼,英语说 I could eat a horse. 比如,I haven't had anything since this morning. I could eat a horse. 我从早上到现在什么都没吃,饿死我了。I only had an apple in the last 24 hours, I could eat a horse now. 过去24小时我只吃了一个苹果,现在是饥肠辘辘。
#1:enjoy family time together(共享天伦之乐)
#2:family time 和 quality time的区别:quality time 不一定是跟家人,比如,也可以是跟爱人。
回复:吃太多(撑)了/吃饱了可以说 I ate too much. I can't eat another bite. I'm full. 或是I am stuffed.
回复@Invertboy: do-or-die 是关健时刻的意思。 比如,this game is a do-or-die game for our team. 这场比赛会决定我们队的命运。板上钉钉可以用 set in stone. 比如,The plan is not set in stone yet. 计划还没有最后敲定。

107. #光说不练1. pay lip service; 如:Don't just pay lip service. Do something. 别光说,做点什么。2. talk is cheap!如:He promised to give me a raise, but talk is cheap. 他答应给我涨工资,可光说没用。 3. you can talk the talk, but can you walk the walk? 你嘴上会说,能做得到吗? 

108. a close call 真悬。I almost got hit by a car on my way to work. It was a close call. 我上班路上差点被车撞了,真悬。He tripped and fell on the ice. Fortunately he only strained his angle. It was a close call. 他在冰 上滑倒,好在只是脚脖子崴了,真悬。

109. #1to fly off the handle 生气,发火。He has a quick temper. Even the smallest thing can sometimes make him fly off the handle. 他脾气特大,有时屁大的事都能让他发火。She flies off the handle every time someone criticizes her. 每次有人批评她,她就大发雷霆。

#2发火其他说法:blow a fuse; lose one's cool; foam at the mouth; hit the roof. 如:He blew a fuse when he got the pink slip. 他拿到解聘书气得要命 He lost his cool over the argument. 他吵到情绪失控 The news left him foaming at the mouth. 消息让他气急败坏 He hit the roof. 他大发雷霆