
来源:百度文库 编辑:九乡新闻网 时间:2024/05/17 01:21:11


几乎包下了全珠海的卖春女,这些日本人的口号就是要在“9.18”这天,“尽情玩弄中国女人”。 1931年9月18日开始的侵华战争,首当其冲受到伤害的是东三省同胞,日本鬼子在东三省,在中国大地所犯下的滔天罪孽,罄竹难书,人神共愤。像著名的“731活体解剖”,细菌,病毒实验,这些都是拿东三省的中国人做实验,这些生命,这些生灵受尽了人间最为惨烈的折磨之后才死去。恰恰就是在东三省,就是在日本帝国主义铁蹄蹂躏最长时间的地方,某些所谓的中国人干出了匪夷所思的事情:今年,黑龙江方正县为吸引日商投资,花了70万为侵华日军逝者立碑,这个消息立即在全国热传。著名抗战作家余戈毫不留情地批评道:“GDP至上,也不能不顾良知与良心,为了政绩就肆意歪曲历史,这样的发展,是当婊子立牌坊式的发展。”后来,五位湖南籍义士,北上砸碑,虽遭遇百般周折,最终,当地政府在强大的舆论压力下,不得不自毁这块耻辱碑!今年的3月11日,日本发生了惨烈地震,包括遭遇了一场海啸。讲老实话,我的内心没有任何怜悯和同情,为什么?就因为日本这个民族欠我们的血债太多,太深,最令人不可容忍的是,日本政府对欠我中华民族的老账连一个交代都没有的前提下,继续在钓鱼岛,制造着扣我渔民,撞我渔船的新痛。 2008年,日本政府以异常激烈的方式警告中国政府,说,出口到日本的“毒饺子”有着不可告人的目的,中国政府必须给出“交代”。中国方面,如临大敌,动用了相当规格的侦查力量和手段,为时两年终给了日本一个“临时工下毒”的“交代”。但,看看日本地震、海啸发生后,核废料、核污染处理的情况吧,日本将数万吨饱含核污染的废水直接排到了海洋。离日本直线距离最近的我国几个省的环保、海洋部门一个劲地向国内公众解释,虽然“已经监测到日本核污染来袭”,但是,“一切指标都是安全的,可承受的”。我当时就想,如果换个方式,是我们向海洋输入一点核污染废水看看,向中国政府“兴师动众”的恐怕不简单的就是日本一个国家了,说不定还会“启动国家赔偿”,甚至威胁不惜战争打击的声音都会出现。这个可以对比哈尔滨某化工厂发生泄漏事故,别国的反应就知道。一个国家,一个民族,要赢得世界的尊重,必须要有骨气!遗憾的是,有很多所谓的中国人













几乎包下了全珠海的卖春女,这些日本人的口号就是要在“9.18”这天,“尽情玩弄中国女人”。 1931年9月18日开始的侵华战争,首当其冲受到伤害的是东三省同胞,日本鬼子在东三省,在中国大地所犯下的滔天罪孽,罄竹难书,人神共愤。像著名的“731活体解剖”,细菌,病毒实验,这些都是拿东三省的中国人做实验,这些生命,这些生灵受尽了人间最为惨烈的折磨之后才死去。恰恰就是在东三省,就是在日本帝国主义铁蹄蹂躏最长时间的地方,某些所谓的中国人干出了匪夷所思的事情:今年,黑龙江方正县为吸引日商投资,花了70万为侵华日军逝者立碑,这个消息立即在全国热传。著名抗战作家余戈毫不留情地批评道:“GDP至上,也不能不顾良知与良心,为了政绩就肆意歪曲历史,这样的发展,是当婊子立牌坊式的发展。”后来,五位湖南籍义士,北上砸碑,虽遭遇百般周折,最终,当地政府在强大的舆论压力下,不得不自毁这块耻辱碑!今年的3月11日,日本发生了惨烈地震,包括遭遇了一场海啸。讲老实话,我的内心没有任何怜悯和同情,为什么?就因为日本这个民族欠我们的血债太多,太深,最令人不可容忍的是,日本政府对欠我中华民族的老账连一个交代都没有的前提下,继续在钓鱼岛,制造着扣我渔民,撞我渔船的新痛。 2008年,日本政府以异常激烈的方式警告中国政府,说,出口到日本的“毒饺子”有着不可告人的目的,中国政府必须给出“交代”。中国方面,如临大敌,动用了相当规格的侦查力量和手段,为时两年终给了日本一个“临时工下毒”的“交代”。但,看看日本地震、海啸发生后,核废料、核污染处理的情况吧,日本将数万吨饱含核污染的废水直接排到了海洋。离日本直线距离最近的我国几个省的环保、海洋部门一个劲地向国内公众解释,虽然“已经监测到日本核污染来袭”,但是,“一切指标都是安全的,可承受的”。我当时就想,如果换个方式,是我们向海洋输入一点核污染废水看看,向中国政府“兴师动众”的恐怕不简单的就是日本一个国家了,说不定还会“启动国家赔偿”,甚至威胁不惜战争打击的声音都会出现。这个可以对比哈尔滨某化工厂发生泄漏事故,别国的反应就知道。一个国家,一个民族,要赢得世界的尊重,必须要有骨气!遗憾的是,有很多所谓的中国人







由此进入→ 我不知道,现在的“80后”,“90后”群体中,还有多少人还记得“大刀向鬼子们的头上砍去”这句歌词;我也不知道,现在的中国人有多少还记得“9.18”。历史上的“9.18”,这一天发生过什么?其实,这个已被历史记载:1931年9月18日,日本帝国主义制造了“9.18事变”,发动了对华全面侵略战争,东三省不久全部沦陷,日本帝国主义对我同胞实行惨无人性的烧、杀、淫、掠,2008年版的《中国近现代史刚要》记载:“据不完全统计,战争期间,中国军民伤亡3500多万人;按1937年的比值折算,中国直接经济损失1000多亿美元,间接损失5000多亿美元”。 “9.18事变”是日本侵略者全面侵略中国的前奏,他们所到之处,血流成河,尸骨成堆,据当年侵华日军指挥官回忆:南京大屠杀期间,他们杀中国人,挥刀的手都砍麻了,扫射的机枪口都烧得通红,而射不出子弹。老到数十高龄,幼到几岁孩童,日寇扫荡所到之处,几乎所有妇女都逃不过先奸后杀厄运,一些尚在襁褓中的婴儿用刺刀挑起,成为侵略者的玩乐把戏。中国民众和一些非官方组织、机构将“9.18”称呼为“国耻日”。但,日本帝国主义对此拒不认账,它们在上个世纪,在发动侵华战争的同时,也对亚洲其他国家进行了侵略,其罪恶程度最深的,还是在中国境内。这些年来,日本政府先后对其他国家进行了战争道歉和认罪,唯独对中国政府拒不低头,对中国人民欠下的血债没有任何交代。日本政府在5年前就开始着手修改教科书,一是美化它的侵华战争,二是歪曲战争事实,三是否定或隐瞒伤亡人数。日本首相,以及日本其他政界要员,几乎年年都去参拜靖国神社,这个供奉着侵华战争阵亡的甲级战犯的场所。在教科书修改问题上,继美化完侵华战争之后,前不久,中日撞船事件发生后,日本政府决定将钓鱼岛是“日本固有领土”写入教材,此前有关记述一般都使用“冲绳县的尖阁列岛”。即使是在中国已经软化让步的共同开采的春晓气田上,还在变本加厉地追加条件。如果说,上述行径是日本帝国主义在政府机构中阴魂未散的表现,那么,在日本民众中,反华思想其实一直也是比较重的。像2003年9月18日,数以百计的日本人组团到中国珠海寻欢买春,









附:一组几乎包下了全珠海的卖春女,这些日本人的口号就是要在“9.18”这天,“尽情玩弄中国女人”。 1931年9月18日开始的侵华战争,首当其冲受到伤害的是东三省同胞,日本鬼子在东三省,在中国大地所犯下的滔天罪孽,罄竹难书,人神共愤。像著名的“731活体解剖”,细菌,病毒实验,这些都是拿东三省的中国人做实验,这些生命,这些生灵受尽了人间最为惨烈的折磨之后才死去。恰恰就是在东三省,就是在日本帝国主义铁蹄蹂躏最长时间的地方,某些所谓的中国人干出了匪夷所思的事情:今年,黑龙江方正县为吸引日商投资,花了70万为侵华日军逝者立碑,这个消息立即在全国热传。著名抗战作家余戈毫不留情地批评道:“GDP至上,也不能不顾良知与良心,为了政绩就肆意歪曲历史,这样的发展,是当婊子立牌坊式的发展。”后来,五位湖南籍义士,北上砸碑,虽遭遇百般周折,最终,当地政府在强大的舆论压力下,不得不自毁这块耻辱碑!今年的3月11日,日本发生了惨烈地震,包括遭遇了一场海啸。讲老实话,我的内心没有任何怜悯和同情,为什么?就因为日本这个民族欠我们的血债太多,太深,最令人不可容忍的是,日本政府对欠我中华民族的老账连一个交代都没有的前提下,继续在钓鱼岛,制造着扣我渔民,撞我渔船的新痛。 2008年,日本政府以异常激烈的方式警告中国政府,说,出口到日本的“毒饺子”有着不可告人的目的,中国政府必须给出“交代”。中国方面,如临大敌,动用了相当规格的侦查力量和手段,为时两年终给了日本一个“临时工下毒”的“交代”。但,看看日本地震、海啸发生后,核废料、核污染处理的情况吧,日本将数万吨饱含核污染的废水直接排到了海洋。离日本直线距离最近的我国几个省的环保、海洋部门一个劲地向国内公众解释,虽然“已经监测到日本核污染来袭”,但是,“一切指标都是安全的,可承受的”。我当时就想,如果换个方式,是我们向海洋输入一点核污染废水看看,向中国政府“兴师动众”的恐怕不简单的就是日本一个国家了,说不定还会“启动国家赔偿”,甚至威胁不惜战争打击的声音都会出现。这个可以对比哈尔滨某化工厂发生泄漏事故,别国的反应就知道。一个国家,一个民族,要赢得世界的尊重,必须要有骨气!遗憾的是,有很多所谓的中国人令人发指的照 

國軍官的頭能換錢 Only the head of a Chinese officer could exchange for money 朋友,别哭 Don’t cry. This is only bayonet practice!人頭展示1 Head show 1 人頭展示2只恨我是中國人 Head show 2---how I hate to be Chinese! 特寫 Even a cut off head could smoke?!下面那不是土,全是人 Bodies of Chinese civilians piled along the Yangtze River River當殺人成為習慣 Japanese soldiers enjoyed watching kill, burn, pillage & rape他們死一萬遍够嗎?! Executing these war criminals 10,000 times would not atone for their sins. In fact many Japanese nowadays still honour them as 

bayoneting of 3 year old baby 由此进入→ 戰功圖:3歲嬰兒被用刺槍挑起 bayoneting of 3 year old baby活着的戰士被剥光腿上的肉 Carving out the leg muscles of a Chinese soldier日本人殺了好多人才做到:在頭顱剛掉的一瞬間拍下 Falling off of a beheaded head. Numerous such shots had to be taken to obtain this picture母親手裏抱緊孩子。。。。可。。這能有什麼用 Chinese mother still clutching on her baby after her head was chopped off by Japanese soldier.傳說中的毒氣實驗 The notoriouspoisonous gas experiment 孩子有錯嗎 What crime had the children committed?!我不知道還能再說什麼了 What else could I say? They were all innocent child
ren!人心下酒,也就日本人能喝下去。 Only Japanese soldiers could wash down the heart of a martyr with sake硫酸燒人?實驗? Scalding with acid. Torture? Experiment?這是個娃 This was only a baby of three!那是腸子 Chinese woman mutilated after raped. (intestine pulled out)。。這是幸叩 Young girl tied up & raped.革命烈士 Another female martyr 懷孕多數時間意味着生命的終結 Even pregnant women were round off for army protitues人啊! I am also a human being!!從他的微笑可以看出來。。這是這名日本兵的驕傲但對於中國人來說。。。。 So proud of his work! 不明白為什麼那麼多中國女孩特崇拜日本明星 I cannot understand why youn活着的戰士被剥光腿上的肉

g Chinese girls still crazy for Japanese actors nowadays! 無語 The proud accomplishment of the Japanese soldier! 這些可是良民,他們不相信自己會死 They never realized they were to be used as life targets! 良民被作為活靶子使用 Practicing on life Chinese civilians as targets! 看,這就是武士道 This was Japanese Bushido! 拍電影,用真人 For movie scenes---use real Chinese corpses 20世紀的中國人是一種悲哀 Real Chinese tragedy of the 20th century 他們的願望是:來生不是中國人! Her last wish was not to be a Chinese in her next life 心裡你們在怎麼想 What are you thinking, soldier? 只有拿中

國軍官的頭能換錢 Only the head of a Chinese officer could exchange for money 朋友,别哭 Don’t cry. This is only bayonet practice!人頭展示1 Head show 1 人頭展示2只恨我是中國人 Head show 2---how I hate to be Chinese! 特寫 Even a cut off head could smoke?!下面那不是土,全是人 Bodies of Chinese civilians piled along the Yangtze River River當殺人成為習慣 Japanese soldiers enjoyed watching kill, burn, pillage & rape他們死一萬遍够嗎?! Executing these war criminals 10,000 times would not atone for their sins. In fact many Japanese nowadays still honour them asCarving out the leg muscles of a Chinese soldier their national heroes. Until they acknowledge the war crimes of these criminals as the Germans did, the gulf between Japan & China can never be bridged!人頭展示3Head show 3

由此进入→ 戰功圖:3歲嬰兒被用刺槍挑起 bayoneting of 3 year old baby活着的戰士被剥光腿上的肉 Carving out the leg muscles of a Chinese soldier日本人殺了好多人才做到:在頭顱剛掉的一瞬間拍下 Falling off of a beheaded head. Numerous such shots had to be taken to obtain this picture母親手裏抱緊孩子。。。。可。。這能有什麼用 Chinese mother still clutching on her baby after her head was chopped off by Japanese soldier.傳說中的毒氣實驗 The notoriouspoisonous gas experiment 孩子有錯嗎 What crime had the children committed?!我不知道還能再說什麼了 What else could I say? They were all innocent child

g Chinese girls still crazy for Japanese actors nowadays! 無語 The proud accomplishment of the Japanese soldier! 這些可是良民,他們不相信自己會死 They never realized they were to be used as life targets! 良民被作為活靶子使用 Practicing on life Chinese civilians as targets! 看,這就是武士道 This was Japanese Bushido! 拍電影,用真人 For movie scenes---use real Chinese corpses 20世紀的中國人是一種悲哀 Real Chinese tragedy of the 20th century 他們的願望是:來生不是中國人! Her last wish was not to be a Chinese in her next life 心裡你們在怎麼想 What are you thinking, soldier? 只有拿中

Falling off of a beheaded head. Numerous such shots had to be taken to obtain this picture國軍官的頭能換錢 Only the head of a Chinese officer could exchange for money 朋友,别哭 Don’t cry. This is only bayonet practice!人頭展示1 Head show 1 人頭展示2只恨我是中國人 Head show 2---how I hate to be Chinese! 特寫 Even a cut off head could smoke?!下面那不是土,全是人 Bodies of Chinese civilians piled along the Yangtze River River當殺人成為習慣 Japanese soldiers enjoyed watching kill, burn, pillage & rape他們死一萬遍够嗎?! Executing these war criminals 10,000 times would not atone for their sins. In fact many Japanese nowadays still honour them as母親手裏抱緊孩子。。。。可。。這能有什麼用

g Chinese girls still crazy for Japanese actors nowadays! 無語 The proud accomplishment of the Japanese soldier! 這些可是良民,他們不相信自己會死 They never realized they were to be used as life targets! 良民被作為活靶子使用 Practicing on life Chinese civilians as targets! 看,這就是武士道 This was Japanese Bushido! 拍電影,用真人 For movie scenes---use real Chinese corpses 20世紀的中國人是一種悲哀 Real Chinese tragedy of the 20th century 他們的願望是:來生不是中國人! Her last wish was not to be a Chinese in her next life 心裡你們在怎麼想 What are you thinking, soldier? 只有拿中

ren!人心下酒,也就日本人能喝下去。 Only Japanese soldiers could wash down the heart of a martyr with sake硫酸燒人?實驗? Scalding with acid. Torture? Experiment?這是個娃 This was only a baby of three!那是腸子 Chinese woman mutilated after raped. (intestine pulled out)。。這是幸叩 Young girl tied up & raped.革命烈士 Another female martyr 懷孕多數時間意味着生命的終結 Even pregnant women were round off for army protitues人啊! I am also a human being!!從他的微笑可以看出來。。這是這名日本兵的驕傲但對於中國人來說。。。。 So proud of his work! 不明白為什麼那麼多中國女孩特崇拜日本明星 I cannot understand why youn

Chinese mother still clutching on her baby after her head was chopped off by Japanese soldier. their national heroes. Until they acknowledge the war crimes of these criminals as the Germans did, the gulf between Japan & China can never be bridged!人頭展示3Head show 3
their national heroes. Until they acknowledge the war crimes of these criminals as the Germans did, the gulf between Japan & China can never be bridged!人頭展示3Head show 3 傳說中的毒氣實驗
由此进入→ 戰功圖:3歲嬰兒被用刺槍挑起 bayoneting of 3 year old baby活着的戰士被剥光腿上的肉 Carving out the leg muscles of a Chinese soldier日本人殺了好多人才做到:在頭顱剛掉的一瞬間拍下 Falling off of a beheaded head. Numerous such shots had to be taken to obtain this picture母親手裏抱緊孩子。。。。可。。這能有什麼用 Chinese mother still clutching on her baby after her head was chopped off by Japanese soldier.傳說中的毒氣實驗 The notoriouspoisonous gas experiment 孩子有錯嗎 What crime had the children committed?!我不知道還能再說什麼了 What else could I say? They were all innocent child

The notoriouspoisonous gas experiment

their national heroes. Until they acknowledge the war crimes of these criminals as the Germans did, the gulf between Japan & China can never be bridged!人頭展示3Head show 3

孩子有錯嗎g Chinese girls still crazy for Japanese actors nowadays! 無語 The proud accomplishment of the Japanese soldier! 這些可是良民,他們不相信自己會死 They never realized they were to be used as life targets! 良民被作為活靶子使用 Practicing on life Chinese civilians as targets! 看,這就是武士道 This was Japanese Bushido! 拍電影,用真人 For movie scenes---use real Chinese corpses 20世紀的中國人是一種悲哀 Real Chinese tragedy of the 20th century 他們的願望是:來生不是中國人! Her last wish was not to be a Chinese in her next life 心裡你們在怎麼想 What are you thinking, soldier? 只有拿中

國軍官的頭能換錢 Only the head of a Chinese officer could exchange for money 朋友,别哭 Don’t cry. This is only bayonet practice!人頭展示1 Head show 1 人頭展示2只恨我是中國人 Head show 2---how I hate to be Chinese! 特寫 Even a cut off head could smoke?!下面那不是土,全是人 Bodies of Chinese civilians piled along the Yangtze River River當殺人成為習慣 Japanese soldiers enjoyed watching kill, burn, pillage & rape他們死一萬遍够嗎?! Executing these war criminals 10,000 times would not atone for their sins. In fact many Japanese nowadays still honour them as

ren!人心下酒,也就日本人能喝下去。 Only Japanese soldiers could wash down the heart of a martyr with sake硫酸燒人?實驗? Scalding with acid. Torture? Experiment?這是個娃 This was only a baby of three!那是腸子 Chinese woman mutilated after raped. (intestine pulled out)。。這是幸叩 Young girl tied up & raped.革命烈士 Another female martyr 懷孕多數時間意味着生命的終結 Even pregnant women were round off for army protitues人啊! I am also a human being!!從他的微笑可以看出來。。這是這名日本兵的驕傲但對於中國人來說。。。。 So proud of his work! 不明白為什麼那麼多中國女孩特崇拜日本明星 I cannot understand why younWhat crime had the children committed?! their national heroes. Until they acknowledge the war crimes of these criminals as the Germans did, the gulf between Japan & China can never be bridged!人頭展示3Head show 3
我不知道還能再說什麼了國軍官的頭能換錢 Only the head of a Chinese officer could exchange for money 朋友,别哭 Don’t cry. This is only bayonet practice!人頭展示1 Head show 1 人頭展示2只恨我是中國人 Head show 2---how I hate to be Chinese! 特寫 Even a cut off head could smoke?!下面那不是土,全是人 Bodies of Chinese civilians piled along the Yangtze River River當殺人成為習慣 Japanese soldiers enjoyed watching kill, burn, pillage & rape他們死一萬遍够嗎?! Executing these war criminals 10,000 times would not atone for their sins. In fact many Japanese nowadays still honour them as

國軍官的頭能換錢 Only the head of a Chinese officer could exchange for money 朋友,别哭 Don’t cry. This is only bayonet practice!人頭展示1 Head show 1 人頭展示2只恨我是中國人 Head show 2---how I hate to be Chinese! 特寫 Even a cut off head could smoke?!下面那不是土,全是人 Bodies of Chinese civilians piled along the Yangtze River River當殺人成為習慣 Japanese soldiers enjoyed watching kill, burn, pillage & rape他們死一萬遍够嗎?! Executing these war criminals 10,000 times would not atone for their sins. In fact many Japanese nowadays still honour them as

What else could I say? They were all innocent children!國軍官的頭能換錢 Only the head of a Chinese officer could exchange for money 朋友,别哭 Don’t cry. This is only bayonet practice!人頭展示1 Head show 1 人頭展示2只恨我是中國人 Head show 2---how I hate to be Chinese! 特寫 Even a cut off head could smoke?!下面那不是土,全是人 Bodies of Chinese civilians piled along the Yangtze River River當殺人成為習慣 Japanese soldiers enjoyed watching kill, burn, pillage & rape他們死一萬遍够嗎?! Executing these war criminals 10,000 times would not atone for their sins. In fact many Japanese nowadays still honour them as
由此进入→ 戰功圖:3歲嬰兒被用刺槍挑起 bayoneting of 3 year old baby活着的戰士被剥光腿上的肉 Carving out the leg muscles of a Chinese soldier日本人殺了好多人才做到:在頭顱剛掉的一瞬間拍下 Falling off of a beheaded head. Numerous such shots had to be taken to obtain this picture母親手裏抱緊孩子。。。。可。。這能有什麼用 Chinese mother still clutching on her baby after her head was chopped off by Japanese soldier.傳說中的毒氣實驗 The notoriouspoisonous gas experiment 孩子有錯嗎 What crime had the children committed?!我不知道還能再說什麼了 What else could I say? They were all innocent child人心下酒,也就日本人能喝下去。

g Chinese girls still crazy for Japanese actors nowadays! 無語 The proud accomplishment of the Japanese soldier! 這些可是良民,他們不相信自己會死 They never realized they were to be used as life targets! 良民被作為活靶子使用 Practicing on life Chinese civilians as targets! 看,這就是武士道 This was Japanese Bushido! 拍電影,用真人 For movie scenes---use real Chinese corpses 20世紀的中國人是一種悲哀 Real Chinese tragedy of the 20th century 他們的願望是:來生不是中國人! Her last wish was not to be a Chinese in her next life 心裡你們在怎麼想 What are you thinking, soldier? 只有拿中

ren!人心下酒,也就日本人能喝下去。 Only Japanese soldiers could wash down the heart of a martyr with sake硫酸燒人?實驗? Scalding with acid. Torture? Experiment?這是個娃 This was only a baby of three!那是腸子 Chinese woman mutilated after raped. (intestine pulled out)。。這是幸叩 Young girl tied up & raped.革命烈士 Another female martyr 懷孕多數時間意味着生命的終結 Even pregnant women were round off for army protitues人啊! I am also a human being!!從他的微笑可以看出來。。這是這名日本兵的驕傲但對於中國人來說。。。。 So proud of his work! 不明白為什麼那麼多中國女孩特崇拜日本明星 I cannot understand why younOnly Japanese soldiers could wash down the heart of a martyr with sake硫酸燒人?實驗?

國軍官的頭能換錢 Only the head of a Chinese officer could exchange for money 朋友,别哭 Don’t cry. This is only bayonet practice!人頭展示1 Head show 1 人頭展示2只恨我是中國人 Head show 2---how I hate to be Chinese! 特寫 Even a cut off head could smoke?!下面那不是土,全是人 Bodies of Chinese civilians piled along the Yangtze River River當殺人成為習慣 Japanese soldiers enjoyed watching kill, burn, pillage & rape他們死一萬遍够嗎?! Executing these war criminals 10,000 times would not atone for their sins. In fact many Japanese nowadays still honour them as

國軍官的頭能換錢 Only the head of a Chinese officer could exchange for money 朋友,别哭 Don’t cry. This is only bayonet practice!人頭展示1 Head show 1 人頭展示2只恨我是中國人 Head show 2---how I hate to be Chinese! 特寫 Even a cut off head could smoke?!下面那不是土,全是人 Bodies of Chinese civilians piled along the Yangtze River River當殺人成為習慣 Japanese soldiers enjoyed watching kill, burn, pillage & rape他們死一萬遍够嗎?! Executing these war criminals 10,000 times would not atone for their sins. In fact many Japanese nowadays still honour them as

Scalding with acid. Torture? Experiment? their national heroes. Until they acknowledge the war crimes of these criminals as the Germans did, the gulf between Japan & China can never be bridged!人頭展示3Head show 3 這是個娃

their national heroes. Until they acknowledge the war crimes of these criminals as the Germans did, the gulf between Japan & China can never be bridged!人頭展示3Head show 3

This was only a baby of three! 由此进入→ 戰功圖:3歲嬰兒被用刺槍挑起 bayoneting of 3 year old baby活着的戰士被剥光腿上的肉 Carving out the leg muscles of a Chinese soldier日本人殺了好多人才做到:在頭顱剛掉的一瞬間拍下 Falling off of a beheaded head. Numerous such shots had to be taken to obtain this picture母親手裏抱緊孩子。。。。可。。這能有什麼用 Chinese mother still clutching on her baby after her head was chopped off by Japanese soldier.傳說中的毒氣實驗 The notoriouspoisonous gas experiment 孩子有錯嗎 What crime had the children committed?!我不知道還能再說什麼了 What else could I say? They were all innocent child那是腸子

國軍官的頭能換錢 Only the head of a Chinese officer could exchange for money 朋友,别哭 Don’t cry. This is only bayonet practice!人頭展示1 Head show 1 人頭展示2只恨我是中國人 Head show 2---how I hate to be Chinese! 特寫 Even a cut off head could smoke?!下面那不是土,全是人 Bodies of Chinese civilians piled along the Yangtze River River當殺人成為習慣 Japanese soldiers enjoyed watching kill, burn, pillage & rape他們死一萬遍够嗎?! Executing these war criminals 10,000 times would not atone for their sins. In fact many Japanese nowadays still honour them as

ren!人心下酒,也就日本人能喝下去。 Only Japanese soldiers could wash down the heart of a martyr with sake硫酸燒人?實驗? Scalding with acid. Torture? Experiment?這是個娃 This was only a baby of three!那是腸子 Chinese woman mutilated after raped. (intestine pulled out)。。這是幸叩 Young girl tied up & raped.革命烈士 Another female martyr 懷孕多數時間意味着生命的終結 Even pregnant women were round off for army protitues人啊! I am also a human being!!從他的微笑可以看出來。。這是這名日本兵的驕傲但對於中國人來說。。。。 So proud of his work! 不明白為什麼那麼多中國女孩特崇拜日本明星 I cannot understand why younChinese woman mutilated after raped. (intestine pulled out)國軍官的頭能換錢 Only the head of a Chinese officer could exchange for money 朋友,别哭 Don’t cry. This is only bayonet practice!人頭展示1 Head show 1 人頭展示2只恨我是中國人 Head show 2---how I hate to be Chinese! 特寫 Even a cut off head could smoke?!下面那不是土,全是人 Bodies of Chinese civilians piled along the Yangtze River River當殺人成為習慣 Japanese soldiers enjoyed watching kill, burn, pillage & rape他們死一萬遍够嗎?! Executing these war criminals 10,000 times would not atone for their sins. In fact many Japanese nowadays still honour them as

ren!人心下酒,也就日本人能喝下去。 Only Japanese soldiers could wash down the heart of a martyr with sake硫酸燒人?實驗? Scalding with acid. Torture? Experiment?這是個娃 This was only a baby of three!那是腸子 Chinese woman mutilated after raped. (intestine pulled out)。。這是幸叩 Young girl tied up & raped.革命烈士 Another female martyr 懷孕多數時間意味着生命的終結 Even pregnant women were round off for army protitues人啊! I am also a human being!!從他的微笑可以看出來。。這是這名日本兵的驕傲但對於中國人來說。。。。 So proud of his work! 不明白為什麼那麼多中國女孩特崇拜日本明星 I cannot understand why youn

國軍官的頭能換錢 Only the head of a Chinese officer could exchange for money 朋友,别哭 Don’t cry. This is only bayonet practice!人頭展示1 Head show 1 人頭展示2只恨我是中國人 Head show 2---how I hate to be Chinese! 特寫 Even a cut off head could smoke?!下面那不是土,全是人 Bodies of Chinese civilians piled along the Yangtze River River當殺人成為習慣 Japanese soldiers enjoyed watching kill, burn, pillage & rape他們死一萬遍够嗎?! Executing these war criminals 10,000 times would not atone for their sins. In fact many Japanese nowadays still honour them as

Young girl tied up & raped.ren!人心下酒,也就日本人能喝下去。 Only Japanese soldiers could wash down the heart of a martyr with sake硫酸燒人?實驗? Scalding with acid. Torture? Experiment?這是個娃 This was only a baby of three!那是腸子 Chinese woman mutilated after raped. (intestine pulled out)。。這是幸叩 Young girl tied up & raped.革命烈士 Another female martyr 懷孕多數時間意味着生命的終結 Even pregnant women were round off for army protitues人啊! I am also a human being!!從他的微笑可以看出來。。這是這名日本兵的驕傲但對於中國人來說。。。。 So proud of his work! 不明白為什麼那麼多中國女孩特崇拜日本明星 I cannot understand why youn
ren!人心下酒,也就日本人能喝下去。 Only Japanese soldiers could wash down the heart of a martyr with sake硫酸燒人?實驗? Scalding with acid. Torture? Experiment?這是個娃 This was only a baby of three!那是腸子 Chinese woman mutilated after raped. (intestine pulled out)。。這是幸叩 Young girl tied up & raped.革命烈士 Another female martyr 懷孕多數時間意味着生命的終結 Even pregnant women were round off for army protitues人啊! I am also a human being!!從他的微笑可以看出來。。這是這名日本兵的驕傲但對於中國人來說。。。。 So proud of his work! 不明白為什麼那麼多中國女孩特崇拜日本明星 I cannot understand why youn革命烈士
由此进入→ 戰功圖:3歲嬰兒被用刺槍挑起 bayoneting of 3 year old baby活着的戰士被剥光腿上的肉 Carving out the leg muscles of a Chinese soldier日本人殺了好多人才做到:在頭顱剛掉的一瞬間拍下 Falling off of a beheaded head. Numerous such shots had to be taken to obtain this picture母親手裏抱緊孩子。。。。可。。這能有什麼用 Chinese mother still clutching on her baby after her head was chopped off by Japanese soldier.傳說中的毒氣實驗 The notoriouspoisonous gas experiment 孩子有錯嗎 What crime had the children committed?!我不知道還能再說什麼了 What else could I say? They were all innocent child

Another female martyr

ren!人心下酒,也就日本人能喝下去。 Only Japanese soldiers could wash down the heart of a martyr with sake硫酸燒人?實驗? Scalding with acid. Torture? Experiment?這是個娃 This was only a baby of three!那是腸子 Chinese woman mutilated after raped. (intestine pulled out)。。這是幸叩 Young girl tied up & raped.革命烈士 Another female martyr 懷孕多數時間意味着生命的終結 Even pregnant women were round off for army protitues人啊! I am also a human being!!從他的微笑可以看出來。。這是這名日本兵的驕傲但對於中國人來說。。。。 So proud of his work! 不明白為什麼那麼多中國女孩特崇拜日本明星 I cannot understand why youn


ren!人心下酒,也就日本人能喝下去。 Only Japanese soldiers could wash down the heart of a martyr with sake硫酸燒人?實驗? Scalding with acid. Torture? Experiment?這是個娃 This was only a baby of three!那是腸子 Chinese woman mutilated after raped. (intestine pulled out)。。這是幸叩 Young girl tied up & raped.革命烈士 Another female martyr 懷孕多數時間意味着生命的終結 Even pregnant women were round off for army protitues人啊! I am also a human being!!從他的微笑可以看出來。。這是這名日本兵的驕傲但對於中國人來說。。。。 So proud of his work! 不明白為什麼那麼多中國女孩特崇拜日本明星 I cannot understand why youn

國軍官的頭能換錢 Only the head of a Chinese officer could exchange for money 朋友,别哭 Don’t cry. This is only bayonet practice!人頭展示1 Head show 1 人頭展示2只恨我是中國人 Head show 2---how I hate to be Chinese! 特寫 Even a cut off head could smoke?!下面那不是土,全是人 Bodies of Chinese civilians piled along the Yangtze River River當殺人成為習慣 Japanese soldiers enjoyed watching kill, burn, pillage & rape他們死一萬遍够嗎?! Executing these war criminals 10,000 times would not atone for their sins. In fact many Japanese nowadays still honour them as

Even pregnant women were round off for army protitues 由此进入→ 戰功圖:3歲嬰兒被用刺槍挑起 bayoneting of 3 year old baby活着的戰士被剥光腿上的肉 Carving out the leg muscles of a Chinese soldier日本人殺了好多人才做到:在頭顱剛掉的一瞬間拍下 Falling off of a beheaded head. Numerous such shots had to be taken to obtain this picture母親手裏抱緊孩子。。。。可。。這能有什麼用 Chinese mother still clutching on her baby after her head was chopped off by Japanese soldier.傳說中的毒氣實驗 The notoriouspoisonous gas experiment 孩子有錯嗎 What crime had the children committed?!我不知道還能再說什麼了 What else could I say? They were all innocent child

ren!人心下酒,也就日本人能喝下去。 Only Japanese soldiers could wash down the heart of a martyr with sake硫酸燒人?實驗? Scalding with acid. Torture? Experiment?這是個娃 This was only a baby of three!那是腸子 Chinese woman mutilated after raped. (intestine pulled out)。。這是幸叩 Young girl tied up & raped.革命烈士 Another female martyr 懷孕多數時間意味着生命的終結 Even pregnant women were round off for army protitues人啊! I am also a human being!!從他的微笑可以看出來。。這是這名日本兵的驕傲但對於中國人來說。。。。 So proud of his work! 不明白為什麼那麼多中國女孩特崇拜日本明星 I cannot understand why youn

由此进入→ 戰功圖:3歲嬰兒被用刺槍挑起 bayoneting of 3 year old baby活着的戰士被剥光腿上的肉 Carving out the leg muscles of a Chinese soldier日本人殺了好多人才做到:在頭顱剛掉的一瞬間拍下 Falling off of a beheaded head. Numerous such shots had to be taken to obtain this picture母親手裏抱緊孩子。。。。可。。這能有什麼用 Chinese mother still clutching on her baby after her head was chopped off by Japanese soldier.傳說中的毒氣實驗 The notoriouspoisonous gas experiment 孩子有錯嗎 What crime had the children committed?!我不知道還能再說什麼了 What else could I say? They were all innocent child

I am also a human being!! their national heroes. Until they acknowledge the war crimes of these criminals as the Germans did, the gulf between Japan & China can never be bridged!人頭展示3Head show 3 從他的微笑可以看出來。。這是這名日本兵的驕傲g Chinese girls still crazy for Japanese actors nowadays! 無語 The proud accomplishment of the Japanese soldier! 這些可是良民,他們不相信自己會死 They never realized they were to be used as life targets! 良民被作為活靶子使用 Practicing on life Chinese civilians as targets! 看,這就是武士道 This was Japanese Bushido! 拍電影,用真人 For movie scenes---use real Chinese corpses 20世紀的中國人是一種悲哀 Real Chinese tragedy of the 20th century 他們的願望是:來生不是中國人! Her last wish was not to be a Chinese in her next life 心裡你們在怎麼想 What are you thinking, soldier? 只有拿中
g Chinese girls still crazy for Japanese actors nowadays! 無語 The proud accomplishment of the Japanese soldier! 這些可是良民,他們不相信自己會死 They never realized they were to be used as life targets! 良民被作為活靶子使用 Practicing on life Chinese civilians as targets! 看,這就是武士道 This was Japanese Bushido! 拍電影,用真人 For movie scenes---use real Chinese corpses 20世紀的中國人是一種悲哀 Real Chinese tragedy of the 20th century 他們的願望是:來生不是中國人! Her last wish was not to be a Chinese in her next life 心裡你們在怎麼想 What are you thinking, soldier? 只有拿中但對於中國人來說。。。。

g Chinese girls still crazy for Japanese actors nowadays! 無語 The proud accomplishment of the Japanese soldier! 這些可是良民,他們不相信自己會死 They never realized they were to be used as life targets! 良民被作為活靶子使用 Practicing on life Chinese civilians as targets! 看,這就是武士道 This was Japanese Bushido! 拍電影,用真人 For movie scenes---use real Chinese corpses 20世紀的中國人是一種悲哀 Real Chinese tragedy of the 20th century 他們的願望是:來生不是中國人! Her last wish was not to be a Chinese in her next life 心裡你們在怎麼想 What are you thinking, soldier? 只有拿中

g Chinese girls still crazy for Japanese actors nowadays! 無語 The proud accomplishment of the Japanese soldier! 這些可是良民,他們不相信自己會死 They never realized they were to be used as life targets! 良民被作為活靶子使用 Practicing on life Chinese civilians as targets! 看,這就是武士道 This was Japanese Bushido! 拍電影,用真人 For movie scenes---use real Chinese corpses 20世紀的中國人是一種悲哀 Real Chinese tragedy of the 20th century 他們的願望是:來生不是中國人! Her last wish was not to be a Chinese in her next life 心裡你們在怎麼想 What are you thinking, soldier? 只有拿中So proud of his work!

ren!人心下酒,也就日本人能喝下去。 Only Japanese soldiers could wash down the heart of a martyr with sake硫酸燒人?實驗? Scalding with acid. Torture? Experiment?這是個娃 This was only a baby of three!那是腸子 Chinese woman mutilated after raped. (intestine pulled out)。。這是幸叩 Young girl tied up & raped.革命烈士 Another female martyr 懷孕多數時間意味着生命的終結 Even pregnant women were round off for army protitues人啊! I am also a human being!!從他的微笑可以看出來。。這是這名日本兵的驕傲但對於中國人來說。。。。 So proud of his work! 不明白為什麼那麼多中國女孩特崇拜日本明星 I cannot understand why youn 不明白為什麼那麼多中國女孩特崇拜日本明星

g Chinese girls still crazy for Japanese actors nowadays! 無語 The proud accomplishment of the Japanese soldier! 這些可是良民,他們不相信自己會死 They never realized they were to be used as life targets! 良民被作為活靶子使用 Practicing on life Chinese civilians as targets! 看,這就是武士道 This was Japanese Bushido! 拍電影,用真人 For movie scenes---use real Chinese corpses 20世紀的中國人是一種悲哀 Real Chinese tragedy of the 20th century 他們的願望是:來生不是中國人! Her last wish was not to be a Chinese in her next life 心裡你們在怎麼想 What are you thinking, soldier? 只有拿中

ren!人心下酒,也就日本人能喝下去。 Only Japanese soldiers could wash down the heart of a martyr with sake硫酸燒人?實驗? Scalding with acid. Torture? Experiment?這是個娃 This was only a baby of three!那是腸子 Chinese woman mutilated after raped. (intestine pulled out)。。這是幸叩 Young girl tied up & raped.革命烈士 Another female martyr 懷孕多數時間意味着生命的終結 Even pregnant women were round off for army protitues人啊! I am also a human being!!從他的微笑可以看出來。。這是這名日本兵的驕傲但對於中國人來說。。。。 So proud of his work! 不明白為什麼那麼多中國女孩特崇拜日本明星 I cannot understand why younI cannot understand why young Chinese girls still crazy for Japanese actors nowadays! 國軍官的頭能換錢 Only the head of a Chinese officer could exchange for money 朋友,别哭 Don’t cry. This is only bayonet practice!人頭展示1 Head show 1 人頭展示2只恨我是中國人 Head show 2---how I hate to be Chinese! 特寫 Even a cut off head could smoke?!下面那不是土,全是人 Bodies of Chinese civilians piled along the Yangtze River River當殺人成為習慣 Japanese soldiers enjoyed watching kill, burn, pillage & rape他們死一萬遍够嗎?! Executing these war criminals 10,000 times would not atone for their sins. In fact many Japanese nowadays still honour them as
無語國軍官的頭能換錢 Only the head of a Chinese officer could exchange for money 朋友,别哭 Don’t cry. This is only bayonet practice!人頭展示1 Head show 1 人頭展示2只恨我是中國人 Head show 2---how I hate to be Chinese! 特寫 Even a cut off head could smoke?!下面那不是土,全是人 Bodies of Chinese civilians piled along the Yangtze River River當殺人成為習慣 Japanese soldiers enjoyed watching kill, burn, pillage & rape他們死一萬遍够嗎?! Executing these war criminals 10,000 times would not atone for their sins. In fact many Japanese nowadays still honour them as
國軍官的頭能換錢 Only the head of a Chinese officer could exchange for money 朋友,别哭 Don’t cry. This is only bayonet practice!人頭展示1 Head show 1 人頭展示2只恨我是中國人 Head show 2---how I hate to be Chinese! 特寫 Even a cut off head could smoke?!下面那不是土,全是人 Bodies of Chinese civilians piled along the Yangtze River River當殺人成為習慣 Japanese soldiers enjoyed watching kill, burn, pillage & rape他們死一萬遍够嗎?! Executing these war criminals 10,000 times would not atone for their sins. In fact many Japanese nowadays still honour them asThe proud accomplishment of the Japanese soldier!

由此进入→ 戰功圖:3歲嬰兒被用刺槍挑起 bayoneting of 3 year old baby活着的戰士被剥光腿上的肉 Carving out the leg muscles of a Chinese soldier日本人殺了好多人才做到:在頭顱剛掉的一瞬間拍下 Falling off of a beheaded head. Numerous such shots had to be taken to obtain this picture母親手裏抱緊孩子。。。。可。。這能有什麼用 Chinese mother still clutching on her baby after her head was chopped off by Japanese soldier.傳說中的毒氣實驗 The notoriouspoisonous gas experiment 孩子有錯嗎 What crime had the children committed?!我不知道還能再說什麼了 What else could I say? They were all innocent child 這些可是良民,他們不相信自己會死

ren!人心下酒,也就日本人能喝下去。 Only Japanese soldiers could wash down the heart of a martyr with sake硫酸燒人?實驗? Scalding with acid. Torture? Experiment?這是個娃 This was only a baby of three!那是腸子 Chinese woman mutilated after raped. (intestine pulled out)。。這是幸叩 Young girl tied up & raped.革命烈士 Another female martyr 懷孕多數時間意味着生命的終結 Even pregnant women were round off for army protitues人啊! I am also a human being!!從他的微笑可以看出來。。這是這名日本兵的驕傲但對於中國人來說。。。。 So proud of his work! 不明白為什麼那麼多中國女孩特崇拜日本明星 I cannot understand why youn

ren!人心下酒,也就日本人能喝下去。 Only Japanese soldiers could wash down the heart of a martyr with sake硫酸燒人?實驗? Scalding with acid. Torture? Experiment?這是個娃 This was only a baby of three!那是腸子 Chinese woman mutilated after raped. (intestine pulled out)。。這是幸叩 Young girl tied up & raped.革命烈士 Another female martyr 懷孕多數時間意味着生命的終結 Even pregnant women were round off for army protitues人啊! I am also a human being!!從他的微笑可以看出來。。這是這名日本兵的驕傲但對於中國人來說。。。。 So proud of his work! 不明白為什麼那麼多中國女孩特崇拜日本明星 I cannot understand why younThey never realized they were to be used as life targets!

their national heroes. Until they acknowledge the war crimes of these criminals as the Germans did, the gulf between Japan & China can never be bridged!人頭展示3Head show 3 良民被作為活靶子使用

their national heroes. Until they acknowledge the war crimes of these criminals as the Germans did, the gulf between Japan & China can never be bridged!人頭展示3Head show 3

由此进入→ 戰功圖:3歲嬰兒被用刺槍挑起 bayoneting of 3 year old baby活着的戰士被剥光腿上的肉 Carving out the leg muscles of a Chinese soldier日本人殺了好多人才做到:在頭顱剛掉的一瞬間拍下 Falling off of a beheaded head. Numerous such shots had to be taken to obtain this picture母親手裏抱緊孩子。。。。可。。這能有什麼用 Chinese mother still clutching on her baby after her head was chopped off by Japanese soldier.傳說中的毒氣實驗 The notoriouspoisonous gas experiment 孩子有錯嗎 What crime had the children committed?!我不知道還能再說什麼了 What else could I say? They were all innocent childPracticing on life Chinese civilians as targets!

國軍官的頭能換錢 Only the head of a Chinese officer could exchange for money 朋友,别哭 Don’t cry. This is only bayonet practice!人頭展示1 Head show 1 人頭展示2只恨我是中國人 Head show 2---how I hate to be Chinese! 特寫 Even a cut off head could smoke?!下面那不是土,全是人 Bodies of Chinese civilians piled along the Yangtze River River當殺人成為習慣 Japanese soldiers enjoyed watching kill, burn, pillage & rape他們死一萬遍够嗎?! Executing these war criminals 10,000 times would not atone for their sins. In fact many Japanese nowadays still honour them as 看,這就是武士道

their national heroes. Until they acknowledge the war crimes of these criminals as the Germans did, the gulf between Japan & China can never be bridged!人頭展示3Head show 3

g Chinese girls still crazy for Japanese actors nowadays! 無語 The proud accomplishment of the Japanese soldier! 這些可是良民,他們不相信自己會死 They never realized they were to be used as life targets! 良民被作為活靶子使用 Practicing on life Chinese civilians as targets! 看,這就是武士道 This was Japanese Bushido! 拍電影,用真人 For movie scenes---use real Chinese corpses 20世紀的中國人是一種悲哀 Real Chinese tragedy of the 20th century 他們的願望是:來生不是中國人! Her last wish was not to be a Chinese in her next life 心裡你們在怎麼想 What are you thinking, soldier? 只有拿中This was Japanese Bushido!

由此进入→ 戰功圖:3歲嬰兒被用刺槍挑起 bayoneting of 3 year old baby活着的戰士被剥光腿上的肉 Carving out the leg muscles of a Chinese soldier日本人殺了好多人才做到:在頭顱剛掉的一瞬間拍下 Falling off of a beheaded head. Numerous such shots had to be taken to obtain this picture母親手裏抱緊孩子。。。。可。。這能有什麼用 Chinese mother still clutching on her baby after her head was chopped off by Japanese soldier.傳說中的毒氣實驗 The notoriouspoisonous gas experiment 孩子有錯嗎 What crime had the children committed?!我不知道還能再說什麼了 What else could I say? They were all innocent child 拍電影,用真人

ren!人心下酒,也就日本人能喝下去。 Only Japanese soldiers could wash down the heart of a martyr with sake硫酸燒人?實驗? Scalding with acid. Torture? Experiment?這是個娃 This was only a baby of three!那是腸子 Chinese woman mutilated after raped. (intestine pulled out)。。這是幸叩 Young girl tied up & raped.革命烈士 Another female martyr 懷孕多數時間意味着生命的終結 Even pregnant women were round off for army protitues人啊! I am also a human being!!從他的微笑可以看出來。。這是這名日本兵的驕傲但對於中國人來說。。。。 So proud of his work! 不明白為什麼那麼多中國女孩特崇拜日本明星 I cannot understand why youn

ren!人心下酒,也就日本人能喝下去。 Only Japanese soldiers could wash down the heart of a martyr with sake硫酸燒人?實驗? Scalding with acid. Torture? Experiment?這是個娃 This was only a baby of three!那是腸子 Chinese woman mutilated after raped. (intestine pulled out)。。這是幸叩 Young girl tied up & raped.革命烈士 Another female martyr 懷孕多數時間意味着生命的終結 Even pregnant women were round off for army protitues人啊! I am also a human being!!從他的微笑可以看出來。。這是這名日本兵的驕傲但對於中國人來說。。。。 So proud of his work! 不明白為什麼那麼多中國女孩特崇拜日本明星 I cannot understand why younFor movie scenes---use real Chinese corpses
ren!人心下酒,也就日本人能喝下去。 Only Japanese soldiers could wash down the heart of a martyr with sake硫酸燒人?實驗? Scalding with acid. Torture? Experiment?這是個娃 This was only a baby of three!那是腸子 Chinese woman mutilated after raped. (intestine pulled out)。。這是幸叩 Young girl tied up & raped.革命烈士 Another female martyr 懷孕多數時間意味着生命的終結 Even pregnant women were round off for army protitues人啊! I am also a human being!!從他的微笑可以看出來。。這是這名日本兵的驕傲但對於中國人來說。。。。 So proud of his work! 不明白為什麼那麼多中國女孩特崇拜日本明星 I cannot understand why youn20世紀的中國人是一種悲哀

國軍官的頭能換錢 Only the head of a Chinese officer could exchange for money 朋友,别哭 Don’t cry. This is only bayonet practice!人頭展示1 Head show 1 人頭展示2只恨我是中國人 Head show 2---how I hate to be Chinese! 特寫 Even a cut off head could smoke?!下面那不是土,全是人 Bodies of Chinese civilians piled along the Yangtze River River當殺人成為習慣 Japanese soldiers enjoyed watching kill, burn, pillage & rape他們死一萬遍够嗎?! Executing these war criminals 10,000 times would not atone for their sins. In fact many Japanese nowadays still honour them as

國軍官的頭能換錢 Only the head of a Chinese officer could exchange for money 朋友,别哭 Don’t cry. This is only bayonet practice!人頭展示1 Head show 1 人頭展示2只恨我是中國人 Head show 2---how I hate to be Chinese! 特寫 Even a cut off head could smoke?!下面那不是土,全是人 Bodies of Chinese civilians piled along the Yangtze River River當殺人成為習慣 Japanese soldiers enjoyed watching kill, burn, pillage & rape他們死一萬遍够嗎?! Executing these war criminals 10,000 times would not atone for their sins. In fact many Japanese nowadays still honour them as

Real Chinese tragedy of the 20th century

their national heroes. Until they acknowledge the war crimes of these criminals as the Germans did, the gulf between Japan & China can never be bridged!人頭展示3Head show 3 他們的願望是:來生不是中國人!

their national heroes. Until they acknowledge the war crimes of these criminals as the Germans did, the gulf between Japan & China can never be bridged!人頭展示3Head show 3

ren!人心下酒,也就日本人能喝下去。 Only Japanese soldiers could wash down the heart of a martyr with sake硫酸燒人?實驗? Scalding with acid. Torture? Experiment?這是個娃 This was only a baby of three!那是腸子 Chinese woman mutilated after raped. (intestine pulled out)。。這是幸叩 Young girl tied up & raped.革命烈士 Another female martyr 懷孕多數時間意味着生命的終結 Even pregnant women were round off for army protitues人啊! I am also a human being!!從他的微笑可以看出來。。這是這名日本兵的驕傲但對於中國人來說。。。。 So proud of his work! 不明白為什麼那麼多中國女孩特崇拜日本明星 I cannot understand why younHer last wish was not to be a Chinese in her next life

g Chinese girls still crazy for Japanese actors nowadays! 無語 The proud accomplishment of the Japanese soldier! 這些可是良民,他們不相信自己會死 They never realized they were to be used as life targets! 良民被作為活靶子使用 Practicing on life Chinese civilians as targets! 看,這就是武士道 This was Japanese Bushido! 拍電影,用真人 For movie scenes---use real Chinese corpses 20世紀的中國人是一種悲哀 Real Chinese tragedy of the 20th century 他們的願望是:來生不是中國人! Her last wish was not to be a Chinese in her next life 心裡你們在怎麼想 What are you thinking, soldier? 只有拿中 心裡你們在怎麼想

ren!人心下酒,也就日本人能喝下去。 Only Japanese soldiers could wash down the heart of a martyr with sake硫酸燒人?實驗? Scalding with acid. Torture? Experiment?這是個娃 This was only a baby of three!那是腸子 Chinese woman mutilated after raped. (intestine pulled out)。。這是幸叩 Young girl tied up & raped.革命烈士 Another female martyr 懷孕多數時間意味着生命的終結 Even pregnant women were round off for army protitues人啊! I am also a human being!!從他的微笑可以看出來。。這是這名日本兵的驕傲但對於中國人來說。。。。 So proud of his work! 不明白為什麼那麼多中國女孩特崇拜日本明星 I cannot understand why youn

their national heroes. Until they acknowledge the war crimes of these criminals as the Germans did, the gulf between Japan & China can never be bridged!人頭展示3Head show 3 What are you thinking, soldier?

ren!人心下酒,也就日本人能喝下去。 Only Japanese soldiers could wash down the heart of a martyr with sake硫酸燒人?實驗? Scalding with acid. Torture? Experiment?這是個娃 This was only a baby of three!那是腸子 Chinese woman mutilated after raped. (intestine pulled out)。。這是幸叩 Young girl tied up & raped.革命烈士 Another female martyr 懷孕多數時間意味着生命的終結 Even pregnant women were round off for army protitues人啊! I am also a human being!!從他的微笑可以看出來。。這是這名日本兵的驕傲但對於中國人來說。。。。 So proud of his work! 不明白為什麼那麼多中國女孩特崇拜日本明星 I cannot understand why youn 只有拿中國軍官的頭能換錢

ren!人心下酒,也就日本人能喝下去。 Only Japanese soldiers could wash down the heart of a martyr with sake硫酸燒人?實驗? Scalding with acid. Torture? Experiment?這是個娃 This was only a baby of three!那是腸子 Chinese woman mutilated after raped. (intestine pulled out)。。這是幸叩 Young girl tied up & raped.革命烈士 Another female martyr 懷孕多數時間意味着生命的終結 Even pregnant women were round off for army protitues人啊! I am also a human being!!從他的微笑可以看出來。。這是這名日本兵的驕傲但對於中國人來說。。。。 So proud of his work! 不明白為什麼那麼多中國女孩特崇拜日本明星 I cannot understand why youn

ren!人心下酒,也就日本人能喝下去。 Only Japanese soldiers could wash down the heart of a martyr with sake硫酸燒人?實驗? Scalding with acid. Torture? Experiment?這是個娃 This was only a baby of three!那是腸子 Chinese woman mutilated after raped. (intestine pulled out)。。這是幸叩 Young girl tied up & raped.革命烈士 Another female martyr 懷孕多數時間意味着生命的終結 Even pregnant women were round off for army protitues人啊! I am also a human being!!從他的微笑可以看出來。。這是這名日本兵的驕傲但對於中國人來說。。。。 So proud of his work! 不明白為什麼那麼多中國女孩特崇拜日本明星 I cannot understand why younOnly the head of a Chinese officer could exchange for money

g Chinese girls still crazy for Japanese actors nowadays! 無語 The proud accomplishment of the Japanese soldier! 這些可是良民,他們不相信自己會死 They never realized they were to be used as life targets! 良民被作為活靶子使用 Practicing on life Chinese civilians as targets! 看,這就是武士道 This was Japanese Bushido! 拍電影,用真人 For movie scenes---use real Chinese corpses 20世紀的中國人是一種悲哀 Real Chinese tragedy of the 20th century 他們的願望是:來生不是中國人! Her last wish was not to be a Chinese in her next life 心裡你們在怎麼想 What are you thinking, soldier? 只有拿中 朋友,别哭

ren!人心下酒,也就日本人能喝下去。 Only Japanese soldiers could wash down the heart of a martyr with sake硫酸燒人?實驗? Scalding with acid. Torture? Experiment?這是個娃 This was only a baby of three!那是腸子 Chinese woman mutilated after raped. (intestine pulled out)。。這是幸叩 Young girl tied up & raped.革命烈士 Another female martyr 懷孕多數時間意味着生命的終結 Even pregnant women were round off for army protitues人啊! I am also a human being!!從他的微笑可以看出來。。這是這名日本兵的驕傲但對於中國人來說。。。。 So proud of his work! 不明白為什麼那麼多中國女孩特崇拜日本明星 I cannot understand why youn

國軍官的頭能換錢 Only the head of a Chinese officer could exchange for money 朋友,别哭 Don’t cry. This is only bayonet practice!人頭展示1 Head show 1 人頭展示2只恨我是中國人 Head show 2---how I hate to be Chinese! 特寫 Even a cut off head could smoke?!下面那不是土,全是人 Bodies of Chinese civilians piled along the Yangtze River River當殺人成為習慣 Japanese soldiers enjoyed watching kill, burn, pillage & rape他們死一萬遍够嗎?! Executing these war criminals 10,000 times would not atone for their sins. In fact many Japanese nowadays still honour them asDon’t cry. This is only bayonet practice! their national heroes. Until they acknowledge the war crimes of these criminals as the Germans did, the gulf between Japan & China can never be bridged!人頭展示3Head show 3
人頭展示 由此进入→ 戰功圖:3歲嬰兒被用刺槍挑起 bayoneting of 3 year old baby活着的戰士被剥光腿上的肉 Carving out the leg muscles of a Chinese soldier日本人殺了好多人才做到:在頭顱剛掉的一瞬間拍下 Falling off of a beheaded head. Numerous such shots had to be taken to obtain this picture母親手裏抱緊孩子。。。。可。。這能有什麼用 Chinese mother still clutching on her baby after her head was chopped off by Japanese soldier.傳說中的毒氣實驗 The notoriouspoisonous gas experiment 孩子有錯嗎 What crime had the children committed?!我不知道還能再說什麼了 What else could I say? They were all innocent child1

g Chinese girls still crazy for Japanese actors nowadays! 無語 The proud accomplishment of the Japanese soldier! 這些可是良民,他們不相信自己會死 They never realized they were to be used as life targets! 良民被作為活靶子使用 Practicing on life Chinese civilians as targets! 看,這就是武士道 This was Japanese Bushido! 拍電影,用真人 For movie scenes---use real Chinese corpses 20世紀的中國人是一種悲哀 Real Chinese tragedy of the 20th century 他們的願望是:來生不是中國人! Her last wish was not to be a Chinese in her next life 心裡你們在怎麼想 What are you thinking, soldier? 只有拿中

由此进入→ 戰功圖:3歲嬰兒被用刺槍挑起 bayoneting of 3 year old baby活着的戰士被剥光腿上的肉 Carving out the leg muscles of a Chinese soldier日本人殺了好多人才做到:在頭顱剛掉的一瞬間拍下 Falling off of a beheaded head. Numerous such shots had to be taken to obtain this picture母親手裏抱緊孩子。。。。可。。這能有什麼用 Chinese mother still clutching on her baby after her head was chopped off by Japanese soldier.傳說中的毒氣實驗 The notoriouspoisonous gas experiment 孩子有錯嗎 What crime had the children committed?!我不知道還能再說什麼了 What else could I say? They were all innocent child

Head show 1

their national heroes. Until they acknowledge the war crimes of these criminals as the Germans did, the gulf between Japan & China can never be bridged!人頭展示3Head show 3 人頭展示 由此进入→ 戰功圖:3歲嬰兒被用刺槍挑起 bayoneting of 3 year old baby活着的戰士被剥光腿上的肉 Carving out the leg muscles of a Chinese soldier日本人殺了好多人才做到:在頭顱剛掉的一瞬間拍下 Falling off of a beheaded head. Numerous such shots had to be taken to obtain this picture母親手裏抱緊孩子。。。。可。。這能有什麼用 Chinese mother still clutching on her baby after her head was chopped off by Japanese soldier.傳說中的毒氣實驗 The notoriouspoisonous gas experiment 孩子有錯嗎 What crime had the children committed?!我不知道還能再說什麼了 What else could I say? They were all innocent child2只恨我是中國人

their national heroes. Until they acknowledge the war crimes of these criminals as the Germans did, the gulf between Japan & China can never be bridged!人頭展示3Head show 3

國軍官的頭能換錢 Only the head of a Chinese officer could exchange for money 朋友,别哭 Don’t cry. This is only bayonet practice!人頭展示1 Head show 1 人頭展示2只恨我是中國人 Head show 2---how I hate to be Chinese! 特寫 Even a cut off head could smoke?!下面那不是土,全是人 Bodies of Chinese civilians piled along the Yangtze River River當殺人成為習慣 Japanese soldiers enjoyed watching kill, burn, pillage & rape他們死一萬遍够嗎?! Executing these war criminals 10,000 times would not atone for their sins. In fact many Japanese nowadays still honour them as

Head show 2---how I hate to be Chinese!

g Chinese girls still crazy for Japanese actors nowadays! 無語 The proud accomplishment of the Japanese soldier! 這些可是良民,他們不相信自己會死 They never realized they were to be used as life targets! 良民被作為活靶子使用 Practicing on life Chinese civilians as targets! 看,這就是武士道 This was Japanese Bushido! 拍電影,用真人 For movie scenes---use real Chinese corpses 20世紀的中國人是一種悲哀 Real Chinese tragedy of the 20th century 他們的願望是:來生不是中國人! Her last wish was not to be a Chinese in her next life 心裡你們在怎麼想 What are you thinking, soldier? 只有拿中


their national heroes. Until they acknowledge the war crimes of these criminals as the Germans did, the gulf between Japan & China can never be bridged!人頭展示3Head show 3

國軍官的頭能換錢 Only the head of a Chinese officer could exchange for money 朋友,别哭 Don’t cry. This is only bayonet practice!人頭展示1 Head show 1 人頭展示2只恨我是中國人 Head show 2---how I hate to be Chinese! 特寫 Even a cut off head could smoke?!下面那不是土,全是人 Bodies of Chinese civilians piled along the Yangtze River River當殺人成為習慣 Japanese soldiers enjoyed watching kill, burn, pillage & rape他們死一萬遍够嗎?! Executing these war criminals 10,000 times would not atone for their sins. In fact many Japanese nowadays still honour them as

Even a cut off head could smoke?! their national heroes. Until they acknowledge the war crimes of these criminals as the Germans did, the gulf between Japan & China can never be bridged!人頭展示3Head show 3 下面那不是土,全是人

國軍官的頭能換錢 Only the head of a Chinese officer could exchange for money 朋友,别哭 Don’t cry. This is only bayonet practice!人頭展示1 Head show 1 人頭展示2只恨我是中國人 Head show 2---how I hate to be Chinese! 特寫 Even a cut off head could smoke?!下面那不是土,全是人 Bodies of Chinese civilians piled along the Yangtze River River當殺人成為習慣 Japanese soldiers enjoyed watching kill, burn, pillage & rape他們死一萬遍够嗎?! Executing these war criminals 10,000 times would not atone for their sins. In fact many Japanese nowadays still honour them as

their national heroes. Until they acknowledge the war crimes of these criminals as the Germans did, the gulf between Japan & China can never be bridged!人頭展示3Head show 3

Bodies of Chinese civilians piled along the Yangtze River River their national heroes. Until they acknowledge the war crimes of these criminals as the Germans did, the gulf between Japan & China can never be bridged!人頭展示3Head show 3 當殺人成為習慣

g Chinese girls still crazy for Japanese actors nowadays! 無語 The proud accomplishment of the Japanese soldier! 這些可是良民,他們不相信自己會死 They never realized they were to be used as life targets! 良民被作為活靶子使用 Practicing on life Chinese civilians as targets! 看,這就是武士道 This was Japanese Bushido! 拍電影,用真人 For movie scenes---use real Chinese corpses 20世紀的中國人是一種悲哀 Real Chinese tragedy of the 20th century 他們的願望是:來生不是中國人! Her last wish was not to be a Chinese in her next life 心裡你們在怎麼想 What are you thinking, soldier? 只有拿中

由此进入→ 戰功圖:3歲嬰兒被用刺槍挑起 bayoneting of 3 year old baby活着的戰士被剥光腿上的肉 Carving out the leg muscles of a Chinese soldier日本人殺了好多人才做到:在頭顱剛掉的一瞬間拍下 Falling off of a beheaded head. Numerous such shots had to be taken to obtain this picture母親手裏抱緊孩子。。。。可。。這能有什麼用 Chinese mother still clutching on her baby after her head was chopped off by Japanese soldier.傳說中的毒氣實驗 The notoriouspoisonous gas experiment 孩子有錯嗎 What crime had the children committed?!我不知道還能再說什麼了 What else could I say? They were all innocent child

Japanese soldiers enjoyed watching kill, burn, pillage & rape國軍官的頭能換錢 Only the head of a Chinese officer could exchange for money 朋友,别哭 Don’t cry. This is only bayonet practice!人頭展示1 Head show 1 人頭展示2只恨我是中國人 Head show 2---how I hate to be Chinese! 特寫 Even a cut off head could smoke?!下面那不是土,全是人 Bodies of Chinese civilians piled along the Yangtze River River當殺人成為習慣 Japanese soldiers enjoyed watching kill, burn, pillage & rape他們死一萬遍够嗎?! Executing these war criminals 10,000 times would not atone for their sins. In fact many Japanese nowadays still honour them as他們死一萬遍够嗎?!

由此进入→ 戰功圖:3歲嬰兒被用刺槍挑起 bayoneting of 3 year old baby活着的戰士被剥光腿上的肉 Carving out the leg muscles of a Chinese soldier日本人殺了好多人才做到:在頭顱剛掉的一瞬間拍下 Falling off of a beheaded head. Numerous such shots had to be taken to obtain this picture母親手裏抱緊孩子。。。。可。。這能有什麼用 Chinese mother still clutching on her baby after her head was chopped off by Japanese soldier.傳說中的毒氣實驗 The notoriouspoisonous gas experiment 孩子有錯嗎 What crime had the children committed?!我不知道還能再說什麼了 What else could I say? They were all innocent child

ren!人心下酒,也就日本人能喝下去。 Only Japanese soldiers could wash down the heart of a martyr with sake硫酸燒人?實驗? Scalding with acid. Torture? Experiment?這是個娃 This was only a baby of three!那是腸子 Chinese woman mutilated after raped. (intestine pulled out)。。這是幸叩 Young girl tied up & raped.革命烈士 Another female martyr 懷孕多數時間意味着生命的終結 Even pregnant women were round off for army protitues人啊! I am also a human being!!從他的微笑可以看出來。。這是這名日本兵的驕傲但對於中國人來說。。。。 So proud of his work! 不明白為什麼那麼多中國女孩特崇拜日本明星 I cannot understand why younExecuting these war criminals 10,000 times would not atone for their sins. In fact many Japanese nowadays still honour them as their national heroes. Until they acknowledge the war crimes of these criminals as the Germans did, the gulf between Japan & China can never be bridged!
their national heroes. Until they acknowledge the war crimes of these criminals as the Germans did, the gulf between Japan & China can never be bridged!人頭展示3Head show 3 人頭展示ren!人心下酒,也就日本人能喝下去。 Only Japanese soldiers could wash down the heart of a martyr with sake硫酸燒人?實驗? Scalding with acid. Torture? Experiment?這是個娃 This was only a baby of three!那是腸子 Chinese woman mutilated after raped. (intestine pulled out)。。這是幸叩 Young girl tied up & raped.革命烈士 Another female martyr 懷孕多數時間意味着生命的終結 Even pregnant women were round off for army protitues人啊! I am also a human being!!從他的微笑可以看出來。。這是這名日本兵的驕傲但對於中國人來說。。。。 So proud of his work! 不明白為什麼那麼多中國女孩特崇拜日本明星 I cannot understand why youn3Head show 3

由此进入→ 戰功圖:3歲嬰兒被用刺槍挑起 bayoneting of 3 year old baby活着的戰士被剥光腿上的肉 Carving out the leg muscles of a Chinese soldier日本人殺了好多人才做到:在頭顱剛掉的一瞬間拍下 Falling off of a beheaded head. Numerous such shots had to be taken to obtain this picture母親手裏抱緊孩子。。。。可。。這能有什麼用 Chinese mother still clutching on her baby after her head was chopped off by Japanese soldier.傳說中的毒氣實驗 The notoriouspoisonous gas experiment 孩子有錯嗎 What crime had the children committed?!我不知道還能再說什麼了 What else could I say? They were all innocent child

来源:(http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_4a39b61b0102drul.html) - 侵华战争中令人发指的照片_封起De日子_新浪博
