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  健康的精子不会老等着你来拿。了解生活方式方面的因素是如何影响你的精子,进而知道你可以做什么来增强你的生育能力。 你的精子过关吗?如果你和你的伴侣正在计划造人,那么你可能很想知道你的精子的健康情况。从了解各种各样影响男性生育能力的因素开始,然后考虑你可以采取的措施来帮助你的精子成为最佳演员。 男性生殖系统制造、保存和传送精子。睾丸制造精子。来自精囊和前列腺的液体与精子混合形成精液。在性交时从阴茎射出精液。 是什么决定了精子的健康呢? 精子健康取决于一些因素,包括: 

■ 数量。如果你一次射精放出的精液里含有超过3900万个精子,那么你应该能生育。 

■ 质量。如果超过4%的精子有一个正常的形状和结构,那么你应该能生育。一个正常的精子有一个椭圆形的头和一条长尾巴,两部分在一起推动其前行。如果精子有过大、过小、逐渐变窄或弯曲的头部,又或者是有古怪的、卷曲的或两条尾巴,就不大可能让卵子受精。■ 能动性。要到达卵子那里,精子必须靠自己的移动方式——蠕动和游泳通过最后的几英寸,抵达并进入卵子。如果超过40%的精子都在移动的话,你应该能生育。 出产健康精子的最好方法是什么?你可以通过一些简单的措施来增加你产出健康精子的机会。例如:■ 服用综合维生素。每天的综合维生素有助于提供维生素E和维生素C——关乎最佳精子的生产和功能的重要营养物。 ■ 吃大量的水果和蔬菜。这些食物富含抗氧化物质,可能有助于增强精子健康。 ■ 压力管理。压力可能干预到某些用来生产精子的荷尔蒙。压力同样可以降低性功能。 ■ 做大量的体力活动。体力活动对于生殖健康和全身健康来说都是有好处的。但是,不要过量。如果你锻炼到精疲力尽,你可能要经历荷尔蒙水平的暂时改变和精子质量的下降。 ■ 注意你的体重。过多体内脂肪可能扰乱生殖荷尔蒙的生产,可能减少你的精子数目和增加不正常精子的百分比。如果你保持一个健康的体重,那么你应该能产出高质量的精子。  禁区在哪里? 精子在环境因素——如暴露在过热或有害化学品——面前是特别脆弱的。要保护你的生育能力: ■ 避免使用烟草。如果你有使用烟草,请咨询你的医生帮助你戒掉。吸烟会导致精子畸形和移动缓慢。另外,吸烟会破坏你的精子DNA,可能影响婴儿的成长、发育和患癌症的风险。咀嚼烟草同样可以引起精子数目减少。 ■ 限制喝酒量。大量饮酒会降低精子的质量和数量。如果你选择喝酒,请限制自己每天不得多于一到两杯。 ■ 远离非法药物。大麻会降低精子能动性和增加不正常精子的数目。可卡因和鸦片会引起勃起功能障碍。 ■ 离开浴缸。泡在温度超过104°F(40°C)的水中超过30分钟可能降低你的精子数目。避免热水浸浴和蒸汽浴。桑拿可能有同样的结果。 ■ 限制你在自行车上的时间。一次坐在自行车上超过30分钟——特别是你还穿着紧身自行车短裤——可能提高你的精囊温度并影响精子出产。如果你要骑自行车,选择一辆座垫不要太硬或太窄的自行车,并且确保其调整到能保持支撑着你的“坐骨”。当你骑自行车的时候,有规律地停下来休息一下。  ■ 保持凉爽。阴囊温度提高会对精子生产有不良影响。高温工作环境、紧身内衣、长时间坐着和直接在大腿上使用笔记本电脑都会增加阴囊温度。发烧同样会影响精子的生产和质量。 ■ 做爱时避免使用润滑剂。用于人体的润滑剂、乳液,甚至唾液都会干预到精子的能动性。作为替代,可使用植物油、红花油或花生油。 ■ 避免某些药物。合成代谢类固醇(肌肉增强剂)、抗生素和某些用来控制慢性疾病——如高血压或炎症性肠道疾病——的药物会降低你的生育能力。用来医治前列腺增大和癌症的抗雄激素类药物会干扰精子的产生。另外,为医治癌症而服用的化疗药物和进行的放射治疗都可能引起永久不育。如果你正在考虑癌症治疗,预先咨询你的医生关于保存和冻结你的精子(精液冷冻保存)的问题。 ■ 当心毒素。工作场所或家里的(有害)物质——如工业重金属、杀虫剂和溶剂中的化学物质——可能影响到精子的数量和质量。穿着防护服、采取适当的通风和戴面罩来降低吸入毒素的风险。 年龄增长会影响精子健康吗?超过50岁——可能因精子能动性和正常精子数目的降低而影响男性生育能力。一些研究还表明,怀有老年男人骨肉的女人会有更高的流产风险,而且老年男人的孩子会有略高的高险获得某些天生缺陷、自闭症和认知障碍。 什么时候是寻求帮助的时机? 采取健康生活方式的做法来促进你的生育能力——并且避免那些对生育能力有不良影响的事和物——可能增加你有小孩的机会。然而,如果你和你的伴侣在一年的不设防性交后依然没有怀上小孩,那么去咨询你的医生进行精液分析。一名不孕不育专家或许能识别出问题的原因,并提供治疗以帮助你和你的伴侣踏上做父母的道路。
Healthy sperm: Improving your fertility#两性健康【Mayo健康指南】
Healthy sperm aren't always a given. Understand how lifestyle factors can affect your sperm and what you can do to improve your fertility. Do your sperm pass muster? If you and your partner are planning a pregnancy, you may be wondering about the health of your sperm. Start by understanding the various factors that can affect male fertility — then consider steps you can take to help your sperm become top performers. Image:Male reproductive system
The male reproductive system makes, stores and moves sperm. Testicles produce sperm. Fluid from the seminal vesicles and prostate gland combine with sperm to make semen. The penis ejaculates semen during sexual intercourse. What determines sperm health? Sperm health depends on several factors, including: Quantity. You're most likely to be fertile if your ejaculate — the semen discharged in a single ejaculation — contains more than 39 million sperm.
Quality. You're most likely to be fertile if more than 4 percent of your sperm have a normal shape and structure. A normal sperm has an oval head and a long tail, which work together to propel it forward. Sperm with large, small, tapered or crooked heads or kinky, curled or double tails are less likely to fertilize an egg.
Motility. To reach the egg, sperm have to move on their own — wriggling and swimming the last few inches to reach and penetrate the egg. You're most likely to be fertile if more than 40 percent of your sperm are moving. What's the best way to produce healthy sperm?
You can take simple steps to increase your chances of producing healthy sperm. For example: Take a multivitamin. A daily multivitamin can help provide vitamin E and vitamin C — nutrients that are important for optimal sperm production and function.
Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. These foods are rich in antioxidants, which may help improve sperm health.
Manage stress. Stress may interfere with certain hormones needed to produce sperm. Stress can also decrease sexual function.
Get plenty of physical activity. Physical activity is good for reproductive health as well as overall health. Don't overdo it, however. If you exercise to exhaustion, you may experience a temporary change in hormone levels and a drop in sperm quality.
Watch your weight. Too much body fat may disrupt production of reproductive hormones, which can reduce your sperm count and increase your percentage of abnormal sperm. You're most likely to produce high-quality sperm if you maintain a healthy weight. What's off-limits?
Sperm can be especially vulnerable to environmental factors, such as exposure to excessive heat or toxic chemicals. To protect your fertility: Avoid tobacco. If you use tobacco, ask your doctor to help you quit. Smoking can cause sperm to be misshapen and move slowly. In addition, smoking can damage your sperm's DNA, possibly affecting a baby's growth, development and risk of cancer. Chewing tobacco also may cause low sperm counts.
Limit alcohol. Heavy drinking can reduce the quality and quantity of sperm. If you choose to drink alcohol, limit yourself to no more than one or two drinks a day.
Steer clear of illicit drugs. Marijuana can decrease sperm motility and increase the number of abnormal sperm. Cocaine and opiates can contribute to erectile dysfunction.
Skip the tub. Spending more than 30 minutes in water that's 104 F (40 C) or above may lower your sperm count. Avoid hot tubs and steamy baths. Saunas may have a similar effect.
Limit your time on the bike. Sitting on a bicycle seat for more than 30 minutes at a time — especially if you also wear tight bicycle shorts — may raise your scrotal temperature and affect sperm production. If you bike, choose a bike seat that's not too hard or narrow, and make sure it's adjusted to keep weight on your "sit bones." While you're biking, stop for frequent rests.
Stay cool. Increased scrotal temperature can hurt sperm production. Hot work environments, tight underwear, prolonged sitting and use of laptop computers directly on your lap can all increase scrotal temperature. A fever also can affect sperm production and quality.
Avoid lubricants during sex. Personal lubricants, lotions and even saliva can interfere with sperm motility. Instead, use vegetable, safflower or peanut oil.
Avoid certain medications. Anabolic steroids, antibiotics and certain medications used to control chronic conditions, such as high blood pressure or inflammatory bowel disease, can reduce your fertility. Anti-androgens used to treat prostate enlargement and cancer interfere with sperm production. In addition, chemotherapy drugs and radiation treatment for cancer can cause permanent infertility. If you're considering cancer treatment, ask your doctor about saving and freezing your sperm (semen cryopreservation) beforehand.
Watch out for toxins. Workplace and household substances — such as industrial heavy metals, pesticides and chemicals in solvents — may affect sperm quantity and quality. Use protective clothing, proper ventilation and face masks to reduce the risk of absorbing toxins. Does aging affect sperm health?
Women aren't the only ones who have biological clocks. Growing older — beyond age 50 — may affect male fertility by reducing sperm motility and the amount of normal sperm. Some research also suggests that women who become pregnant by older men are at higher risk of miscarriage and that children of older men have a slightly higher risk of certain birth defects, autism and cognitive impairment. 

When is it time to seek help?
Adopting healthy lifestyle practices to promote your fertility — and avoiding things that can damage it — may improve your chances of conceiving. If you and your partner haven't gotten pregnant after a year of unprotected sex, however, ask your doctor about a semen analysis. A fertility specialist also may be able to identify the cause of the problem and provide treatments that help place you and your partner on the road to parenthood.